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#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - kaotic - 05-24-2016

Yes you heard right, retards on Twitter want Captain America to be a shitlording faggot.


Fans are petitioning for Marvel to #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend

After a campaign was started to give Elsa from “Frozen” a girlfriend, fans are now pushing for the first LGBT Disney character to be in Marvel’s “Captain America.”

Captain America — Steve Rogers — ends up with his late girlfriend’s niece in the latest film, “Civil War,” leading fans to pose the question, “because in what world is dating your dead girlfriend's niece more acceptable than dating a guy?”

The Twitter campaign #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend reached more than 54,000 tweets on Tuesday.

And there’s much speculation that Rogers should end up with Bucky Barnes, rather than Sharon Carter.

It seems their friendship is more romance than bromance, according to fans.

And if it doesn’t work out with Bucky, there’s always fellow superhero, Iron Man — at least that’s some wishful thinking by those on social media.

The major push for an LGBT character stems from a recent GLAAD report that discovered Disney has the weakest historical record for LGBT-inclusive films.

“In 2015, Walt Disney Studios released 11 films, of which 0 included appearances by LGBT people, amounting to 0%,” the report read.

In case you don't know the history, Steve Rodgers (Captain America) had a squad of best buds who went out and fought hydra - his closest friend during that time was Bucky. Bucky allegedly "died" and then was turned in to the Winter Soldier that you see today.

[Image: latest?cb=20140505060802]

(This is a variation of the Howling Commandos)

People claim that the Cap' is gay for Bucky.

When in reality the reason Cap' has protected Bucky and fought for him is because Bucky is his BEST FRIEND since he was a kid.

Also because all his other friends and battle buddies are dead, Bucky is the only one that can really relate to the captain.

Technically after Civil War the Captain should be dead.

Anyways this is just more LGBT BS being shoved down our throats #nohomo

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-24-2016

If they do anything like that, I'm never watching a single Marvel movie again.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Rush87 - 05-24-2016

Captain Degenerate. Instead of battling villains he'll battle aids. Maybe next year we'll have "Bruce Banner: Call me Caitlyn".

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Rhyme or Reason - 05-24-2016

Why are they always pushing for shit like this in marvel / super hero films? What the fuck does it matter? Why do they need to see their fucked up life choices reflected and validated in comic book characters of all things? Fuckin' weirdos.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - The Laughing Man - 05-24-2016

I really hate these people. And by these people I mean all the faggots on twitter.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - kaotic - 05-24-2016

"But guyz they're totally just trying to normalize the orientation gap ! I mean what's wrong with little boys being loved by men ?'

You know the funny thing is I was going through some of the tweets.

These retards thing that Captain hooking up with his ex's niece is gross.

I'm pretty sure Captain America didn't even BANG Peggy Carter hence they never did "dance"

"OMG guys he's like SO OLD how could he date his ex's niece, GROSS! It's totally better that he dates another man"

Timelines apparently go right over these dimwits heads.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Captainstabbin - 05-24-2016

If fag characters are such a great idea, invent your own. Make your own fag hero movie and see how well it does.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - LeoneVolpe - 05-24-2016

Saw this video the other day on YouTube:

(WTF - SJWs freak out over Captain America's "heterosexual virility")

I wouldn't worry too much about them turning Cap gay, they tried to push to make Spider-Man bisexual a few years ago using the same kind of bullshit hashtag activism on Twitter. I won't even use Twitter anymore because it's been completely taken over by leftist bullshit.

(Stan Lee rejects making Spider-Man bisexual)

Love that clip of Stan Lee!

Bottom line: I think it drives SJWs nuts that there is something left of purity in this world. Do you know how much it has to bother theses homos to see a heroic straight white man?

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - EDantes - 05-24-2016

Don't think it'll happen, but all the more reason I'm hoping that Ghostbusters flops big time, it'll send a message to the SJWs in the film industry that the people don't want this kind of nonsense

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Foolsgo1d - 05-24-2016

Their reasoning to make him gay, with Bucky as his prostate masseuse, is similar to how they want normal straight men to be afraid of healthy relationships with other men because it may be seen as being homo.

