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IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Wutang - 02-03-2015

I browse the bluepill subreddit from time to time because I like to seek out opinions that are the exact opposite of mine to keep myself honest. Apparently a bunch of users on that subreddit have received private messages from an Indian guy bemoaning that white girls don't want him

Two traits this guy appears to have in common with IRT:
1) Was born and raised in this country so is pretty Americanized
2) Talks about how he's submitted his face to HotOrNot type sites and how he gets good ratings from them - something IRT has mentioned b efore

One of the receivers of the PM posted her reply to him in public and the thread got a massive amount of comments

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - L M McCoy - 02-03-2015

Desi men are dark Indians right?

Dark guys regardless of ethnic background can clean up the joint.

I have been trying to get dark brown for years now but can only get a slight tan hue.

Don't know why he wants white women when he can get VVVV

[Image: Desi-Indian-Girl-Daisy-Shah.jpg?dab3d2]

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - GeroMeroHero - 02-03-2015

I wonder how many of these are genuine...
Because if I ever feel down I may try the IRT thing.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - KC4 - 02-03-2015

Quote: (02-03-2015 02:32 AM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Desi men are dark Indians right?
Desi,in my understanding means anyone from the past Indian nations. Pakistani, bangladeshi, Indian. make sense?

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - germanico - 02-03-2015

[Image: who-gives-a-fuck.jpg]

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - 007 - 02-03-2015

More specifically Indians, you won't find many Pakistani's or Bangladeshi's referring to themselves as desi (even though they were just that a couple of generations ago).
Quote: (02-03-2015 03:22 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 02:32 AM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Desi men are dark Indians right?
Desi,in my understanding means anyone from the past Indian nations. Pakistani, bangladeshi, Indian. make sense?

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - bojangles - 02-03-2015

Man I need to create a reddit account and get him to buy my book.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - speakeasy - 02-03-2015

Yep, it's him. I swear, he's a Rodger Elliot waiting to happen. That guy is just going to snap one day and go on a massacre.


"It's not racist, it's just a preference."

I'm sick and tired of hearing this all throughout my life. I was born in this country yet I get treated like an immigrant. I follow the country's cultures, traditions, speak the language in the 'right' accent, support the local sports teams etc. Yet I will always be viewed as a race, not as an individual. These women have been dehumanising me since I was a kid. A lot of them say that I'm just not "their type".

They know that racism is wrong and if you publicly admit that you are a racist you will get ostracised. Yet, society accepts subtle racism all the time. In fact even expects it. You'd think this would be the exception, not the norm. But it's the exact opposite. Racist women have ruined my self esteem. How would you feel if no woman found you attractive simply because of your race? I went on /r/amiugly and asked for an honest rating of my face. Most people said I was between a 6 and an 8. I even asked on other websites and they all say I'm not an ugly guy and am moderately attractive. But my race is supposedly at the bottom of the social ladder.

Whenever I go to clubs or bars and I approach women, they put on a face that looks as if they are repulsed. The other day I approached a girl who I thought was all by herself. She politely declined my advances and we both went on our separate ways. She thought I had left the bar when in fact I had just popped into the bathroom. When I came back, this girl was with her friends. The friends had watched me try to hit on her. They were all saying things along the lines of, "Oh my god! I can't believe that Indian guy tried to ask you out." They were teasing her. You could sense it in their tone. They were making fun of her, as if trying to say that the girl was unattractive and could only get hit on by Indian guys. They were all laughing it up.

I once used Tinder. In my profile, I just had a blank picture as my profile pic. There was one girl who matched with me who also had a blank profile pic and we started talking. Eventually the topic of hook ups came up. We talked a lot about our fantasies etc. Then we agreed to meet and have a one night stand. We still hadn't seen each other's faces. I had warned her that a lot of girls don't find me attractive and that she might be disappointed. These were her exact words- "as long as you are not a morbidly obese hairy woman, you are fine." Both her and I were quite sexually frustrated and we just needed to get off. She gave me her address and I drove to her place. She walked up to my car, opened the door and said "oh". I thought to myself, 'not again'. We talked for literally about 5 seconds and then she said, "you shouldn't have lied to me". I told her I had warned her not many people find me attractive, she said "OK" and then shut my door. You could see she was clearly embarrassed and walked back to her house as quickly as possible. She literally thought I was as or less attractive than a morbidly obese hairy woman. How would that make you feel? I'm not fat, I'm of above average height, I get a haircut regularly yet I'm treated as if I'm something less than human.

