Reasons to get married -
Orion - 05-22-2016
Man should not produce any children to a society that does not grant him supreme power over his household and wife. Full stop.
Reasons to get married -
FireStarter - 05-22-2016
This video argues it's case by presenting only the positives of getting married. (Not sure that working significantly more is a positive but that's how it's presented). And most of the positives are best case scenarios, there's no guarantee that you're going to earn more money if you're married.
There's absolutely no point in the video where he addresses any of the risks involved in marriage. Or any of the disadvantages. If you had the time you could easily tear apart each one of his arguments.
Reasons to get married -
CRR - 05-22-2016
The overall point makes sense, but of course it puts all the responsibility on the man.
I have several friends who are happily married. What they all have in common is that they have a humble, fit, supportive wife. Not a fat, ball busting feminist cunt of a wife.
It's as I've always said, more men would be married if not for the fact that there are so many unmarriiageable women. Men don't want a dumpy, shrill, selfish, self important mid-30s cubicle jockey. Yet we've read countless articles printed in the mainstream media written by women like this, and yet we still are told to 'man up'.
At least here, we know how to 'man up'. It means to keep yourself in shape, your finances in order, and your game tight. And if a man does that, he can continue to casually date women in there 20s no problem. So along with the previously mentioned divorce rules that favor women, what incentive is there to get married? To have a family, sure. But again, considering that there are so many unmarriiageable women, the odds are not great.
So again, yes it is important for men to hold up their end of the bargain. But it's long past time for women to get called out to do the same. And this doesn't mean that women get to choose what makes them marriage material. Men will decide that, just like they do for us. Marriage material is a sweet, humble, feminine wife who is supportive, selfless and cares about her appearance. Marriage material is not some worn out, mid-career aggressive hussy who is proud of her three abortions and fifty feet of cock.
It would be wise for women to remember that for all of the standards and demands that are placed on us, the likewise is true as well, and this should make them very nervous and question the feminist lies they've been fed.
Reasons to get married -
BassPlayaYo - 05-22-2016
Is bachelor life really the good life? Playing the field, traveling the world, and focusing on career sounds better than tying the knot. But is it possible that married men have more sex and make more money than their single counterparts? Brad Wilcox, sociologist at the University of Virginia, explains.
This is the description at the bottom of the video on youtube. The video opens with a story about a guy that's working a minimum wage job living in his mom's basement. Note he's not playing the field, traveling the world or focusing on his career.
Reasons to get married -
Elster - 05-22-2016
So far the only valid reason I ve found for actual marriage as in legal, are residence permits /green cards in the case of alien men in foreign countries.
Reasons to get married -
Easy_C - 05-22-2016
If you want to have kids and raise them with a joint family.
That's it....and historically, that's very literally been the only reason to ever get married. My recommendation would be to just do a church marriage and not get a civil certificate.
Reasons to get married -
Durango - 05-22-2016
Many men would be willing to marry if they were getting 18-20 year old virgins, whose work would be taking care of the home and children, rather than their labor being taxed and benefiting a corporation. Also, the promise of being married for life being legitimate, without a chance of divorce (excluding deaths, crime, etc)
The current social system disincentives men to be married, and telling men to "man up and marry those sluts" is not what I would call persuasive. Where are the videos telling women to "be a woman, get married," disavow careerism, higher education, and devote their lives to their men, children, and family?
Reasons to get married -
Guriko - 05-22-2016
Family is the only reason to get married. I believe the most stable building block of a great civilization is a family bonded closely together with the help of a holy ceremony. Not a civic ceremony. Fuck the state when it comes to this matter, but a holy one. A symbolic one where the man holds the power and the responsibility. His wife is to be loyal and live to please him. If she does not hold her end of the bargain than the man also needs not to uphold his promises and may seek for greener pastures.
But we all know how the whole thing is engineered today.
Reasons to get married -
Pride male - 05-22-2016
Constant sex.
Mental health.
