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Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Printable Version

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Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Mr.GoodThread - 05-25-2015

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes of any kind? They are meant to help your digestion better. Anyone have any reason to not use them? Please share your experience with them.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - KidA - 05-25-2015

I take Betaine HCl with meals containing a decent amount of protein.

I was diagnosed with "acid reflux" when I was younger and put on Prevacid for several years. I've had trouble with it since I was a kid.

I got off Prevacid a few years ago. We need our stomach acid to properly digest food, absorb nutrients, and maintain a healthy balance of gut flora.

NOW Foods makes a great one- it contains Pepsin, which is essential.

The typical way to figure out dosage is by taking one pill with meals for a couple of days. If you don't feel anything, up that to two pills. At some point you should feel a slight burn, or possibly an exacerbation of reflux symptoms- then you know your dosage is one pill less than that.

Continue until your dosage gives you a burn, then reduce. Rinse, repeat.

I'm not as familiar with other digestive enzymes. I've heard good things about Super Enzymes, also from NOW Foods. That also contains Betaine HCl, just in a smaller quantity than the above.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - kbell - 05-25-2015

Betaine is great. Best enzyme I have used, although I think the enzyme is pepsin not that Betaine I think. Can an acid be an enzyme? Avoid the vitaminshoppe one, its hard to swallow, and it looks like a chewable. But if you chew it hurts a lot. I got up to two before it hurt. I took it for about 6 months and now it doesn't really seem to do much and I don't get the heaviness while eating, unless its a ton of protein. I had good luck with Twin lab since it was a capsule and easy to swallow. No milk or pork products in it either.

I remember trying an enzyme with ox bile which helps digest fats but didn't notice any improvement like betaine. Also glutenease doesn't really help much with gluten containing foods.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Laurifer - 05-29-2015

I buy a plain cheap brand called webber naturals, it's one of the vitamin brands you probably see at every major store. It's the one labeled with 'carbohydrate & protein'. I'll take it before a big carb laden meal, and I find I don't bloat nearly as bad and I feel leaner/ lighter after I eat than I would otherwise.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - cibo - 05-29-2015

Get some probiotics. There's a lot of research supporting its use for digestive disorders. I had acid reflux and was started on omeprazole. It was a bitch to got off and I read a lot of articles about people with similar issues with hyper acid after you stop taking the omeprazole pills. People recommended using probiotics.

And took them and they were quite effective. I also added a probiotic drink called Yakult to handle flare ups when i had more acid reflux that day.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - FlyLow - 06-21-2018

Quote: (05-25-2015 03:48 PM)Mr.GoodThread Wrote:  

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes of any kind? They are meant to help your digestion better. Anyone have any reason to not use them? Please share your experience with them.

Are you having specific digestive problems or just looking to improve digestion? I'm currently getting over functional dyspepsia and have tried almost everything from digestive enzymes to various ppi's. The only digestive enzyme that had any noticeable effect for me was Pepsin GI, but it was very slight.. could have been placebo. There's also one that CVS makes that combines Pepsin GI with turmeric and it helped a little. I didn't continue buying them though.. didn't notice enough difference to justify the price. I concur with everyone else on here about PPI's.. they are effective, but its like doing a deal with the devil. I also take a probiotic called Align which I think helps. Not everyone responds the same way to different drugs and supplements. Best thing to do is consult a gastroenterologist or primary care doc.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 06-21-2018

I use them when I eat a lot and then go to bed late. It help prevent getting gassy / bloated.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Mr.GoodThread - 06-22-2018

It was for general digestive help. I know that feeling of "slight" change and whether it's placebo or not. I was afraid that using them (like Digest Gold for example) would make me dependent on them. I do plan on re-starting the VSL3 probiotic again though.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Fortis - 06-22-2018

I don't, but I'd bet they work. I drink a lot of probiotics and apple cider vinegar to help with my digestion.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Ballr - 06-22-2018

I expel everything I eat with ease. You guys need to try going fully alkaline and plant-based. All disease starts in the stomach. Change your diet. The suggestions here only treat the symptom, they do not prevent or cure.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Fortis - 06-22-2018

^ sounds extremely restrictive and difficult. What forced you down this path?

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Ballr - 06-23-2018

Quote: (06-22-2018 10:33 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

^ sounds extremely restrictive and difficult. What forced you down this path?

It all started with a strange case of foul breath and yellow-white coated tongue. This lasted for almost 1 year. You can find the complete story here:


Anything you're not used to will be different, in the beginning. When your health is your wealth, you tend to make sacrifices that are quite easy to overcome.

You would be surprised at how delicious these plant-based meals are. This is neither veganism or vegetarian. It is 100% alkaline foods only.

I also fast every 3 months and do cleanses that belong to specific organs of the body (liver flush, parasite cleanse, stomach cleanse) etc.

Dr Sebi's way of eating and combining herbs has cured ailments that Western medicine has deemed impossible. He went to court in the 70s in NY and documented proof of healing patients with aids, sickle-cell, cancer, lupus, diabetes, and more. You can find the case online easily and see that he won.

Besides my own testimonial, and thousands of others you really should give it a shot. Create a hostile environment so that no disease can live in your or touch you.

There's 3 herbs in particular which will promote OP to porcelain king:

cascara sagrada
black walnut

You can take them in either powder form in a veggie capsule or in root form/leaves for tea.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Mr.GoodThread - 06-28-2018

My issue is not really going to the bathroom, because I go at least once a day, my issues are just a general feeling of tiredness and also bad breath all the time. I will read through that other thread that you posted though. Thank you.

Anyone use Digestive Enzymes in pill form? - Ballr - 06-28-2018

Quote: (06-28-2018 12:38 PM)Mr.GoodThread Wrote:  

My issue is not really going to the bathroom, because I go at least once a day, my issues are just a general feeling of tiredness and also bad breath all the time. I will read through that other thread that you posted though. Thank you.

Once a day is constipated to me. If I skip breakfast in the morning and jug 2-3 glasses of water, I'm shitting 3 times before I touch any food. Probably all food from the previous day. Colon is super long mate. You'll be surprised what is stored in there. Eat foods from Dr Sebi's Nutritional Guide and grab some Bromide Plus and report back. Your symptoms should go away.

If they don't, send me your most recent bloodwork while you're experiencing these things. I'll take a closer look and dig deeper if we need to.