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My experience selling Gigs on Fiverr - Printable Version

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My experience selling Gigs on Fiverr - jamaicabound - 05-02-2015

Hey guys, I've been on Fiverr since the beginning. I love buying gigs on there and have occasionally sold some in the past but just here and there was never very serious about it.

Lately I've been spending some time comming up with and tweaking Fiverr gigs and have had a few sales.

Here's my thoughts....

With Fiverr your only getting $4 when everything is said and done. I value my time at at least a buck a minute minimum so there's not much worth doing on there for me

I like Fiverr gigs if its something I can automate or something easy like I'll tweet your message to my 5000 followers or deliver an ebook on how to such and such.

Aside from that anything that's not a clear cut yes this was done I wouldn't waste my time on. I've been doing some video gigs and people expect way too much for $5. I had one guy recently give me a list of like 50 product names and want me to go find pictures and descriptions as he plans on rolling out a website. I cancelled the gig told him I'm not going to spend hours hunting down images and descriptions of prdoucts which may or may not even be what he's trying to sell. If you do offer gigs like this make people provide all the content and be very descriptive on what they want and even then people want multiple revisions, its just not worth the time or effort.

It has to be something like I'll tweet your message. There's no such thing as your not happy, either I tweeted it or I didn't. Unlike a I'll make you a logo gig where someone may want 5 revisions.

As a buyer on Fiverr honestly as long as someone puts effort in I won't return a gig. Maybe ask for one revision if I'm not happy I eat hte loss and move on. I wouldn't expect someone to put hours in for a $5 gig. The only time I've ever returned gigs is when the person doing it clearly does not give a shit. I recently hired someone to make a log for a lawncare company I just started. I'll attach the logo, I cut out the company name below but seriously a semi truck as my logo. At least give me a blade of grass or something. This guy clearly grabbed the first shitty image he saw of clipart and slapped the company name under it. Stuff like that I will cancel, but as long as someone makes a legit effort I'll let them keep the $5 and try to take something away from it even if I don't use their project at least maybe it gives me an idea to go to the next guy with.

Is Fiverr worth it?

I say yes if you have a simple gig if you have some type of bot program and with one click can deliver 5000 rewteets by all means hustle and make your money. If your trying to do video or logo or design gigs don't bother. People aren't happy, its not enough money, people want too many revisions, etc. People do not know what they want so they don't give you any direction, they wait for you to create something and then use that as an example of what htey do and don't want to tweak and make you redo an entire gig. If you do offer stuff like this require people submit all content so all you have to do is put together, encourage people to provide samples of examples they like, if you don't spell all this out someone will tell you I want a promo video made for my hammock and nothing else and then be unhappy with everything you provide them even though they've given no clear direction on what they are looking for.

Lots of people think they'll drive people off fiverr and get higher paying gigs but in my opinion fiverr is like groupon, you get deal hunters. Very rarely is someone going to go off Fiverr and pay $50 for your services when there are an abundance of other Fiverrs willing to do it for $5.

I still love Fiverr for buying gigs but selling I'm not a huge fan of.

One last thing, as a tip for buyers. If you want a good experience provide the seller with as much detail as possible. Even if you like their work and want to say I'll leave it up to your creative skills to do it at least provide some examples of things you like or its a total crapshoot as to them having a clue what you want and you being happy with what they come up with.

If anyone has any comments on your experience I'd love t hear and if you have any questions about mine I'd be happy to followup.