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Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - pullhair - 02-21-2015

A few general comments about running daygame in Tokyo. And my personal stats are below.

— 80 sets, and not a single girl told me she had a boyfriend or was married. Weird. I wonder if anyone else has noticed that. Back at home, I would have gotten at least 20 “BFs” (I got 4 “BFs” just today, from 11 girls here in my city). Some of the blowouts could have been BFs, but I stopped a lot of girls, and never heard that. I know one of the girls I dated has a BF, but she didn’t tell me until we were mid-dinner and my hands were all over her.

— Language barrier was manageable. The Japanese really don’t speak that much English, but this is doable. And girls that like you will work hard to help you get it done once they hook. Google Translate or similar apps on your phone, worked excellent. And you can be very seductive with a combination of eye contact and a translator. I still lost some girls that were very into me, because we just couldn’t communicate at all… but not speaking Japanese didn’t stop me from having a great time.

— Game is about volume. I love my city, it’s very solid, but Tokyo’s greater numbers and high level of girls I’m super attracted to meant I could open many more girls per day. And since a lot of the sets were quick because of the language problems, you can run a million sets in a proper day. I did a few days of around 15, but 20+ would be easily doable. And if you sprinkle them in, then break for a tea, or a snack, you can keep your energy up and go for long sessions. I did all of this solo… having a fun wing would make this even easier.

— Get your number farming in early in your trip. You’re likely to be tired, and/or nervous if you’re not too experienced, but you have to start early, as it takes time to work thru the leads and escalation. I think 2-3 more girls would have dated me if I had more time. I was here for 5 weeks, but having the girl from home with me and work for the first 2 weeks means I didn’t get into this right away. I also warmed up as the trip went on, and I would have been a monster if I started a week earlier. I wish I was more aggressive about approaching with volume, earlier in the trip… that’s my only regret.

— Eye contact and body language are huge. This is true everywhere, but most definitely in Japan. In part, as you have to compensate for lower verbals, and in part because there is a lot of femininity out there and strong masculine non-verbals get a lot of attention. My night game is just okay, but I was getting massive IOIs in the clubs at night. One more bit here, I did a lot of theatricals, hamming up the points I was trying to communicate and the emotions I was trying express. For instance, I did a lot of clapping — which is a good state boost, and everyone gets that, very effective. Fun, and effective. In fact, I’m sure the time in Japan has made my non-verbals better, and I can use those skills at home.

Here are my stats:

— 10 sets before I started taking notes
— Jan23, first proper day, 9 sets, maybe one more that night LINE close??
— Jan26: 7 sets
— Jan27: 15 sets
— Feb02: 13+ sets
— Feb04: 11 sets (dated two girls I met on this day)
— Feb06: 15 sets

80 sets. Yeah. My goal was 40, but I really pushed myself. And there are a million girls in Tokyo that I’m into. And… I was loving it, running so much game I almost couldn’t stop. My last few days (desperately horny), I was on fire.

20% increase in my daygame career total stops in this trip alone… putting me around 500+ now, I think. Tons of new reference points. My game is definitely better now, I felt it on the street today.

CONTACTS: Including night game and coffee shop pickups
— 11 LINE contacts (not counting guys I met, obviously)
— 1 email
— 3 Facebooks
— and I gave my contacts to 4 girls and none of them looked me up

— 1 with a girl I picked up at a club last year (long game)
— 2 dates with the heartbreaker I picked up during daygame
— 1 with the singer from daygame

MAKEOUTS: 4 or 5??, including nightgame and dates, but not my lay.

— 1, not counting her in the “dates”
— Picked her up at dinner… not really “street game” so I don’t count her as a daygame lay

— First time daygaming girls in a foreign country
— First stop inside a store (she was so charming)
— First time following a girl into a store (different girl)
— First time I had sex with a married woman
— First time I kissed two girls in one day
— First time I’ve “spun” a girl

Fucking excellent trip. Been trying to keep my momentum up since I’ve been back. I’m doing okay, but not quite the daygame-fool I was in “paradise.” I approached 17+ girls in the last two days on the street. All solo. Tokyo definitely bumped up my skills and my courage.

Many posts from my trip on my site:

Also posted some general notes on Tokyo game on a previous thread:

Viva daygame!

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Phoenix - 02-21-2015

Where were you opening the girls?

