Reasons to get married -
rawbeefcake - 05-24-2016
Quote: (05-24-2016 12:49 AM)Walker Wrote:
Quote: (05-22-2016 10:13 AM)Easy_C Wrote:
If you want to have kids and raise them with a joint family.
That's it....and historically, that's very literally been the only reason to ever get married. My recommendation would be to just do a church marriage and not get a civil certificate.
I saw a post just like this a couple years ago on r/TRP and the endorsed contributors were quick to tell him that western governments will force you into a common law marriage if you try that.
Do you know anything about that?
Co-habitation for greater than two years is considered somewhat equivalent to marriage in the eyes of the law (i.e. one party proves the co-habitation and have same entitlements they would have for marriage).. differs between states/countries obviously
Reasons to get married -
Rawmeo - 05-24-2016
This depends on the juridiction. In Canada, there is no such law. Even after 25 years of cohabitation, you have no more privileges.
Reasons to get married -
WalterBlack - 05-25-2016
Quote: (05-23-2016 03:04 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:
I personally look at those 5 traits, and if she doesn't match all 5 criterias, she will never be more than a fuck buddy:
1) Must be a virgin (stats prove that non-virgins are 40% more likely to file for divorce, since they won't "bond" as much as a virgin girl)
2) Must come from a complete family with both parents married, and have no half-siblings (girls follow their mom; if she comes from a single-parent household, she will do it too)
3) Must be willing to cook and massage (obviously, no need to explain this one)
4) Must agree with the "once you have kids, it's too late to divorce" idea (you get the point)
5) Must agree to draft a prenup before marriage (unless she plans to divorce-rape you)
Apart from that, it comes to looks / common interests / etc. but the 5 above criteria are the most important ones IMO, otherwise your marriage is deemed to failure.
Once you find a girl that has all 5 above criteria and is willing to take care of you, then get married.
And the most important thing: Never, ever, have kids outside marriage. We have enough single moms that just become another man's fucksock later on, we don't need more. Single moms are a society cancer like trans / gay people, so as a man, you also have the responsibility to not create more of them.
Earlier post from me:
Indian culture is very red-pill when it comes to choosing the ideal wife, here’s some bare basics of what a wife should be like. A lot of this stuff is universal to all Asian cultures.
- She must be physically attractive, young, and of fertile age
- She cannot be divorced - If she's had one divorce, she may be willing to go through another one
- She cannot be a single mother – A man shouldn’t be raising somebody else’s kids
- She shouldn’t smoke, drink or do drugs
- She must respect her parents - a sign of class and good manners
- Her parents are not divorced – If her parents are divorced, she might think about it too
- Her siblings are not divorced - If any of her siblings are divorced, she might think about it too. They have to be in stable marriages.
- She cooks and cleans for her family
- She’s a virgin – this is to make sure she hasn’t ridden the cock carousel
- She wants children and she’s willing to give up work to raise children – her career comes second to family life
- She has good manners and is well spoken
- She cannot come from a family where anybody has been to prison – this is a sign of shitty family
- She must respect her future husband's close and extended family
- She must always keep any issues with her future husband and family “in house”, and not gossip about it to others since this is disrespectful
- She must treat her future husband well. Be nice to him and cook for him
- She must treat any guests that come to the house well. Offer them drinks and food.
Reasons to get married -
RatInTheWoods - 05-25-2016
Obviously getting married is a terrible idea, unless you want to work extra hours, earn more money, take on extra responsibility and accept less freedom.
All for the woman's benefit.
Well we all know not to get married, but in Australia (and probably other western nations) they have countered "not getting married" with defacto laws.
After two years of living "as man and wife" (this doesn't even require actually living together by the way) you are considered legally married, and those evil, money grubbing lawyer cunts can serve you up and rape you in the court if she decides to change cocks. And they always do make that decision.
So all that extra work and pay and stress you endured is enjoyed by the woman and the lawyers.
So the legal system means you can not really have a two year LTR in Australia.
Reasons to get married -
Tytalus - 05-30-2016
As others have said, you want to have children and live in a nuclear family unit, the safest and best unit for raising and provisioning for children.
Reasons to get married -
Rawmeo - 05-30-2016
Quote: (05-25-2016 12:21 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:
Quote: (05-23-2016 03:04 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:
I personally look at those 5 traits, and if she doesn't match all 5 criterias, she will never be more than a fuck buddy:
1) Must be a virgin (stats prove that non-virgins are 40% more likely to file for divorce, since they won't "bond" as much as a virgin girl)
2) Must come from a complete family with both parents married, and have no half-siblings (girls follow their mom; if she comes from a single-parent household, she will do it too)
3) Must be willing to cook and massage (obviously, no need to explain this one)
4) Must agree with the "once you have kids, it's too late to divorce" idea (you get the point)
5) Must agree to draft a prenup before marriage (unless she plans to divorce-rape you)
Apart from that, it comes to looks / common interests / etc. but the 5 above criteria are the most important ones IMO, otherwise your marriage is deemed to failure.