This whole thing is to turn macho-heterosexuality into homosexual relations. Where fighting on the battlefield, competing in sports or male comrade is to be derided, mocked and made into some homo fantasy run wild.

It can all be traced back to those people who are losers, have never had any healthy relationships with a man, be it sexual, family or friend and look on with scorn when men come together to party, work together and play together.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - HornyRamone - 05-24-2016

SJWs want to turn straight characters gay. Not once have I ever heard of heterosexuals wanting gay characters to become straight.

Who are the intolerant ones stoked on the idea of supremacy?

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Mr. D - 05-24-2016

Those Twitter-campaigns have always been quite effective in changing the world.

[Image: oZ8aJ.gif]

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - realologist - 05-24-2016

If you want a gay Captain America create one. I'll even help. The first issue.

Captain LGBQTFagicka #1

Cap joins the military before gays are allowed. He comes out to a scientist that can make him super powered by only taking a nuclear dildo up his ass for 60 seconds. This happens and he becomes Captain LGBQTFagicka. He has the powers of interior design and has a pink shield and dildo for weapons.

Meanwhile a CisPatriachia scientist tries the same method but takes it in the mouth instead. He becomes skull fuck.

Skull Fuck attacks an army base and kills a bunch of soldiers. Cap must repay Skull Fuck.

Cap and his best friend Sucky are on their way to fight Skull Fuck and the evil corporation of CisPatriachia.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Mr. D - 05-24-2016

Quote: (05-24-2016 01:30 PM)realologist Wrote:  

If you want a gay Captain America create one. I'll even help. The first issue.

Captain LGBQTFagicka #1

Cap joins the military before gays are allowed. He comes out to a scientist that can make him super powered by only taking a nuclear dildo up his ass for 60 seconds. This happens and he becomes Captain LGBQTFagicka. He has the powers of interior design and has a pink shield and dildo for weapons.

Meanwhile a CisPatriachia scientist tries the same method but takes it in the mouth instead. He becomes skull fuck.

Skull Fuck attacks an army base and kills a bunch of soldiers. Cap must repay Skull Fuck.

Cap and his best friend Sucky are on their way to fight Skull Fuck and the evil corporation of CisPatriachia.

[Image: brilliant.jpg]

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - CaptainChardonnay - 05-24-2016


#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Canopus - 05-24-2016

One of the most bewildering things about these types of people is their insistence that "everyone needs heroes who are just like them!" Like there needs to be a gay superhero in order for gay men to find him admirable. Qualities like courage, wisdom, duty, honor, and sacrifice can speak across any boundary if presented well.

But at some point, these creatures decided stories need to be more like the United Nations: everyone gets a seat at a table where nothing gets done. Stories have suffered badly as a result, especially in film.

It also used to be a harsh reality for writers that it doesn't matter how moving or "progressive" your story is in your head: if the writing isn't good, the story isn't good. But that seems to have changed to fit the fashion as well. Like a wise man said:

Quote: (02-19-2015 03:30 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

The actual quality of writing is irrelevant in critical theory.

If the writing supports the desired ideology, then it's good writing.

If the writing challenges the desired ideology, then it's bad writing.

We see terrible, unbelievable, awkwardly-written, unentertaining dialogue. They see deep, intelligent genius facilitating a much needed discussion of social issues, whether the audience desires it or not.

They will never, ever see it as the terrible writing it is, which is why, over the last five years or so, I've come to except anything that is overwhelmingly-critically acclaimed to be dreadful, so simply don't bother. Critics are university-indoctrinated, and are therefore of zero use to the consumer.

These idiots want to see Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan make out Because Reasons, well, all right. We'll see just how fondly history recalls their experiment.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - samsamsam - 05-24-2016

Quote: (05-24-2016 11:48 AM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Bottom line: I think it drives SJWs nuts that there is something left of purity in this world. Do you know how much it has to bother theses homos to see a heroic straight white man?

