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Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Printable Version

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Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-16-2016

There is a false conception on this forum... The idea that Eastern Europe is conservative. Just go there, and find out how conservative it is. The fertility rates in Ukraine are less than 1.3. To put things into perspective, they are 1.8 in the USA. Ukraine also has incredibly high per capita divorce statistics, upwards of 60%. Social media usage, especially VK and tinder are higher in Ukraine than anywhere else in the world, So the bottom line is this: you have a scantily dressed blonde girl who is wearing way too much makeup, she is transactional and cold, and add on the fact that there is a good chance she will divorce and/ or not have any children. This is the reality of what Ukraine is in 2016 and it is only getting worse due to the damn place getting westernized day by day, so why don't more people consider Russia over Ukraine? It seems as though whenever people discuss Eastern Europe on this forum, they are almost exclusively talking about Ukraine.

I want to know more about mid-tier Russia. Cities like Tyumen, Vladivostok, Chelyabnsk, etc. What is the reality there as of 2016 and does the conservative model of society there hold true?

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - GlobalMan - 10-16-2016

How long did you live in Ukraine?

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Tirsoneri - 10-16-2016

Why Ukraine and not Russia?, its simple.

One has one of the worlds strictest visa policies and the other lets you in freely for months....
Not to mention the climate comparison of the 2.

Ukraine and Thailand are 2 countries you MUST get done now. The low fertility rate is decimating the population worse each year.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-16-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:28 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

How long did you live in Ukraine?
I have been coming to Ukraine since 2013. I usually stay for 3 to 4 months whenever I come. I split my time between Donetsk and Lviv.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - presidentcarter - 10-16-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:30 PM)Tirsoneri Wrote:  

Why Ukraine and not Russia?, its simple.

One has one of the worlds strictest visa policies and the other lets you in freely for months....
Not to mention the climate comparison of the 2.

Ukraine and Thailand are 2 countries you MUST get done now. The low fertility rate is decimating the population worse each year.

The visa? For a fraction of the price of your flight, you can get a Russian visa (up to 3 years if you're American). Not a valid reason in my view.

I'm also wondering the same as the OP. I've never been to Ukraine, but from the Ukrainian girls I've met, I'd pick even a Moscow girl over them any day. Some may be more beautiful, but the Ukrainian girls I've met are somehow even more ruthless and vain than their Russian sisters. There are still some traditional girls in Moscow and I can only imagine even more so in 2nd and 3rd tier cities. But anywhere there's internet and FB, VK, Instagram, you're going to run into problems if traditional is what you're looking for.

And OP, you're really on the hunt for a "conservative" girl aren't you? [Image: lol.gif]

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-16-2016


LOL. Yes I am. I have had my share of one night stands and so on and so forth. I am still only 22 years old however. But I want to start travelling abroad more and more frequently to see which place I would be interested in the most.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Tirsoneri - 10-16-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:55 PM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:30 PM)Tirsoneri Wrote:  

Why Ukraine and not Russia?, its simple.

One has one of the worlds strictest visa policies and the other lets you in freely for months....
Not to mention the climate comparison of the 2.

Ukraine and Thailand are 2 countries you MUST get done now. The low fertility rate is decimating the population worse each year.

The visa? For a fraction of the price of your flight, you can get a Russian visa (up to 3 years if you're American). Not a valid reason in my view.

I'm also wondering the same as the OP. I've never been to Ukraine, but from the Ukrainian girls I've met, I'd pick even a Moscow girl over them any day. Some may be more beautiful, but the Ukrainian girls I've met are somehow even more ruthless and vain than their Russian sisters. There are still some traditional girls in Moscow and I can only imagine even more so in 2nd and 3rd tier cities. But anywhere there's internet and FB, VK, Instagram, you're going to run into problems if traditional is what you're looking for.

And OP, you're really on the hunt for a "conservative" girl aren't you? [Image: lol.gif]

Ok so it is not so bad then. I can also give Russia good credit for another thing then, population, lots of people are in Russia. Not only does it have almost 1 and a half times that of the population of the Philippines, but unlike Ukraine, Russia's is also more stable. It actually looks like theirs is somewhat increasing while Ukraine's is collapsing. Those serious love seekers will always find heaps of prospects in Russia.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Comte De St. Germain - 10-16-2016

I believe Kiev is much cheaper than most upper tier Russian cities. Have not been to Ukraine so I can't back that claim up, but Moscow, St. Pete, etc. are very expensive. Though going off the beaten path in Russia may be cheaper it might not be worth it.

