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Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-02-2016

A glorious result, quite similar to Brexit: in spite of all predictions by MSM pollsters, despite heavy communist propaganda delivered by Obama, false-Pope Bergoglio and the likes, the people has spoken, and rejected Globalism!

Colombian voters stun MSM and worldwide socialists, reject communist, pro-FARC pact: [Image: banana.gif]

Voters in a referendum in Colombia have rejected a landmark peace deal with Farc rebels in a shock referendum result, with 50.24% voting against it.

The deal was signed last week by President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc leader Timoleon Jimenez after nearly four years of negotiations.

But it needed to be ratified by Colombians in order to come into force.

A must-read:

"Talk of non-interventionism from the Venezuelan regime belies an eagerness to expand influence beyond their borders. For many years, they have had their eyes on Colombia; now the so-called Peace Agreement will open the door for 21st-century socialism, perhaps irreversibly.

The lengthy negotiation with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) proceeded under the protection of communist Cuba in Havana, after five decades of conflict with the brutal terrorists. Now the 297-page agreement is up for approval on Sunday. It needs a majority of votes and support from 13 percent of the electorate.

Beyond the impunity, the terms create the institutional and political gateway for a new member of this Bolivarian Alliance. Colombia would ignite the Chavista dream of a socialist Gran Colombia, a short-lived 19th-century republic under Simón Bolívar.

On both counts, passage looks probable. Half of constituents plan to vote, and the "yes" side has the edge in support. Many on the "no" side will abstain and discourage participation, since they deem the referendum unconstitutional.

Almost no one will read the agreement before voting, and the devil is in the details. Adamant support from Bolivarian Alliance neighbors, however, indicates what lies beneath the surface. This bloc, the brainchild of Hugo Chávez, opposes US influence in the Americas and advocates 21st-century socialism. Presidents Rafael Correa and Nicolás Maduro continue Chávez's ambition in Ecuador and Venezuela.

These regimes have some of the most suffocated economies in world and a flagrant disregard for human rights such as free speech. Venezuela came in 159th and last in the latest Fraser Institute freedom ranking, and Ecuador is not much better at 142nd.

Venezuela is now more violent and dangerous than Colombia, with regime-backed militias such as the Tupamaro. Last week a gang took over the Caracas University Hospital, and over 100 Caracas policemen have been murdered in 2016.

The Marxist FARC are overt Chavistas and have a strong presence in Venezuela — with mutual affection expressed by both Chávez and Maduro — so they have negotiated in that direction. The agreement has 161 mandates, with 114 solely on the government.

Beyond impunity, the terms create the institutional and political gateway for a new member of this Bolivarian Alliance. Colombia would ignite the Chavista dream of a socialist Gran Colombia, a short-lived 19th-century republic under Simón Bolívar.

The agreement sets up a Reconciliation Council, local councils, long-term agrarian reform, and 10 guaranteed seats for the FARC through 2022: five in both the Senate and the House. In other words, new socialist bureaucracies and guaranteed political power.

The FARC have largely boycotted past elections, but would be a force to be reckoned with. In part, they have already succeeded, since President Juan Manuel Santos's coalition included sympathizers whose priority was the agreement. They would be able to draw on drug-cartel funds, activist networks, violence and intimidation, and state propaganda from the Chavista TeleSUR. All TeleSUR presidents have been Colombian since the 2005 founding, with an eye on influence there.

The agreement prohibits drug trafficking, but some FARC fronts will likely ignore this. The like-minded guerrilla Popular Liberation Army is also ready to move into vacated territory and sustain the profits.

Further, many politicians support the FARC goal of 21st-century socialism. That includes Gustavo Petro Urrego, a former Bogotá mayor, guerrilla, and now presidential aspirant with an approval rating of 40 percent.

To make matters worse, the deal comes when Colombians are vulnerable and desperate. As Colombian Senator Iván Duque Márquez has noted, "[Colombia] has the perfect conditions for Chavista rhetoric: economic crisis and corruption."

Like other Latin American countries, Colombia already has socialist leanings. At 116th on the Fraser Institute ranking, she only needs a nudge to line up with her authoritarian neighbors.

