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Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - ikemen - 04-16-2015

Having just come back down to reality after banging silly a day-gamed "dumb" girl last night, I feel very far from a oneitis frame.

But as a challenge to my own development as a man who can bang any girl he so chooses, I can't help but think about how I can be more successful sealing the deal with "smart" girls who possess equally smart hamsters.

Reading this thread (about changing tastes - and reflecting on the state of the game in Western countries where increasingly countless girls are being incongruently moulded by academic pursuits leads me to question how to stay one step ahead.

These "pursuits" I speak of involve female empowerment and the glut of girls gaining education in liberal arts and psychology majors. As the OP in the above thread mentions, smart girls are fucking appealing. Knowing you've temporarily or permanently transformed them from real everyday woman to private slut makes the male orgasm that much more pleasing.

For me anyway.

Common manosphere wisdom says to NEXT at the first red flag. Any relationship with such a girl will involve an endless and unwinnable power struggle. But I'd like to question, is that necessarily true?

Failing with the smart girls AFTER turning them on is starting to become a common thread for me, but recent case in point:

21yo Ethiopian/Aussie mix (fair and exotic) fatherless only child possesses a sharp wit and love for poetry. Prior to Day 2 when I asked what she was reading she stunned me by replying, "Waiting for Godot for the third time."

When the Day 2 finally happened after lax text behavior, we hit it off instantly. I eat these girls up initially as I can flirt on their level and employ subtleties. She was hungry for my kiss, didn't give a fuck about devouring my face as three police walked past (the female one commented, "when's the wedding?") and despite initial resistance on my bounce-to-sex-location suggestion, folded as I persisted through obviously red-herring excuses ("I just want to see your artwork and white walls you seemed so fixated on").

"OK but no sex!"

"Of course not, who do you think I am?" (ugh at the need to do this).

Inside her house I sat on one of her grand armchairs, picked up a book of poetry and read a random passage like fucking Robin Williams on Dead Poets' Society (albeit deeper and slower), which led to her straddling my lap and going for it hell-for-leather.

It turns out the no sex part was legit - there was a tampon string hanging out of her pussy as I rubbed her, which explains why she was horny as fuck.

I seem to get "perioded" a lot on Day 2s so I went to work on the teasing foreplay - driving her desperate for the real thing. A real wildcat when the key was turned. Excellent blowjob with lots of eye contact, and then another better one in the morning (which I honestly didn't expect). Before falling asleep we talked and joked about many things, and it really made me horny.

She admitted that I know what I'm doing in the bedroom ("much better than most guys my age") and that I was smarter than most. Interestingly, she said she usually attracts and dates dumb guys, and told me some hilarious anecdotes about their dumbness.

Day 3 post period plans were made, but she flaked due to a "cold" and I haven't heard from her since (9 days - despite two simple attempts asking how she'd recovered).

So here is a smart girl who I predict felt intimidated by my momentary dominance over her. Her hamster was most definitely spinning as I had my dick in her mouth, but once the connection was broken she intellectualised it all. She fears that she may have gotten in too deep with me too quickly. I don't just offer a quick lay, but a deeper experience that her masculinised 2015 mindset refuses to accept at this stage of her emotional development.

Having no father definitely has something to do with it, but I thinking nexting her is a cop-out. We invest in this lifestyle because of the incredible experiences it offers us. Overnexting (while obviously sometimes a recommended action) I believe is a symptom of our lack of resilience.

The entire point was to recognise and overcome sticking points and challenges in seducing women. Our failure to do so in all but the simplest of ways (the aforementioned shit test overcome) allows the feminist ideal to perpetuate, rather than assert our dominance one girl at a time.

I want to re-engage this girl and all other girls like her who I know have a tiny smattering of desire for me. Even if it constitutes their guilty pleasure "turning bad for just a day" episode.

I felt satisfied with my dick in a vain and simple Japanese girl I slept with last night, but banging the Australiopian will make me cum really, really hard.

The last time I overcame the intellectual resistance of a hyper-intelligent girl was a few years ago, and involved an hour long verbal joust that I somehow managed to plough through by the skin of my teeth. But once I "proved" myself, the sex involved me boldly walking into her hostel room in the next morning to bang in the hour timeframe her sharemate was out on a quick shop and laundry errand. And now, she respects me.

