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Leeds, England, UK - godzilla - 04-03-2016

Any guys here have any info on this city?

I am stopping over in England to visit a friend Thursday and will staying here for the weekend.

I've heard there is good nightlife here. I was searching through google; I have ideas. I'll drop some data after I leave.

I'm pipelining right now, my first take is quality is ok; though any girl past 25 is awful looking. Its going to be a long weekend if these are my matches. I don't have a match younger then me yet (my fake age that is, bad karma?) . I had to "like" some ugly girls to make sure it was working, haha.

Leeds, England, UK - Saweeep - 04-03-2016


Focus on the students.

Leeds, England, UK - bucky - 04-04-2016

Quote: (04-03-2016 07:23 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

Any guys here have any info on this city?

I am stopping over in England to visit a friend Thursday and will staying here for the weekend.

I've heard there is good nightlife here. I was searching through google; I have ideas. I'll drop some data after I leave.

I'm pipelining right now, my first take is quality is ok; though any girl past 25 is awful looking. Its going to be a long weekend if these are my matches. I don't have a match younger then me yet (my fake age that is, bad karma?) . I had to "like" some ugly girls to make sure it was working, haha.

Not sure how helpful this will be, but I had a fling with a cute girl from Leeds back in the 1990s when i was living in Italy. She seemed very into being with an American. Also, although she could understand my English just fine, I often struggled to understand her. I actually understood her better when we were with locals and she was speaking Italian.

Leeds, England, UK - chexmix - 04-05-2016

Quote: (04-03-2016 08:06 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  


Focus on the students.

I spent a few days there years ago and came to this same conclusion. Go to the university area and day game.

I wouldn't say the girls are world class but they are certainly easier than other places.

Leeds, England, UK - godzilla - 04-13-2016


Went out 2 nights in Leeds. On average, Leeds is ok. The college crowd really brings up the quality and there are many girls in the 8-9 range. Overall though, Id say the quality is lower then London. Lots of typical British girls who wear a shit load of makeup and have half their tits hanging out. The "british 6" seems to be missing from this place. Girls are either hot or beasts. Quality goes to absolute shit after these women turn 25. If your an older cat, you might as well go back to America or take a plane ride to Norway or Sweden, where girls are just as unfeminine, probably sluttier and better looking (only norway/sweden for that one).


-Leeds has a very concentrated nightlife, so logistically if your in the center, you're good to go.

-There are tons of girls out at even 8 pm friday/saturday, so feel free to start early

-There are a lot of single moms here. Its very obvious. Many are surprisingly hot too and young, quite different from the USA. I looked this up after noticing it.

-No exotic/accent factor for me. 0 out of maybe 15-25 girls I approached didn't notice it or didn't care too.

-Bad boys and black guys seem to be dating very well.

-People have reported this place to be easy. I'm not entirely sure about that. People in Leeds tend to go out in large groups. Very few groups had less then 4 girls, so expect cockblocking from girls. Also, people like to barhop around.


Nightlife is pretty simple here. Go to the intersection of a street called "The calls" and Call Lane. You'll find what you're looking for there. If you need actual venues PM me but it isn't difficult. None of these places were charging cover so hop around and have fun. All the bars are near each other.

Leeds, England, UK - Hazaer - 11-11-2018

Hey guys, I have the opportunity to visit leeds in january. Is it a good time? Would like to hear any visitors' attractions worth checking out for a weekend.
In terms of socializing and game, how tight are social circles and blocking compared to other tier 2 cities like Liverpool, Manchester?
Your recent experiences on how foreign guys do here will be great. Poster above has commented black guys do well and I have heard that those of south asian descent don't do well.

Thanks for sharing.

Leeds, England, UK - IceCutter - 11-12-2018

Nice women up north, especially Leeds which is a student hub town. Just lol @ you saying they're worse than London, London is home to some of ugliest women on the planet.

Leeds, England, UK - Hazaer - 11-18-2018

Quote: (11-12-2018 05:56 PM)IceCutter Wrote:  

Nice women up north, especially Leeds which is a student hub town. Just lol @ you saying they're worse than London, London is home to some of ugliest women on the planet.

How would your strategy be if you are going solo to Leeds as a visitor, in terms of the types of venues to hit up?
I notice that there have been no specific venues listed for this thread on the city, some suggestions would be good.

