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Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - nek - 11-01-2016

They disrespect you and take shots at you, and if you say something to them about how you don't like it or if you choose to ignore them, they call you "sensitive" or "butthurt". Basically they insult you because you don't like being insulted. I use to deal with a chick like this at my old job and one of my buddies' new girlfriend (just met her this weekend) is just like this.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - NilNisiOptimum - 11-01-2016

Since their both girls you describe, I'd go with "cuntiness"

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - nek - 11-01-2016

Quote: (11-01-2016 05:19 PM)NilNisiOptimum Wrote:  

Since their both girls you describe, I'd go with "cuntiness"

Yes, agreed. I was just wondering if there was a more "technical term".

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - kaotic - 11-01-2016

Putting a bitch in check and shutting her down would be ideal, but your buddy probably would be pissed.

You have to be the 800lb gorilla in the room that isn't afraid to swing her around.

They're acting out their own insecurities, I'd bet anything if you insulted her harshly she'd start crying and call you an asshole - then hide behind the "you can't do that I'm a girl"

Personally I'd lost respect for a friend who brought a girl around who acted like that, let alone not want to hangout with them anymore

Sounds like your buddy is letting his chick run rampant.

What kind of things is this ratchet saying ?

Why is she calling you sensitive or butthurt ? What are you saying ?

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - polymath - 11-01-2016

Anyone who calls you sensitive for rejecting an insult is just trying to get you to accept his/her put-downs.

Just think of them as idiots and focus your energy on more productive things.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - pialox - 11-01-2016

She is clearly acting like a child and deserves to be treated as such.

In the event of something similar happening again I would inquire with your friend "Are you going to put a leash on that?"

When she flips out, just ignore and issue shit eating grin.

But I do believe "cunt" is probably the best term to describe this type of person.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - SpiderKing - 11-01-2016

passive aggressive.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - TornadoByProxy - 11-01-2016

A Bully.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - brick tamland - 11-02-2016

^ what these guys said.

I'll add insecure, manipulator, asshole & toxic.
Avoid the type.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Sombro - 11-02-2016

From a guy, Delta or Gamma, as per Vox, I guess.


If it's from a chick, and the criticism is petty and not constructive, I just tell her as such, as I don't have time for immature, middle school mean girl bullshit.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Leonard D Neubache - 11-02-2016

Aggressive narcissist if you want to get more technical. Not that I'm a professional, but those are the two traits that seem to be in play.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - MdWanderer - 11-02-2016

Quote: (11-01-2016 05:02 PM)nek Wrote:  

They disrespect you and take shots at you, and if you say something to them about how you don't like it or if you choose to ignore them, they call you "sensitive" or "butthurt". Basically they insult you because you don't like being insulted. I use to deal with a chick like this at my old job and one of my buddies' new girlfriend (just met her this weekend) is just like this.

I'd agree, I'd go with the term "Cunt" for that one, a person like that truly deserves that title. Basically she is insulting you, and is probably depending on her boyfriend to white knight for her in case you retaliate. Or in case with the chick at the old job, the boss that she's trying to fuck. She could be trying to destroy your friendship or get your fired, women sometimes loves playing their boyfriends up against his friends. I've dealt with both cases myself. I would never allow a girlfriend of mine to disrespect anybody, let alone one of my friends. And she would probably wind up breaking up with him if that behavior kept on. Continue to stand up for yourself and not allow that behavior, eventually it will stop and she will come to respect you.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Barron - 11-02-2016

Quote: (11-01-2016 05:02 PM)nek Wrote:  

I use to deal with a chick like this at my old job and one of my buddies' new girlfriend (just met her this weekend) is just like this.

Has nothing to do with the girl and everything to do with your friend. He's obviously a bitch where women are concerned. If he let's her disrespect those around him (because he thinks pussy is scarce) we can only imagine what their life is like in private.

Next time you're around them both and she starts up, ignore her completely and call him a little faggot in front of her. Create scenarios of how bad she must humiliate him in private, see how much he's willing to take and ensure he knows it's because of her.

Any guy who let's his woman do or say dumb shit deserves 10x her trouble inflicted upon himself for failing to correct her (everyone has to suffer because of his negligence). Never become angry, always laugh it off at his expense.

Hopefully this will prompt a change in his interactions with her.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Phoenix - 11-02-2016

The technical term is cunt. Applies to both sexes.
Based on what you've described, the specific variety of cunt is "American woman".

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Phoenix - 11-02-2016

Incidentally I've found calling out the nationality mid-sentence to be a very effective shutdown.