Tax breaks.
Someone to look after you when sick or old.
Societal pressure.
Money, if she has it,
Spur of the moment.
Reasons to get married -
LouEvilSlugger - 05-22-2016
Marriage is a not celebration of love. It's a legal structure to a start a family.
Reasons to get married -
BassPlayaYo - 05-22-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 11:01 AM)LouEvilSlugger Wrote:
Marriage is a not celebration of love. It's a legal structure to a start a family.
It's just a legal can start a family without being married and you'd still be liable for child support.
Reasons to get married -
Cobra - 05-22-2016
Me: a guy that's been married almost 9 years.
-3 beautiful kids and a wife who I love and cherish.
-A wife that's absolutely dedicated to me and willing to listen. This was not always the case and it's because of the forum and red pill that I got her there.
-Someone that understands me better than even I do.
-Being patient with me through some very rocky even destructive times making me a better person as well.
-A life that in and of itself is a motivating factor that makes me work harder and build a bigger and bigger book of business at work.
-I can't be an international playboy like you guys. Believe me I've tried (see: any post of mine from a year ago, eg Approach Thread)
Am I regretful I didn't learn game before I was married and slept with a slew of women. Absolutely yes. However, am I glad that I have a healthy family life that I'm coming to terms with. Resoundingly, yes.
I'll say this. Knowing me and how obsessed I was with game, I probably would have let it overtake my motivation for true self improvement (eg doing a better job at work for myself and my family). I would have been constantly thinking of pussy and let it affect all other aspects of my life. It was a shallow source of motivation then, and it would be a shallow source today if I would not have realized it.
My point is that if you want a traditional life and want to raise children in a healthy family environment, you can have that, even if it's not in America or any progressive western culture. I just don't believe sleeping with a bunch of random women overtakes this in its most genuine form. It gets your dick wet over and over but what's there beyond that? It's gotta get like groundhog day for some guys.
Reasons to get married -
Brodiaga - 05-22-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 06:46 AM)Steve H Wrote:
I was married for 23 years. There were pros and cons
She will take all of your shit in a divorce. But, no matter. You don't need all the crap to be happy. I had a 3800 sq ft McMansion. Now, I live in a 600 sq ft apartment and I love it. As long as your cock still works, everything is good.
Here's the problem, though. Men these days have very little room for error.
Decades ago, a man could get a degree without accumulating 5-6 figures in student debt, then get a stable job, buy a house without worrying too much about losing that job and not being able to pay his mortgage or having to move elsewhere to get a new job. He could afford to deal with the consequences of bad decisions or bad luck, such as getting divorced and having to pay alimony and child support. He could still get back on his feet after falling down.
Good luck with that now. Many younger guys can't afford a 600 sq ft apartment even though they've never been married and divorced. Education and health care are many times more expensive as a %age of income.
Unless you come from money, you have very little or no room for error. Getting divorced and having to pay child support/alimony means having to work until your 60s hoping you don't get fired and replaced by a young somewhere Bangalore or Manila who gets paid less than the total cost of your health insurance.
In this new gig economy, you can only rely, to some extent, on your accumulated assets to generate income and pay your bills when you get old and unemployable. Getting divorced, especially if you have children, can easily result in losing half or more of your assets and having to pay the equivalent of another mortgage for the next 18 years. There are people out there who can afford it. I'm definitely not one of them.
Reasons to get married -
therealpoder - 05-22-2016
The only benefit I see out of marriage is having a healthy environment for your children. All the other benefits aren't really benefits at all, such as working more. And then the other benefits can be obtained without marriage.
What's most annoying about these videos and articles is that they don't attempt to analyze why men aren't marrying. All it is is shaming. Maybe they are very oblivious. Or naybe they feel that if they tell the truth about modern dating they would piss of women and feminists.