As a side question, how is York, is it worth a whole weekend or as part of a trip to Leeds?


Leeds, England, UK - Cman - 02-10-2019

Hey Guys, any updates on how good Leeds is for going out and meeting girls?

Leeds, England, UK - Ovechkin08 - 02-13-2019

I spent 3 years studying in Leeds and 1 year working there so these are my 2 pence. First off, nightlife as a student is completely different from nightlife as a non-student. If you’re coming from the US or another country I strongly urge you to bring a student card or borrow one off someone who looks like you. You won’t get into any of the student venues without a student card.

Okay so Leeds has two universities, Leeds University (referred to as “Uni”) and Leeds Beckett (formerly called Leeds Met University). The way things work in the UK is that in a city with two universities, the “Met” refers to a former technical college that used to focus on trades/less academic subjects. In the 1990’s the government decided to convert these schools into full universities. Typically, the old school universities look down on the former “Met” schools and degrees from “Met” schools tend to carry less weight than those from “proper” universities. The general stereotype is that girls from the “Met” are easier/sluttier than girls from “Uni.” Now, from my experience, there are plenty of sluts at Uni and plenty of good girls at the Met but what you do tend to find is a lot girls at the Met who are the first ones in their family to ever go to university. These girls tend to be your typical rough and ready Northern lasses who are DTF after a 10-minute make-out and grind session at a club. The Uni girls tend to be more upper class and better at hiding their sluttiness to protect their reputation.

Student nightlife centers around 2 areas: Headingley and the city center. Headingley is a suburb of Leeds where many students from both schools live. The village has one main street called the Otley Road which runs to the city center. You will find loads of bars and clubs along the Otley Road that cater to students during the week. There is a famous pub crawl called the Otley Run where students dress up in costumes and drink in 18 pubs along the road until they hit the city center and finish with a night out at a club. The road ends at a pub called the Dry Dock (basically it’s a pub shaped as an old boat) which is right across from Leeds University. Pubs worth checking out at night include the following: The Dry Dock, The Library, The Original Oak, The Box (has a dance floor too) and The Headingley Tapps. Wednesday’s are sports night when all the university sports teams head out to drink (mainly rugby and soccer for the men and field hockey for the girls). But generally, any night of the week during term you fill find girls there.

Okay on to the city center. During the week it caters to students and during the weekends its all non-students. The main street in Leeds is called the Headrow which runs through the whole city center. There is a street called Woodhouse Lane which has the main club called PRYZM (has changed names a number of times but used to be Oceana when I was there). Other clubs include Revolution and Lloyds Bar which is right across from PRYZM and Club Mission (house music focused) and Stone Roses Club (rock and indie music). The club scene is not what it used to be with many of the big ones shutting down due to falling demand and violence/underage drinking issues.

Okay, so on to the non-students. There are two main areas for working professionals in the city, Call Lane and Greek Street. Greek Street is seen as more up-market and has quite a few expensive bars and restaurants but no clubs. Call Lane is located at the other end of the City and has a number of bars and clubs. It’s basically an entire street full of bars/clubs and people tend to just hop from one to the next. The street gets crowded on Weekends with people filling up the street, so cars can’t really access the place. Generally, attracts a more educated young professional type whereas the less educated types tend to hit up the clubs like PRZYM on weekends.
In terms of the people, generally very friendly and open to being approached by strangers. Girls are DTF if your game is good and you approach. A word of warning, Americans are not looked favorably upon in many parts of England. After being dragged into Iraq and Afghanistan, where a lot of white Northern English lads dies to protect a bunch of towel head Muslims, there is dislike/lack of trust in America and its influence over the UK. Also, the typical American who comes to study in the UK is a left-wing Hillary voting liberal who doesn’t lift. Most Northern girls like a rough and ready guy who looks like he’s fresh off a building site and might punch you in the face if you spill your drink on his shoes. If you’re a more polished middle-class guy with an education or a job, you are better off hitting up students if you’re young enough or sticking to Call Lane/Greek Street where you can meet more upper-class/professionally educated women. You really don’t want to get your head kicked in by a bunch of meat heads in a club trying to pick up slutty single moms in a club like PRZYM on a Saturday night.

Leeds, England, UK - BroodingSea - 02-13-2019

Excellent analysis. I did mu undergraduate degree here and I echo these sentiments.

I will add - Day game. Forget it.