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Studying Abroad, but... - mastauser - 02-07-2015

Currently I'm studying abroad with Erasmus in Spain.

However, most people really have to take the subjects home and as such have something to strive for. I'm doing it more as a bonus, so not obliged to take the subjects home.

It is in a college town in Spain (Salamanca) which is supposedly really good for pickup purposes and it is true, view also

But to be honest, there is nothing else to do. Nightlife starts late, and what I miss most is a real goal and outdoor stuff. The girls are good, but that's pretty much it.
It is not really expensive because I just pay my home tuition (Im luckily not paying 12.000 euros for this for example). Part of me wants to stay but part of me wants to go to my beloved Latin America for example.

Keep in mind that I already have travelled all over the world and although I still have and want some stuff to discover in the surroundings here, I am sure there are locations that are either offering more in terms of productivity or adventure.

But on the other hand, it is quite tranquil and I can work on my own projects here.

Are there people that can relate to this? Or am I acting spoiled and weird?

Studying Abroad, but... - Cheetah - 02-07-2015

Just bite the bullet, it can't be that bad. How long are you there for?

If the studies are ok and the flow of quality girls are good then that should keep you occupied. Where in Europe do you think would be better?

Stay put and go back to Latin America when you are finished.

Studying Abroad, but... - Cheetah - 02-07-2015

If you go back just because you miss the outdoor stuff I guess that you would regret such a decision.

Edited: what do you mean by not having a goal? Isn't it a goal studying for let's say one year and make sure that you pass all courses that you are scheduled to take in that year, or maybe pass with distinction or something?

Studying Abroad, but... - mastauser - 02-07-2015

Quote: (02-07-2015 05:18 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

If you go back just because you miss the outdoor stuff I guess that you would regret such a decision.

Edited: what do you mean by not having a goal? Isn't it a goal studying for let's say one year and make sure that you pass all courses that you are scheduled to take in that year, or maybe pass with distinction or something?

To clarify, I am European, and I want to stay in my hometown for the entire next year. I don't want to go home, but I am thinking about going travelling instead of studying abroad here if it bores me within 3/4 weeks or something. But I think, like you say, chances are big that I will regret that decision.

Im here for 5 months. Maybe the goal to finish the courses that are scheduled is not that bad. But the courses are useless for what I want to do, they might help me for getting admitted to a good masters program later on, though.

Studying Abroad, but... - Cheetah - 02-07-2015


And it should also look good on your cv.

If you are bored by studying, what do you think working will be like? Plan on doing some travelling to Latin America as soon as you finish your courses in Salamanca.

Try to enjoy your time as a student instead. Other RVFers contemplate to prolong their studies, and perhaps for a reason.

Studying Abroad, but... - mastauser - 02-08-2015

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.
The thing is a bit, I have the feeling that I have to work on prerequisites for my masters (those courses are not really offered here).

Social life is going out really late (from 00:30- 5:00 or later) and not much else, so if I want to participate in that a lot the days are a bit of a daze, sitting at home, with not much to do.

I worked for a while full time and I know what you mean (what working is like), but I mean that I'd like more productive studying, the courses here are not that useful. So it's basically some random coursework and waiting all day until the party 2/3 times a week.

Any other thoughts?

Studying Abroad, but... - Cheetah - 02-08-2015


You can work on your own projects, you study and you have success at night. That's triple. Alot of guys only travel somewhere for the girls and don't even study during the day.

What are your options really? It's probably too late to go elsewhere for studying and quitting just to hang around Latin America or something doesn't sound like a wise option. You have plenty of time now to plan what will happen after your 5 months. It's not very long.

Studying Abroad, but... - Gopnik - 02-08-2015

If you are only there for 5 months enjoy as much as you can the positive things about it cause before you'll even know it, that semester will be over. It's not like you're stuck in a shithole for the foreseeable future so just chill and have fun. You mention that Salamanca is good for pick up and that you also have quite a bit of free time... it sounds like paradise to me. If you're really that bored, do some side trips to other places in Spain/Europe, but seriously, seems like you've got nothing to complain about.

EDIT: If you want to go back to SA, assuming your Spanish is not perfect, focus on that for the time being, get some private classes, practice as much as you can...etc.

Studying Abroad, but... - AldoKelevra - 02-08-2015

How bad can studying abroad be though? Come on?

It's a great opportunity and may ruin it by having thoughts like this.

Soak up the good life of not having to take University too seriously, chasing Spanish girls, and great nightlife.

You don't have to go out every weekend. You can work on your goals on weekend. Go travel and have an adventure the next, then come back and party and again.

Have a positive attitude about it and enjoy the rest of the time there.

Studying Abroad, but... - mastauser - 02-09-2015

I had this thought pattern more often when I just started something. Also with my internship I started to like it more later, and with my frat in Holland I had the same thing.

Now I really start to enjoy it here, met cool guys and loads of hot girls. Also plenty to work on for me.

Thanks for the responses and I suppose this is really a way how you learn about yourself, in the sense that I recognize thought patters that I had earlier in life and how they eventually shift 180 degrees. Of course it might change at some low days but that is all part of the experience.