Once you find a girl that has all 5 above criteria and is willing to take care of you, then get married.
And the most important thing: Never, ever, have kids outside marriage. We have enough single moms that just become another man's fucksock later on, we don't need more. Single moms are a society cancer like trans / gay people, so as a man, you also have the responsibility to not create more of them.
Earlier post from me:
Indian culture is very red-pill when it comes to choosing the ideal wife, here’s some bare basics of what a wife should be like. A lot of this stuff is universal to all Asian cultures.
- She must be physically attractive, young, and of fertile age
- She cannot be divorced - If she's had one divorce, she may be willing to go through another one
- She cannot be a single mother – A man shouldn’t be raising somebody else’s kids
- She shouldn’t smoke, drink or do drugs
- She must respect her parents - a sign of class and good manners
- Her parents are not divorced – If her parents are divorced, she might think about it too
- Her siblings are not divorced - If any of her siblings are divorced, she might think about it too. They have to be in stable marriages.
- She cooks and cleans for her family
- She’s a virgin – this is to make sure she hasn’t ridden the cock carousel
- She wants children and she’s willing to give up work to raise children – her career comes second to family life
- She has good manners and is well spoken
- She cannot come from a family where anybody has been to prison – this is a sign of shitty family
- She must respect her future husband's close and extended family
- She must always keep any issues with her future husband and family “in house”, and not gossip about it to others since this is disrespectful
- She must treat her future husband well. Be nice to him and cook for him
- She must treat any guests that come to the house well. Offer them drinks and food.
That's some solid advice there.
Reasons to get married -
spacetime - 05-30-2016
Those in charge are becoming desperate, because men are smartening up and they are not getting married anymore nowadays
Reasons to get married -
Laner - 05-30-2016
Kids are the obvious answer.
When the video talks so highly about men making more money per year than bachelors, he should follow up that the extra money goes right back to the kids.
At young ages, in socialist Canada, kids are free. My kid cost me $0 last year. In fact, with grant money and child benefit tax loops, I made money off my kid last year. That won't last long as he was eating an entire sushi roll and a half order of tempura at 6 months old. Food alone for growing boys is significant.
Marriage itself feels more like a socially shaming tactic to keep people beholden to their word. Nothing more. In my circle of friends and family, divorce is amazingly low. Like other posters have said, having tough men and attractive and feminine women is the key. But because divorce is very low, it keeps divorce low. So if you run with degenerate losers who come from broken homes and are divorced themselves, then why would you be socially shamed from having a divorce. The company you keep.....
Sex does drop off slightly, though it would be significantly if it wasn't for *domestic rape, and those of you in similar situations know what I mean. I made my peace with that, and she is aware of her own choice in the matter, so off I go to plunder young hot pussy when I get the itch. But this also adds some mental hurdles on its own, as it happens that men can get sucked into a beautiful vagina and not want to come out for a while. My two sidepieces, especially this Korean 9, can take up too much head space and can mess up my decision making process and hard rule:
- My family is number 1 at all times.
* our definition of rape is fast hard sex up against a wall or when she is "sleeping"
Reasons to get married -
alphaspiraton - 05-30-2016
I keep seeing that quote but it should really read "betting someone half your shit that they'll love you forever." I think that more accurately captures the essence of most divorces: women initiating divorces because their vaginas no longer tingle for their husbands. Most men don't initiate divorce because they lose love for their wife, from what I hear.
Reasons to get married -
ivansirko - 05-30-2016
The best way to raise a family is to be married. I am in such a situation myself.
However, I do not and will never shun any man who doesn't want the same. The system as it stands puts weight against any reasonable married male. Also, we have destroyed the very fabric of the family for our own personal narcissism. Selfies, abortions, crying rape, being "proud" of single motherhood are the rule of the day. Any type of divorce and the man/father becomes a money siv.
No one should ever have children if they don't want them. You do and you take it out on the kid. Resentment is not a way to raise a family. You guys don't want kids get a vasectomy.
My parents were married at their late teens and they were not pregnant at the time. They are still married into their 60's. I have no fucking clue how a 20 year old reasonable male with job prospects, good ethics and good character (and no not the "nice" guy) can ever find a reasonable woman the same age.
The video is using the statistics as a whole. That doesnt mean you should get married or "its for everyone".
