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Passion-Motivation-Value-Contribution-Success-Purpose - GetRichOrdie - 11-15-2016

Ive been pondering the common themes behind the most successful and wealthy in modern society at least from a happiness/success/material wealth measuring stick for many years now

Audio books is something i have an intellectual addiction to, and its like reading a huge assortment of great books in a limited time. Its a compression of incredible wisdom and learning experiences spanning many different industries and visionary men of legend and success, like steve jobs, branson, gates etc. Recently I finished Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography, which left me with great insights into how even the craziest can build the most successful companies, the unconventional wisdom of being in the right place at the right time, the importance of being in the right environment and having others who compliment your weaknesses ( would jobs have done anything if it wasnt for wozniak and atari? I dont know) and we do not have to be anywhere near perfect like the white toothed Hollywood potrayal

I think there are big clues for us that we are missing in the manosphere, including how to bring about that endless drive and motivation that has been drummed out of us by the brainwashing camps called public schooling. Im moving towards immersing myself intellectually into curiosity/ learning with quality courses on fields i am fascinated by like hacking, on learning platforms like pluralsight (you can get 6 months free if you search this) and im using the passion to leapfrog into related subjects like python programming, which i can find difficult to grasp at times

The ultimate common theme i keep coming back to is that its as simple as creating value in the modern world, and thanks to the elites, there are no shortage of major problems that keep compounding that can be solved. I also think there is a shortcut to major wins by understanding the masses and psychology, and especially having a pulse on what is 'cool' such as what steve jobs did, and marketing to the cucked/liberal masses ala the mad rush for i-anything

I really like the idea of bringing back some of that child-like curiosity for life, and using the kind of 'play' hackers mind that many business greats like jobs, gates and wozniak brought into play when they first started learning programming, and started to tinker and build things. We certainly need to drop a lot of the conformist programming in thinking that sitting comatose and warping our spines for 8 hours a day is healthy, and start to become better 'builders' of sorts and shifting more into that 'producer' mindset vs the compounding 'consumer' mindset. Think about all the big tech companies like google and apple that are making gimmicky type products designed to make you lazier and more consumption focused, like changing a playlist on your phone is too friggin hard, i need friggin geo-location to do it for me.

Thats one reason im shifting towards upskilling towards more physical type work in an area of interest-physical security installation-electronics-hacking/offsec, and (which the gov will pay for/subsidize in australia) and pivoting these skills into becoming a better builder/producer/creator type. The world is dramatically shifting into a knowledge/IP based/Services based/tech economy, and while services jobs will be more competitive as India/Philippines and then Africa gets online, there are huge opportunities to deliver true ethical value in a variety of markets and industries across a changing dynamic of business.

/rant over, what do you guys think?