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Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - Printable Version

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Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - Daedmo - 05-23-2019

By "viral" they mean a lot of leftoids have shared it on facebook with their equally retarded leftist friends. The word viral used to mean something, now it's just a word for the collectivist/leftist hive mentality.


An English advertising campaign designed to encourage girls and women to play sport has gone viral, attracting 16 million views on Facebook and YouTube.

This Girl Can features a squadron of joyful, jumping and perspiring women, and aims to address the huge disparity between female and male participation in sport.

But what about the even bigger disparity between female and male coal miners or oil rig workers?

England ranks third in Europe in terms of male participation, and ranks 19th for female participation.

"So there is the most enormous gender gap, and if we could just crack that it would make a massive difference to the lives of women and girls," Sport England chief executive Jennie Price said.

The advertising campaign also takes on the hefty issue of how women do not fear physical activity, but rather the judgment of others.

"And [the campaign] is edgy and it is disruptive but it's basically celebrating all those women and girls who have decided, 'Damn it. I don't care what people think about me. I'm going to get out there and do it'," Ms Price said.

She said she did not expect the extent to which the videos would go viral, saying the campaign seemed to have "really struck a chord with people".

It struck a chord only with the leftiod/feminist/collectivists on Facebook.

"I think the message we're trying to get across here, which is that if you have this thought in your head when you think about sport and exercise, that 'I'm not fit enough. I look dreadful in those clothes. I don't really know the rules anymore', that that is completely normal," she said.

She said the Australian director of the television ad, Kim Gehrig, was "absolutely fundamental" to the creation of the campaign.

"When we talked to her about the research, she got it instantly, what we were trying to do," she said.

"So I think we've tapped into something here which is genuinely universal."

Ms Price is unapologetic about using the word "girl" for the campaign.

She said it was to target teenagers and to take the word as a youthful crown for older women.

Ms Price shared her thoughts on the various This Girl Can slogans:

'I'm slow but I'm lapping everyone on the couch'

We went out and found "real" women - so there are no actresses; there's no models; there's no airbrushing.

Literally, when they cast the advert they went out into the streets, into the parks, into the gyms and said, "You look like you're enjoying your exercise. Can we talk to you about it?"

And they talked to over 100 women who were being joyful and delighted about what they were doing.

'I jiggle, therefore I am'
[Image: this-girl-can-run-custom-data.jpg]
I think when any woman runs — even a fit, slim woman — bits of us move, you know. That's what happens.

And so we were looking for a word that really captured the fact that you move around when you run.

And "jiggle" was the one that just caught everybody's imagination. And best of all, it just made people grin.

Sam, the runner who that quote sits on, is a really powerful woman who's only started running in the last six months or so.

And she's got cellulite and she's quite open about the fact she's got cellulite.

'I kick balls. Deal with it'
[Image: this-girl-can-play-football-data.jpg]
It is slightly edgy but I think because football is so male-dominated, we needed something that said "Girls belong here" — that it's absolutely fine for us to kick balls too.

But abattoirs are also male dominated. Do girls belong there?

And I have to say that is my personal favourite.

When we saw the ad for the first time, that was the one I wanted my picture taken in front of.

'Damn right I look hot'
[Image: this-girl-can-do-a-spin-class-custom-data.jpg]
"Damn right, I look hot" is poking fun at the fact that people expect women to look wonderful all the time.

And actually, when we're out exercising we don't necessarily look our best.

So we're trying to flip it on its head and say, "You shouldn't expect women to look like dolls all the time because we don't."

We're normal human beings. And so there's a little bit of humour in there.

So basically another tax-payer funded propaganda campaign to push "Grrrrrl Powa" and raise the self esteem of fatties while at the same time feminise and bastardise the last few spaces where men can be men.

Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - eclipse - 05-23-2019

I think women should learn to not take other peoples opinions of them that seriously. I mean- stopping them from playing cool sports? Your really fucking yourselves over and its not our fault at all. If you look horrible... its much better not to, than to pull any other shenanigans.

That being said- I love girls who do sports. But its perfectly OK if your not that naturally inclined- as long as you embrace your feminine/submissive side and then just mimic everything I do. Im not bluepill enough to think more of you just because you happen to naturally like the same sports as me. Just make it clear you are mimicking me, and I wont care one bit.

Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - Disco_Volante - 05-23-2019

Women aren't wired or built for physical competition.

Social competition or beauty competition? Yes
Sports requiring coordination? No

A girl will derive greater happiness from being one of the hot dancers on the sidelines infront of the crowd as opposed to lifting weights to play a sport.

I will say girls who play soccer have the best asses that's for sure.
or even volleyball players for that matter

[Image: Bpynl1vIYAAKGV-.jpg:large]

Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 05-23-2019

[Image: this-girl-can-run-custom-data.jpg]

With Spring just around the corner your going to see alot of this. I like to call it "Betty's first and last jog of the year"

Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - godfather dust - 05-23-2019

Anything that makes girls thinner is good, including this campaign IMO.

Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - Marmite - 05-23-2019

I thought it was a campaign to get fat girls to exercise!?

Government campaign to feminise sport goes "viral" - Daedmo - 05-23-2019

Quote: (Today 09:35 PM)Marmite Wrote:  

I thought it was a campaign to get fat girls to exercise!?

Not really, read the article closely and you'll see it's more about "fat acceptance" "realistic bodies (aka ugly)" and encroaching into male dominated areas. It's also about boosting female confidence at the expense of men who are just supposed to get through life without any government campaigns to give them a pat on the back.

I'm all for women improving themselves but these are the type of females that just annoy the hell out of me. I can't even go for a walk at my local park without my visual senses being assaulted by dozens of overweight 30 and 40 somethings jiggling past me. They're always there and they always get no results. It's like those women who drink a diet coke and then think they're entitled to eat a whole cheesecake.