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Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Krusyos - 02-05-2015

I occasionally find entertainment in lurking on Stormfront and laughing at the circle-jerk of extremism that goes on there.

Apparently this guy decided to leave Stormfront and cited Roosh as his primary cause for leaving.

The guys in the comments are hilarious.

The real question is... is this "Mjornllir" fellow on the RVF?

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - speakeasy - 02-05-2015

There was a low-count poster here who I recall opposing the making of "cafe con leche" babies(worded just like that). I've never heard that expression before, which is why I remember. I can't recall right now who it was.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - CactusCat589 - 02-05-2015

I remember that, it was from thread.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Krusyos - 02-05-2015

Yeah that was on another one of my threads. Dunno what to make of this, really.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - vinman - 02-05-2015

A toast to Roosh for changing Lives!
[Image: clap2.gif]

This guy went from "White Pride Worldwide", to meh, pussy is pussy.
[Image: agree.gif]

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - El Chinito loco - 02-05-2015

Just go through that thread linked and replace every instance of "white" or "race" with muslims and nationalism with "islam" and there you go.

Extremism is extremism.

These guys occasionally do have some good points such as multiculturalism being a sham, the corruption of the political system, illegals destroying the country, and the influence of various foreign lobbies (Israel) but their conclusions and proposed solutions are usually insane.

They live in a bubble and a lot of their worldview is borne out of disenfranchisement and anger channeled into an ideology. It's all negativity.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - GeroMeroHero - 02-05-2015

idk, I am a little confused... He is still racialist but not a nationalist?

I suppose nationalist on Stormfront means 100% white so there goes that. That seems to be the implication he is making.

He is still anti-miscegenation and only seemed to convert to 'Rooshism' because Roosh is more successful. Which is true.

In all honesty, I agree with SF that western civ needs to remain mostly white in order to survive. Bear with me on this, it's more a matter of incidence rather than whites r best. If Western Civ loses a white supermajority (like now) it probably means mass immigration. Which means the culture has lurched far to the left and lost all interest in its uniqueness, which is a death knell let's be honest.
Also the whole white countries should be melting pots is unfair on a moral level. The founders being supplanted and the culture continuing is a pipe dream.

But I think we all know that SF doesn't stop there...

Amren is better.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - El Chinito loco - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 11:09 PM)GeroMeroHero Wrote:  

In all honesty, I agree with SF that western civ needs to remain mostly white in order to survive. Bear with me on this, it's more a matter of incidence rather than whites r best. If Western Civ loses a white supermajority (like now) it probably means mass immigration. Which means the culture has lurched far to the left and lost all interest in its uniqueness, which is a death knell let's be honest.
Also the whole white countries should be melting pots is unfair on a moral level. The founders being supplanted and the culture continuing is a pipe dream.

Exactly, it's possible for individuals to marry and maybe "integrate" into a foreign culture if they make an attempt to fully assimilate and if they are largely accepted. The problems begin when you get large numbers of a foreign people that differ from the majority culture moving into a country and then they start imposing their own language, religion, and cultural standards.

No country or people likes this. Imagine if a bunch of white people moved to Japan and started demanding english being spoken in public, english signs, and for Japan to change its cultural stance on many issues. How well would that go over?

It leads to disatisfaction and conflict between everyone.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - GeroMeroHero - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 11:46 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (02-05-2015 11:09 PM)GeroMeroHero Wrote:  

In all honesty, I agree with SF that western civ needs to remain mostly white in order to survive. Bear with me on this, it's more a matter of incidence rather than whites r best. If Western Civ loses a white supermajority (like now) it probably means mass immigration. Which means the culture has lurched far to the left and lost all interest in its uniqueness, which is a death knell let's be honest.
Also the whole white countries should be melting pots is unfair on a moral level. The founders being supplanted and the culture continuing is a pipe dream.

Exactly, it's possible for individuals to marry and maybe "integrate" into a foreign culture if they make an attempt to fully assimilate and if they are largely accepted. The problems begin when you get large numbers of a foreign people that differ from the majority culture moving into a country and then they start imposing their own language, religion, and cultural standards.

No country or people likes this. Imagine if a bunch of white people moved to Japan and started demanding english being spoken in public, english signs, and for Japan to change its cultural stance on many issues. How well would that go over?

