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Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Going strong - 01-13-2016

The new, conservative Polish government has just taken a fundamental, absolutely necessary measure: they've fired the extreme-leftist, SJW heads of the public media in Poland! To put in their place honest and patriotic managers, who will, at long last, turn MSM narrative, and give the Right a (public) voice. Time for public media to promote good, conservative values, after 30 years of SJW activism!

"Poland on Sunday defended its new media law as fair, voicing surprise at the European Union's negative reaction to the legislation.
Last week, Polish lawmakers approved legislation by the new ruling party that ends the terms of the current heads of state-run radio and television, who were appointed by the previous establishment."

And of course the (anti-conservative) European Union has openly threatened the Polish government, because of that (today the EU have acted on their threat, starting legal procedures against Poland).

"The European Union on Wednesday escalated its standoff with Poland's new government, deciding to open a case over new laws affecting the country's constitutional court and media"

So, what Poland has just done (to the utter fury of SJW Eurocrats), is the very first step any conservative government should do: fire the leftist, anti-patriotic media directors of public TV, and replace them with good, conservative people.

[Image: 1439413706905]

Because, think about it: when the Left wins, they never hesitate to fire people from the Right, whereas we conservatives don't dare do the same... until now that is, with Poland showing us the way: any conservative government just elected in power, should fire all extreme-leftist media people from public office - the nefarious people who've been squatting in and using our public media for the last 30 years in Europe! So, well, keep in mind the Polish example, proving that there can't be any lasting victory for the Right if we don't fire leftist journalists and media bosses throughout the Western world.

(The furious, dictatorial, unheard-of, legal reaction of EU -"we will put Poland under supervision"- is also proof that the battle for media control is the mother of all battles...)

related to this thread:
(I posted this as a new thread because I think that firing extreme SJWs from public media office, well... it's something totally fundamental, a trend that could change societies and history itself)

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Chaos - 01-13-2016

Great argument.

Going to use that next time when anyone starts to cry about what's happening in Poland.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - NewMeta - 01-13-2016

Hungary did the same when Orban was voted into power, though it flew under the radar and didnt generate nearly as much attention.

Poland is getting stick because it comes at a delicate time in addition to PiS actively bringing attention to figure heads like George Soros who work behind the scenes to destroy europe. Seriously if you read enough articles and interviews on the PiS Soros and the Jewish elite are actually talked about a fair bit provided the media outlet hasnt censored it (ie it isnt a leftist outlet).

The EU are trying to sanction Poland, but Hungary is currently supporting them, and with that I expect the rest of the eastern block to do the same. I doubt the EU will mount any substantial defence to this issue, they got bigger stuff to worry about.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - BortimusPrime - 01-13-2016

Good, the more the EU is seen as dictatorially meddling in the affairs of member States, the faster it'll collapse.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - tomtud - 01-13-2016

The European Union will collapse/dissolve. The only question is when.

Good on Poland for putting proud polaks in the media. Nationalism is what will put an end to that sjw crap. The media will put it as fascism, neo nazism etc etc. When In fact it's being proud of who you are and not afraid to support and keep your culture.

Some of these countries are going to hell ( in the toilet) with their sjw crap, social handouts and stupid immigration policies.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Eskhander - 01-13-2016

The best thing about European politics is how smug Poland and Hungary are being

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Hades - 01-13-2016

Quote:The Rest of Europe Wrote:

We used to make jokes about how Polaks were dumb as hell.
Now we're the fools.

Not a real quote, but it should be.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - EuphoricWizard - 01-14-2016

Hungarian media is great like others said. Someone translated an interview that went on in public media in Hungary. They openly talk about how disgusting the globalism movement and the migration is. You would never see this in any state sponsored media in the US or any other cucked Euro country.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - marty - 01-14-2016

Quite frankly the public media is a nice way to push the current government's agenda. People who say how great Hungary's public media is have never really watched it. Yes, it's still better than the politically correct shit you hear in the West but not any more objective than that. Basically whoever is in power tries to make people see the world from their perspective.

So even though I'm happy leftist voices aren't heard as much in Poland from now on, I find it rather disgusting that every time the power changes hands all the staff gets replaced at the public TV and radio stations - even the technical staff, just to ensure every pal of the current regime gets a job.

Edit: the video above didn't go on air on one of the public TV channels of Hungary, it's not state sponsored, it's the government's own channel. You couldn't broadcast it on one of the public TV channels in any country in Europe, no way, people would freak out. And it's a bit over the top.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Going strong - 01-14-2016

Quote: (01-14-2016 07:09 AM)marty Wrote:  

Quite frankly the public media is a nice way to push the current government's agenda. People who say how great Hungary's public media is have never really watched it. Yes, it's still better than the politically correct shit you hear in the West but not any more objective than that. Basically whoever is in power tries to make people see the world from their perspective.