This downward spiral would be hastened by the cost of the agreement's implementation
, which necessitates national debt and new taxes. Negotiation was in the tens of millions of dollars, but that is pennies compared to what is in store, up to $187 billion in the first 10 years. One reason is the bribe for FARC members: $700 up front and $217 per month for two years for 10,000-17,500 people.

Gushing international praise from the likes of President Barack Obama[Image: dodgy.gif] is naiveté and wishful thinking. There are reasons why former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010) rejected any concessions. He understood that there was no common ground, and that the FARC would renege on any agreement.

Colombia yearns for peace, but she need not capitulate before Latin America's most bloodthirsty guerrillas. Voters can still reject this agreement and pursue a just and lasting solution."

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - SamuelBRoberts - 10-02-2016

If the (false)-pope likes it I'm against it, so this makes me happy.

But can you give us some more context on this? I don't really follow Columbia politics.

Edit: Added false for Going Strong.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - ivansirko - 10-02-2016

Based on what i have heard and read FARC was going to have a permanent guaranteed presence in the Colombian government.


Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:18 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

If the pope likes it I'm against it, so this makes me happy.

But can you give us some more context on this? I don't really follow Columbia politics.

Please: marxist neo-K, and jealous hater of Macri, Bergoglio is not the pope, the genuine, legitimate Pope is Benedikt. There can only be one Pope, and it's Benedikt.

Anyway, false-Pope Bergoglio was in Georgia (the country) a few days ago, and from there, demanded the creation of a marxist political party in Colombia! I kid you not! The Orthodox, much respect to them, subsequently boycotted him...

I mean, it was huge: In Tbilissi, Pope-impersonator Bergoglio actually admitted that he was a marxist political activist, demanding a political party to be given to the FARC.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - MKDAWUSS - 10-02-2016

[Image: giphy.gif]

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - getdownonit - 10-02-2016

Justice before Peace

Well done announcing the 'done deal' before it was approved Santos


Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-02-2016

In Spanish, below, another article explaining why this (thwarted) capitulation of the State in favor of the FARC terrorists-cum-communists, would have been a disaster:

"¿Por qué usted apoya el No en los acuerdos de paz en Colombia?

-Voy a referirme de tres temas que yo creo que son fundamentales. El primero, el narcotráfico. No hay en los acuerdos nada referente a lo siguiente en el narcotráfico. Primero: socios. Las FARC tienen que decirnos a los colombianos y al mundo quiénes eran sus socios. Sabemos que los principales socios son: el Chapo Guzmán en México, el Cartel de Sinaloa. El otro cartel asociado a las FARC -su principal socio- es el Cartel de Los Soles, en Venezuela. Segundo: no nos han contado donde están los laboratorios. Tercero: no nos han contado cuáles son las rutas.Y por último, no nos han entregado el dinero. Se calcula que las FARC es el grupo narcoterrorista y el cartel de la droga más rico del mundo. ¿Dónde están esos dineros para reparar a sus víctimas?"

Meanwhile, furious, Bergoglio is to cancel his planned trip to Colombia.

I mean, this is yuuge news, the world just dodged a bullet: the richest drug cartel of the world (FARC) was about to become a protected, massively powerful, official political party in Colombia, with the blessing of Maduro and D. Trump' enemy, el Chapo Guzman...

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Ghost Tiger - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:26 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:18 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

If the pope likes it I'm against it, so this makes me happy.

But can you give us some more context on this? I don't really follow Columbia politics.

Please: marxist neo-K, and jealous hater of Macri, Bergoglio is not the pope, the genuine, legitimate Pope is Benedikt. There can only be one Pope, and it's Benedikt.

Anyway, false-Pope Bergoglio was in Georgia (the country) a few days ago, and from there, demanded the creation of a marxist political party in Colombia! I kid you not! The Orthodox, much respect to them, subsequently boycotted him...

I mean, it was huge: In Tbilissi, Pope-impersonator Bergoglio actually admitted that he was a marxist political activist, demanding a political party to be given to the FARC.