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - pullhair - 02-21-2015

Almost exclusively in Shibuya... but I don't think that matters, as long as there are enough girls for you to get attracted/motivated and run your sets.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Adrenaline - 02-21-2015

Very interesting that the women didn't mention their boyfriends. Usually this means they are willing to cheat but if the girl told you after you began putting your hands on her, might be a cultural thing.

1 lay from 80 approaches seems pretty ineffective though. No offence meant.

How old are you?

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Carlos100 - 02-22-2015

From what I've observed, women in Japan usually won't mention boyfriends or husbands to strangers or use it as an excuse to deflect an approach. It doesn't mean that they're potentially making themselves available to other men. I've had women friends in social circle who have had long-time boyfriends who haven't mentioned it to anyone else in the social circle until almost the day they got married, or in some cases after the marriage ceremony.

Kudos on your approach stats. I think it's admirable that you got out there and tried hard and did your upmost out on the streets day after day. I think I'll look at your site to see the story of your bang with the married woman.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Apollo21 - 02-22-2015

Japan is like an alternate many Japanese men prefer not to have a girlfriend, get married, etc that the birth
rate is dangerously low. As a result, a lot of Japanese girls are very very single.

Of course to make this work, you'll have to be there longer, learn Japanese and join a few group activities, professional networking events, even if you don't speak the language. Also don't forget about Karaoke nights...

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - fucksong - 02-22-2015

I hope youre living there long term or somewhere like Manhattan or Honolulu because if not, be prepared for massive vacation day game withdrawals. I'm planning on returning to Tokyo by summer but it's been tough since I came back to us last year.

If you really want to step your game up, go for the same day lay via one of the love hotels in dogenzaka.

Good luck!

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - rcraig33hb - 02-22-2015

Nice post! Would have been nice to post a bio of yourself as suggested by Roosh (game level, age, race, dress style...etc) like some datasheets have. Helpful to some reader!

Glad you had a blast!

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - pullhair - 02-22-2015

>> 1 lay from 80 approaches seems pretty ineffective though. No offence meant.
>> How old are you?

No offense taken. At home, I'd agree with you. With the language barrier and non-native logistics, I think less so.

One of the girls I dated said "no one night sex" and the other said "not the first night." I'm going to assume some of that was true, and that my game (as always) could have been better. I think a little longer and I would have slept w/ 1 of the 2, and definitely gotten more of the others out... not to mention I would have kept going and I would have had more leads.

-- 42 (people guess 28-32, my grey blends with my blonde)
-- white guy
-- Mostly hitting on girls 22-32

>> be prepared for massive vacation day game withdrawals

Totally true. I'm in San Francisco. It's no Japan, but I had a couple of good days last week with Asian girls here at home. I'm going out again tomorrow.

>> Of course to make this work, you'll have to be there longer, learn Japanese and join a few group activities, professional networking events, even if you don't speak the language. Also don't forget about Karaoke nights...

I don't agree. Cold approach daygame with just about 0 Japanese was working fine... I think the patterns to sex are all clear: approaches, opens, contact, dates, makeouts... I was just about there. With more time, or better skills, there would be steady lays, just like anywhere else.

My conclusion then, and now:

+1 for being foreign, -1 for being foreign = same as home overall

And as for the girls:

+1 for more gorgeous J-girls, -1 because they were much harder to talk to = same as home overall

If you live in a proper city, your main opportunity is at home. But this experiment showed me how powerful daygame is, if you want to start from scratch, anywhere, it can be done.

And also... great reminder of non-verbals. 2 of my most memorable approaches from that trip were girls that could not understand a word I said, but were completely spell-bound, stuck in a trance, just dripping feminine and staring at me. Fuck. Great trip.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - fucksong - 02-22-2015

Ahh...San Francisco. You can only work Union square for so long and the tourists aren't as plentiful as they are in Waikiki or Manhattan. Not sure what your job is but I'd recommend you move to Hawaii or N.Y. There are limited numbers in Bay area AND YOU WILL SEE THE SAME ONES over and over. It's mostly the language student and Academy of art students. It's def not the Tech industry

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Bushido - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:03 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

1 lay from 80 approaches seems pretty ineffective though. No offence meant.

It takes time to calibrate to Japanese game because it's so different. 80 street approaches is a drop in the bucket in Shibuya. Almost guaranteed that if OP had stayed longer his results would have gotten much better.