So even though I'm happy leftist voices aren't heard as much in Poland from now on, I find it rather disgusting that every time the power changes hands all the staff gets replaced at the public TV and radio stations ...

But, up to this month, it was the case only when the Left took power. For as I wrote earlier: "when the Left wins, they never hesitate to fire people from the Right, whereas we conservatives don't dare do the same". I say it's about time conservative people do the same: to fire extreme-leftists in a logical (and retaliatory, too) way.

French people by the way are especially aware of this leftist public-media issue. Because, take the last presidential elections in France: center-right Sarkozy lost to socialist Hollande, because Sarkozy, when in power, never dared fire the SJW public-media heads! If Sarkozy had put his men in power in the media (like Mitterrand had done with socialists years ago), then he would have been re-elected, and socialists would never have taken the presidency. The Right has to take back control of public media from leftist hands.

Same thing in Poland: "Polish lawmakers approved legislation by the new ruling party that ends the terms of the current heads of state-run radio and television, who were appointed by the previous establishment".
So, the previous establishment appointed SJW media heads - and nobody in the EU said anything. But when the Right tries doing the same, look and behold, media and EU are enraged! Talk about double standards here!

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - marty - 01-14-2016

Quote: (01-14-2016 07:47 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2016 07:09 AM)marty Wrote:  

Quite frankly the public media is a nice way to push the current government's agenda. People who say how great Hungary's public media is have never really watched it. Yes, it's still better than the politically correct shit you hear in the West but not any more objective than that. Basically whoever is in power tries to make people see the world from their perspective.

So even though I'm happy leftist voices aren't heard as much in Poland from now on, I find it rather disgusting that every time the power changes hands all the staff gets replaced at the public TV and radio stations ...

But, up to this month, it was the case only when the Left took power. For as I wrote earlier: "when the Left wins, they never hesitate to fire people from the Right, whereas we conservatives don't dare do the same". I say it's about time conservative people do the same: to fire extreme-leftists in a logical (and retaliatory, too) way.

French people by the way are especially aware of this leftist public-media issue. Because, take the last presidential elections in France: center-right Sarkozy lost to socialist Hollande, because Sarkozy, when in power, never dared fire the SJW public-media heads! If Sarkozy had put his men in power in the media (like Mitterrand had done with socialists years ago), then he would have been re-elected, and socialists would never have taken the presidency. The Right has to take back control of public media from leftist hands.

Same thing in Poland: "Polish lawmakers approved legislation by the new ruling party that ends the terms of the current heads of state-run radio and television, who were appointed by the previous establishment".
So, the previous establishment appointed SJW media heads - and nobody in the EU said anything. But when the Right tries doing the same, look and behold, media and EU are enraged! Talk about double standards here!
I don't know about Poland, I commented mostly about Hungary. When Orbán was elected again in 2010, he began to slowly take over the whole public media. And he went much further than the leftist government before him. And truth be told - although I don't really care about it - I'd much rather prefer a more or less objective public media instead of one that always pushes the agenda of the current government. And what pisses me off above all is when they fire the technical guys who have nothing to do with what goes on air and have been doing their jobs for many years or even decades and suddenly they're fired because their ideology might not totally align with the new government's or perhaps only because they don't have powerful friends high in the ranks.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Handsome Creepy Eel - 01-14-2016

"A harsh wound requires a harsh herb."
- Croatian aphorism

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Mekorig - 01-14-2016

Here (in Argentina) the new administration is doing the same with the remnants of the populist Kirchneristas in the media. Good for Poland!

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - NewMeta - 01-14-2016

Quote: (01-14-2016 08:24 AM)marty Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2016 07:47 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2016 07:09 AM)marty Wrote:  

Quite frankly the public media is a nice way to push the current government's agenda. People who say how great Hungary's public media is have never really watched it. Yes, it's still better than the politically correct shit you hear in the West but not any more objective than that. Basically whoever is in power tries to make people see the world from their perspective.

So even though I'm happy leftist voices aren't heard as much in Poland from now on, I find it rather disgusting that every time the power changes hands all the staff gets replaced at the public TV and radio stations ...

But, up to this month, it was the case only when the Left took power. For as I wrote earlier: "when the Left wins, they never hesitate to fire people from the Right, whereas we conservatives don't dare do the same". I say it's about time conservative people do the same: to fire extreme-leftists in a logical (and retaliatory, too) way.

French people by the way are especially aware of this leftist public-media issue. Because, take the last presidential elections in France: center-right Sarkozy lost to socialist Hollande, because Sarkozy, when in power, never dared fire the SJW public-media heads! If Sarkozy had put his men in power in the media (like Mitterrand had done with socialists years ago), then he would have been re-elected, and socialists would never have taken the presidency. The Right has to take back control of public media from leftist hands.