Have not gamed in Russia so I wouldn't know, but that's the feeling I get from what other people post.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Vinny - 10-16-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:24 PM)Sikh Warrior Wrote:  

There is a false conception on this forum... The idea that Eastern Europe is conservative. Just go there, and find out how conservative it is. The fertility rates in Ukraine are less than 1.3. To put things into perspective, they are 1.8 in the USA. Ukraine also has incredibly high per capita divorce statistics, upwards of 60%. Social media usage, especially VK and tinder are higher in Ukraine than anywhere else in the world, So the bottom line is this: you have a scantily dressed blonde girl who is wearing way too much makeup, she is transactional and cold, and add on the fact that there is a good chance she will divorce and/ or not have any children. This is the reality of what Ukraine is in 2016 and it is only getting worse due to the damn place getting westernized day by day, so why don't more people consider Russia over Ukraine? It seems as though whenever people discuss Eastern Europe on this forum, they are almost exclusively talking about Ukraine.

I want to know more about mid-tier Russia. Cities like Tyumen, Vladivostok, Chelyabnsk, etc. What is the reality there as of 2016 and does the conservative model of society there hold true?

EE is not conservative. But it is more conservative than WE or US. If you count easiness of girls to commit to sexual relationship then it is even more conservative than SEA.

2nd tier Russia is slightly more expensive than 1st ties Ukraine. 2nd tier Russia is harder to get girls in bed.

Ukraine is cheaper. But has more sex tourists.

Quality of girls is the same, although I find Russian girls slightly more educated and smarter on average.

IMO Ukraine v.s. Russia 1:1, but it depends on your needs, interests, budget etc.

Low fertility in Ukraine is not due to girl being sluts it is due to low level of living.

If you say Ukraine is as slutty as US I honestly I have doubts you have ever been there.

@Comte De St. Germain: I have been to St. Petes less than a month ago. I say it is 2nd Tier. Although slightly more expensive than Kiev it is times cheaper than Moscow. A local girl told me rents in Moscow are 4 times higher same as the average wage.
There is a joke in Russian language "Есть ли жизнь за МКАДом?" which means is there even life outside of Moscow ring road?
Moscow is utterly different from the rest of Russia.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - John_Galt - 10-16-2016

You're starting a lot of new threads.

Just a word of advice: The culture of the forum is that you should bump old threads rather than create all new ones. It keeps things more organized.



8. The forum has two search engines that work extremely well. You will not build any goodwill with the membership if you post before searching whether your topic has been previously discussed. Bump an old thread on your topic instead of starting a new one. Click here to learn about effective searching.




Not trying to jump on your case, just letting you know, as one new member to another.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-16-2016


I am not saying that EE girls are just as slutty as American girls. All I am saying is that it is not as 'traditional'' or "conservative" as people make it out to be. Now with regards to fertility, there are countries that are more stable economically such as Russia, Japan, Norway, etc. but their fertility rate is in the exact same boat as Ukraine's. I am not saying that the fertility rate is due to the fact that the girls are sluts. I am just saying that the girls simply are choosing not to have children. It is important to note that the population of Ukraine has decreased by almost 6 million in the past 15 years due to this and people getting the hell out of the country.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - 262 - 10-17-2016


Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Cambodian Creamsicle - 10-17-2016

- Visa
- Cost
- Weather
- Lower levels of English

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Rocha - 10-17-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:37 PM)Sikh Warrior Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:28 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

How long did you live in Ukraine?
I have been coming to Ukraine since 2013. I usually stay for 3 to 4 months whenever I come. I split my time between Donetsk and Lviv.


You can only stay 90 days at a time and if best case you belong to one of the countries that do not need Visa (not the case lf India for example). Try overstaying a second time and possibly you will be denied entry for some years.

Regarding Donetsk, how do you split your time between there and Lviv, since the city is controlled by the rebels since April 2014, and "Entrance to Donetsk/Lugansk oblasts from Ukraine by foreigners is generally prohibited, however in some situations a cash bribe MAY be possible. Entrance into Donetsk/Lugansk oblasts from the Russian Federation is generally unregulated, though foreigners will not be able to enter the rest of Ukraine when doing this."

You should have done better your homework before this trolling.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - thomasthewise - 10-17-2016

Russia is basically St. Petersburg and Moscow. Russia is a larger country so if you want to go to one of the other population centers, you must fly. Driving is not the option that it is in Ukraine. In Russia there is also mandatory registration within 3 days of arrival. And some people like the existence of other Western tourists.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Henny - 10-17-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:24 PM)Sikh Warrior Wrote:  

There is a false conception on this forum... The idea that Eastern Europe is conservative. Just go there, and find out how conservative it is. The fertility rates in Ukraine are less than 1.3. To put things into perspective, they are 1.8 in the USA. Ukraine also has incredibly high per capita divorce statistics, upwards of 60%. Social media usage, especially VK and tinder are higher in Ukraine than anywhere else in the world, So the bottom line is this: you have a scantily dressed blonde girl who is wearing way too much makeup, she is transactional and cold, and add on the fact that there is a good chance she will divorce and/ or not have any children. This is the reality of what Ukraine is in 2016 and it is only getting worse due to the damn place getting westernized day by day, so why don't more people consider Russia over Ukraine? It seems as though whenever people discuss Eastern Europe on this forum, they are almost exclusively talking about Ukraine.

