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My engagement story - StrikeBack - 08-06-2016

Recently in the Trump thread, someone shared how Trump and his family have inspired him to want to become a patriarch, with successful children as his legacy. Count me in among the inspired. I have decided that, whatever comes next, I will be on Team Civilisation and create my own little clan to continue the good fight. I fully know the risks, and I'm backing myself to be successful, with everything I have learned.

A year ago, I met a woman that fit all the criteria Roosh described here and more: To give you an idea, here's where she's at on the list:

1. She's in the 18-25 range, almost 10 years younger than me, and is doing her last year at university as an undergraduate in a very feminine course.
2. She's a virgin.
3. She's a HB8 with long golden hair, C-cups, hour glass figure, waist smaller than my quads, long legs, thigh gap and bubble butt.
4. She's an European mix, more on the Eastern side, very white.
5. She is very feminine. Her work and hobbies are: sewing, tailoring (she's made me clothes including a kick ass sport jacket), cooking, drawing, dancing, yoga and pilates.
6. She wants to be a traditional stay-at-home wife and mother, and wants to run a few small family businesses on the side eventually. Loves cooking and cleaning for me.
7. She's a Christian who believes in woman submitting to her man, being his helper and his property (all her words, in our early dating days).

For the record, if someone is thinking of the word unicorn, I believe that the unicorn is just a horse with a dildo on its head. She is a rare find, but there were plenty of things I needed to teach her, and plenty that I will teach her in the future, to mold her into my woman.

After vetting her with all the LTR Game skills I have acquired over the years, I have decided that she is the best candidate to be my wife, my helper and the mother of my children. Through this process, I have learned and practiced many LTR Game techniques, which I'd like to share with the forum soon in other threads. This one is just about the engagement.

In the months leading up to the day, she was hinting heavily at how much she loves my last name and so on, without nagging or putting any pressure on me. I knew she'd say yes, and I had also made my decision, so I was working on the plan. Initially I was going to do so on an oversea trip (as part of my work) to a romantic location in Europe. However, I decided against it as I've always thought that a big proposal plan is putting women on a pedestal and making the occasion larger than the marriage (similar to a big wedding), and everyone I know personally who makes a big deal out of it has a miserable marriage or is divorced. I want it to be as easy going and spontaneous, led by me, as our dating has been since day one.

So one nice winter weekend night, we were walking in a nice area of the city by the river, wearing just casual smart clothes. I had not prepared for it at all, as I had not even bought the ring yet. We stopped by a bridge, under an old street lamp. The mood just seemed right. I stood there holding her, looked into her eyes for a long while, then, softly and calmly, gave her two commands: "Marry me. Take my name."

There was no bending of knees, there was no question. Just commands, from a man to his woman, as it is the natural order of things.

Her knees went weak, and I had to catch her as she fell into me. "Yes, my beloved man, yes" - she responded in my ancestral language, which she's been learning for some time, as tears rolled down her face. She cried joyfully for a good while, and then promised me how she would please me, nurture me, be my retreat and give me beautiful children. I promised to lead her, be her rock, love, protect and provide for her. We stood there kissing for a good while, then hurried back home for some epic love making that probably woke all the neighbours. It was one of the best nights of my life and hers.

For the following two weeks, I told her that until I got the ring, it was going to be a secret engagement and she could not tell anyone even our families. This turned out to be a pretty good test, as she stayed focus on us as I commanded and not bragging about it to the world, which isn't in her nature anyway. After I got the ring and put it on her finger, we slowly told our closest families, and friends, one by one in person, leaving social media dead last, and we in fact still haven't got around to that yet as neither of us uses it much.

As for the ring, I told her up front that it is just a symbol, and had it been Adam and Eve's time, I'd give her one made of grass. She agreed and understood it perfectly. It is a nice little diamond ring that I bought for about 10% of my monthly salary, and my woman looks more proud wearing it than all the women spotting rings worth 3+ months salary from their beta provider husbands combined.

When telling the engagement story to family and friends, she subtly uses the word engagement and not proposal, because I did not propose nor ask, I commanded, and she loves it that way. I also explained to her the lack of knee bending on my part: "Men should only kneel before God". In fact, she was the one dropping to her knees, and this is 100% congruent with the roles we are in as man and woman. My woman gets very hot and wet when I explain things in terms of the masculine and feminine roles to her.

Here is where many men would say goodbye to the Game. For me, here is where it truly starts, as the stake is the highest it can be. I feel perfectly natural in my role as her man and leader, and the Game is flowing through me as freely as it has ever been. It is going to be a life full of trials leading a traditional Biblical family in this world, and we will win bigly.