Same thing in Poland: "Polish lawmakers approved legislation by the new ruling party that ends the terms of the current heads of state-run radio and television, who were appointed by the previous establishment".
So, the previous establishment appointed SJW media heads - and nobody in the EU said anything. But when the Right tries doing the same, look and behold, media and EU are enraged! Talk about double standards here!
I don't know about Poland, I commented mostly about Hungary. When Orbán was elected again in 2010, he began to slowly take over the whole public media. And he went much further than the leftist government before him. And truth be told - although I don't really care about it - I'd much rather prefer a more or less objective public media instead of one that always pushes the agenda of the current government. And what pisses me off above all is when they fire the technical guys who have nothing to do with what goes on air and have been doing their jobs for many years or even decades and suddenly they're fired because their ideology might not totally align with the new government's or perhaps only because they don't have powerful friends high in the ranks.

Public ownership of the media just means once again that 1 individual gets to push his agenda on the rest of a native population. And this said person might even go as far as to work in conjunction with the government, having them push his agenda into actual law for his own benefit in exchange for pushing government propaganda.

As an example, in the UK this man is Rupert Murdoch. He owns most of the public media (he also owns Fox News in America I believe). He is a main contributor to the current elected governments campaign and works closely with them on a variety of issues. It is said that whoever is in government was chosen by Rupert Murdoch, that's how much of the public opinion he controls.

In other parts of Europe the media is controlled by zionist Jews, and thats a whole nother barrel of fish.

So to be honest, id rather the lesser of the two evils and have the government control the media, especially if its a right wing traditional government, this is a good thing.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Going strong - 01-14-2016

Quote: (01-14-2016 08:24 AM)marty Wrote:  

...And what pisses me off above all is when they fire the technical guys who have nothing to do with what goes on air and have been doing their jobs for many years or even decades and suddenly they're fired because their ideology might not totally align with the new government's or perhaps only because they don't have powerful friends high in the ranks.

I more or less agree on technical guys. Even though, I'm sure some of them were hired in a TV crew because, years ago, they were friend with the right (leftist) people...

But this public-media issue touches on a widest, more global issue, which I personally find very interesting:

Do good, conservative people, in order to win the battle for power and survival, have the moral right of using the same devious, ugly ways and techniques that Leftists use? (in this case, firing "political opponents").

My answer, years ago, is one that drew shock and even hate from some European alt-Right people, but, with the global acceleration of events and current invasions, now it's become almost main-stream in conservative circles: YES! Absolutely. To win we must use (counter-use) some of the nasty weapons leftist SJWs use. (Not all of their weapons, mind you)

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - BortimusPrime - 01-14-2016

The problem is that the decision is between state-controlled media which will push propaganda versus private-controlled media which will push propaganda. What we have in modern times is an uneducated population that doesn't particularly value objective information, otherwise the free market would correctly punish news outlets that are caught massaging their narrative to fit a political ideology. Think of it this way, people go apeshit when the Chinese start grinding up prisoners and selling it as baby food: they should also be upset when the media wraps a turd in a bowtie and presents it to them as objective news.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - Khan - 01-14-2016

This reminded me of my trip to Warsaw earlier this month. From the moment I landed at the airport I found myself constantly thinking 'Why does this country feel so awesome?'

Quote: (01-14-2016 10:24 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Do good, conservative people, in order to win the battle for power and survival, have the moral right of using the same devious, ugly ways and techniques that Leftists use? (in this case, firing "political opponents").

Of course. Not only same, but even worse ways and techniques would be acceptable. The main issue is not playing by the rules set by the Left, or otherwise you'll lose. This is the problem with modern day conservatives, and you can see it every time there is a public debate between them and the SJWs. They (the conservatives) come to the playing field armed with rational arguments, facts and logic. Then they hope to persuade their opponents by using nice manners and civil dialogue, but everytime they get their asses handed over to them, and get booed off the stage the moment someone calls them bigots, racists and homophobes. Then they complain how mean the leftists are. No shit, Sherlock.

That's why I fully applaud the move made by the Polish government. You can't always fight fire with water. Sometimes you have to kill the arsonist first, and only then deal with the raging fire.

Polish government fires SJWs from public media: Furious reaction from the EU! - AnonymousBosch - 01-14-2016

Quote: (01-14-2016 10:24 AM)Going strong Wrote:  

Do good, conservative people, in order to win the battle for power and survival, have the moral right of using the same devious, ugly ways and techniques that Leftists use? (in this case, firing "political opponents").

Taking the moral high road against Leftists gets society exactly where it is now.

The fact that the Left will always use Moral Shaming tactics to stop the Right using their own tactics against them shows exactly how successful those tactics are.

A good example is Progressive Wankers suddenly all knowing the bible says to take in refugees, (after telling us to ignore the book's comments on homosexuality), as if we're still supposed to respect a Christian church with short-haired Dyke priests that is now all about gay marriage and diversity anyway. (The literature for the Christian School near my house mentions 'Tolerance and diversity' in the opening paragraph: two paragraphs before any mention of Christianity).