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Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - blacknwhitespade - 10-12-2015

Man up or Miss out on the Dating Scene

Kind of irks me. Earlier this year, I asked out and took a coworker out on a date, payed for her meal, only to listen to her insult me with a backhanded Neg tactic and other garbage. Was the last straw that led me towards looking abroad for a girlfriend.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - CRR - 10-12-2015

A quick google search says that this is likely the author:

Man up everyone [Image: rolleyes.gif][Image: dodgy.gif]

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - T and A Man - 10-13-2015

Just point and laugh. They're fucking children at this attempt to sound like an intelligent adult, and you should be laughing it off with the mocking dismissiveness it deserves.

Look at the article, "women in their 30's". Let them be and see what they say in 5-10 years time.

We're in a region that offers hundreds of millions to choose from. We're not shying away because our fragile egos can't handle rejection, we're spending our time pursuing better goals.

They are the dregs of mating choices, they're going to remain unlovable and soon, unfuckable, held to the higher standards of men, and hey, they should hold their head up high and feel liberated. This is what equality feels like.

A shame tactic to settle for second best, when her best was ten years ago and given away for free. Don't be that guy.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - AnonymousBosch - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:57 PM)CRR Wrote:  

A quick google search says that this is likely the author:

Man up everyone [Image: rolleyes.gif][Image: dodgy.gif]

Yeah, we already addressed one of her brain sharts last year:

[Image: Angel620x150.jpg]

My thoughts then:

Wall women are 'worthy', red pill men are 'charmless' sydney edition

Time has not been kind (Author on right)

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Phoenix - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:49 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Earlier this year, I asked out and took a coworker out on a date, payed for her meal, only to listen to her insult me with a backhanded Neg tactic and other garbage.

That's because you're living in America. I put American women firmly in 'sociopath' territory. I went on a date with one a few weeks ago, just for shits and giggles. Fucking jesus man, they're horrible! What's wrong with them? They keep doing this looking around dramatically to emphasis their lack of interest thing, kept dropping arrogant insulting statements like "that's not something you're ever going to know", kept talking about negative things and complaining, always talked in this dismissive arrogant tone, and didn't have a drop of femininity or capability of emotional connection in her whole body. Like a "cold robot of horribleness". And this was from a chick who'd approached me!

In talking to other American chicks it's never any better, they always speak with this automatic dismissive arrogant tone, and maintain it throughout the conversation. They also love making statements as they turn their head or body away too, and are quick to just spontaneously walk away because they heard something in a conversation they didn't totally like. The other day one of them even said "if you said something like that in America you'd be punched out".

I've decided that the next time I meet one, I'm going to engage with the following:
"Hi, where are you from?"
"America, you?" [dismissive tone]
"Australia, so what are you doing in this city?"
[answer with more dismissive tone]
"Is there any particular reason you're talking to me in that dismissive arrogant tone?"
[blah blah]
"I understand that you're American, but luckily we're not in America where your unpleasant behaviour is the norm, and if you don't talk to me in a pleasant and friendly tone, I'm going to stop talking to you and talk to one of the many locals. Am I understood?"
[!!! snark + leaves]

I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Speculation - 10-13-2015

It's the usual shaming language directed at men. "I'm a woman and 'worth it', so men need to man up and fulfill my feminine imperative to the detriment of their own"

Quote:Post-wall Harpy Journo Wrote:

Draw some inspiration from your European counterparts, take a page out of their book of amore, for them rejection is a form of foreplay, not a reason to sulk in the corner and lick your wounds

She wants the upside of latino machismo where guys shrug of no's and power through, but without the sexual harrassment that this entails.

Absoultely no sympathy from her towards men who have a fear of rejection. With that sort of public display of selfish indifference to the feelings of others, I can't imagine why she doesn't have men beating down her door.

I've seen too much of these post-wall 'relationship' columnists whining about their lack of dating success and trying to pin the blame on men. The good news is that nothing needs to be done. She will be pumped and dumped for as long as the carousel will carry her, while the attractive men she wants to change will happily ignore her bleating.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Conscious Pirate - 10-13-2015

There's so much hamster in that article, I.. I can't even...

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - nek - 10-13-2015

It's interesting that these articles rarely have comment sections anymore. He who controls the information...