Any advice (or better, discussion) from the pros on the board on how smart girls can be beaten at their own game once they start interfering with their own emotions?

It's becoming a necessary conversation as these types of women are only becoming more and more numerous. The new status quo. Rather than bitch about it and travel for pussy (unsustainable and ultimately expensive) we need to evolve.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - philosophical_recovery - 04-16-2015

The girls that I've met like this usually end up being pretty feminist or bounce to guys 20 years older than them. They have an understanding that guys their age are worthless in the long run, only good for fun, and secretly desire to have an older alpha as their masters. To him, their pseudo-intellectual babble is seen for what it is, they aren't struck by it as special, and know how limited their overall knowledge and wisdom is.

Gaming girls at or above your current knowledge and experience in the world and bringing them closer than just fucking is pointing a loaded gun at your heart and begging them to just tickle the trigger a bit. You're in over your head and they will outmaneuver you and hurt you just because the power is in their hands, like a kitten playing with a mouse before eating it. The nicest thing they do is telling you that they're seeing someone else, even if it's a lie.

Thankfully, you've got time on your side. The older you get, the sillier and more commonplace these girls will become to you, and the less challenging they will seem, because you can think 2 moves ahead of them at that point, know less ridiculous and feminine girls, and know to keep these girls at arms length. They're dangerous.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - ikemen - 04-16-2015

Quote: (04-16-2015 10:27 AM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

The girls that I've met like this usually end up being pretty feminist or bounce to guys 20 years older than them. They have an understanding that guys their age are worthless in the long run, only good for fun, and secretly desire to have an older alpha as their masters. To him, their pseudo-intellectual babble is seen for what it is, they aren't struck by it as special, and know how limited their overall knowledge and wisdom is.

Gaming girls at or above your current knowledge and experience in the world and bringing them closer than just fucking is pointing a loaded gun at your heart and begging them to just tickle the trigger a bit. You're in over your head and they will outmaneuver you and hurt you just because the power is in their hands, like a kitten playing with a mouse before eating it. The nicest thing they do is telling you that they're seeing someone else, even if it's a lie.

Thankfully, you've got time on your side. The older you get, the sillier and more commonplace these girls will become to you, and the less challenging they will seem, because you can think 2 moves ahead of them at that point, know less ridiculous and feminine girls, and know to keep these girls at arms length. They're dangerous.
I value your input but just need to clarify one thing.

I don't desire becoming emotionally invested in girls like this.

What turns me on is, as you say, noticing the charming silliness of their behavior and (when I can manage it) staying one step ahead of them. As in, she believes she is challenging me with her pseudo-intellectualism, but I get to a point where I dominate her regardless (the sticking point). The fuck is the goal - no more.

The girl in question (younger by 10 years) is definitely not at or above my current knowledge and experience in the world, and at no point did I believe this.

The point is, she admitted my superior standing, and contrasted it with the "dumb" guys (mice) who she revels in playing like a crafty kitten.

You're right though that I should view girls like her as commonplace and therefore less of a stimulation, but in comparison to a pop culture obsessed vapid girl, they are definitely more desirable.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - philosophical_recovery - 04-16-2015

Ah, I don't think I would game her any different then.

Did you try to go for the bang at all? I'm wondering if you did get her, on her period, this would all be different. It's never stopped me unless all I wanted from the girl was some head.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - BlurredSevens - 04-16-2015

Quote: (04-16-2015 08:41 AM)ikemen Wrote:  

how smart girls can be beaten at their own game once they start interfering with their own emotions?

It's becoming a necessary conversation as these types of women are only becoming more and more numerous. The new status quo. Rather than bitch about it and travel for pussy (unsustainable and ultimately expensive) we need to evolve.

Yah, get them drunk or high and go cave man!

If you ask me, the girls you are describing don't sound very smart. They are the kind of girls that get more pleasure from emotionally manipulating you than they do from physical sex.

If you engage them on this level, then they win.