Reasons to get married -
Sumanguru - 05-22-2016
The guy who made the video wrote a follow-up article supporting the vid.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d earn the ire of a character named Turd Flinging Monkey, the nom de plume of a popular online men’s rights activist. A leader in the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement, which encourages men to avoid romantic relationships with women, Monkey did not take kindly to my new Prager University video talking up the benefits of marriage for men. In the video, I noted, among other things, that married men work harder (about 400 more hours), smarter (they’re less likely to quit without having found another job), and more successfully (they make about $16,000 more per year) than their single peers. I described these as features, not bugs, of married life for men.
monkey masculinity
In response, in a video of his own, Monkey unloaded on marriage, arguing that the things I had described as features of marriage were in fact bugs.
For men, marriage equals slavery: “Marriage, in essence, is a man choosing his slave master.”
For men, marriage equals unrequited sacrifice: “So married men work 400 hours more per year than single men; that’s not a good thing. They’re not hanging out with their friends… They’re sacrificing their life for other people. Now, you may think that’s noble, but that’s not a benefit for the man.”
For men, marriage equals emasculation: it means “giving a woman power over your life, power over your income.”
And above all, for men, marriage equals a soul-destroying divorce: “talk to the men in MGTOW who have had their wallets ripped out their a** in family court. Go to the graves of men who killed themselves after they were unemployed and couldn’t afford child support and faced jail. Talk to those men about how wonderful marriage was… Ask them about the hundreds of hours they work extra each year to avoid going to prison because they owe so much child support or alimony that they gotta move in with their parents.”
This is Turd Flinging Monkey’s view of marriage. And judging by the thousands of internet comments and emails my video making the case for marriage to men has garnered, I’d say his perspective resonates with a substantial minority of men. There are lots of men out there who harbor a deeply misogynistic view of the opposite sex, an unremittingly negative view of love and commitment, and a complete lack of faith in marriage to deliver on their deepest dreams and desires.
Some of this, it seems, is about a kind of Peter Pan syndrome, where guys don’t want to grow up and settle down. Some of it is about a kind of individualistic hedonism, where guys don’t want to forego the opportunity to set their own work hours, hang out with their friends on their own terms, and score as much with the ladies as they can. One correspondent, a 29-year-old man named Craig, put it like this: “I bet I’m getting a lot more with high quality women with no commitment” than the average married guy, adding that he has time to “work out and exercise because I don’t work those 400 extra hours a year” that married guys typically do (responding to a point Robert Lerman and I noted in a recent AEI/Institute for Family Studies report).
But a lot of this negativity toward marriage is about divorce. The stories and the invective I’ve heard in response to my video make clear that a lot of the MGTOWers think marriage is a bad bet for men. It’s a bet that often ends with the man losing primary custody of his kids, a substantial share of his assets, and control of a large fraction of his income. Social scientists estimate that about 42 percent of first marriages end in divorce and about 66 percent of divorces are initiated by women. This means that a lot of men are divorced unwillingly, sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for not-so-good reasons.
It’s the experience of divorce, or the expectation of divorce, that leaves many men reluctant to tie the knot.
It’s this experience of divorce, or the expectation of divorce, that leaves many men reluctant to tie the knot. In Craig’s words, “I’m currently dating an attractive girl who treats me very well compared to my friends’ girlfriends but I would never get married… nor will I ever have kids with any woman unless guaranteed 50-50 custody with no child support was made into [family] law as it should be.” Needless to say, given the character of family law today, Craig is unlikely to be heading to the altar anytime soon.
The outpouring of rage, pain, and despair my video triggered suggests that one unintended fruit of no-fault divorce, and the larger divorce revolution of which it was part, is that a large minority of men are increasingly ambivalent towards or openly hostile towards virtues like sacrifice, commitment, and love—not to mention women and the institution of matrimony. And judging by the emails, comments, and videos my Prager University video engendered, many of these men think the best they can do is score with lots of women rather than settle down with one woman (and then be discarded). In the words of one correspondent, “I’d rather just pump and dump women then be the sucker left with the tab.” These men’s orientation to marriage is the inverse parallel of the ambivalence and hostility that a large minority of women now have towards men and marriage (cf. Kathy Edin and Maria Kefalas’ Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage).
