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What should I do after degree? - Printable Version

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What should I do after degree? - GillesDeleuze - 11-09-2015

Hi guys,

I'm a 25 yo Italian graduated in Business Administration from an unknown university in the middle of italy.

I still have no work experience because finished studies a little bit late due to lazyness (normally in italy you have your bachelor at 22)

I was thinking about starting my career working at a multinational company in Poland in the Accounting&finance sector, mainly in order to gain valuable work experience and bang polish chicks.

On the other hand i'm a bit concerned about salary, expecially for entry level positions, it certainly will be fairly low and i don't know if in the long run it's going to rise enough to secure me a good lifestyle...the ideal way to go could be developing skills in order to become location independent, but i have no idea how to do it, expecially regarding the accounting field

I appreciate any imput and hope to write about my experiences abroad very soon

What should I do after degree? - rcraig33hb - 11-09-2015

Quote: (11-09-2015 12:14 PM)GillesDeleuze Wrote:  

Hi guys,

I'm a 25 yo Italian graduated in Business Administration from an unknown university in the middle of italy.

I still have no work experience because finished studies a little bit late due to lazyness (normally in italy you have your bachelor at 22)

I was thinking about starting my career working at a multinational company in Poland in the Accounting&finance sector, mainly in order to gain valuable work experience and bang polish chicks.

On the other hand i'm a bit concerned about salary, expecially for entry level positions, it certainly will be fairly low and i don't know if in the long run it's going to rise enough to secure me a good lifestyle...the ideal way to go could be developing skills in order to become location independent, but i have no idea how to do it, expecially regarding the accounting field

I appreciate any imput and hope to write about my experiences abroad very soon

Is it laziness or constant procrastination?

All depends on what you want out of life right now. Some decide to travel the world on the cheap for a few years while some decide to go back to school to add more credential while others decide to jump into the work force and build their experience.

If your looking to start working, I would pause and look at your strengths! Use that to define a career for yourself. The last thing you want is to join the rat race and be unhappy.

You can go into to many different fields with Business Admin. I used that same degree to get into project management in the software industry. I had the natural soft skills (leadership, motivation, negotiation, management...etc) which made it an easy fit.

So take some time to figure out your strengths and which industry would be suited for you.

Good Luck!

What should I do after degree? - Suits - 11-10-2015

I think the question of "what can I do with this degree" should have come up before you ever set foot in a university classroom.

If you couldn't come up with a good answer to that question by the time you graduated, I don't think anyone here is going to be able to help you.

Best of luck.

What should I do after degree? - Cyclone - 11-10-2015

Quote: (11-10-2015 12:36 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I think the question of "what can I do with this degree" should have come up before you ever set foot in a university classroom.
If you couldn't come up with a good answer to that question by the time you graduated, I don't think anyone here is going to be able to help you.

LMAO, the fact that hes asking this question now probably ties in with his diligence during study.

Anyway, if you actually land that position with an MNC (which I believe would be more difficult than you might think, if you have only a B.S. in Europe) go for it. The first few years you just want to get out of debt and get your foot in the door, that's all you can ask for. "banging Polish chicks" comes second.

What should I do after degree? - Easy_C - 11-10-2015

Quote: (11-09-2015 12:14 PM)GillesDeleuze Wrote:  

Hi guys,

I'm a 25 yo Italian graduated in Business Administration from an unknown university in the middle of italy.

I still have no work experience because finished studies a little bit late due to lazyness (normally in italy you have your bachelor at 22)

I was thinking about starting my career working at a multinational company in Poland in the Accounting&finance sector, mainly in order to gain valuable work experience and bang polish chicks.
That's not really how it works with accounting and finance.

If you're just asking now, then you are WAY behind the game. Most kids going into those areas know before they even start college and are working on it.

Quite frankly: it's rare to get into those fields from a non-traditional recruiting path (high GPA w/extracurriculars at a school they recruit on campus at). It's even more rare to get a full time job without an internship.

