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Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Veloce - 10-28-2016

As I mentioned in the Lounge thread, Fisto and I are living together in my house here. I'm newly single and he's been forced to take a 9-5 job as a secretary at a dentist's office or some shit after blowing the last of his cash fucking whores in Jakarta. So here we are.

Yesterday's conversation went something like this:

Veloce: Hey man you ever use condoms?
Fisto: Nah
V: What if a girl insists you do?
F: Never happens
V: Okay, well I bought this pack just in case that situation arises
F: If anything we should probably use them to reduce the risk of STDs
V: Yeah I had the clap once
F: Dude I've had it several times. In a year. It got to the point where I wore condoms just to prevent other girls from getting it.
V: Damn, that's pretty considerate of you bro
F: Yeah, well, I'm glad you got the condoms dude. It's good to have them in the house so that I also can say I won't use them.

Basically this thread is around because I think we're a couple of funny fuckers. Some of you might disagree, and you'd be wrong. I'll let Fisto give his account of this enormously fake titted Vietnamese girl he's banging and how it played out (he owes me for that one btw) Neither of us are spinning as many plates as we'd like but this whole thing started just a few weeks ago.

It'll be fun to look back and see how this all started, when we're both cursing the gods and heaven above for the absolute dismal wenches that we wind up with here in Vegas. Really my best prospect at the moment is a Tinder Filipina 6 that I plan on using for sloppy fat girl blowjobs, sisig, and laundry duty.

Take it away Fisto.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Duke Castile - 10-28-2016

I'll have to write up how this all actually took place tomorrow at some point.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Fortis - 10-28-2016

awwwwww shit. [Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-28-2016

[Image: spongebob.gif]

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - TheOllam - 10-28-2016

Sounds like the anti-romcom, red-pill reality show we've all been waiting for.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Tenebrous - 10-28-2016

Well, we know who is the Alpha in this relationship.


Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Phoenix - 10-28-2016

Quote: (10-27-2016 01:34 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Rawdogging players are the No.1 STD vector outside the gay community.

Next time you get the clap, it was probably from Fisto [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Suits - 10-28-2016

This is going to be the best thread of 2016.

Yes, even better than the Trump thread.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Going strong - 10-28-2016

How I picture the protagonists of this story:

[Image: harley-davidson-and-the-marlboro-man.jpg]

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Rhyme or Reason - 10-28-2016

I got the clap earlier this year, it was no fun at all. Of course I used condoms for maybe one encounter after that before returning to raw dog life.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - renotime - 10-28-2016

I don't know anything about the tv industry other than that I enjoy Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, but you guys should write a spec script or whatever the hell they call them.

If Neil Skywalker did it, why not ya'll?

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Duke Castile - 10-28-2016

Ok here goes, I'm glad Veloce started this thread because I haven't been writing nearly as much as I should have. I started a couple past threads with my travels but didn't really commit to them and so they blew into obscurity.

This past year has been one of the best years of my life, or at least one of the best in a long, long time and last year was pretty damn amazing. It makes me excited for what's ahead.

Countries Visited this Year:

Colombia - I hung out and became good friends with Linux in Colombia. We've torn that place to shreds and I love the country. I am also great friends with forum member Tully Mars (who doesn't post much). Colombia is one of my favorite places and I'll always go back there, there's so much depth to the place and so much to see. There I have banged some flat out 8s and 9s. I won't write much about this place since it's been very well covered but the shit I've done here could be a thread all of itself.

Hungary - I spent about two weeks there. My first week or so I was alone and it was really goddamn cold. I was in a strange mood and didn't go out much and found myself in a mini relationship with a veterinarian who is a solid 8 and we had a great time. I only banged one other girl that looks great in photos but is a point and a half lower. I found the city to be beautiful. Probably the prettiest city I've seen. The Danube is surrounded by gorgeous architecture and everywhere you look there's another interesting building to see. The people in general are rude as fuck and cold. The girls I found to be bitchier than in the states and I was looking forward to leaving. I hung out with Global Entry and Vicious the second week and that made things a lot more interesting. It was great to finally meet Vicious.