It leads to disatisfaction and conflict between everyone.

I also do agree with some of the commentators in that thread that preserving western civ without advocating for whites is like wanting anthills but not caring about ants.
The extremes SF takes that is simply an obsession though.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 02-06-2015

I pictured Roosh and the Stormfront exmember driving through a crowd of butthurt Nazis.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - komatiite - 02-06-2015

Imagine the trolls that the mods at StormFront must have to deal with!

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Tactician - 02-06-2015

^^^ Over there, IRT would mean Inferior-Race Troll [Image: banana.gif]

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - MidWest - 02-06-2015

One guy on there was saying that he committed treason [Image: lol.gif]

I'm glad he came around. Like he himself said, he didn't see the point of being a white nationalist since all it brought was negativity and hate. Once he learned some game, worked out and approached women he found satisfaction in life and said "Fuck this racist white nationalist shit," it all came together for him in the end. Kudos for him.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Samseau - 02-06-2015

Quote:AryanSiegAus Wrote:

Mate, you can just f#(k off now.

You're even more retarded than that idiot who OP'd the "How can I know Hitler's opinion of me?" thread.

With moral standards such as yours, you were NEVER white nationalist.

I hope you catch AIDS from the lady-boys, in the Philippines, mate.


You're even more retarded than that idiot who OP'd the "How can I know Hitler's opinion of me?" thread.


"How can I know Hitler's opinion of me?" thread.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Man and we thought RVF had bad trolls!! Please, can anyone find that thread? The lulz must be epic...!

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - SamuelBRoberts - 02-06-2015

OK, I had to go look that thread up.
How can I know Hitler's opinion of me?

"I'm serious guys

How do I know if I'm among the noble and kindred group cherished by the Nazis?

I'm proud of being White, especially German heritage. I want to have many children. I want to be part of the Nazi, skinhead, racialist, white nationalist, European-American,Aryan brotherhood, whatever it's called community that believes that everything that is non-white is repugnant and disgustine. I'm also looking for a good German-American society or club in my area to claim membership in for people of German descent. I know the truth that Germans in particular are biologically superior to everyone else is not an opinion it is a fact no less a fact than 6 is the atomic number of carbon.

ButI have been feeling kind of unproud because I want to be German but all my relatives have natural dark hair."

The Stormfronters rush to tell him that it's okay to have dark hair, Hitler will still love you anyway!


"I'm sure Hitler would have liked you if you are what you claim to be and are strong with your beliefs. It's not a silly question at all, since many WN's like myself have an admiration for Hitler."

Who knew that Hitler was such a tolerant guy?

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - lskdfjldsf - 02-06-2015

This is some 1930's, backwoods Alabama, "fuck your own sister" kind of nationalism. Do people like this really exist?

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - SteveMcMahon - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 03:24 AM)Samseau Wrote:  


"How can I know Hitler's opinion of me?" thread.

[Image: 93c6_Vgkr_Lvh_O.jpg]

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-06-2015

Not much difference between these people and Lindy West.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - berserk - 02-06-2015

Good for that guy, hate is a cheap but addictive drug. I don't really see the problem with his new beliefs. The major problem for a lot of younger white people is that they've been raised with a lot of undeserved guilt about their race and their heritage, which then in many cases leads to an extremist response once they begin to dig a little deeper. Not unlike the red pill with women.

It's perfectly ok to have part of your identity be 'white' and want your historically white nation, to remain white and have a desire for your children and grandchildren to look like you. You can also arrive at the moderate position, that areas and nations have a dominant ethnicity and culture, but with room for other ethnicities and culture. I consider that the normal and healthy way to view yourself in relation to the world.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Gorman - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 04:32 AM)berserk Wrote:  

It's perfectly ok to have part of your identity be 'white' and want your historically white nation, to remain white and have a desire for your children and grandchildren to look like you.

Our rulers have determined that those thoughts are not OK in 2015. In many countries you could lose your job for stating that opinion.

Stormfront and this forum share many core beliefs and ideology. I would say both are against the insidious cultural Marxism that dominates the West and poisons everything it touches. Sites like Stormfront focus on the impact of cultural Marxism on nationalism and race, while over here the focus is on how it ruins gender relations.