Australian male opening sentence:"oaahhww yeah? [cuntery directed at me] ..."
Me, mid-sentence interrupt: "oh you're Australian"?
Australian: stops, surprised butt-hurt face

Works same with North American females, but I'm not very good at picking out Canadian/American.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - TornadoByProxy - 11-02-2016

Quote: (11-02-2016 07:37 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Incidentally I've found calling out the nationality mid-sentence to be a very effective shutdown.

Australian male opening sentence:"oaahhww yeah? [cuntery directed at me] ..."
Me, mid-sentence interrupt: "oh you're Australian"?
Australian: stops, surprised butt-hurt face

Works same with North American females, but I'm not very good at picking out Canadian/American.

If you're not sure, just say American. It's an insult to the rest of the English speaking world especially Canadians.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Meister Eckhart - 11-02-2016

This is a pretty underhanded form of aggression that is similar to gas-lighting, although I don't necessarily know if it qualifies as such.

They don't like that their aggressive behavior is being challenged, so they use psychological manipulation to de-legitimize your response. Instead, they're re-framing it so that it is you who is the one acting in an unacceptable manner, and hope that by doing so you will internalize it.

Sociopaths, borderlines, and narcissists engage in this behavior as it's pretty effective in allowing them to quell opposition to antisocial and abusive behavior in normal people, because people often enough will engage in self-criticism as a response (e.g. victim blaming).

Anybody who behaves in such manner is toxic, and is a huge red flag.

Here's a link that describes the tactic in detail, and what actually qualifies as "gas-lighting":

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Marmite - 11-02-2016

It hasn't been mentioned above, but emotional vampires do this sort of stuff as they revel in the drama and feed off the negative emotions.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - debeguiled - 11-02-2016

Quote: (11-02-2016 07:37 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Incidentally I've found calling out the nationality mid-sentence to be a very effective shutdown.

Australian male opening sentence:"oaahhww yeah? [cuntery directed at me] ..."
Me, mid-sentence interrupt: "oh you're Australian"?
Australian: stops, surprised butt-hurt face

Works same with North American females, but I'm not very good at picking out Canadian/American.

This is what Neuro Linguistic Programming calls a pattern interrupt, and what the rest of us call a good old fashioned mind fuck.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Enjoythedecline - 11-02-2016

Tell her she's not feminine when she's bitching and watch her go ape shit. Best insult ever to a woman. Even feminists hate to be labeled ''not feminine'' despite what they're saying. And it's classy.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Tayo - 11-03-2016

I am not on speaking terms with all the people that have done that to me... I just cut them off.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Foolsgo1d - 11-03-2016

Sounds like she wants your D. Or she is in need of a verbal lashing. Your friend should take your side and if he doesn't then he wasn't your friend to begin with. If you start on her she will turn him against you if he allows it.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Vaun - 11-03-2016

My recent ex LTR treated me like this, on 4-5 occasions over the course of three months. Two of the last times I broke up with her, called her out, and just lashed out because I couldn't take it. Said a bunch of mean things, which in hindsight I totally dont regret, because of the way she tried to embarrass me in front of family and friends. Spent the last three months ranging from "did I overreact??", to "of course I overreacted, no woman has ever treated me like that, and she was a narcissistic bitch."

She was a cold hearted narcissist. Since then I have learned what they are. They suck. You cant reason with them or expect any empathy. The narcissistic relationship pattern totally followed this. These women exist. They use you for entertainment and validation. The only way to deal with them is 1) totally avoid, and 2) if you are mad, call out their weaknesses. They will likely discuss their weaknesses with you, because they always do. A crooked chin, sagging ass, increasingly growing upper arm girth, etc. Or just make one up. Mine was abnormally upset about her age, she hated her birthday. When she was screaming at me "Your too precious", I simply calmly said twice, "you should learn how to treat a man soon" referring to her age. Thats all it took to send her into sobbing tears. Mission accomplished.

Rather than get ugly, just avoid completely. I was afraid I would look like your friend, all it took was a few times it happened over a few months for me to hit the wall and blow up the relationship. Your friend needs to learn these lessons on his own. Let him face his own weaknesses. If you really want to get back at her I would just take him out at night around other girls, strip club or even get him action. That will likely blow them up for good.

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - eatthishomie - 11-03-2016

Who bitch this is?

Is there a term for this type of person/behaviour? - Kinko - 11-03-2016

I'd go with the term toxic. It also sounds like they are from insulated and safe upbringings where they are not used to being called out on their harmful personality.

It is best to just care less then they do and also eject people like that out of your life.