I understand I was in a funny mood and didn't go out, so it probably deserves another go, I think it would be a great city to take a romantic weekend with a special girl.

I just missed forum member John Kreese which sucks because the guy is cool as hell.

Ukraine - This country, like Colombia has a lot of depth that needs to be explored. I stayed in Kyiv roughly 3 weeks and hung with Slubu, Vinny, and Creepin mainly. Again, I wasn't feeling like going out much but ended up meeting 3 GREAT girls doing day game with Vinny. Vinny is one of my favorite wingmen and I learned a lot from him. Since I'm not drinking he made a good point that I've got to be able to do something else during night game to make it fun, he's a great karaoke singer so I decided to get good at that and also learn Salsa. I will definitely be going back.

Turkey - Istanbul is a badass city with tons of stuff to see and do. Great food, hot women (I was with a girl there so not sure how approachable) and the people, despite the reputation, are all nice. Here I saw a lot of historical sites and stayed in almost every part of the city. I was there a week but changed hotels about every two days. I'd go back there just to get the knock off yet very high quality Ferragamo loafers that are now my favorite shoes.

Bulgaria - I stayed with a good friend in Varna that I met years ago in Manila. The weather was bad and this beach city was pretty quiet the two weeks I was here but I can see it really taking off. The few warm days I was there was pretty good for day game, but the women did seem standoffish. I think I need a better cover story as to why I'm there. I got a lot of interest but nothing really got any traction. The city is ugly with some interesting buildings and parks. Some very pretty spots but it's ruined by the poor city planning and weird Bulgarian mindset to have a "good enough" job when it comes to things like paving roads or fixing things.

Egypt - I stayed in Cairo and Giza 5 days in order to see the city and Pyramids for my birthday. These people are disgusting animals in general. Some are nice but most I got the impression are just plain scumbags. I know that's harsh but it was my impression. I saw only a few good looking girls, one was working at the airport hotel Le Meridian and I got her number the day I left (Cairo is a cheap place to fly in or out of so who knows). The day I left I bumped into a guy at the airport I'm positive was an ISIS fighter. I've been around people that don't like me, even tell me they hate me, but I've never encountered that kind of hateful and seething anger before from someone. I thought for sure I was going to have to fight him in the airport as he spoke his ugly language at me. I don't know what he said but the message was clear he wanted to kill me. I stood there staring at him ready for an attack while he glared at me for what seemed like a very long time. His friend pulled him away and I didn't relax until I was on the plane on my way out of there. IF I had met this guy in the street I have no doubt he would have tried to kill me.

Indonesia - I love this country, it's too bad it's going to be fucked up soon. Global Entry had a thread saying to "man up" when it comes to this sort of thing but I'm on the other side. I've seen Manila go from great to shitty in 3 short years. This is going to be the same and it's a shame. Oh well.

Malaysia - I hung out with a girl here I knew from a couple years ago in Singapore when I was on a visa run. I ended up befriending a guy working in the airport that's a total player and he showed me his "collection" of girls on his phone. FUCKING PRIME looking women, so I intend to visit him at some point and give Kuala Lumper a fair shake.

Vietnam - Another place I love with a lot of depth. I don't have any fear of it being ruined because there's too much difficulty with higher value women and the ones that run around with foreigners are *generally* lower value. I met some great girls and befriended some local dudes that are very very cool. Saigon and Da Nang have a lot of potential. I had 8 suits made here that look awesome and I love wearing. I've gotten to know Saigon pretty well and the week I spent in Da Nang gave me a real good feel for it. I met some good girls there too.

Singapore- While I banged some hot girls here I think the place sucks. It's like a bio dome built in the style of a never ending mall. It's too goddamn safe, the women have zero depth of character, and it's expensive. I stayed here 6 weeks fighting with a few guys fighting in One Championships last year but now just fly in for Visa runs or connections.

