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Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-20-2016

I'm curious to see if anyone else here plays tabletop role-playing games (ttrpg). I just recently started playing about half a year ago, and have played 4 different games, soon to be 5.

Unfortunately, the games have been hijacked by SJWs, but you can play without the ridiculous tranny characters and bizarre racial issues that the authors try to shove in there.

I know it's seen as a nerdy thing, but if you are a writer of any sort, it can be wonderfully inspiring. Ultimately ttrpgs are a group of friends telling a story together, with a bit of math involved to keep things balanced.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - Cr33pin - 04-20-2016

[Image: giphy.gif]

Tabletop Role-playing Games - EDantes - 04-20-2016

Never played one; probably a little hypocritical but I've never been very into any of the stereotypically "nerdy" stuff like tabletop games, live action role playing, etc; have spent a good amount of time playing video games, but always avoided the "MMORPGs" and games of that nature.

While I'm on it, based on the online communities I've seen, there seems to be a highy correlation between "nerdy" interests like video gaming, MMORPGs, Science/fantasy fiction, and being a SJW. Anyone know why this is?

(Joined a video game forum the other day for example and left in disgust when one of the senior members was a militant transgender activist, and another admin was a male feminist whining about "GamerGate").

Tabletop Role-playing Games - TheOllam - 04-20-2016

I'm into this! And Yes SJWS have been hurting game play scenarios with stupid characters and plots.

I now create characters that engage and diffuse SJW tactics Ala Han Solo, the Scoundrel that saves the day.

Chime in fellow NERDS!

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-20-2016

I think the correlation between nerdom and social justice is that social justice warriors think their message appeals to the "outcasts" of society. Which is why gamergate happened: when everyone is a gamer, there's no real outcasts to appeal to.

Kind of off-topic, but I saw a video (probably from Sargon of Akkad) where a guy was discussing an interview with a game developer, who suggested a "skip combat" button, like there is for dialogue, so people (he specifically said women) could get on with the story rather than interact with the game. Which goes to show how SJWs aren't really into games, they're just there to push their narrative. In this guy's case, he couldn't write for Hollywood, so he started writing pseudo movies in video games instead.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - General Stalin - 04-20-2016

I'm all about that Warhammer 40k, though haven't played hardly at all since I was a teenager. I even have a tattoo of a Necron Warrior [Image: VHFNhLN.png]

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-20-2016

Quote: (04-20-2016 11:48 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

I'm all about that Warhammer 40k, though haven't played hardly at all since I was a teenager. I even have a tattoo of a Necron Warrior [Image: VHFNhLN.png]

No. Way. Bet that gets weird looks from girls.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - General Stalin - 04-20-2016

I have a sleeve of sci-fi/game related tattoos from games I played during my childhood. It's a great conversation piece and an excuse for girls to touch my arm. I have not met a girl yet who knows the the fuck Warhammer is though, so I just tell them its an evil robotic skeleton.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-20-2016

Frankly, I doubt you'd WANT to meet a girl who knows what Warhammer is.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - weambulance - 04-20-2016

I've never had a group of friends that was into RPGs so other than playing a few sessions of D&D in middle school, nope. It seems interesting, and I think it would be pretty fun with the right group. But since I can't even find people who are reliable enough to keep plans made one whole day ahead of time, I'm not holding my breath on forming a regular in-person gaming group.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-20-2016

Quote: (04-20-2016 03:54 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

I've never had a group of friends that was into RPGs so other than playing a few sessions of D&D in middle school, nope. It seems interesting, and I think it would be pretty fun with the right group. But since I can't even find people who are reliable enough to keep plans made one whole day ahead of time, I'm not holding my breath on forming a regular in-person gaming group.

Yeah, I had that same issue until this past year. Thankfully the groups I'm in are pretty tight and willing to skype in when they can't be present.

Maybe there should be an RVF gaming group, that'd be pretty cool.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - rpg - 04-20-2016

D&D was spectacular. I would do it again if I had a good bunch to play with.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-20-2016

Quote: (04-20-2016 04:21 PM)rpg Wrote:  

D&D was spectacular. I would do it again if I had a good bunch to play with.

Your name makes your posting here aprropriate. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Tabletop Role-playing Games - realologist - 04-20-2016

I've banged girls on my table while they were in a Halloween costume. Does that count?