One tragic consequence of what we might call the Maxim Masculinity view of love and marriage is that fewer men will seek to cultivate the virtues that make them good lovers and husbands, to their detriment and to the detriment of the women in their lives. Another tragic consequence is that more men will end up uncared for, unhappy, and unhealthy in later life—that is, if they make it into late life: unmarried men live almost 10 years less than stably married men. (Needless to say, findings like these suggest that for most men, marriage bears little resemblance to slavery.) And the biggest tragedy of all is that many of these men will end up having sons who end up just as disconnected from women, marriage, and family life as their MGTOW fathers.
Thanks, divorce revolution.
Bradford Wilcox is senior fellow of the Institute for Family Studies and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. He is the coauthor of For Richer, For Poorer: How Family Structures Economic Success in America.
--Didn't take long for the misogyny card to come out.
--I'm seeing a lot of blaming of men here, no criticism of women. Nor do I see the criticism causing him to take a moment to self-reflect, and perhaps ask a few men about why they're so vehemently against marriage. I'm a regular lurker over at Dalrock's website, where I often read "Man Up and Marry!" screeds like this one, and they have the same problem that this one has--none of them actually *talk to* the men they are telling to man up. They talk *at* those men, and wonder why the men ignore them or tell them to STFU.
--He brings up *some* of the criticisms leveled against the video, but doesn't address them. While a guy working hundreds of extra hours a year is undeniably a good for society, and for the family he's supporting, how exactly is being a societal wage slave with no freedom a good thing *for the men himself*?
--He acknowledges that the Divorce Industrial Complex (I just realized what that acronym is, lol) takes a lot of blame for men not wanting to marry, but he doesn't actually offer any solutions for men in this regard. Nor does he temper his enthusiasm for marriage in the previous part of the article with this new revelation of danger (divorce) brought to light. Therefore by his own admission he is encouraging men to the marriage slaughter.
Reasons to get married -
Orion - 05-22-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 10:13 AM)Easy_C Wrote:
My recommendation would be to just do a church marriage and not get a civil certificate.
That's one thing people are most deluded about.
There is no such a thing as "just Church marriage". If you think it doesn't count when it gets to court, judge will beg to differ.
And another thing.
Why does everyone immediately link bachelorhood to "travelling, getting laid, experiencing stuff, stacking money".
That is a basic propaganda against bachelorhood. "Nah, he just want's to see stuff and isn't ready yet to settle down" (lose basic human decency).
People can be bachelors and lead a perfectly, stable, sober, prosperous, organized lifestyle, without burning in desire too much. It is true that many bachelors live really untidy and unhealthy, but that is usually the case with bachelors by fortune, rather than those who willingly opt out of "marriage" (the sad state of affairs that they sell as marriage these days).
Reasons to get married -
Brodiaga - 05-22-2016
The argument about marriage as a way to become a more "serious", responsible and hard working man is similar to an argument that you need a full time job to keep you from fucking up your life by waking up at 2pm, drinking or smoking weed every day. Those who make these arguments basically mean that we are too irresponsible to handle freedom, that we are basically slaves and need a master to keep us out of trouble. While there are people like that out there, I will never subscribe to this way of thinking. I am mature and responsible enough to deal with freedom and make my own choices.
Reasons to get married -
Orion - 05-22-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 04:05 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:
Those who make these arguments basically mean that we are too irresponsible to handle freedom, that we are basically slaves and need a master to keep us out of trouble. While there are people like that out there, I will never subscribe to this way of thinking. I am mature and responsible enough to deal with freedom and make my own choices.
This way of thinking mind you, isn't only present in love "affairs". It's everywhere, and has infiltrated every pore of every thought and action. And those who sort of oppose it, oppose it in rebellion and decadence, making things even worse.