I can understand why you're interested in these girls, and why you are more attracted to them than the airheads.

But in my experience, these types of girls are sexually boring and the juice is often not worth the squeeze.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - youngblazer - 04-16-2015

Most likely this girl is feeling a strong attraction to you. She likes the dumb guys because she can have her fun and easily push them away. But with a man who challenges her physically and mentally/emotionally, she is hit hard.

She is staying away from you because
1) She's only 21 and too intimidated by you
2) She sees herself falling for you but doesn't see the relationship working out long term.
3) She sees herself falling for you but just wants to fuck around and be a kid

Her staying away from you is actually a sign of her intelligence. A "dumber" girl would follow her tingles and let you completely own her. But she does want/isn't ready to really have her world rocked.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - ikemen - 04-17-2015

Good point - the staying away from me is a sign of intelligence. Her actions are much the same as one of us choosing strategically not to recontact a girl we've banged due to potential clingy tendencies despite sexual attraction. It's a reminder to end the date in a certain way to minimise certain objections (with this girl, be explicit about wanting to be casual).

Ah well, you win some you lose some. Closed a girl last night who was "in-between" intelligence - this seems to be the perfect balance.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - CodyB - 04-18-2015

I find intelligent and socially adjusted women to be the best subjects of my game. They're open to innuendo and usually get pretty sexual as well.

Dumb girls are a fucking bore.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - xxMarco - 04-18-2015

I have a thing for intelligent/successful women. If a girl is a 6 and she is smart it puts her up to an 8 in my book.

Bad thing is these women are the most cutthroat and vicious of them all. Getting into a relationship with them is tough. Even though you can sometimes stay 2 steps ahead of them it is difficult and frustrating at times. Always trying to out compete you, outmaneuver you, basically one up you and take control of the relationship at all times makes it difficult to relax.

Fucking them seems easier, if your game is tight you can get them into bed easily by playing on their emotions.
Beware though, the smart ones will not be satisfied with a pump and dump. They will try to manipulate and trick you by spitting their own romantic version of game to lure you in.
Once they feel they have you its over, the cat and mouse game begins.

In contrast a dumber girl or one that takes the bus to her retail job everyday doesn't put up so much bullshit. Dumber girls are more submissive in my experience at least.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - philosophical_recovery - 04-18-2015

One of the girls I dated was a good looking PhD student. She was very smart in a narrow area, liked to act like she was equally smart in other areas, but was totally useless in anything out of her element. Most of the men I met with similar education were much more well-rounded. She could talk and talk about intellectual topics, but that, to me, was boring even though I consider myself very intelligent. I'd rather just talk to a man who knows something I don't. That one, however, knew how to push emotional buttons on men after having being fawned over her whole life.

There are smart girls that are more traditionally raised that are much more worth it than the over-educated special little snowflakes. You have to catch them young. There is a small subset of working-class girls that don't indebt themselves immediately and go into college. Keep your eyes peeled for those ones, as they get snatched up rather quickly by working class alphas. If they concentrate much more on learning real world skills, like something artistic or crafty that they can make money doing, they are way more tolerable than some booksmart university cunt [Image: tard.gif]. They also have lower notch counts because although they get tingles for the working class alphas, they are turned off by how stupid they are, but find it entertaining. Eventually, they give in and get knocked up and hate life if they don't find something else.

But that's my bias, as smart girls that haven't yet or aren't going to university are pretty much my favorite. The shy ones that won't rub in your face or other's how smart they are, but like to tell you how silly and dumb most people are. They kind that stares deeply into your eyes while you're slowly pumping in them. The kind you don't want to throw out as soon as you shoot a load.

Re-engaging the over-intellectualisers - AnonymousBosch - 04-20-2015

Roughly 3-5 days for period, so you should be able to roughly-guess her 28 day cycle.

You want to establish contact with her again in her ovulation window, (the 6 days before and including ovulation, roughly day 9 to 14 of her cycle), when her instincts will drive her to seek socially and genetically-dominant men for breeding.

Try texting a Waiting For Godot quote during this time:


A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste ... In an instant all will vanish and we'll be alone once more, in the midst of nothingness!