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Confidence is... - Printable Version

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Confidence is... - RedParadigm - 04-27-2015

We all know and hear about how confidence is one of the most important attribute we need to have when it comes to women and game. But what exactly is it and how do we get it?

Confidence is our belief that we can do something. It’s that simple. We can be confident about about ability in one area and have no confidence in another. For example, an auto mechanic could be very confident about fixing a car but have zero confidence about fixing a computer. Confidence is task specific. None of us are confident in all areas of life. So to become confident in any particular area we must simply learn to become good in that area. If you don’t know anything about fixing cars and wanted to become confident at fixing cars you would simply have to learn about how to fix cars. The more proficient you became at fixing cars the more confident you would become in your ability to do so. The same applies to being confident with women. The more you learn about how to interact successfully with women the more confident you will become around them. Confidence is thus a product of our abilities. As we learn a new skill or improve upon an existing one we will become more confident in the area of our life. So to become more confident about anything you simple have to learn to become better at doing it and the only way to do that is to practice.

Practice not only makes perfect. Practice also makes confidence.

Confidence is... - Windom Earle - 04-27-2015

A confident first post/thread.

Take note newbies!