Reasons to get married -
spacetime - 05-30-2016
Yes, true, about 5 in every 10 married men have to face divorce,
and every 8 in 10 divorces are initiated by women who know they have the upper hand from every point of view , in front of the court
Reasons to get married -
BlackFriar - 05-30-2016
What if the husband is a beta, insecure loser....that married a younger, attractive woman? She stayed with him...almost left him cause of his insecurity. They had kids. He is about 44 now and is getting Stage 1 diabetis. They weren't fucking any more and he was having anxiety attacks because he was "old", before this diabetis shit started. She is stressed too and she still looks good (for being 38 years old.) How long do you think it will be, before she starts riding different cocks? (Both of them are my friends.)
I hate to admit it. But if she got caught fucking another guy...I would not hold it against her. I am surprised she stayed with him this long.
Reasons to get married -
Leonard D Neubache - 05-30-2016
If you find a good woman then marriage is great. There's a lot more to life than fucking strangers, and the guarantee of sex on tap frees you up to set your mind to all sorts of other interesting pursuits.
Thing is, you have marriage and Western Civilisation or you have neither.
Nobody bitching about marriage has any business bitching about the decline of our society, except in the context of having difficulty finding a decent woman to marry.
Reasons to get married -
Khan - 05-31-2016
Quote: (05-30-2016 03:10 PM)spacetime Wrote:
Those in charge are becoming desperate, because men are smartening up and they are not getting married anymore nowadays
I think you're being overtly optimistic. Some are smartening up, that's for sure. But a majority of those men don't avoid marriage because they've realized marriage is a sham nowadays, but because they're unattractive to modern women. When I look at some 30+ unmarried guys around me, I see thirsty betas who would be more than happy to marry some plain Jane, if only she'd stop craving for alphas who use her as a sex toy.
Sure, when someone asks those guys about their views on the matter, they'll give an explanation that has some red pill connotations like for example "
modern women suck" or "
marriage isn't what it used to be". But I guarantee you, if some ho decided she wants to settle down with a beta after spending her youth riding alphas, they'd put a ring on her finger faster than you can say "alimony".
Reasons to get married -
ivansirko - 05-31-2016
Quote: (05-31-2016 02:54 AM)Khan Wrote:
Some are smartening up, that's for sure. But a majority of those men don't avoid marriage because they've realized marriage is a sham nowadays, but because they're unattractive to modern women.
I believe it is both you state but I also believe its the rise of betas.
These guys wait for girls to approach them.
But I guarantee you, if some ho decided she wants to settle down with a beta after spending her youth riding alphas, they'd put a ring on her finger faster than you can say "alimony"
absolutely but only if he has money. Lots of it.
Reasons to get married -
Guitarman - 05-31-2016
If I found such a woman, I'd marry her tomorrow!
"She must be physically attractive, young, and of fertile age
She cannot be divorced - If she's had one divorce, she may be willing to go through another one
She cannot be a single mother – A man shouldn’t be raising somebody else’s kids
She shouldn’t smoke, drink or do drugs
She must respect her parents - a sign of class and good manners
Her parents are not divorced – If her parents are divorced, she might think about it too
Her siblings are not divorced - If any of her siblings are divorced, she might think about it too. They have to be in stable marriages.
She cooks and cleans for her family
She’s a virgin – this is to make sure she hasn’t ridden the cock carousel
She wants children and she’s willing to give up work to raise children – her career comes second to family life
She has good manners and is well spoken
She cannot come from a family where anybody has been to prison – this is a sign of shitty family
She must respect her future husband's close and extended family
She must always keep any issues with her future husband and family “in house”, and not gossip about it to others since this is disrespectful
She must treat her future husband well. Be nice to him and cook for him
She must treat any guests that come to the house well. Offer them drinks and food."
Reasons to get married -
Guitarman - 05-31-2016
The only criteria I do not consider vital is that she should not drink. A moderate drinker is fine by me as I love my beer too!
This is probably why I'm in my early 50's and still happily un married!
Reasons to get married -
spacetime - 05-31-2016
There are thousands of benefits for women to get married.
Getting half of her husband wealth in case of anything, and then a support and alimony
for the next 18 years, without much effort... are just few of her advantages.
Advantage for a man to get married: none.
Just pain and misery for him.
Reasons to get married -
Leonard D Neubache - 06-01-2016
Quote: (05-31-2016 08:07 AM)spacetime Wrote:
There are thousands of benefits for women to get married.
Getting half of her husband wealth in case of anything, and then a support and alimony
for the next 18 years, without much effort... are just few of her advantages.
Advantage for a man to get married: none.
Just pain and misery for him.
Show me a man who thinks marriage is a guarantee of misery and I'll show you a man who's mother was a shitty wife.
Hard truths, buddy.
