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Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Alpharius - 10-11-2016

So I got my flu shot almost 3 weeks ago, and hit the gym hard a few hours later. I noticed a shooting pain in my bicep right where I got the shot as I was lifting, but didn't think much of it other than, "I just got a shot right there, of course it's gonna hurt!" Well, here I am the better part of a month later and I'm still noticing a lot of pain in my arm right there when I lift. I haven't done anything else to my arm, so I can't think of any other reason it would be hurting. When I go about my normal desk jockey routine it's totally fine. Why is my arm still hurting? Should I take a break? Does it just need rest?

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - kinjutsu - 10-11-2016

Go back and see the doctor who gave you the flu shot.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Alpharius - 10-11-2016

Quote: (10-11-2016 10:34 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Go back and see the doctor who gave you the flu shot.

It was through work, but I suppose I could try to track down who arranged it.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Thersites - 10-11-2016

Quote: (10-11-2016 10:02 PM)Alpharius Wrote:  

So I got my flu shot almost 3 weeks ago, and hit the gym hard a few hours later. I noticed a shooting pain in my bicep right where I got the shot as I was lifting, but didn't think much of it other than, "I just got a shot right there, of course it's gonna hurt!" Well, here I am the better part of a month later and I'm still noticing a lot of pain in my arm right there when I lift. I haven't done anything else to my arm, so I can't think of any other reason it would be hurting. When I go about my normal desk jockey routine it's totally fine. Why is my arm still hurting? Should I take a break? Does it just need rest?

Arm pain could be side effect of the vaccination. Check with coworkers and see if anyone is having similar arm pain compare to you. I suggest take a one or two workout off and ice the shoulder, then go back to lifting. If you still have pain, head to your doctor for check out your arm to rule out any serious condition.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Alpharius - 10-12-2016

Quote: (10-11-2016 11:50 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

Arm pain could be side effect of the vaccination. Check with coworkers and see if anyone is having similar arm pain compare to you. I suggest take a one or two workout off and ice the shoulder, then go back to lifting. If you still have pain, head to your doctor for check out your arm to rule out any serious condition.

Will do!

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - kosko - 10-14-2016


Are you an elder, child, pregnant, or a woman?

Never understand how and why young healthy adult men line up to get shot up with random junk each year for the flu.

Be mindful of germs, don't share food/drinks, and have a healthy lifestyle and you are fine.e

I maybe get a flu once every 5-6 years and I have never had a flu shot since I was a kid.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Alpharius - 10-14-2016

Quote: (10-14-2016 04:27 AM)kosko Wrote:  


Are you an elder, child, pregnant, or a woman?

Never understand how and why young healthy adult men line up to get shot up with random junk each year for the flu.

Be mindful of germs, don't share food/drinks, and have a healthy lifestyle and you are fine.e

I maybe get a flu once every 5-6 years and I have never had a flu shot since I was a kid.

I'd rather spend 10 minutes getting the shot than lose out on a week of my life from a preventable illness. Life is too valuable to spend laying in bed sick as a dog.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Vienna - 10-15-2016

OP, if you don't mind: how old are you?

Thinking about getting a flu shot this year. Always get a cold each year which leaves me out the gym for 1-2 weeks.

This year no cold yet (knock on wood) but would like to prevent it further. From what I know the yearly flu shots contain only the virus strain and egg, unlike the shady shit that was pushed at the height of the swine flu.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Cr33pin - 10-15-2016

4 Years ago I got a flu shot for the first time in my life..... That same year I got the flu for the only time in my life......

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Germanicus - 10-15-2016

I despise the flu shot. The one and only time I ever got the shot-- against my will, but work made me do so for international travel-- I ended up getting the flu for the first time since childhood and it was the worst flu of my life. That was also the last time I caught the flu. They give the flu shot away for free-- how useful and how safe is something that big business and big government have come together to hand out to the population at large for free?

Some people just react poorly to the biological and chemical compounds that have been haphazardly assembled for public injection. At any rate no one, baring those people with a disease like AIDS or who were born with a defective immune system, should need inoculation against cold or flu germs. You shouldn't be catching a major cold or flu annually that knocks you out for weeks at a time. If you do, your body is not healthy, full stop. Anyone without a congenital immune system failure but is catastrophically susceptible to germs should improve their nutrition and get checked to see if their iron levels are low or their pH scale is not in balance before having that crap shot into their body. When your system is in balance you may still pick up a minor cold or a bout of the flu now and then, but it shouldn't be frequent and it shouldn't damn near flatten you out each time.

OP, my guess is that either you're having a bad reaction to the shot itself or your physical activities have aggravated the wound to the muscle from the penetration of the needle into your arm.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Alpharius - 10-15-2016

Quote: (10-15-2016 07:14 AM)DarianFrey Wrote:  

OP, if you don't mind: how old are you?