To current state of affairs, nothing is more repulsive than free, independent, sober judgment. Even if you are to reach desirable conclusion, you better reach it via "opinion creators".
The devil pulled a dirty old trick, he didn't just let us get away easily. Instead of forbidding marriage, something that would logically be upon mind of progressives as a sign of old, feudal, dark age way of life and oppression, he simply made marriage a comic, cruel, sad mirror image of itself.
Modern marriage hence resembles the spirit of devil himself. It's full of backstabbing, cruelty, scheming, lies, greed, materialism, hypocrisy, sloth...
Reasons to get married -
General Stalin - 05-22-2016
Video is very cherry picked. Fuck all that.
was great in the 1960's and earlier, when men were men, women were women, and raising a family in a modest home was the American dream. No.6 already stated the real reason why people aren't getting married anymore - or are getting married later than before.
This video is going after men who aren't married. Who the fuck are they supposed to marry? Most of the Generation Y women I meet don't want to get married or have kids. Kids "get in the way." They want to pursue higher education and soul-sucking corporate careers so they can make money and live fun/exciting lives full of travel, cool experiences, and whatever other shallow hedonism they get wrapped up in.
Society programs youth to be anti-family. It's everywhere you look. All young boys and girls are raised to believe going to college, getting into a "fulfilling" career, and having a life full of fun and exciting experiences is the way you're supposed to live. What incentive is there to get married? Male/female interaction these days is so shallow, casual, cold, and devoid of respect and selflessness. Men and women don't know how to be with one another. There's no desire to have a family so what is the point? You fuck and get tired of eachother then move on. Relationships are not consummated by child rearing - and more than half of the ones that are end up in the shitter in just a few years because of the rampant narcissism of people thinking they can "do better" and treating their marriage vows and family unit like a disposal thing.
It's no secret that men get fucking raped in divorce court. 80% of divorces are initiated by women, and a lot of those divorces are no-fault cases where the woman just doesn't feel like being with her husband anymore.
The institution of marriage in America has become less of a consummation of love for a man and more of a roll of the dice. Actually... looking at the statistic, more like the flip of a coin.
Reasons to get married -
Rawmeo - 05-23-2016
There is no reason to get married
in the Western world where the laws are on the woman's favor. However, if you live in a part of the world where people know how to maintain their culture, then you can get married. If you get married
without a proper prenup, you are betting half of your shit on the mood of your woman. Maybe you will win, maybe you won't. It's a guess to take.
If you choose to live in a traditional place like EE or SEA, then you will need to get married before starting a family. The problem with most divorce-rape cases is that men didn't make proper research on his wife before saying yes. I personally look at those 5 traits, and if she doesn't match all 5 criterias, she will never be more than a fuck buddy:
1) Must be a virgin (stats prove that non-virgins are 40% more likely to file for divorce, since they won't "bond" as much as a virgin girl)
2) Must come from a complete family with both parents married, and have no half-siblings (girls follow their mom; if she comes from a single-parent household, she will do it too)
3) Must be willing to cook and massage (obviously, no need to explain this one)
4) Must agree with the "once you have kids, it's too late to divorce" idea (you get the point)
5) Must agree to draft a prenup before marriage (unless she plans to divorce-rape you)
Apart from that, it comes to looks / common interests / etc. but the 5 above criteria are the most important ones IMO, otherwise your marriage is deemed to failure.
Once you find a girl that
has all 5 above criteria and is willing to take care of you, then get married.
And the most important thing: Never, ever, have kids outside marriage. We have enough single moms that just become another man's fucksock later on, we don't need more. Single moms are a society cancer like trans / gay people, so as a man, you also have the responsibility to not create more of them.
Reasons to get married -
Speculation - 05-23-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 01:20 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:
The guy who made the video wrote a follow-up article supporting the vid.
--Didn't take long for the misogyny card to come out.