Reasons to get married -
Easy_C - 06-01-2016
Quote: (05-30-2016 03:10 PM)spacetime Wrote:
Those in charge are becoming desperate, because men are smartening up and they are not getting married anymore nowadays
Nothing could be further from the truth. Those with a socialist ideology, all the way back to the founding fathers hanging out in Parisian cafes, have openly argued the need to destroy the nuclear family so that children can be raised as wards of the state. It's necessary as well to achieve social equality because family allows parents to pass on advantages to their children. In modern parlance you could call it "good family privilege".
The exact state of affairs is only one step removed from the ultimate goal. With a majority of families being single mother households, the parent works all day and has no father figure to serve as a "guiding beacon" for developing their values, character, and ethic. Instead they receive their values from school, television, and MAYBE a single mother who is herself of below average character (at best). Many others are "latchkey kids" who rarely see their parents except on vacation because both parents are constantly working.
In both instances you're going to have kids who do not develop their own unique identities and values, but instead are (hopefully, at least) fully imprinted with the values that the state and media push on them. The only real difference between this and a fully state-run system like in Sparta is that the children still get to sleep in their own beds...which benefits the state because they offload the majority of the expense but still have near total control over the ideas they're exposed to.
The end result is your modern SJW: militant in his beliefs, unwilling to self improve, and eager to work for peanuts in unrewarding jobs because he believes poverty is a virtue.
Reasons to get married -
Orion - 06-01-2016
Quote: (06-01-2016 05:26 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:
Show me a man who thinks marriage is a guarantee of misery and I'll show you a man who's mother was a shitty wife.
Hard truths, buddy.
This is a rather plain and obvious attempt to silence someone by way of shaming.
You see, problem with such statements is that they:
1) Absolutely don't stand in opposition to anything he originally said. Sentence that some women are "great wives" (an obscured definition with no quantitative, objective measure) don't contradict statement that modern marriage (in rest of the text simply marriage) is completely stupid, and an awful deal for men
2) They entirely depend on accepted cultural norm. Good wife for example, by Western norm, is a stupid woman, with no skills, with lack of genuine interest in anything not completely superficial, shallow or status related, who feels nothing but contempt for her husband, which happens to not let her children starve and miss school classes, and won't divorce her good earning husband easily.
As westerners, with confirmation bias, we consider above described model to be the "normal" the "golden middle" and a "good deal", the best you can get.
And then, the question above all questions is opened. Why should we settle for anything, at all ? It remains unanswered. The only thing left is to bash those who dare ask the question of questions with shaming language. Your mom sucked, you are insecure, misogynist, appeals to tradition sentimentality patriarchy and anything else a deceived man will fall for (anything works really, the just need to find out what makes him move), as long as he will for just a split-second forfeit any claims to
facts, facts, facts. Demagogy will never beat facts.
Reasons to get married -
jibj - 06-01-2016
Quote: (05-24-2016 12:11 PM)Rawmeo Wrote:
This depends on the juridiction. In Canada, there is no such law. Even after 25 years of cohabitation, you have no more privileges.
Actually, this varies by province and you should definitely look it up.
Reasons to get married -
BlackHat - 06-01-2016
I agree with this video.
But I'm against marriage for now until alimony laws are changed.
Family is precious, having kids is the most amazing thing in the world probably.
But the chance of losing half of your assets in case of a divorce would be devestating especially if your wife turned out to be a cheating whore.
I'm 26 and confused, I want to have kids but I don't want to marry.
I don't believe in prenups as they can be invalidated by the judge.
It's obvious that people who are married tend to be more successful than people who aren't.
The only famous single multi millionare that comes to my mind is Martin Shkreli.
Elon Musk
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Warren Buffett
Mark Zuckerberg
Google founders
All of them were married.
I became a first hand witness of it. My dads career took off once he got married.
Reasons to get married -
EDantes - 06-01-2016
Just get married off the books, the state has no right to have a say in marriage; I don't understand why so many people, especially wealthy people who should be smarter than that feel that they need to have their marriage officialized by the state. There is a myth that if 2 people cohabitate for X number of years it automatically becomes a common law marriage, but this is actually false.
Reasons to get married -
Laner - 06-01-2016
Quote: (06-01-2016 04:07 PM)EDantes Wrote:
Just get married off the books, the state has no right to have a say in marriage; I don't understand why so many people, especially wealthy people who should be smarter than that feel that they need to have their marriage officialized by the state. There is a myth that if 2 people cohabitate for X number of years it automatically becomes a common law marriage, but this is actually false.
I am surprised to hear that. Are you referring to a couple without kids?
I dated a woman who was married at 21 and divorced at 27. The judge ordered their debt split down the middle, which she said sucked for her because he accrued most of the debt trying to start a business.
Purely anecdotal, but without kids Canadian judges are mostly very fair.