I think it has more to do, much like feminists, to wield the power they think they have.

And this seems very much a young person thing - but if you can't match or achieve, tear down those who do/can.

Even though it is just a movie, it represents achievement, heroism, honor, integrity, loyalty. These things annoy the fuck out of most people these days because they were raised without believing in these things or raised without the knowledge or tools to be these things, yet they know these things exist. And it bothers them.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - HermeticAlly - 05-24-2016

samsamsam, you're exactly right. They hate Captain American more than others, and thus more desire to pervert him, because he's the most traditional, down-to-earth, conventionally realistic masculine man of the whole superhero bunch. His existence scares and offends them.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Paracelsus - 05-24-2016

Quote: (05-24-2016 06:57 PM)HermeticAlly Wrote:  

samsamsam, you're exactly right. They hate Captain American more than others, and thus more desire to pervert him, because he's the most traditional, down-to-earth, conventionally realistic masculine man of the whole superhero bunch. His existence scares and offends them.

Dead right. While I like DC over Marvel, I actually like Cap's movies more than the rest because he's as close as you get to a masculine, moral man in the degenerate West.

How often do you actually see this sort of scene in post-2010 films? Can't get much more authentic and NoHomo than this scene as far as I'm concerned, and it just comes across effortless.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - StrikeBack - 05-24-2016

^^ yes I find myself liking Cap's movies the most, because I realised how *rare* his character is in this day and age, plus they're all pretty damn good movies.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - cubanlinx - 05-24-2016

This'll barely make a dent.
You know who outnumbers millennial narcissistic faggots on Twitter? Normal, everyday people.
For every one person who wants this faggotry, there are ten others who question it.
#No stress #wewinning

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - uncledick - 05-24-2016

Not a chance twitter faggots, why you ask?


China is emerging as the biggest box office draw in the world. It will surpass America in the next five years and will combine the North American and European box office a few years after that.

China don't dig faggots (or non-white and Asian leads for that matter)

Same reason Bond won't be anything other than a white man. (Even tho I personally don't care, as long as it isn't a women. Gillian Anderson? pssh gtfo)

SJW bullshit and identity politics will not survive in big budget blockbusters now and certainly not in the near future.

Not when the population/wealth increases in the world are in patriarchal lands when compared to the West.

In fact I have a personal hope that the Chinese box office and emerging studios in China will bring back masculinity and old school Heroes to the big the screen ala the 1980s.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Hades - 05-24-2016

Quote: (05-24-2016 09:03 PM)uncledick Wrote:  

China is emerging as the biggest box office draw in the world. It will surpass America in the next five years and will combine the North American and European box office a few years after that.

China don't dig faggots (or non-white and Asian leads for that matter)

I like your optimism, but just as likely we're just going to see more watered-down globalist tropes and nonsensical cutaway scenes pandering to the overseas audience.

None of the top draws to China's box office in the last ten years or so have been John Wayne type movies either, and if Hollywood feels a serious need to customize it's pretty easy to cut a sixty second homoerotic scene from a movie to ship overseas.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - Rush87 - 05-24-2016

Quote: (05-24-2016 09:03 PM)uncledick Wrote:  

Not a chance twitter faggots, why you ask?


China is emerging as the biggest box office draw in the world. It will surpass America in the next five years and will combine the North American and European box office a few years after that.

China don't dig faggots (or non-white and Asian leads for that matter)

This is true. China is now the biggest box office draw. It's also why I laugh when SJW say we need more diversity in film. The Chinese don't want to watch Asian leads, female leads, diverse leads… They are the market, and they generate the profits.

Hollywood will learn soon enough when film after film tanks.

#GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend is trending on twitter - ivansirko - 05-24-2016

Its also the #1 news item on Facebook.

So much news today on all kinds of things and the #1 thing to worry about is whether a fictional character in a movie should be gay...or hell dont even worry about it.....just give him a boyfriend whether he wants it or not. Right. Idiots.

Hmmm.....there is a trend here.