I want to know more about mid-tier Russia. Cities like Tyumen, Vladivostok, Chelyabnsk, etc. What is the reality there as of 2016 and does the conservative model of society there hold true?


Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - britchard - 10-17-2016

The US only has a 1.8 birth rate because blacks and latinos are spewing out kids at very high rates due to no incentive from the state to limit their child-making. I suspect the white birth rate is similar if not lower than Ukraine's.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-17-2016

Quote: (10-17-2016 03:25 AM)262 Wrote:  



I have found very little information on mid-tier Russia. If you have some information, then chime in.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-17-2016

Quote: (10-17-2016 11:14 AM)Henny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:24 PM)Sikh Warrior Wrote:  

There is a false conception on this forum... The idea that Eastern Europe is conservative. Just go there, and find out how conservative it is. The fertility rates in Ukraine are less than 1.3. To put things into perspective, they are 1.8 in the USA. Ukraine also has incredibly high per capita divorce statistics, upwards of 60%. Social media usage, especially VK and tinder are higher in Ukraine than anywhere else in the world, So the bottom line is this: you have a scantily dressed blonde girl who is wearing way too much makeup, she is transactional and cold, and add on the fact that there is a good chance she will divorce and/ or not have any children. This is the reality of what Ukraine is in 2016 and it is only getting worse due to the damn place getting westernized day by day, so why don't more people consider Russia over Ukraine? It seems as though whenever people discuss Eastern Europe on this forum, they are almost exclusively talking about Ukraine.

I want to know more about mid-tier Russia. Cities like Tyumen, Vladivostok, Chelyabnsk, etc. What is the reality there as of 2016 and does the conservative model of society there hold true?


Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

Do you have any information on mid-tier Russia? If you are going to respond to a post, you should give useful and practical information. Based on the number of posts you have and your lack of experience on the forum, you should keep your shit talking to a minimum. If you have good information, I would like to know. Otherwise, keep your bloody trap shut.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Sikh Warrior - 10-17-2016

Quote: (10-17-2016 05:45 AM)Rocha Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:37 PM)Sikh Warrior Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2016 10:28 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

How long did you live in Ukraine?
I have been coming to Ukraine since 2013. I usually stay for 3 to 4 months whenever I come. I split my time between Donetsk and Lviv.


You can only stay 90 days at a time and if best case you belong to one of the countries that do not need Visa (not the case lf India for example). Try overstaying a second time and possibly you will be denied entry for some years.

Regarding Donetsk, how do you split your time between there and Lviv, since the city is controlled by the rebels since April 2014, and "Entrance to Donetsk/Lugansk oblasts from Ukraine by foreigners is generally prohibited, however in some situations a cash bribe MAY be possible. Entrance into Donetsk/Lugansk oblasts from the Russian Federation is generally unregulated, though foreigners will not be able to enter the rest of Ukraine when doing this."

You should have done better your homework before this trolling.


My family owns a flat in Donetsk that they purchased back in 2012. The reality is that the vast majority of the city is fine. The outskirts of the city where they share a border with the Russians is a place where fire is exchanged from time to time. That being said, the city itself gets many tourists, albeit tourists who are mostly from other parts of EE.

With regards to a visa, I am not a US citizen. I'm from the UK and getting a visa as a citizen of the UK is much easier due to the fact that my father has a visa to Ukraine and owns some real estate there.

Rather than accusing people of trolling and saying my post is "BS", you should give useful information. If you can't do that, then fuck off and keep your bloody trap shut.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Papi Rico - 10-17-2016

[Image: Boy-That-Escalated-Quickly-Anchorman.gif]

Though perhaps Sikh Warrior shall forever live on as the Aggressive Baseless Comparison Troll

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Rocha - 10-17-2016

Shame that he got banned so soon. I wanted to ask what Airlines where these tourists using to reach Donetsk Airport.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Papi Rico - 10-17-2016

Despite the raging war, TrollAir recently started operating that route from London Gatwick, every day at Sikhs O'clock PM.

Don't believe me? Then keep your bloody trap shut.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - Vinny - 10-17-2016

I had my doubts...

It is easier to land in the field of wheat than in Donetsk airport, the place lies in Ruins and is still regularly bombarded.

Why do People Opt for Ukraine Rather Than Russia? - John_Galt - 10-17-2016

Well, I tried to warn him.....

Oh well.