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10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - SamuelBRoberts - 10-09-2016

So how about another one of these, since people seemed to like the last one?

We can argue about the specifics, but it doesn't feel to me like the last couple weeks have been good for Trump. Expectations are high. Do you think he can pull it out?

I'm going with "minor Trump win", I think. I don't expect Trump to flatten her, and I don't think the media will let a major Trump win be a part of the narrative. But I think he'll do better than expected.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - ElFlaco - 10-09-2016

I think it all depends on how he responds to the "grab them by the pussy". There are many ways to spin that. In my view, he should:

1. Reiterate how much he respects women, how he has been their biggest supporter in his companies, giving examples.

2. Make a common-sense argument that this is just how men (used to) talk in private, that it's harmless, good-natured fun (and that women sometimes talk like this as well, again, in good fun). This is the hardest point to get across but it can be done if he takes the right tone.

3. Segue from this into showing how Hillary has a far worse record with women, things she's done and said.

Quote: (10-09-2016 01:28 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Expectations are high. Do you think he can pull it out?

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Slim Shady - 10-09-2016







[Image: HTM8RZM.png]

[Image: 5dff1.jpg]

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10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Foolsgo1d - 10-09-2016

Trump goes in dry on Hillary, DNC & media. The moderator has less instances of interrupting because Trump is charged like a lightning rod ready to zap any bullshit in the bud and make his point to the American people.

Hillary's whole game is to tip Trump into his diatribe, making him prove himself and questioning his personal beliefs in women, especially his daughter and wife. Attempted killshots on his personal life will be a bad move for the Hillary campaign.

All Hillary has to do is attempt non-fuck up game.

All Trump has to do is keep on track, let personal insults bounce off of him and call out biased moderator actions. Once he points it out many people will notice it. Like a turd in a swimming pool.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Latan - 10-09-2016

I think this time he'll be prepared, not to fall into Hillary's and the moderator's traps.
We'll surely see biased questions and moderation again anyway...
Minor Trump Win.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-09-2016


Paul Ryan is suddenly eaten by a bear. This has nothing to do with the debate. Just fuck Paul Ryan. I hope a bear eats that cuck asshole.*

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Poll answer of the year! Repped (again).

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Irenicus - 10-09-2016

I think that the Donald will do well tonight.

Hitlery will certainly use the scandal he made ("grab her pussy"), but I am quite sure Trump will turn the tide on his favor.

Something like this:


HITLERY (H): But what about the disgusting joke you made, hmm?

TRUMP (T): I know, and I have apologized. But...have you apologized for the sexual escapades of your husband? To the families that lost their sons to your incompetence in Benghazi? CAN YOU EVEN SLEEP AT NIGHT, HILLARY!!!????

H: (rambling left and right)

D: And the emails, Hillary? Do you deny that as well (pulls transcripts out an starts reading parts). (calm voice) Is that a POTUS we deserve?

H: cheated on your taxes?

D: I will release all my papers, and my employees, of all races and nationalities...great folks...are working around the clock to release them. And what about you, Hillary? You received millions from special interests, and you hid that from your tax records. And what about the speeches, from which you received a sum of 60 million USD? I can't recall that you paid any taxes?

I could go on and on. In short, he needs to be more aggressive and show her no mercy. While of course, being as presidential as possible. And again, I have a feeling that he will do that. He has competent advisors. And apparently, the Farage was seen in MO, so he might be involved in some capacity (he has skills Trump could use to his advantage - they both were underdogs).

And speaking of Ryan...I hope that Trump will chain him and have Trigglypuff and Lindy West rape him to death.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 10-09-2016

Can you fucking believe this:


Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz will start off Sunday night’s presidential debate with a question to Hillary Clinton about a videotape of Donald Trump speaking coarsely about women.
From CNN:

The first set of questions at Sunday night’s presidential debate will be about Donald Trump’s vulgar comments on a newly published 2005 videotape, and the fallout from it.

And Hillary Clinton will get the first question.

Moderators Anderson Cooper of CNN and Martha Raddatz of ABC have adjusted their plan for the debate in light of the Trump tape, sources told CNNMoney.

While everything is subject to change until air time, an ABC source said — perhaps confirming the obvious — that Trump and Clinton will both be prompted to address the matter.

A coin toss by the Commission on Presidential Debates determined that Clinton will speak first.

So Hillary Clinton's campaign institutes a blackout on Hillary's public appearances so her first comments on the matter will be during the debate, so she can have as wide an audience as possible.

And then the moderators turn around and explicitly re-design the line of questioning specifically in a method that will aid the strategy of the Clinton campaign.

If that's not proof of journalist coordination with the Democrats I don't know what is.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Vienna - 10-09-2016

RVF has already shown the way of tonight's debate.

This statistical MIDDLE FINGER is an omen.

[Image: 20gdyjo.jpg]

There's only one way that middle finger's going folks.

Right in the face of Crooked and her cronies, the traitorous GOP, the shrieking and panic-stricken MSM.

Right in the figurative cunt or mangina of anyone who thinks that America was never great.

There will be no winners in tonight's debate.

There will be blood on both sides.

But one will bleed for his country, while the other bleeds for narcissistic and absolute power.