What should I do after degree? - Guitarman - 11-10-2015

"What should I do after degree? "

Do what all the other modern clueless graduates do and get a job flipping burgers or stacking shelves!

What should I do after degree? - Troublesome - 11-10-2015

Decided not to enroll in business administration / accounting looks like I made a wise decision. I always come across business students enroll in business/economics major who have no idea about economics and nature of business.

Quote: (11-10-2015 06:06 PM)Guitarman Wrote:  

"What should I do after degree? "

Do what all the other modern clueless graduates do and get a job flipping burgers or stacking shelves!

OP try not burn yourself on the deep fryer. [Image: banana.gif]

[Image: giphy-facebook_s.jpg]

What should I do after degree? - Nascimento - 11-10-2015

A lot of negativity on this thread.

He's just asking for advice.

What should I do after degree? - pamplonabull - 11-11-2015

Quote: (11-09-2015 12:14 PM)GillesDeleuze Wrote:  

Hi guys,

I'm a 25 yo Italian graduated in Business Administration from an unknown university in the middle of italy.

I still have no work experience because finished studies a little bit late due to lazyness (normally in italy you have your bachelor at 22)

I was thinking about starting my career working at a multinational company in Poland in the Accounting&finance sector, mainly in order to gain valuable work experience and bang polish chicks.

On the other hand i'm a bit concerned about salary, expecially for entry level positions, it certainly will be fairly low and i don't know if in the long run it's going to rise enough to secure me a good lifestyle...the ideal way to go could be developing skills in order to become location independent, but i have no idea how to do it, expecially regarding the accounting field

I appreciate any imput and hope to write about my experiences abroad very soon

I make the following suggestions my friend, as a Chartered Accountant;

Work where the cash is. Women are everywhere. Never let pussy culture have any influence over anything you want to do. There are women all over the globe who you can smash, so concentrate on wealth accumulation because it is satisfying for as long as you choose to be part of a capitalist society.

If you have a face like Satan's bottom, consider getting it changed. Very ugly men have crap lives unless you gain extreme fame and fortune.

Hit the gym very hard. It helps you physically, psychologically and physiologically.
To maximise your genetic potential, go as heavy as you can on squats, deadlift and bench only for the first six months.

Always wear a condom.

If you get a sucky sucky, check her mouth for cold sores. Friend of mine has to now live with Herpes because he copped an alley gobby in Kuta from some POME slapper when they were drunk.

Absorb as much literature as you can on game. Game is everything. Women's wants, needs and desires mean nothing. Women are part of a process to enable you to attain as much happiness as you can in this shit hole of a thing we call life.

After three years of gaming, only approach 9s. Any girl under a 9 is a waste of time and should be treated with utter contempt.

One of the most overrated things you can do in life is fine dining. I made the mistake of dining in the world's best restaurants and it's a complete rip-off. The fine dining restaurant industry is the biggest con-job on the planet right now. Always eat clean and cheap.

Sermon over. Sayonara.

What should I do after degree? - GyopoPlayboy - 11-14-2015

Pamplona makes excellent points ^^ you can't go wrong following everything he wrote.

I make the following suggestions as a late 20s strategy consultant:

On salary: As a young guy just starting out, your top priority should be improving your skillset. Strive for excellence instead of higher wages. When you're good at what you do, you'll have more work/money thrown at your face than you'll know what to do with. Right now, you have no value in the market. Get the best-paying job you can that will train you the best. Your salary will rise commensurate with your value.

On location independence: I say this all the time, but the vast majority of location independent "entrepreneurs" earn maybe $500-2000 USD/month. Good for an 18 year old kid who bases himself out of Chiang Mai. But as you near your 30s, you realize it doesn't afford you the kind of lifestyle you really want.

Like Pamplona, I think "fine dining" is an exorbitant waste of money. Learn how to cook those fancy dishes yourself and you'll not only eat healthier but you'll impress everybody you meet. Including Polish girls.

And, yea, game is everything.