Philippines - I had to stop back in here because late last year I filmed a San Miguel beer commercial with a few of the biggest stars there. Global Entry met me there to support and network and we had a great time (even though, as I said, it's gone down hill in my opinion). Yarddog is there and I love hanging with that guy when he's around. There was also a brief Beyond Borders sighting. Anyway I went back for about 10 days to see what kind of fame game I could work since the commercial was very popular. It definitely helped and some people in malls would want to take photos with me but the upper tier girls were just as difficult as ever. I had a lot of fun seeing girls from the past and got close to a real stunner as well so I'm glad I went. Unfortunately I'll have to go back which means less time in other places I want to see. I still intend to visit Zamboanga.

Thailand - I have zero love for Bangkok but flew in to see some forum guys I wanted to meet/see again, a couple friends I made there, and also take advantage of an SPG award by staying in a suite at the St. Regis. This last time I met a very very pretty girl working as a security officer in the airport and got her number. We've stayed in touch and so I'll probably go back. For a few days. I'll have to hang out with guys that go out a lot here but I didn't make it to any clubs really while I was there. I just don't like being around foreigner hunters and the influx of morons makes talking to normal high value chicks more trouble than its worth in my experience.



Through Global Entry's coaching and studying of points and travel blogs I've been able to:

Platinum Status with Starwood: This has been great, I got this early in the year and now stay in baller suites for their lowest standard rate which is very reasonable. In Bogota I had a 21 year old model in ah at my rapper level baller suite that I was paying 110 a night for. In Asia the prices are even better.

Because of the merger with Marriott I now have Platinum with them and Ritz Carlton as well.

In addition I have Gold status with Hilton which offers the 5th night free when staying there. Not a bad perk.


Also thanks to Global, I now have Executive Platinum with American, Silver with United, and Gold with Delta.

These are really useful to have and I intend to make full use of it.

I was able to fly business and first class on every long haul flight and a few short hall flights this year (The guy I befriended in Malaysia upgraded me from a premium economy flight on British Airways to business)


I'm finally competent to go around and I can get my point across or understand whats going on. Linux was with me in Bogota when I approached a very unwilling hot girl and ended up charming her enough to get her number, all in Spanish.

I've got a long way to go but I've finally reached a respectable point.


Money is good but early this year or late last year I started this thread about accomplishing goals and one of mine was to make 10k a month in passive income (Or so, I can't remember exactly now [Image: undecided.gif] )

Anyway all the way back in March I started the process interviewing for company that could be a dream job for me.....

The origins of going back to Las Vegas

With money I'm doing ok. I have enough to pretty much do what I want and stay location independent indefinitely. The trouble is, after the above living the good life, it's hard to step down to economy class so to speak. In short, I want more of what I already have and the opportunity came up to become an "account executive" (think Madmen) for a very big nationwide company and it will be based out of Las Vegas.

The other guys in the office are doing very VERY well.

I have a buddy making over 100k a year, works 3-4 hours a day max, and is location independent.

I started the application process and it took a real long time to get things going and that period of waiting actually took me back to the states in anticipation of starting the interview process and working with Beyond Borders for over a month (thank you buddy, I really appreciate you keeping me busy)

I went on 3 phone interviews with the GM an then the Regional Director before I was called in to do an in person interview.

Then things started magically unfolding like it was destiny (and actually, after a psychedelic experience I am now convinced you can manifest anything you want for yourself)

The day I was asked to come into vegas, I had no vehicle and Beyond Borders brother, after meeting me only 3 times, agreed to sell me his Mercedes and make payments to him handing over the title and paperwork.

Next, I needed a place to stay and so I called two buddies I knew that rented rooms and both had one, the problem was they wanted a ridiculous amount. I was considering taking one of them because I didn't want to be bothered fucking around looking at places when Veloce texted me:

"Jenny is moving out".

