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time spent in front of a computer per day? - Printable Version

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time spent in front of a computer per day? - poledaddy - 06-23-2011

How much time would you say you spend in front of a computer in isolation (not actively engaged with people or on the phone) at your job, your biz, and personal shit facebook forums blogs, etc - in total on an average day?

If you spend a lot of time, do you feel it affects you? And do you ever try to manage/ regulate it?

There are days at my online marketing analyst job where I don't speak to anyone - all emails & occasional short phone call, and then I get off work and it's all side hustling, maybe get on facebook to keep in touch, write some personal emails. Probably 14-15 hours total. Lately I've felt like my brain is atrophying / social skills eroding as a result of all the time spent in front of a glowing screen every day.

Any advice or shared perspective appreciated.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - OSL - 06-24-2011

Too much time, probably 6-8 hours minimum spend working and other computer stuff. It's awful. Facebook, Rooshvforum, and sports blogs are my biggest distractions.

I feel like my eye sight have gotten worse in the last four years or so.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - amistod - 06-24-2011

i recently had an eye exam and i have had no change over the past few years.. despite 8+ hrs a day staring at a screen.

are you able to do things other than work at your job? i try to do all of my personal things at work. when i am at home, i try to keep the computing to a minimum.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - poledaddy - 06-24-2011

I like the idea of getting all your computer stuff done at work and then going cold turkey at home, but I'm kinda sketched out because everything is monitored

Re: eye exam - I saw a study that the rise in number of people needing glasses is due to the lack of natural light. And at least I have some decent natural light in my office.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - babelfish669 - 06-28-2011

When I graduated high school I told myself that I would find a career that didn't involve using computers. Well, so much for that. Short of a few very specialized areas you need to use a computer to make big money.

The approach I've taken is to go all in on computer usage for a week or two, and then take it light for a week or two. Sometimes I think may be I'm an "addict", but when I'm away from a computer I don't feel the need to go back to one unless I get bored for some reason.

Its kind of shocking how much activity time is being converted from the offline space to online. When a girl is on her phone checking facebook, texting friends, or posting to twitter, that is being online, and it replaces things that they used to fill their time with. What that means is that your options for doing things "online" are expanding (due to market demand) while your options for offline stuff are shrinking. That means you have to consciously seek out non-computer activities (which pretty much includes 95% of the meeting chicks stuff.)

Long term I would recommend, at the very least, use a standing desk. Make sure on your breaks you leave you computer and switch your phone to off. Additionally since your body isn't burning as many calories you need to be extra vigilant in not consuming crappy foods (no soda, stick to soda or tea.)

I'm still in my 20s but I am very concerned about the health consequences of being sedentary in to my 30s. Our bodies aren't designed to sit in place all day.

As for glasses, its genetic unless you do something stupid. I've used PCs heavily for about the past 15 years without that problem.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - Mrs. Chocolate - 06-28-2011

Around 5 hours or so. Looking for job and going social

time spent in front of a computer per day? - coronaborcalis - 07-01-2011

Since the last February I decided to learn Internet Marketing to earn money online so I can work anywhere I like but another problem come when I spend too much time in front of monitor that makes my social skill drops like a stone.

Want stop the way I work but still have passion to live nomad.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - darn - 07-08-2011

When I read the title of this post, I'm sure there are only two type of person facing a computer each day. A consumer and a merchant in the internet world.

Online business are booming nowadays because almost every person in the world use the search engines to find what they want anything under the sun. So, this is surely a ping on the ears of our internet entrepreneurs out there. And one, easy way to start making money online is making your own blogs.

Next would be to monetize it. There are many tools, platforms that helps us publish our ideas or thoughts to our blogs. But, I recommend to use the free wordpress publishing platform.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - chyamor - 01-09-2012

I spend about 13 hours a day. The life of a IT support guy

time spent in front of a computer per day? - Pilgrim37 - 01-12-2012

13-15 hours a day???

Jesus,unless you are making your living out of it I think that's caaaarazy!

Even if it does involve your job 8-10 hours would be enough!

As I've had some time off I have been on line more ,but I've noticed it doesn't make me feel so if life is carrying on and I'm standing still.

Computer/online activity should be an addition/assistance to your life it shouldn't BE your life!

I can see how it can be a crutch for people when you live in an isolated area or you feel socially isolated .BUT

..If you feel that, it's a sign you're not happy and should do something to restore some balance in your life /leisure time!

I'm certainly guilty of being on this Forum too much over the last few months...I need to limit it ,but again it's a sign I'm not paying attention enough to actually DOING a lot of the things we're talking about on here!

It's basically an addiction when you're online as a Default mode!

time spent in front of a computer per day? - chyamor - 01-12-2012

Yup its my career. Surplussing I don't do any online gaming or gambling. I just sit around at work waiting for something to break. Cant fix whats not broken. I keep busy with espn, cnn, play a game or two of chess, spend time on fatwallet/slickdeals,flytalk, grouponish website look for good deals. Got me a George Foreman grill for $10 about 2 weeks ago from amazon.

I recently started doing online surveys. Pays about $3 per survey and the usually take about 10 minutes or so.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - Pilgrim37 - 01-12-2012

Interesting research on how internet addiction affects the brain.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - Pilgrim37 - 01-12-2012

Quote: (01-12-2012 11:30 AM)chyamor Wrote:  

Yup its my career. Surplussing I don't do any online gaming or gambling. I just sit around at work waiting for something to break. Cant fix whats not broken. I keep busy with espn, cnn, play a game or two of chess, spend time on fatwallet/slickdeals,flytalk, grouponish website look for good deals. Got me a George Foreman grill for $10 about 2 weeks ago from amazon.

I recently started doing online surveys. Pays about $3 per survey and the usually take about 10 minutes or so.

Sounds like you got it made ,as all the IT /network guys I know make around £1000 a week but they're not on call as it were to fix things but to build systems..I'm sure you must get paid well even if you're playing chess a lot [Image: smile.gif]

time spent in front of a computer per day? - InternationPlayboy - 01-12-2012

I spend way too much time on the computer. At work a lot of time I have nothing better to do. I probably spend 5+ hours a day in front of a computer, a lot of days more than that.

time spent in front of a computer per day? - Anon-A-Moose - 01-12-2012

Probably 6+ hours a day in between and during exercises. Every so often I go through a spell where I get bored and ignore it entirely, then come back. I'm a compulsive self-educator.