You are correct that Bergoglio is not the pope since the resignation of Benedict was illegal under Canon Law. But who broke the law? Ratzinger did. So he isn't pope either. There is no pope. The church is dead.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - ChemicalFreezer - 10-02-2016

This deal was such BS it can be summarize by

-- Guerilla leaders and members have a high chance of amnesty
-- FARC gets to participate in governments and parties
-- Get land ownership rights
-- Get money for the lands (and continue with the drug empire)

along with many others things things that are included in the 350 pages that no politico or person read due to its technicality. It was basically beneficial only for la FARC and not the Colombia population. Funniest parts is that it was only "farc" factions, and does not include minor guerrillas that are not called la farc that are against the government.

Also there should be a Sudaca or LATAM political thread because there some major league BS going in that region.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 07:54 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:26 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2016 06:18 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

If the pope likes it I'm against it, so this makes me happy.

But can you give us some more context on this? I don't really follow Columbia politics.

Please: marxist neo-K, and jealous hater of Macri, Bergoglio is not the pope, the genuine, legitimate Pope is Benedikt. There can only be one Pope, and it's Benedikt.

Anyway, false-Pope Bergoglio was in Georgia (the country) a few days ago, and from there, demanded the creation of a marxist political party in Colombia! I kid you not! The Orthodox, much respect to them, subsequently boycotted him...

I mean, it was huge: In Tbilissi, Pope-impersonator Bergoglio actually admitted that he was a marxist political activist, demanding a political party to be given to the FARC.

You are correct that Bergoglio is not the pope since the resignation of Benedict was illegal under Canon Law. But who broke the law? Ratzinger did. So he isn't pope either. There is no pope. The church is dead.

Benedikt "resigned" under duress, threats and blackmail.

Anyway, maybe Marine Le Pen, if and when elected, would re-instate a legitimate Pope in Avignon (France has the historic right of disavowing the popes of Rome and replace them with Conservative popes, seated in the city of Avignon.)

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Ghost Tiger - 10-02-2016

Quote: (10-02-2016 08:03 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Benedikt "resigned" under duress, threats and blackmail.

Then he is a coward. Christian martyrs throughout history have suffered far worse fates for their faith then whatever threats Ratzinger faced. His cowardice brings shame upon their sacrifices. It was incumbent upon him to show some steel in his spine. He failed.

Quote: (10-02-2016 08:03 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Anyway, maybe Marine Le Pen, if and when elected, would re-instate a legitimate Pope in Avignon (France has the historic right of disavowing the popes of Rome and replace them with Conservative popes, seated in the city of Avignon.)

That would be impressive. Might even make me like the French. [Image: wink.gif]

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Leonard D Neubache - 10-03-2016

Glorious day. If Venezuela had kept their shit together for even another year then this referendum might have sailed through but the stream of refugee Venezuelan grocery shoppers these last six months has made the people of Colombia think twice. [Image: lol.gif]

The dominoes are toppling one by one. So many collectivist initiatives are falling just short of the mark. It's beautiful to watch.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Cattle Rustler - 10-03-2016


Why is El Chalo trumps enemy? That's quite the accusation buddy.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - GetRichOrdie - 10-03-2016

My sympathies go towards all those who suffer under the disaster that is socialism and communist run dictatorships, but in the end if you don't stand up for your rights and have a limit, you end up paying the price. I look forward to the day when those people mobilize and put down the scum there

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-03-2016

Quote: (10-03-2016 01:31 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  


Why is El Chalo Trump's enemy? That's quite the accusation buddy.

You mean El Chapo? Lesser-known El Chalo (from the La Línea cartel) is already dead...

Well, El Chapo is a natural enemy of D. Trump, obviously. Because the construction of the Trump wall would destroy (well, severely hamper) El Chapo's (or El Chapo's son's) drug-trafficking business...


"As new photos revealed how billionaire cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman made his great escape from prison, Donald Trump beefed up his security detail in response to a threat the fugitive drug lord purportedly tweeted.