Make Marriage Great Again!

My engagement story - Sooth - 08-06-2016

[Image: highfive.gif]

My engagement story - Phoenix - 08-06-2016

Assumed this was going to be some horrible story about a cheating fiancée... Maybe I've been around here too long [Image: biggrin.gif]

But this story is much better!

My engagement story - Il Sorpasso - 08-06-2016

Congrats man! She does seem perfect [Image: smile.gif]
But if i am allowed to speak on behalf of the men here, then i would ask you to do one thing:
Keep in touch with the forum, and write books! Many many of them actually! We needs this kind of knoweledge and wisdom. [Image: wink.gif]

My engagement story - Phoenix - 08-06-2016

Details on how you met? Advice etc?

My engagement story - TrifeLife - 08-06-2016

Inspiring stuff man. Congratulations

My engagement story - booshala - 08-06-2016

Felicidades... I'm the furthest thing from a women's rights apologists, but sometimes the bitterness towards women on this forum gets to be a little depressing. Glad to see you're confident in making a go at it, cheers.

My engagement story - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 08-06-2016

How did you end up meeting her? I'm sure there are many people that would be interested to know.

And (it goes without saying) congratulations, as well.

My engagement story - Vinny - 08-06-2016

If I will ever make a proposal, it will be a command. Good job!

My engagement story - Noir - 08-06-2016

Congratulations mate, may you have a wonderful family and a fruitful future!

Thanks your sharing your story and all the best.

My engagement story - General Stalin - 08-06-2016

This is a lovely story and of course congratualtions, but in keeping with the culture of the forum - some sort of data sheet on how to acquire such a fine female specimen would be far more useful to everyone.

+1 on the proposal being a statement as opposed to taking a knee and asking.

My engagement story - Going strong - 08-06-2016

Inspiring and beautiful words indeed from your soon-to-be wife: "Men should only kneel before God".

[Image: 10802413_1411538169087615_1024157574_n.jpg]

My engagement story - Conquerer7 - 08-06-2016

Sitting here clapping at this. Knowing the red pill is truly the only way to successfully navigate a marriage today. All the best mate!

My engagement story - Balkanite - 08-06-2016

I knock the sanctity of marriage most of the time because it's very difficult to find a woman as you describe. But deep down I want to spread my seed and raise both sons and daughters.

This post gives me hope which is hard to have today. Thanks, cheers, and congrats.

My engagement story - Onto - 08-06-2016

Quote: (08-06-2016 03:48 PM)Balkanite Wrote:  

I knock the sanctity of marriage most of the time because it's very difficult to find a woman as you describe. But deep down I want to spread my seed and raise both sons and daughters.

This post gives me hope which is hard to have today. Thanks, cheers, and congrats.

I think deep down all of us wants to have this kind of life.

While there's always risk involved, man would've never walked on the moon and saw the world from above if it never took a hard chance.

Anything great in life worth having involves that kind of risk and StrikeBack is wiser than the average bear by far. Congrats!!

My engagement story - Easy_C - 08-06-2016

Your off to a good start. I kept thinking while reading that she's got a lot od traits in common with mine.

Just remember that the key to women like that is to be a good leader. They want to be led, and typically will want the man to be make most decisions in a decisive manner.

Also doesn't hurt to know how screw and to be able to mindfuck. One of the big things that In think helps keep my marriage stable is bedroom dominance. The ladies do talk, and while her friends and family complain about not getting off she's having so many orgasms she almost faints when standing up. Sleeping with other guys is an experience that wouldn't even register by comparison and she knows it.

My engagement story - StrikeBack - 08-06-2016

Thank you all! My knowledge is a result of learning from RVF and similar communities over the years, so gratitude to everyone who's ever contributed their experiences.

As implied in my last paragraph of the OP, I will definitely stick around and contribute. The Game now truly starts for me with the highest stake, and I need RVF and the likes to keep me grounded more than ever. I will not make the same mistakes I've seen men from these places make, that they'd leave the Game once they're married, and inevitably many end up miserable or divorced.

Easy_C: my bedroom dominance is an extension of how I lead her in general. We are also extremely compatible and have sex at least once a day. She is super orgasmic and after making love every time, she can barely stand up and walk to the bathroom, so I usually carry her there. She'd remain hot and tingly well into the day at work or university, to the point that she had to change work from a place with a few men to a place with just women, because she felt very embarrassed and uncomfortable around men. A woman who's dominated that way in the bedroom behaves perfectly loving in public, and we get stared at by everyone walking down the streets, especially with her very submissive body language melting into my frame.