Tabletop Role-playing Games - RawGod - 04-20-2016

I was a gamer back when being a gamer meant tabletop RPGs. Really unleashed the imagination and led to interests in history, mythology, linguistics and cartography. So many late nights with friends, pizza and dice. The more obscure non-D&D games were the best, with interesting backstories and often complex systems.

Now I see that the largest online forum (and basically, the whole hobby) has been completely taken over by SJWs.

The current most active thread on the front page is "tabletop gaming's white male terrorism problem".

And they're not being ironic.

Still, you can ignore all this if you just want to play the games. I might but it's about number 50 on the list of things I'd like to do, and anything past the top ten just doesn't make it.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - RawGod - 04-21-2016

Which games have you been playing, YB? (And anyone else who wants to jump in). D&D5e looks better than 3e and 4e to me, and Pathfinder could be OK. But beyond that I don't think I'd find many takers these days for the old school games I remember from the 80s. Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, Champions were all good.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - Leonard D Neubache - 04-21-2016

As someone who has tossed too many years of their life into that black abyss, let me warn you.

If you plan on taking up a hobby that involves sitting on your ass for longer than it takes to watch a movie then don't be surprised when menopausal women request to use your soft-body as an estrogen farm.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - Captainstabbin - 04-21-2016

I played D&D once but I thought it was boring compared to the pacing of video games. If it was fun, I might have gotten into it. I rarely play video games anymore either.

I guess it's less nerdy than LARPing.


Tabletop Role-playing Games - Monxp - 04-21-2016

I played TTRP's with one of my exes. She was really into Star Wars and it made her really horny (don't ask why). After the game, I always fucked her like a Wookie. Good times.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - AntiMediocrity - 04-21-2016

Quote: (04-21-2016 02:41 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

I guess it's less nerdy than LARPing.
I was always on the fence regarding LARPING. On one hand, while taking Role Playing to such an extent where you're throwing clumps of paper as spells and shouting does not leave a good impression on the average person, on the other hand these guys are taking their passion outside and interacting with people.

Not to mention all the personally tailored outfits, the potential for custom "weaponry" and working towards an objective, it's somewhat admirable. If you don't want to shout spells or make grandiose battle speeches, you can always play a brute character that doesn't speak.

Compare it to re-enactments of actual battles.

I never tried it myself, because unless you want to wield a plastic baton and wear a piece of cloth it takes some serious monetary investment. Which isn't worth it if you just want to dip your toes in it.

As for role playing games, I never really tried it because whenever I look into the places that run them it's full of simpy nerds. I used to play an MMO, but quit because I'd get too invested and spend too much time trying to get the best gear, stats etc only for an update to roll out and then have to start the cycle again.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-21-2016

Quote: (04-21-2016 01:42 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Which games have you been playing, YB? (And anyone else who wants to jump in). D&D5e looks better than 3e and 4e to me, and Pathfinder could be OK. But beyond that I don't think I'd find many takers these days for the old school games I remember from the 80s. Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, Champions were all good.

Just started 5e D&D, which is much simpler than the 3.5e I've played in the past. I've played Numenera by Monte Cook games. Total social justice nonsense, but if you ignore the whole "humans are unrecognizable" and "gender doesn't exist anymore" stuff it's lots of fun. Eclipse Phase is similar, a space horror thing set in the near future. Again ignore the genderbending stuff and you're good to go. I'm GMing a game of MYFAROG, which is a very old school rpg running on the 3d6 system. And I'm about to start a game of Mutants and Masterminds, a superhero rpg running on the d20 system.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-21-2016

Quote: (04-21-2016 02:21 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

As someone who has tossed too many years of their life into that black abyss, let me warn you.

If you plan on taking up a hobby that involves sitting on your ass for longer than it takes to watch a movie then don't be surprised when menopausal women request to use your soft-body as an estrogen farm.

I completely understand. That's why I only play after a long day of getting shit done.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - Parzival - 04-21-2016

Quote: (04-20-2016 11:48 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

I'm all about that Warhammer 40k, though haven't played hardly at all since I was a teenager. I even have a tattoo of a Necron Warrior [Image: VHFNhLN.png]

Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - YoungBlade - 04-21-2016

Quote: (04-21-2016 02:41 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  


Funniest thing I've seen in a while.

Tabletop Role-playing Games - Handsome Creepy Eel - 04-21-2016

Used to but gave up on it years ago. It takes so much time, the crowd is atrocious and, in all fairness, the games are pretty cookie-cutter and repetitive. It's no wonder the SJW degenerates love them...