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Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Printable Version

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Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Alpha_Romeo - 06-12-2016

This is the headline from the article posted by BBC News (mainstream news outlet).

I have to ask, why is using the word "gay" relevant? It is not even known or confirmed that the attack was a hate crime against gays. It could have been a jilted (gay) lover taking his or her revenge. No one really knows at this point.

When a tragedy occurs at a normal nightclub, does the media report, "Fire at heterosexual nightclub"? No, because it's irrelevant, and what's more ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, the loss of life is tragic under these type of circumstances, but media does a disservice to such events and the victims when it tries to play on public emotions, fears, and resentment. This is just irresponsible, in my opinion.

Link to article:

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Foolsgo1d - 06-12-2016

I'm watching this now; Live feed(CNN)

A lot of information being held back for an event which occurred 2am local time?

- Rapid gunfire heard

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Atlanta Man - 06-12-2016

"Gay" is relevant because it goes to motive. When The Other Side gay nightclub in Atlanta was bombed it was a hate crime and the bomber later bombed the 1996 Olympics. Let's be honest here, a gay club being attacked by a bomb welding shooter is likely related to the fact it is a gay club. If an abortion clinic were bombed , and the news just refereed to it as a health center, wouldn't you feel they were leaving out crucial facts?

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - EDantes - 06-12-2016

Quote: (06-12-2016 03:16 AM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

This is the headline from the article posted by BBC News (mainstream news outlet).

I have to ask, why is using the word "gay" relevant? It is not even known or confirmed that the attack was a hate crime against gays. It could have been a jilted (gay) lover taking his or her revenge. No one really knows at this point.

When a tragedy occurs at a normal nightclub, does the media report, "Fire at heterosexual nightclub"? No, because it's irrelevant, and what's more ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, the loss of life is tragic under these type of circumstances, but media does a disservice to such events and the victims when it tries to play on public emotions, fears, and resentment. This is just irresponsible, in my opinion.

Link to article:
Surprise when it turns out to be an Islamic extremist. Most likely progressives in the media are hoping it's a white Christian; if it turns out to be an Islamist I expect the coverage to die down swiftly.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 06-12-2016

CNN is saying 20 dead, 42 wounded. Authorities already calling it an act of terrorism.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Buakaw - 06-12-2016

FBI says they have suggestions that Orlando shooter has leanings towards radical Islamic ideology

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Dr. Howard - 06-12-2016

Quote: (06-12-2016 06:41 AM)Buakaw Wrote:  

FBI says they have suggestions that Orlando shooter has leanings towards radical Islamic ideology

Well this will get interesting. The last time I recall a gays vs. muslims conflict was some chick mad that she couldn't get her lesbian hair cut at a barber shop in Toronto.

Islamic terror has come to the SJW, LBGT, alphabet soup shores...what will they do about it.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Dr. Howard - 06-12-2016

this reporter seems to be tweeting more details than anyone else

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Foolsgo1d - 06-12-2016

Did Trump just win the gay vote?

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - JWLZG - 06-12-2016

Quote: (06-12-2016 03:16 AM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

This is the headline from the article posted by BBC News (mainstream news outlet).

I have to ask, why is using the word "gay" relevant? It is not even known or confirmed that the attack was a hate crime against gays. It could have been a jilted (gay) lover taking his or her revenge. No one really knows at this point.

When a tragedy occurs at a normal nightclub, does the media report, "Fire at heterosexual nightclub"? No, because it's irrelevant, and what's more ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, the loss of life is tragic under these type of circumstances, but media does a disservice to such events and the victims when it tries to play on public emotions, fears, and resentment. This is just irresponsible, in my opinion.

Link to article:

Because they're the media, and they're job is to sell papers, and not only that, to hit readership targets. That's the bottom line job of a writer. No matter how hyped the headline is, or the content — and in the grand scheme of things, far more superfluous topics than this have been flogged.
An incident like this will stroke the sentiments of both the pro- and anti-gay lobbies after all, spiking readership.

It's not another gay agenda push by the elite.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - AFS - 06-12-2016

Trump should jump on this right away and make the connection to gay rights...

The insanity of gays voting for politicians who want to import thousands of Islamists who hate them and want them dead always gave me pause. Just like Jews supporting migrants, who are responsible for the largest wave of anti-antisemitism in Europe since WWII.

Of course, check the twitter feed and it's all people crying about gun control and "anti-gay bigotry."

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-12-2016

The Daily Mail is reporting that the suspect is an Islamic extremist. Their headline:

"Suspected Islamic extremist shoots dead at least 20 dead at Florida gay club after bursting in 'wearing a suicide vest' and taking hostages - injuring a further 42."

As for the "hate crime" concept: If someone inflicts violence on either of these groups or if they do it to each other, it's a "hate crime." But if they do it to you or me, it's not.

This is the biggest load of politically-biased horseshit in the history of Western Civilization. Orwell warned about this: "Some people are more equal than others." Violence is violence and attempting to mindread a "motive" is a fool's errand -- especially when the motive is (for example) "Let's rape the straight white boy" and that's NOT a hate crime simply because the state declares it's not.

So what will the P.C. crowd do now that one of their favored groups attacked another? I thought they were all going to live in some sort of multicultural nirvana once they neutered the evil oppressors with hate crime laws. OMG! Liberal heads are assploding!!!!

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - JacksonRev - 06-12-2016

I feel sorry for the EMT's and other medical personnel. There must be AIDS everywhere.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Dr. Howard - 06-12-2016

If I was on twitter to argue against the brain damaged people clamoring for gun control I'd remind them that it didn't help the people of paris or brussels

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - RawGod - 06-12-2016

[Image: 6ijiGO3.png]

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - JWLZG - 06-12-2016

Quote: (06-12-2016 07:36 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

[Image: 6ijiGO3.png]

When are we going to see the Florida flag filters coming up for Facebook?!

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Roosh - 06-12-2016

[Image: 37184522.jpg]

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Belgrano - 06-12-2016

Quote: (06-12-2016 07:19 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

The Daily Mail is reporting that the suspect is an Islamic extremist.

Trump 2016 confirmed, liberals on suicide watch.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 06-12-2016

This could easily be the worst mass shooting in American history. The police still haven't cleared the building and I'm hearing there are still bodies inside that aren't accounted for.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - iRONIN - 06-12-2016

[Image: attachment.jpg32020]   

I wonder how this is working out for them?

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - scorpion - 06-12-2016

A Muslim terrorist guns down dozens of people on American soil and yet the media outrage will pale in comparison to the story of a white swimmer who fingered a drunk girl outside a frat party.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Libertas - 06-12-2016

If it was an Islamist attack, this is going to help Trump, heartless as that sounds.

Hillary will be appealing to fear, but as I said, it's an abstract fear. Trump can trump that with a real, concrete fear.

The media outrage will pale in comparison, but Trump is going to force the Overton Window.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Buakaw - 06-12-2016

[Image: attachment.jpg32021]

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - Buakaw - 06-12-2016

He does appear to be a democratic party voter

[Image: attachment.jpg32022]   

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead - AFS - 06-12-2016

Let's embrace a new term when referencing people who defend Islam every time Muslims kill people:

Murder apologists.