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Paracelsus - 10-13-2015

Why is it that women think that talking, behaving, and fronting like a man is going to make men want to fuck them?

Seriously, that's all that article amounted to. A woman, talking like a man, thinking that acting like Coach Carter she can get men to walk into the literal fucking minefield that is a continuing heterosexual relationship in the West, today.

"You may miss out." Miss out on what? An early divorce, a potential false rape charge, a decidedly subpar sexual experience due to the rolls of fat hanging around her belly, a continually whiny sense of entitlement? You can't get anything from a barfly like this that you can't get for a couple hundred bucks up at your local brothel or for free off the Internet with Mrs Palm and her five daughters. Guys are not getting sensitive. They are sick to their guts that the bullshit they're told by feminists about how to win a woman does not actually work. They are finally figuring out that up with this shit they do not have to put. They are finally figuring out that they have options, that with women all but prostituting themselves and bringing no value adding to the table as a partner, they don't have any hurry, need, or social impetus to wife up a woman whose cunt has been clapped out by a succession of bad boys.

Oh, and incidentally, do we think this barfly would give a dude with less than tight Game the time of day?

Survey says probably not, going by her Twitter feed:

[Image: B1GLmNDCIAAp7VO.jpg]

She captioned this picture "I love my job." It's the Cleo bachelors, 2014.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Rush87 - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:49 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Man up or Miss out on the Dating Scene

Kind of irks me. Earlier this year, I asked out and took a coworker out on a date, payed for her meal, only to listen to her insult me with a backhanded Neg tactic and other garbage. Was the last straw that led me towards looking abroad for a girlfriend.

Lol. "Man up or miss out"… Miss out on what? An abrasive personality? A lifetime of cock before I've even said hello? An entitled personality?

There is a small subset of Australian girls that are feminine and classy but they are few and far between. They're also more or less invisible unless you've grown up in certain social circles.

The reality is 99% of Australian women are complete and utter trash. Australia has many positives but I can see how the negatives outweigh any positive for the majority.

You're best bet on average for a steady girl is just like Roosh says: A small town girl who hasn't been poisoned by western corruptions like social media or the feminist agenda.

The current girl I'm seeing is from Sanok in Poland. A small mountain town. While I'm not in it for the long haul "man up" would be far more deserving coming out of the mouths of these type of girls.

For feminine girls with good values: Man up means exactly that: Be masculine. Take control. Lead. Improve your value. Improve your virtue.

For western women: Man up means the opposite: Man up means: Bend to our will, accept my curves [I.E Obesity], do as I say etc etc.

TLDR: These type of articles are code for: I want a doormat. Which beta simpleton will step up? The reward: Sex twice a year.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Suits - 10-13-2015

Just another woman pissed off that the 9's that fuck her don't wife her up.

But you won't see her even considering a male 7.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - El Chinito loco - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-13-2015 12:54 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

In talking to other American chicks it's never any better, they always speak with this automatic dismissive arrogant tone, and maintain it throughout the conversation. They also love making statements as they turn their head or body away too, and are quick to just spontaneously walk away because they heard something in a conversation they didn't totally like. The other day one of them even said "if you said something like that in America you'd be punched out".

I wish Tinder included a filter functionality so I could filter out all American, Brit, and Aussie chicks on vacation in asia. I'm tired of seeing them doing some quirky pose and their fat faces everytime on Tinder and i'd say 1 out of 10 is too much for me. I'd prefer to just have them auto filtered out instead of just swiping left all the time.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - easternwomenrule - 10-13-2015

Thats why i haven't touched a westernised woman in years!!

Just got back from the east after 6 months where i was basically having sez nearly everyday. It's been a month and i prefer to have blue balls compare to touch a westernised woman.

First thing i notice when i got back was how FAT wome hete are as well asmuscular characteristics and short hair with tattoos. If i find a nice feminine woman ill go for the kill but i think i have more luck at the lotto!

Next time dont pay for her meal and aend her home!

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - CynicalContrarian - 10-13-2015

Reminds me of a recent Rollo tweet :

[Image: CQ1V88xVAAAT81I.jpg]

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - RawGod - 10-13-2015

Just got back from the gym here in Aus and let me tell you the women that frequent it are pretty scary. They are slightly smaller than the men but have way more swagger and are more macho.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Rush87 - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-13-2015 08:05 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Just got back from the gym here in Aus and let me tell you the women that frequent it are pretty scary. They are slightly smaller than the men but have way more swagger and are more macho.