“We have officials all over the place, including right outside hanging out in trees,” Trump told reporters Tuesday at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Albemarle Estate, his new winery and bed and breakfast in Charlottesville, Va."

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - DrCotard - 10-03-2016

I'm Colombian and I voted NO in the referendum. My primary reason to do that was the communism project that the FARC was pretending to introduce in my country. My mother hates FARC because she knows people who have been severely affected by this group of crimininals (tortures, homicides, and many atrocities). The histories regarding FARC and the threat of globalism (topic widely discussed in this forum and Roosh's Blog) had a a very huge weight in my decision.

Also, Colombian media was starting to have a similar behavior like US media; specially (((Caracol Television))), a media outlet owned indirectly by the Santo Domingo Family thru Valorem S.A.; regarding the virtue signaling the YES and demonizing the NO. Why I mention this family? Simple: One of the TV Channel owners (Andrés Santo Domingo) is married with Lauren Santo Domingo, a woman closely aligned with the Bush Family and the globalist elite. Recently breitbart published an article who mentions her in a Crooked Hillary fundraising event in Paris:

With regards to the virtue signaling ads, I discussed this with my mom and she agreed with me in this sense.

TL;DR: I refused to vote yes, because I hate communism.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Cattle Rustler - 10-04-2016

Quote: (10-03-2016 04:09 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2016 01:31 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  


Why is El Chalo Trump's enemy? That's quite the accusation buddy.

You mean El Chapo? Lesser-known El Chalo (from the La Línea cartel) is already dead...

Well, El Chapo is a natural enemy of D. Trump, obviously. Because the construction of the Trump wall would destroy (well, severely hamper) El Chapo's (or El Chapo's son's) drug-trafficking business...


"As new photos revealed how billionaire cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman made his great escape from prison, Donald Trump beefed up his security detail in response to a threat the fugitive drug lord purportedly tweeted.

“We have officials all over the place, including right outside hanging out in trees,” Trump told reporters Tuesday at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Albemarle Estate, his new winery and bed and breakfast in Charlottesville, Va."

Yes, I meant El Chapo; I'll blame it on a typo.

Natural enemy? DTOs have no interest in who is president, as long as drugs are outlawed they are happy because it allows them to stay in business. Build the wall? El Chapo and the Arrellano Felix's have been digging tunnels for decades. Either way man, it's easy to bribe CBP agents to let drugs thru either because they are family or want money.

So can you prove that Chapo actually made that threat? It was never proven and seems to have been a made up story hyped up by the media and Trump. El Chapo is a, he has no incentive to kill someone who will bring attention to him; look up Enrique Camarena.

Trump can have all the officials hanging from trees he wants, but El Chapo has SAM 7s and IGLA 18s so it'll be an interesting battle. As we can tell from the Civil War, having something to fight for gives you immense strength.

Either way, I won't derail the thread. It's good news this didn't pass. The FARC got enough freebies as it is and letting their trash brainwash the main population would be crossing the line.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Latinopan - 10-06-2016

Quote: (10-03-2016 08:40 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

I'm Colombian and I voted NO in the referendum. My primary reason to do that was the communism project that the FARC was pretending to introduce in my country. My mother hates FARC because she knows people who have been severely affected by this group of crimininals (tortures, homicides, and many atrocities). The histories regarding FARC and the threat of globalism (topic widely discussed in this forum and Roosh's Blog) had a a very huge weight in my decision.

Also, Colombian media was starting to have a similar behavior like US media; specially (((Caracol Television))), a media outlet owned indirectly by the Santo Domingo Family thru Valorem S.A.; regarding the virtue signaling the YES and demonizing the NO. Why I mention this family? Simple: One of the TV Channel owners (Andrés Santo Domingo) is married with Lauren Santo Domingo, a woman closely aligned with the Bush Family and the globalist elite. Recently breitbart published an article who mentions her in a Crooked Hillary fundraising event in Paris:

With regards to the virtue signaling ads, I discussed this with my mom and she agreed with me in this sense.

TL;DR: I refused to vote yes, because I hate communism.

I have a question, did the USA election and the possibility of Trump being elected influenced your decision or anybody you know?