I said "Fuck yeah"

"Want a roommate"?

To which he said "sure".

He was already in LA on a date with a super cute girl he wanted to smash and needed a hotel (which we all know is super expensive for anything decent), I got on my SPG app and got him a sick room with points at the Sheraton Grand Downtown and so he gave me my first month free.

Just like that, I had two problems solved and left BB's place the next morning.

I drove 18 hours total stopping off in San Jose to bang this famous Vietnamese singer I met late last year and then LA to visit a couple friends for a night to break up the drive before going on to Vegas.

I interviewed 3 days later and just found out the other day I got the job.

Took forever but I think it's going to be well worth it.

In the meantime, I have gone from pussy paradises to a pussy desert (relatively speaking).

The last 3 weeks in Vegas

My first night out I met a real good married friend who was in town from Reno. He's red pill and chomping at the bit now that he's away from his wife. We go to Cosmopolitan and I meet a filipina waitress at the Chandelier bar and start chatting with her.

This girl is from Bagio, has dark skin, and if I were in the philipppines she would be the type of girl I called over, fucked, and never spoke to again, but after being in BB's neck of the woods for about a month (which is the most desolate pussy location I've ever been) I was more than willing to fill the pipeline.

This girl actually had a verbal debate with herself in front of me on whether to give me her number or not before finally relenting. I message with her a few times before she then blew me off.

This is how fucked up the US is.

The next night I went out with Veloce suited down to meet some girls he was friends with that had a table in Omnia. They were 5s and 6s but I was chatting up the bottle service girl who looked like a latina but is Ethiopian or something. We definitely had some chemistry and she really liked that I don't drink and when the time came to get her number before leaving she politely declined but I felt great about the lingering look she gave me. I made no other approaches as after the bullshit with that filipina, I don't want to be bothered and I refuse to be on Tinder.

The next available night Veloce and I went out at the beginning of the 2nd week we went over to meet some Tinder girl he was talking to at Mandalay Bay, she was a 6 but definitely doable but she kept trying to hook him up with her friend, who was atrocious under any circumstances. We left and went to The Foundation Room where Veloce is buddies with the GM. Inside was ghetto as fuck so we spent out time on the balcony bullshitting before deciding to walk out.

On the way to the parking garage I passed this smoking hot, big Tittied Asian girl who was talking on her phone plugged into a wall. As we walked by I made eye contact with her and I knew I should approach but I kept walking.

After a minute I stopped and said "I should go approach that girl" and Veloce said "Do it".

I stammered around putting self limiting beliefs on the whole hypothetical encounter trying to talk myself out of it and Veloce was like "Bro just go".

So I went back and opened her and she was stuttering and intimidated and fawning all over me.

I banged those big fake asian tits the next day and have been seeing her pretty regularly since.

She's crazy, but a lot of fun so smash.

The next night I went out with a few buddies I haven't seen in a while and we had a comped table at a club. Again, there were tons of dumb drunk 6s around and one actually had the nerve to complain to me when I made her a drink that I only put vodka in it and didn't add a mixer before handing it to her. I said "how about just a 'thank you" instead"?

Again I chatted up the bottle service girl and got her number this time. She hasn't replied to any texts so I am dropping it. Disappointing since it went real well but I also know these girls are hit on non stop. Oh well.

A couple days ago I went to the outlet mall to return my Tumi bag to get the handle replaced and I stopped into Chipotle to get some food.

I was fucking around on Twitter and the Forum reading about Donald Trump and not really paying much attention when I looked up.

Sitting one seat over from me was and no bullshit 10. I'm talking Everything I want in a woman. Young, beautiful, nicely dressed, amazing slender body with tits and ass. The was she was sitting with her profile and back arched made me start almost drooling. She had "unanswerable" and youthful hotness pouring off her.

I wondered if she sat nearby on purpose and went through my possible openers given the situation.