Leading her comes very instinctive to me. Many guys on the manosphere think that it is hard work to keep the Game going, but I find it very natural. I love leading her, and she loves submitting to me.

My engagement story - Comte De St. Germain - 08-06-2016

OP once he's married:

[Image: giphy.gif]

No but in all seriousness

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: latest?cb=20150322203016]


So now dawg.....where can I get something like that?

My engagement story - Travesty - 08-06-2016

Orthodox Christian in Belarus.

My engagement story - Herr Lucifer - 08-06-2016

What are her FLAWS?


My engagement story - Sewage2016 - 08-06-2016

Great story. Congrats.

Now on to wedding planning!

My engagement story - StrikeBack - 08-06-2016

Will post about how we met later this afternoon, I'm out and about at the moment.

My engagement story - Mentavious - 08-06-2016

It also helps that OP is at the right point in his life. If he was a few years younger would he be able to recognize that this is the girl for him?

I know I've met a few girls that were marriage material but I wasn't even close to being able to settle down. I still need a couple of years as of now.


My engagement story - RatInTheWoods - 08-06-2016

Gratz man, and nice message of positivity and hope bringing to the forum.

My engagement story - StrikeBack - 08-07-2016

How we met: it's a combination of Game and luck.

I got dragged to a ball by my friend and wingman, as he needed my assistance to go out and meet girls. I met her on a rare night out for her, to support her cousin performing. I used a mix of dance Game and indirect approach to get to dancing and talking to her. We got along beautifully until her cousin and friends intervened to cockblock and the whole group wanted to leave early for pancakes. Luckily she sneaked back in to say goodbye to me and also she was dying to know if one of the girls I danced with was my girlfriend as that girl seemed really into me (she was). I barely had time to talk before her cousin and friends came back in to drag her away again, but not before she could memorise my full name (a decent effort as my name is fully Asian) to look me up on Facebook. From then on, I took the lead to tell her to come out with me on dates.

With her, it's always been extremely easy: I lead, she follows. I make the plans then tell her, she says yes and shows up. On the first date, after feeling very clear that I was going to kiss her that night, she switched gear suddenly and started talking about God, faith, character and principles. So we did, and for the first time in my life, I was being completely honest with a woman about those topics in my Red Pill views. In the past, I'd have made non-committal plausible deniable statements just to keep the chance of getting laid open. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that she is anti-feminist and very much believes in the masculine and feminine roles for men and women as the Bible says. It felt like I've known her forever. We changed venues, sat on a park bench at a nice spot in the city to talk some more, kissed for hours and from that day on, she's fully submitted to me. She was very excited and happy to find out about our age gap on date 2, as she wanted an older and mature man. We got physical from date 3, it took a while to start having sex because she's a virgin and was extremely tight, but as soon as we started, we've been bonking like rabbits since. She also said "I love you" first, as it's meant to be. Those early days of dating were validating every Game lesson I've ever learned about how a woman with very high interest level in you would act like.

So for those who ask where you can find a girl like that, I did not deliberately go to places where they supposedly congregate and pick one. Women at her church are nothing like her, neither are her friends. They're mostly typical Christian women that you can meet anywhere. If you want a datasheet on how to find this type of women, I don't really have one for you, as I found mine in Australia out of all places, and I have looked in similar churches for a long time. I hear (and was seriously planning to leave Australia for) they can be found in places like FSU, SEA and Latin America so that'd be your best mathematical bet. What I can say from my experience is that:

- I was at the perfect stage in my life where I was ready for this. While never a serious player, I got it out of my system and wanted to find a good woman.
- I was well prepared in skills and Game, so that the moment I had the opportunities, I could strike successfully
- I was very clear with myself what I wanted from my woman, and was communicating very frankly, without care that I might damage my chance of getting laid.

I have actually met two similar women before in my life also at dance balls, but they were not quite exactly what I was looking for, and I was not experienced enough to lead them, nor was I ready anyway. This time I believe was destiny, that God put us together, and it is a powerful thing for her to believe in also. At the time we met, I did not want to go out and was planning to leave the country. She was a woman that hardly ever went out, only had female friends, never did and never planned to do online dating.

I believe if you're going out running Game and meeting many women, you will bound to run into a good one or three eventually. It just takes clarity and reaching a certain stage in your life to recognise them and makes the correct play.