--I'm seeing a lot of blaming of men here, no criticism of women. Nor do I see the criticism causing him to take a moment to self-reflect, and perhaps ask a few men about why they're so vehemently against marriage. I'm a regular lurker over at Dalrock's website, where I often read "Man Up and Marry!" screeds like this one, and they have the same problem that this one has--none of them actually *talk to* the men they are telling to man up. They talk *at* those men, and wonder why the men ignore them or tell them to STFU.
--He brings up *some* of the criticisms leveled against the video, but doesn't address them. While a guy working hundreds of extra hours a year is undeniably a good for society, and for the family he's supporting, how exactly is being a societal wage slave with no freedom a good thing *for the men himself*?
--He acknowledges that the Divorce Industrial Complex (I just realized what that acronym is, lol) takes a lot of blame for men not wanting to marry, but he doesn't actually offer any solutions for men in this regard. Nor does he temper his enthusiasm for marriage in the previous part of the article with this new revelation of danger (divorce) brought to light. Therefore by his own admission he is encouraging men to the marriage slaughter.
Like you said, his response is just a diatribe of shaming language and 'poisoning the well'.
His only real rebuttal is that married men live longer, but there's no examination of happiness or the quality of life of those men. Its all about how men getting married benefits others rather than themselves.
Just another SJW doubling down.
Reasons to get married -
Orion - 05-23-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 05:06 PM)General Stalin Wrote:
Video is very cherry picked. Fuck all that.
Marriage was great in the 1960's and earlier, when men were men, women were women, and raising a family in a modest home was the American dream. No.6 already stated the real reason why people aren't getting married anymore - or are getting married later than before.
People from the rest of the world noticed even in the first half of 20th century, that American women will easily divorce their men for the most absurd reasons. America was leading degeneracy even back then.
It's no secret that men get fucking raped in divorce court. 80% of divorces are initiated by women, and a lot of those divorces are no-fault cases where the woman just doesn't feel like being with her husband anymore.
Yes, but you forget that facts don't matter !
You see, number 1 enemy of sobriety of every man is sentimentality. Sentimentality is the number 1 way to get you skinned. And don't mix sentimentality with emotions or empathy. These things have purpose. But sentimentality does not have any. The only purpose of sentimentality is to skin otherwise healthy and promising men and turn them into wage slaves.
Sentimentality is devoid of any reason. Sentiment - it is what was, what could have been but simply isn't and will never be. It's made of all those romantic images of the past. That dim memory, that feeling - man will gladly fill his cup with it and then drink until he is completely knocked out and unable to make sane, correct judgement. It will make him think that his marriage (a social institution) will be determined by what he puts in it, that his children, who spend 70% of their time under influence of state and their peers will be shaped to be the kind of persons he wants them to be, that when his children prove to be unruly, disobedient and going wrong way, that it's 'every parent's experience" and that he just has to put up with it and get over it and love his children no matter what, that it is OK for children to be lazy, immature, to spend most of their time in improvised gangs. You know it's all love. Flowers, and love and scent of fragrance in the air. That old whore, sentimentality.
And i don't care what your position is on immigration, taxes, religion, abortion, Trump. In the end, when it comes to
modern marriage, they all agree it's great deal, you go boy: Catholic Church, actors, feminists, President, Secretary of State, proud son of the South, the KKK, musicians, baptist preachers, Lutheran preachers, Mormons, Bill Gates, the whole fucking hodgepodge. To them, radical changes in marriage practice never actually happened. They never tuned up to 21th century to check out how does marriage fare over here since well... Victorian Era ?
And when you point things out, black on white, letter for letter, you get slapped in the face with a complete non-answer which doesn't even pretend to answer question you asked. Remember, their goal is for you to dismiss facts and stats, any way that is possible. Whatever will make you for one moment to forget reality, works.