Some woman started speaking Spanish to her and I instantly knew I would use that to speak to her. As soon as there was a break in their conversation I started talking to her.

I was cool and made direct eye contact with that gorgeous face and cracked a few jokes and dropped value. When she realized I lived here her eyes lit up for a brief second and I knew I was in.

I made a false time constraint to take my bag to the store, go her number an left. I could see her watching me leave in the reflection of the window so as I turned to open the door with my back and pull my suitcase along to give her a smile and make my exit.

We've been texting since but unfortunately is leaving for 3 weeks on a family vacation.

I'd seriously date this girl so I hope it works out.

Two other nights we went out suited down and cracked a lot of necks but the girls were on dates and we were not in a venue to approach single women. The reactions are very promising though. My suit game is pretty damn strong right now.

So this is my current predicament with women here.

Goals for Las Vegas

- I have some real good connections and friendships that need to be restarted. It will be good for social and business life. This thread will serve as a way to track progress with future connections and developments

- Veloce is a master musician and chef, I intend to learn from him as much as I can while I live here.

- Women, it's back to training with weights when it comes to game, it will be good for me to have to approach and work more. I'll keep my approaches logged here.

- Fitness/Health: Now that I'm going to be in one place for awhile I can really focus on improving. I've been in great looking shape for a long time but haven't felt the best. I quit coffee few weeks ago and realize I should have done that much much sooner. My energy levels are improving and I'm using the vitamix to make some real healthy veggie smoothies. We are also fermenting vegetables as well.

My right shoulder is pretty much messed up but I'll be doing crossfit nearby my work and maybe getting back into BJJ/MMA to train.

I've also stopped using shampoo and I realized afterwards that shampoo really strips your hair and scalp of proper essential oils, and then for some dumb reason, I try to put synthetic oils back on it that are harmful (pomade, gel, etc). Now my hair has badass built in pomade, and looks better than ever.

I also am on the baking soda as deodorant plan and it's great.

Finally, I have started shaving with an old school vintage gillette safety razor and I really enjoy the process of making the lather in the dish and using that razor.

Money/Location Independence: I think it will take 6 months to a year in order to get the kind of autonomy I want in the company. I've already got a lot of great leads with some things and I really think this next year could be great for all the goals listed out above.

So this is where I stand currently.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - getdownonit - 10-28-2016

[Image: 2237794d1461935255-ozark-trail-high-perf...o1_500.jpg]

I predict another forum golden age incoming, this time under President Trump


Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Kona - 10-28-2016

And you got a new bed.


Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Comte De St. Germain - 10-28-2016

If only I hadn't put a moratorium on another Vegas Trip...............FUCK this sounds like a party.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Chowder Head - 10-28-2016

Fisto, what is a realistic cost of traveling like you have done for 6 months? What are good sites/blogs to read about travel points? Great post!

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Duke Castile - 10-28-2016

Quote: (10-28-2016 04:10 PM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

Fisto, what is a realistic cost of traveling like you have done for 6 months? What are good sites/blogs to read about travel points? Great post!

The thread in the travel section by Global Entry is good (edit- Great).

I read because it has some useful information and the writers are on top of most newsworthy promos. Also because they are all SJWs and I like to troll the fuck out of them and their readers.

I also read the main writer reminds me of 20nation, bad writer, cheap backpacking type traveler, and bland personality but does a good breakdown of the math involved with award charts

I don't really follow anything else. If I have a question I usually call Global Entry, he cuts me a good rate for what he normally charges.

Cost to travel can get high, I think for about 4500 a month you can keep that up. Some of those hotels were 250 a night and I would get them for 4 days at a time (4th night free with Citi Prestige Card).

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - kaotic - 10-28-2016

Fuck that was a great fucking read man.

Got me amped for the meeting the RVF tribe tonight and hopefully a midwest meet up next year.