Thinking about getting a flu shot this year. Always get a cold each year which leaves me out the gym for 1-2 weeks.

This year no cold yet (knock on wood) but would like to prevent it further. From what I know the yearly flu shots contain only the virus strain and egg, unlike the shady shit that was pushed at the height of the swine flu.

29, I also work in a place that's a cesspool of disease. I can almost guarantee that a nasty bout of something will go around the workplace this winter, as it does every winter.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - MidJack - 10-15-2016

You got a shot in the bicep? I've never gotten a shot in that muscle, and I've had a lot.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - I DIDN'T KILL MY WIFE - 10-16-2016

When I got my last vaccination and flu shot I started feeling like shit and had muscle soreness after a couple of hours, was not a fun day at work. You have to remember that a flu shot is basically the doc pumping you full of bacteria (even if inert ones) that is a stress to your body and your body has to fight it off. So feeling like shit on that day is to be expected

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Leonard D Neubache - 10-16-2016

My previous boss asked me why I refused to take the flu shot.

I told her "between using my many accrued sick days and pumping myself full of God-knows-what, I'll take my chances with the sick days".

She had no argument.

Fuck the flu shot. I got the flu this year and was out of commission for a week. Still glad I didn't get the shot.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - GetRichOrdie - 10-16-2016

Its not a conspiracy theory that there are toxic additives combined with shots, its an admitted fact, and its likely your pain is a reaction to that. You are gambling with your immune system when taking vaccines so best to educate yourself on the real dangers first. Dont be like the mentally ill herd of zombies that cant fathom big pharma doing no wrong.

The best thing is to spray MMS (Sodium chlorite) also called master mineral supplement on the area, which is a strong oxidizer and neutralizes a variety of strong toxins. You can also try arnica gel or tiger balm may help too

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Sikh Warrior - 10-16-2016

The problem with flu shots is that they can have side effects and they affect different people in different ways. Muscle aches are common, as well as flu or cold like symptoms, maybe even a fever. Just take it easy for a few days.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Landspirit - 10-21-2016

On cool thing my grampa did was to spray a 5% water disolved salt (NaCl) on the inside of his nostrils, that way they were alway wet and could clean themselves from viruses and other bacteria. Virus infections usually start in Autumn, because the air gets dry because of central heating.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Zanardi - 10-25-2016

Quote: (10-16-2016 06:42 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I told her "between using my many accrued sick days and pumping myself full of God-knows-what, I'll take my chances with the sick days".

She had no argument.

Fuck the flu shot. I got the flu this year and was out of commission for a week. Still glad I didn't get the shot.

I have a different experience than yours.

3 years ago, in September, I took a very nasty flu, which lasted about a month. In that month I was served with a royal flush:

  1. For two weeks my nose was flowing all sorts of you know what like it was a broken pipe. I think I doubled Romania's production of paper handkerchiefs;
  2. Sore throat;
  3. I lost my voice for about a week;
  4. I had 3 (three) herpes from body weakness and blowing my nose, all at the same time (yes, I have that virus in my body since I was 3).
Since then, I take the flu shot at the end of October (I actually took one today). Never got any flu during the winter since (OK, I also protect myself as well).

I expect small muscle pain after the shot when I'll do my calisthenics, but I also expect for it to go in about a week.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Space Cowboy - 10-25-2016

Quote: (10-14-2016 04:27 AM)kosko Wrote:  


Are you an elder, child, pregnant, or a woman?

Never understand how and why young healthy adult men line up to get shot up with random junk each year for the flu.

Be mindful of germs, don't share food/drinks, and have a healthy lifestyle and you are fine.e

I maybe get a flu once every 5-6 years and I have never had a flu shot since I was a kid.

The one year I missed a flu shot I got the flu. Spent a week being miserable and lost wages from work. For those who get the flu even though they received a vaccination, it is likely you caught a strain that wasn't covered by the vaccine, possibly from traveling or coming in contact with a sick person who had traveled.

To answer OP: Your pain could be from the vaccine but I don't think I've ever heard of it causing pain for so long. You may want to do some research in a phenomenon called Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA) ( Basically, it is possible that the vaccine was injected into your bursa- the sac between your fat and muscle- and your immune response has caused damage to it.

You need to go to the doctor! If it is something like SIRVA,you could have lasting damage if not treated properly.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Space Cowboy - 10-25-2016

double-posted, please delete

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Thersites - 10-26-2016

^ Learn something new today.

Muscle Pain After Flu Shot - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-22-2017

Seriously guys - never ever get any flu shots - that is a scam of the century.

Most other vaccines are bullshit as well, but flu shots are to the max. They do not even make sense on the science they are giving us seemingly predicting a strain that may or not may not come out of thousands and also new variations that come up each year.