Reasons to get married -
rawbeefcake - 05-24-2016
Quote: (05-23-2016 03:04 AM)Rawmeo Wrote:
There is no reason to get married in the Western world where the laws are on the woman's favor. However, if you live in a part of the world where people know how to maintain their culture, then you can get married. If you get married without a proper prenup, you are betting half of your shit on the mood of your woman. Maybe you will win, maybe you won't. It's a guess to take.
If you choose to live in a traditional place like EE or SEA, then you will need to get married before starting a family. The problem with most divorce-rape cases is that men didn't make proper research on his wife before saying yes. I personally look at those 5 traits, and if she doesn't match all 5 criterias, she will never be more than a fuck buddy:
1) Must be a virgin (stats prove that non-virgins are 40% more likely to file for divorce, since they won't "bond" as much as a virgin girl)
2) Must come from a complete family with both parents married, and have no half-siblings (girls follow their mom; if she comes from a single-parent household, she will do it too)
3) Must be willing to cook and massage (obviously, no need to explain this one)
4) Must agree with the "once you have kids, it's too late to divorce" idea (you get the point)
5) Must agree to draft a prenup before marriage (unless she plans to divorce-rape you)
agree on almost all but would say virgin is unrealistic today. even dedicated religious gals get banged when they are young and dumb. if theres no virgins, i think you'd be okay with a girl who has low numbers and hasn't been near a dick in ages (years and years) aka living a virgin lifestyle.
in my experience: the biggest thing is to make sure she knows that divorce would NEVER go down. marriage has to be 100% permanent. obviously one convo is not be enough to work out if a girls actually believing that. they have to know that no matter what happens (cheat, loss job/money, mad fighting) it has to be worked out.
if a girl knows its 100% irreversible then they know that if them or their man aren't satisfied, behaviours must change instead of divorce. More likely to work towards being a good wife instead of bailing on the fella
most important thing for a regular guy to do besides the basics is be ambitious and proactive about their goals + mission in life otherwise their girl will always be unhappy. so many of my mates never get the memo with that one though
Reasons to get married -
Walker - 05-24-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 10:13 AM)Easy_C Wrote:
If you want to have kids and raise them with a joint family.
That's it....and historically, that's very literally been the only reason to ever get married. My recommendation would be to just do a church marriage and not get a civil certificate.
I saw a post just like this a couple years ago on r/TRP and the endorsed contributors were quick to tell him that western governments will force you into a common law marriage if you try that.
Do you know anything about that?
Reasons to get married -
N°6 - 05-24-2016
Quote: (05-22-2016 10:07 AM)BassPlayaYo Wrote:
Is bachelor life really the good life? Playing the field, traveling the world, and focusing on career sounds better than tying the knot. But is it possible that married men have more sex and make more money than their single counterparts? Brad Wilcox, sociologist at the University of Virginia, explains.
This is the description at the bottom of the video on youtube. The video opens with a story about a guy that's working a minimum wage job living in his mom's basement. Note he's not playing the field, traveling the world or focusing on his career.
The usual confusion between cause and effect then.
It seems pretty obvious that married men earn more because their earnings or at least their earning potential as been quickly ascertained by the hypergamous woman.
On tinder which is nominally a hook-up site, I get "So, what do you do for a living?" before five messages in most of my interactions.
An interesting conversation with a woman I was getting along with suddenly stopped when I explained that I am going sailing, yes sailing in a part of Europe where working class British people go on package holidays. I didn't bother trying to explain that guaranteed sun, wind and tidal waters was the reason that this is a great place to sail. The snobbery of women who destroyed Left leaning labour movements with their versions of 'equality' never ceases to amaze me.
A colleague at work came in one morning to proudly announce that she had a great date the previous night. The women asked at the same time, "So what does he do?"
"He's a doctor..."
[Giggles all round]
With such high earning men falling into marriage without much effort, the average earnings of married man vis-à-vis the unmarried is bound to be skewed.
Married man's salary may be more than the bachelor's but the bachelor's outgoings are considerably less - probably even before children are part of the coupling.