I gotta get the fuck out of the states.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Tully Mars - 10-28-2016

Solid....Great to know I still have friends out there that keep pushing themselves and live life on their own terms... Keep living it up and look forward to our next encounter....all my best parcero!

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Chowder Head - 10-28-2016

Was the ISIS guy working at the airport or a passenger? Thats some scary shit! Thanks for the travel info.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Laner - 10-28-2016

Fuck yeah fellas, see ya in a couple weeks!

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Veloce - 10-28-2016

Damn, Fisto's post puts me to shame.

What I can say is that in the few weeks he's been here, he took me on a workout at the gym that I was fine with for the first few sets, really amped myself up, and then the 4th or 5th set I had to sit down with my knees pulled to my chest and I couldn't tell if I was going to pass out or puke or both. My heart hasn't been beating that hard or fast since I took some bad ecstacy at a club in hollywood a few years back. And as I'm sitting there wheezing this mofo is cranking out burpees no problem, but then if you've seen him there's a reason he's in elite level fitness. No homo.

Lately I feel like I've been burning the candle at both ends. Working 70-80 hours a week running one of the best restaurants in the city and then going home, showering and heading out with Fisto to see if we can't scare up some pussy, invariably me needing to borrow one of his custom blazers he had made in SEA (which fit like a goddamn glove, incidentally)

Mornings involve us debating the best razors, shave cream, deodorant (finally he's on team baking soda) talking about how much we love fucking asian pussy and how we gotta push push push to get more girls going. Not just for the pussy but to come clean the goddamn house and make us a meal here or there. My ex has been coming over for late night fuck sessions and my other go-to girls are in L.A., got a couple leads, a hostess at work, a cute ass pastry cook, one of my exes friends (that's a whole other story) and the odd Tinder whore, but nowhere near the harem that I envision for myself.

But I really feel that the American dream is alive and well here. That there's something out there in the desert, the right hustle, the right car, the right pussy. A lot of people I know are getting burnt out on Vegas and are ready to leave. Not me. I can feel it out there and something tells me over the next year I'm going to get it, whatever that thing is.

In talking with Fisto, there are a few things I take for granted in this city. Free meals or at least a steep discount at most restaurants in the city, free club entry and free drink tickets at a handful of places. So many people come here and drop hundreds and thousands for shit we can get for free. But I feel like we're still at the Novice level of hookups. I want more Dammit! I want to have some upper level execs for Harrah's, Sands, MGM on speed dial and anytime I need a suite upgrade it's mine to have. I want a bottle waiting for me in damn near any club I choose, car rental upgrades, comped limo service, VIP status at strip clubs. It's coming, mark my words. We're gonna make this shit happen.

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Alpha Hunter Zero - 10-28-2016

This thread brings back memories of a simpler time in RVF history and how the atmosphere of the forum used to be more geared towards.

Things in this thread:
Self-Improvement (various types)
Problem-Solving/Critical Thinking Skills
Danger (Seems to be a recurring theme with Fisto [Image: lol.gif] stay safe man)

I'll definitely be checking in more often to see how this plays out!

How I picture Fisto and Veloce on Halloween chasing tail:
[Image: wolverine_custom_comic_by_coltnoble-d45wdep.jpg]

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - Suits - 10-28-2016

Quote: (10-28-2016 03:11 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Indonesia - I love this country, it's too bad it's going to be fucked up soon.

Could you expand on this?

Veloce and Fisto in Vegas - CleanSlate - 10-29-2016

Quote: (10-28-2016 11:42 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2016 03:11 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Indonesia - I love this country, it's too bad it's going to be fucked up soon.

Could you expand on this?

Not to speak for Fisto, but when I visited Indonesia earlier this year I was seeing signs of a major downhill slide. I went to a well known club and it was completely saturated with foreign dudes with 2:1 ratios, not including a gaggle of ladyboys. Girls seemed somewhat unapproachable. Supposedly it wasn't like that a few months prior.