I believe the globalists/cultural Marxists deliberately conspired to intertwine "racism" with nationalism in order to make nationalism seem like some dirty immoral thing. This is how people self-censor and brainwash.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - berserk - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 05:11 AM)Gorman Wrote:  

Quote: (02-06-2015 04:32 AM)berserk Wrote:  

It's perfectly ok to have part of your identity be 'white' and want your historically white nation, to remain white and have a desire for your children and grandchildren to look like you.

Our rulers have determined that those thoughts are not OK in 2015. In many countries you could lose your job for stating that opinion.

Stormfront and this forum share many core beliefs and ideology. I would say both are against the insidious cultural Marxism that dominates the West and poisons everything it touches. Sites like Stormfront focus on the impact of cultural Marxism on nationalism and race, while over here the focus is on how it ruins gender relations.

I believe the globalists/cultural Marxists deliberately conspired to intertwine "racism" with nationalism in order to make nationalism seem like some dirty immoral thing. This is how people self-censor and brainwash.

The problem is that because of what you mention, the good ethnic pride gets lumped in with the bad (Stormfront), because it has nowhere to go in mainstream media and opinion.

I've checked out Stormfront once for about 5 minutes and never returned. I refuse ever be part of an ideology which doesn't judge people on their merits as individuals.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Deluge - 02-06-2015

Stormfront have a women's only forum [Image: lol.gif]

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - SteveMcMahon - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 03:45 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

OK, I had to go look that thread up.
How can I know Hitler's opinion of me?

"I'm serious guys

How do I know if I'm among the noble and kindred group cherished by the Nazis?

I'm proud of being White, especially German heritage. I want to have many children. I want to be part of the Nazi, skinhead, racialist, white nationalist, European-American,Aryan brotherhood, whatever it's called community that believes that everything that is non-white is repugnant and disgustine. I'm also looking for a good German-American society or club in my area to claim membership in for people of German descent. I know the truth that Germans in particular are biologically superior to everyone else is not an opinion it is a fact no less a fact than 6 is the atomic number of carbon.

ButI have been feeling kind of unproud because I want to be German but all my relatives have natural dark hair."

The Stormfronters rush to tell him that it's okay to have dark hair, Hitler will still love you anyway!


"I'm sure Hitler would have liked you if you are what you claim to be and are strong with your beliefs. It's not a silly question at all, since many WN's like myself have an admiration for Hitler."

Who knew that Hitler was such a tolerant guy?

Have to say, that is a quality troll job. [Image: banana.gif]


How do I know if I'm among the noble and kindred group cherished by the Nazis?

[Image: tumblr_inline_nfdelu0r_TJ1rea0r5.jpg]


I know the truth that Germans in particular are biologically superior

[Image: haghj.jpg]

[Image: giphy.gif?w=320]

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - Daedmo - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 12:03 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

I pictured Roosh and the Stormfront exmember driving through a crowd of butthurt Nazis.

I noticed something about the bad guys in that film.

[Image: blues-brothers.jpg]
Conservative Christian
[Image: napier.jpg]
[Image: blues_brothers_henry_gibson_top_nazi.png]
[Image: blues-brothers-25_288x216.jpg]

A who's who of SJW antagonists.

Roosh is On Stormfront Again - SteveMcMahon - 02-06-2015

Quote: (02-06-2015 06:10 AM)Daedmo Wrote:  

I noticed something about the bad guys in that film.

Who told you Sister Mary Stigmata was one of the bad guys?

[Image: giphy.gif?w=320]

She's not a baddie. She's a take-no-shit nun trying to keep open a struggling inner city orphanage for kids who would probably otherwise be on the streets. She can't do that and be a pussycat.

Yes, she's handy with a ruler. But the brothers Blues are very bad boys. They need a bit of a smack to keep them on the path of righteousness.

She's an authority figure, not an antagonist. Jake and Elwood don't generally like authority figures, but they respect The Penguin. They're on a mission from God, and the Sister is God's Staff Sergeant.

The Blues Brothers is a story of redemption. Two men who haven't done much of anything good in their lives are trying to give something back to society. Sister Mary Stigmata is the one who gives them the opportunity to redeem themselves.