The contrast of their creeds will show in their eyes, and people will know.


10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - AboveAverageJoe - 10-09-2016

Someone needs to photoshop Cuck Ryan's face on DiCaprio's body from the bear mauling scene in The Revenant, preferrably as a GIF.
First person to do it gets a +1 rep point from AAJ.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Vienna - 10-09-2016

Quote: (10-09-2016 02:38 PM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

Someone needs to photoshop Cuck Ryan's face on DiCaprio's body from the bear mauling scene in The Revenant, preferrably as a GIF.
First person to do it gets a +1 rep point from AAJ.

Paging Sooth. He's the man behind the masterpiece Tank Commander Roosh gif.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Irenicus - 10-09-2016

Opening stage of the debate.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - eskimobobseal - 10-09-2016

Audio tapes will be ancient history in a few weeks given how quickly the news cycle moves.

Trump will pivot to Clinton's rapes and the hag will have nothing to say.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - The Beast1 - 10-09-2016


He'll go in this far more roughly than before.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Kona - 10-09-2016

This debate takes place at my ala mater the fabulous Washington University in St. Louis.

All I can predict is a yuuuuge bar tab, because I'll be watching from Trump Waikiki. If you are around, come by. I will not buy you a drink. That place is expensive.

Here it is if you are interested:
[Image: or-Trump-440x370.jpg]

There's tons of people walking around Waikiki with Trump clothes on. Its like a football game.


10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Adonis - 10-09-2016

Tonight the gloves come off.

[Image: ezgif_182993229.gif]

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - LeoneVolpe - 10-09-2016

Is it total bullshit they're starting the debate with #grabpussygate questions? Absolutely. However, I think they'll be playing right into Trump's hand by doing this. He knows they're going to go after him for it, so might as well get it out in the open as soon as possible. If he can reframe, and instead of defending himself over it for an extended period of time, turn it around and hammer the Hag with her own scandals until the moderators try and stop him from gaining momentum, which you know they will.

Trump needs to be careful not to interrupt too much. He can shake his head in disagreement until he gets his turn to speak all he wants, like how Pence did. But if interrupting made Kaine look bad and he was debating a man...You can imagine how the media will go after Trump for interrupting a woman, if you can even call her that. Especially in light of Trump's recent remarks, it's very important he maintain frame, go on the attack, but retain some semblance of being presidential.

As they say when you sling mud, you're going to get yourself dirty too. So Trump has to play this just right, but I would err on the side of being too aggressive versus too passive. We need a decisive win tonight.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Dusty - 10-09-2016

[Image: giphy.gif]

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - El Padrone - 10-09-2016

Politics doesn't concern or affect me, but I find the torture and death wish to Ryan disturbing.

TrumpenReich?? Common guys, we're better than that.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Thrill Jackson - 10-09-2016

What he needs to do: break down Hillary's weak ass talking points and beat her at her own game by making her look stupid on national television. This would make him the more likeable AND articulate candidate, which would get him up in the polls and elected.

What he will do: Be a bit more articulate with his responses to Hillary but ultimately pull out all the dirt he can get his mind wrapped around. Their will be plenty of bullshit (like when he stated that Hillary has been fighting ISIS her entire adult life) as well some truthful dirt (her speeches to wallstreet that call Bernie supporters a bucket of losers, the Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky incident, her health, etc.). He will probably save some dirt for the last debate, but he will use most of it in this debate to stroke his ego and get him up in the polls.If I was his campaign manager I would tell Trump to stray away from the bullshit and focus on policy unless she brings up something about the grab the pussy audio (which she probably will) among other so called "controversies" (don't even get me fucking started) and when he does bring it up, make sure it is truthful (no more Obama/Hilary founded ISIS crap).

But hell what do I know, I'm just some guy.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Ocelot - 10-09-2016

Quote: (10-09-2016 04:09 PM)El Padrone Wrote:  

Politics doesn't concern or affect me, but I find the torture and death wish to Ryan disturbing.

TrumpenReich?? Common guys, we're better than that.

Trump threads don't exist for low-post-count users to come and virtue signal over humour they're too tone deaf to appreciate.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - iop890 - 10-09-2016

I'm on my phone, someone post a condescending gif and then link this faggot to Tumblr for me, please.

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-09-2016

[Image: 10uxr5.jpg]

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - RaccoonFace - 10-09-2016

Alex Jones live:

10/9 Presidential Debate Thread - Sam Malone - 10-09-2016

Quote: (10-09-2016 01:46 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

2. Make a common-sense argument that this is just how men (used to) talk in private, that it's harmless, good-natured fun (and that women sometimes talk like this as well, again, in good fun). This is the hardest point to get across but it can be done if he takes the right tone.

Bolded for emphasis.

This will be the one moment tonight where Trump... can't really be Trump. No eyeroll, no pout, no condescending smirk, no dismissive hand wave, or any of the other things that we here flip shit, virtual high five each other, and post memes and gifs about.

He will need to be sincere and believable beyond reproach in his delivery when addressing this. To the degree that the moderators accept this as an apology of sorts.

Once the drama surrounding that is put to rest, that gives Trump about 85 minutes to go nuclear on the Hag.