I ask because I imagine the last thing Colombians want right when Trump gets into office is being put in the same category of high risk countries terrorism from Middle East.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-07-2016

The Nobel (communist) committee had the nerve, the bloody nerve, to grant the Peace prize to Santos, who had, just a few days ago, been disavowed by his own people.

Such a glaring way, have the Globalists, to say: Fuck you all the people, fuck you democracy, we'll proceed with our agenda in spite of the will of the people!

I mean, the majority has spoken, the pro-Farc deal is rejected, but still, the Nobel commies act as if the deal was still on: total disregard for referendums and democracy!

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Traktor - 10-07-2016

Quote: (10-07-2016 06:51 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

The Nobel (communist) committee had the nerve, the bloody nerve, to grant the Peace prize to Santos, who had, just a few days ago, been disavowed by his own people.

Such a glaring way, have the Globalists, to say: Fuck you all the people, fuck you democracy, we'll proceed with our agenda in spite of the will of the people!

I mean, the majority has spoken, the pro-Farc deal is rejected, but still, the Nobel commies act as if the deal was still on: total disregard for referendums and democracy!

The 1950s called. They want their paranoia back.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Ghost Tiger - 10-07-2016

It's not paranoia if they really are trying to implement communism.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Going strong - 10-07-2016

Quote: (10-07-2016 09:37 AM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

It's not paranoia if they really are trying to implement communism.

Paranoia it isn't. The FARC leaders and Santos indeed spent tons of hours in Cuba preparing this unnatural deal. The FARC cartel leaders were in Fidel's favorite bar in La Havana during the referendum, smoking cigars in anticipation and singing the International. Paranoia? No, facts!

Also, the UN is poised to name as its head, a Portuguese communist, former leader of the International Socialist [Image: dodgy.gif] (worth its own thread!)

So yes, communism is back, big time, even at the head of the UN.

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - ivansirko - 11-12-2016

I dont read Spanish but I believe this says there is now a new agreement between the Colombian Government and FARC

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - Off The Reservation - 11-12-2016

communists and terrorists in tears

I thought you were talking about the US...

Glorious referendum victory in Colombia, communists and terrorists in tears - DrCotard - 11-14-2016

Quote: (10-06-2016 12:05 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2016 08:40 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

I'm Colombian and I voted NO in the referendum. My primary reason to do that was the communism project that the FARC was pretending to introduce in my country. My mother hates FARC because she knows people who have been severely affected by this group of crimininals (tortures, homicides, and many atrocities). The histories regarding FARC and the threat of globalism (topic widely discussed in this forum and Roosh's Blog) had a a very huge weight in my decision.

Also, Colombian media was starting to have a similar behavior like US media; specially (((Caracol Television))), a media outlet owned indirectly by the Santo Domingo Family thru Valorem S.A.; regarding the virtue signaling the YES and demonizing the NO. Why I mention this family? Simple: One of the TV Channel owners (Andrés Santo Domingo) is married with Lauren Santo Domingo, a woman closely aligned with the Bush Family and the globalist elite. Recently breitbart published an article who mentions her in a Crooked Hillary fundraising event in Paris:

With regards to the virtue signaling ads, I discussed this with my mom and she agreed with me in this sense.

TL;DR: I refused to vote yes, because I hate communism.

I have a question, did the USA election and the possibility of Trump being elected influenced your decision or anybody you know?

I ask because I imagine the last thing Colombians want right when Trump gets into office is being put in the same category of high risk countries terrorism from Middle East.

Sorry for answering so late. The USA election and the Trump campaign didn't have a heavy influence on the failed peace referendum.

In fact these are the following situations that made sunk the leftist referendum:

- Venezuela is almost a carbon copy of Cuba.
- Hugo Chavez and his leftist cronies were trying to meddle on our internal affairs and they were trying to compromise our sovereignty
- My country is traditionally right wing
- People was outraged by the excessive consessions demanded by FARC
- Cuba is an example of a failed state who embraced communism.

Actually the government is working on a new referendum, but I'm quite skeptical in the sense that the president will be cucking again for FARC.