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Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - Printable Version

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Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - CuntLord - 06-26-2015

Today is friday. Today is the day The Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage.

I am willing to bet that the hottest game opener for any set of girls will be this topic. Liberal or conservative.

Starting from today, my go-to game opener is going to be "How do you ladies feel about Gay Marriage being legal now? You know that the supreme court passes it into law in all 50 states already?..."

"Do you girls have any gay friends? What do they think about gay marriage being legal in all 50 states? How do you feel about it?"

Proceed to banter as necessary. Calibrate to your audience.

I am using this specific topic as an opener all day today when i go out; and tomorrow, and for the next 2 weeks. It is a horse i am going to beat to death.

During late 2008, the best openers were about "Obama's chances as president" openers.

+1 rep for any RVF member that nailed a hipster/hyperliberal chick within the next 48hours using some kind of "gay marriage legalization opener", especially if you personally have an anti-gay marriage stance. Of course, Pics or GTFO!

Be well,

CuntLord, the Dark Lord of Pussy

Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - CaracaoSteel - 06-26-2015

I was thinking this very thing. Bring some skin-colored earplugs though.

Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - Luvianka - 06-26-2015

Good luck with your new brand opener? As far as I realized women CONTEMPT gays?
I would try just the opposite, a derogatory comment to show girls you are a real ruthless asshole.

Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - Gmac - 06-26-2015

Challenge accepted.

Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - CuntLord - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:43 PM)Luvianka Wrote:  

Good luck with your new brand opener? As far as I realized women CONTEMPT gays?
I would try just the opposite, a derogatory comment to show girls you are a real ruthless asshole.

This just makes no sense.

It is an opener. A hook to get the target's initial interest to have a conversation. You can even use this opener to engage a catholic nun or a muslim chick with hijab. In support or against, it doesn't matter. It makes fuck-all difference what a chick's opinion on anything on this planet is.

It is just using a gimmick to start a conversation to eventually fuck her right in the pussy.

Be well,

CuntLord, the Dark Lord of Pussy

Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - h3ltrsk3ltr - 06-26-2015

Quote: (06-26-2015 10:43 PM)Luvianka Wrote:  

Good luck with your new brand opener? As far as I realized women CONTEMPT gays?
I would try just the opposite, a derogatory comment to show girls you are a real ruthless asshole.

Not sure if serious? And are the question marks at the end of your declarative statements indicative of upspeak? Because it kind of reads like it? Just my opinion?

[Image: dodgy.gif]

I actually thought about doing this today while attempting to do approaches at a mall. There was a dude in a dress and some pretty garish makeup taking photos with people for pride week or whatever that made me think about it, I just couldn't figure out how to word it. I like the idea though.

Game Opener: Gay Marriage Legalization by the Supreme Court - crawb - 06-27-2015

I happen to be in Austin for the weekend and was hoping to get laid. I got close with several girls but the beta came out in me. I'm furious because one was a 9 and all I had to do was say I'm leaving and hold out my hand. Anyways the gay marriage announcement had filled 6th street with gays thus limiting my opportunities with women. Not saying using this line won't work but from a percentage stand point, there are less girls to hit on as all the gays celebrate.