I know you meant nothing by it, but judging people's approach stats isn't very helpful especially as 80 is such a small sample size.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - GlockTrigga - 02-22-2015

Learn Japanese next time. Never go to a foreign country to game without learning the language and practicing a few months ahead. Why handicap yourself bruh? It can never hurt. Even a mediocre level of Japanese could get you laid infinitely more. Preparation is the seed for success.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - RawGod - 02-22-2015

Major kudos to the OP. Two or three more trips like that and results will exponentially increase. You're just getting your eye in now (do you yanks know that expression?)
I can see from your blog that you love women and thats why you will succeed. When you finally get that one single 22 year old Shibuya hottie you will never forget until your dying day. That's what being a "player" is about. Not about being blase.
As for learning Japanese, gaming in English can actually be better than shitty Japanese. For some reason there is nothing like the eye of the tiger of a short term visitor. Long term, having Japanese is an advantage, but only once you get past the (significant) hump. Speaking Japanese puts you in the category of every other guy hitting on her, and she will evaluate you on status etc. whereas speaking English only makes you an adventure, and makes it clear it's all about the bang.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - GlockTrigga - 02-22-2015

Yeah but the types of Women you can get on the Gaijin style is limited. Learning the language will open you up to girls with higher SMV for the short-term or lower partner count for the LTR. If OP learns just enough to make a few jokes he'll score much easier.

Ask any Japanese comedian will tell you the easiest way into the panties in Japan is to make the woman "Laugh from the lower gut".

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Bushido - 02-22-2015

While I'd encourage anyone to learn Japanese, the best street guy I know in Japan speaks English only. And he gets very high quality.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Menace - 02-22-2015

1/80 given no language, different culture, first time day game in foreign country is pretty good. That's 1.25% conversion. Best day gamers typically get 5% conversion (i.e. bang) in native language. Keep at it op. I couldn't do that right now, so props to you.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - Menace - 02-22-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 06:03 PM)GlockTrigga Wrote:  

Yeah but the types of Women you can get on the Gaijin style is limited. Learning the language will open you up to girls with higher SMV for the short-term or lower partner count for the LTR. If OP learns just enough to make a few jokes he'll score much easier.

Ask any Japanese comedian will tell you the easiest way into the panties in Japan is to make the woman "Laugh from the lower gut".

What is your personal experience gaming in Japan?

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - pullhair - 02-22-2015

>> There are limited numbers in Bay area AND YOU WILL SEE THE SAME ONES over and over. It's mostly the language student and Academy of art students. It's def not the Tech industry

^ Fucksong has clearly done some real-world time on the streets of SF.

On Thu, I opened a girl for the 2nd time... it was still fun. One of my favorite daygame girls ever, I've opened twice, and she was even more into it the second time (I only realized I knew her after I was about 1 min into the pickup, she, of course, knew the whole time). She "still" has a BF, but said that next time I stop her, we're going to have a drink. We'll see. She's a full on beauty, completely charming.

Yeah... I'm going to see the same girls over and over, I already am, but I'm okay with that. Tourist season is about to start. I'm a proud, proud daygamer. I think there's something real about opening a girl twice... she's clearly my type. And that's exactly what I say when it happens. Daygame can be so sincere... that's part of what I like about it.

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - CJ_W - 03-15-2015

Quote: (02-22-2015 05:38 PM)dreambig Wrote:  

Quote: (02-21-2015 10:03 PM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

1 lay from 80 approaches seems pretty ineffective though. No offence meant.

It takes time to calibrate to Japanese game because it's so different. 80 street approaches is a drop in the bucket in Shibuya. Almost guaranteed that if OP had stayed longer his results would have gotten much better.

I know you meant nothing by it, but judging people's approach stats isn't very helpful especially as 80 is such a small sample size.

This. I know of dudes who do 80 approaches in like two days!

Tokyo Daygame: Datasheet - lavidaloca - 03-15-2015

If someone is doing 80 approaches in two days I'd hope they are a) getting paid for it or b) retired!

Your results were find. Conversion rate off of 80 approaches is pretty irrelevant considering had a couple more gone his way he'd all of a sudden been at 3-5%...a couple more may very well have gone his way had he had more time.

A typical guy street approaching in London will have months to close. It's not really a fair comparison.