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Girl with a boyfriend - InternationPlayboy - 01-21-2009

[Image: whip.gif]

Here's my situation....

A couple of weeks ago, one of my Brazilian friends tells me that her roomate has a crush one me. I didn't even know which roomate she was talking about since she has 12. I go over there one night and find out which one it it is, and she was a hottie for sure. Only problem was she was holding some guys hand when I got there, so I decided I wasn't going to try and ruin his game. I figured they would maybe just be hooking up for fun. So a couple nights later, I call my friend and ask her if she was going out that night. She said she was. I told her she should invite her cute roomate out with us. She agreed. I show up after work and see my friend. I go, "So, did your roomate decide to come out?" She goes, "yeah, but the only problem is she just started dating some guy yesterday and she doesn't really like him that much. She was trying to ditch him and hang out with you, but he is real clingy." I figured it would just be a matter of time before they broke up.

It's been probably at least a month. Everytime I hang out around this chick, her boyfriend is there (they live together), so I don't really have any chances to run game. She wrote me a message on facebook, just a simple, "What's up?" I ended up asking her when she wanted to go snowboarding. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm sure she'll want to go. It will probably be one of the only chances I'll have alone with her and I am interested for sure. I'm not big on dating, but she is pretty much the only girl I would consider dating right now because she is "my type" and there aren't many of those around here. Lots of Brazilian girls, but most of them are only good for a bang. The city she lives in, Belo Horizonte, is supposed to be really good, it would be nice to have a girl to show me around when I go back to Brazil. How do you suggest I go about picking her up and having her dump her BF?

Girl with a boyfriend - twigman - 01-21-2009

I don't know what advice you want.

You could tell her boyfriend in front of her "I like (insert name) and I think she would have a much better time with me than you. I want her to be my woman".
Then you turn to her and say "Decide". And then you hope she picks you.

The indirect approach is probably alot less risky but also you might be waiting around a while waiting for this girl to break up with her boyfriend. Maybe you could try and poison her mind against him. Take your pick. You could be waiting years. Ah, the curse of the one-itis.

Girl with a boyfriend - Roosh - 01-27-2009

She liked you in the first place even though you didn't do any work to get her. Now you're all over it trying to hatch a plan for her to dump the bf. Be breezy about it and bring another girl in her presence. Then things will fall into place.

Girl with a boyfriend - InternationPlayboy - 01-28-2009

That's funny, I just actually did that last night right before I read this. It's a girl she knows too. I kind of dig the other chick more than her anyways, so now I'm kind of over it.