I worked in the Australian gym industry for a small time and was pretty stunned at the demographic breakdown.

The industry standard is approximately 75% [On Average] of gym goers being men. Of the 25% of female gym goers only 5% are frequent visitors [Which is classified as someone who attends more than 5 times per month].

The rest are basically sleepers I:E: People that pay for a gym membership [Usually one month out from summer] and never use it.

Going to an Australian gym is a great social experiment for what you will experience in Australian nightclubs. A 75-25% ratio. More than 50% of the guys are in good shape whilst less than 5% of women are even remotely fit.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - YossariansRight - 10-13-2015

Sounds like Aussie chicks are even worse than their "sistas" in the USA, Canada and the UK.

More organic, bipedal wastes of space. Great...

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Kizman - 10-13-2015

Not surprised at this article. I never understood why these post-wall hags bother to take the time out of their day to write BS like this, when they should be focusing on more important matters. Most Aus females I've seen have pretty bad entitlement attitude (I can only speak for the 18-24 demographic). I'd imagine it gets worse when they hit 35.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Speculation - 10-13-2015

Australia is like the opposite of Eastern Europe for gender relations. Masculine women who feel entitled to some of the most attractive men in the world.

There's a reason these girls can't hack it out in places like Singapore and Hong Kong. They don't know how good they have it until they leave and get ignored by men without the rampant thirst prevalent in this country.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - DJ-Matt - 10-13-2015

Irony the the initials for the newspaper are SMH...


Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - samsamsam - 10-13-2015

Hopefully, there will be enough childless and unmarried hags to save the younger generation. If the younger generation can be smart enough to put two and two together in the spare moments when not glued to social media and their phones.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - El Chinito loco - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-13-2015 07:54 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Reminds me of a recent Rollo tweet :

[Image: CQ1V88xVAAAT81I.jpg]

This entitlement doesn't exist in a vacuum the reason why the women are so shitty is also in part of the men in those countries who enable that behavior. Australia is a tiny country with only 20'ish million population. The men could easily revolt especially in that region but..for the most part they don't. They stick with the narrative and are content with competing over increasingly fatter and a stupider female populace.

This is why things are the way they are in these countries too. The men simply don't do what is necessary.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - samsamsam - 10-13-2015

El Chinito Loco, while what you say is true, we know there will always be fuckers who don't follow through, thus women may not get the message.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - CynicalContrarian - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-13-2015 09:37 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

This entitlement doesn't exist in a vacuum the reason why the women are so shitty is also in part of the men in those countries who enable that behavior. Australia is a tiny country with only 20'ish million population. The men could easily revolt especially in that region but..for the most part they don't. They stick with the narrative and are content with competing over increasingly fatter and a stupider female populace.
This is why things are the way they are in these countries too. The men simply don't do what is necessary.

Australia currently has it's first local season of The Bachelorette.
& while most of the guys are charismatic enough & social enough.
Fairly typical - "Aussie blokes".

They're clearly not "red-pill aware".
Even with simple matters such as body language.
No hands on hips to appear more masculine.
Very little keno.

As for the prevalence of the Hipster thing... [Image: dodgy.gif]

Then again. The more Hipsters. The less competition on my part.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out - Speculation - 10-13-2015

Quote: (10-13-2015 09:37 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

This entitlement doesn't exist in a vacuum the reason why the women are so shitty is also in part of the men in those countries who enable that behavior. Australia is a tiny country with only 20'ish million population. The men could easily revolt especially in that region but..for the most part they don't. They stick with the narrative and are content with competing over increasingly fatter and a stupider female populace.

This is why things are the way they are in these countries too. The men simply don't do what is necessary.

I wonder why this is sometimes. I think Australia, being an isolated island nation with a small population and restrictive immigration scheme, doesn't have exposure to enough women from other cultures to give competition to the entitled hamsters that we have here.

We are multi-cultural, but how many 1st generation feminine women come here Fresh off the Boat and stay long enough to get seriously involved with the local men?