These are just a few incidents out of many. So many. It's the story of my life. Racist women want equality but will not give it to others. How would you feel if I disguised sexism as a preference. "Oh, I don't hire women because they could get pregnant and eat up valuable company time. It's not sexist, it's just a preference." Or, "I don't want a woman doctor to be in charge of my child's health. It's not sexist, just a preference."

Racist women stripped me of a normal childhood. When other guys were going to high school dances, I was made to feel ashamed of the fact that I would even want to go. I was made to feel ashamed of even having a girlfriend. 'What would people think if they saw a girl with a subhuman?' In school, other guys could normally talk to girls and even have friends who were girls. Me? Even if I attempted to talk to them, they'd try to end the conversation as quickly as humanly possible. But then my white friend talks to them, they are all smiles and happy and friendly.

These feelings of shame carried through my college years. I didn't make a single friend during those 4 years. Society views a man's worth by the quantity and quality of women he can pull. If women are repulsed by you, what does that make you? An emasculated man. A eunuch. All my confidence and self worth went drown the drain. I graduated from college but have been unemployed for over a year. Not because I didn't get any jobs, but because I haven't even applied. I'm terrified of people. I get extreme social anxiety. My heart races when I have to talk to someone. No one owes me sex. But stop treating me like I am unworthy of love.

It sucks, right? You get treated differently and there isn't much you can do about it. Fact is, I'm not ugly either. If you asked a person they'd say I was average looking. The only thing is my race. They all assume I smell, am a secret rapist, treat women disrespectfully etc. Those were common sentiments among most women. In fact it was the norm, not the exception. It's just so hypocritical that these women want equality between the sexes but when it comes to equality between the races, the simply throw it out the window.

I have never had luck with women, and a lot of the reason is because I'm South Asian. I can't grow a beard, my features are too feminine for them. A lot of women in this country are gigantic by South Asian standards - the amount of obesity here doesn't help either. We supposedly live in a non racist society but it's bullshit. The first thing anyone notices is our race.

Whenever I'm walking down the street and I see a hot woman, if she's with a guy it will usually be a tall, bearded white guy. Only rarely will it be a minority dude. Men of colour are all in the same boat. We're all undermined by white supremacy in different ways. Asian men are emasculated. Black men are locked up and set up to fail economically. Hispanic men are invisible or treated like foreigners.

Hollywood movies like Guardians of the Galaxy just reinforce the mantra that white men = the only men. Superheroes are always white men. When's the last time there was a black, Asian or Hispanic super hero? Shaft? The only time men of color get to play leading roles is when it's a historical movie dealing with race oppression, like 12 years a slave or selma. Those movies are more about white guilt and showing the misery of being black in America that showing men of color in a positive, contemporary light.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - JoyStick - 02-03-2015

Haha.. the header at the blue pill reddit is an image of a bunch of hamsters. How perfect.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Parlay44 - 02-03-2015

If a white girl doesn't want to fuck an Indian guy that doesn't make her racist. It's only racist if you're discriminated against for work, where you live, where you eat, where you shop etc. White girls don't owe you anything. So stop with all this racism shit already [Image: dodgy.gif]

This is what it is fellas. When white girls from good families are younger they want to make their daddies happy. So they seek out guys similar in looks and character to their
father. If they fail to lock down this knight in shining armor before they hit 30 they say fuck it and put their pussy for sale on the open market. IE ...they become more open to dating older guys and guys outside of their race.

So this IRT guy is most likely young and scamming on younger white girls. They show him no love because they're still in daddy pleasing mode. My advice to him is to either target white girls that are a little older like 28+ or target white girls from not so stable families ...girls from single mother households.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - turkishcandy - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-03-2015 10:49 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

If a white girl doesn't want to fuck an Indian guy that doesn't make her racist. It's only racist if you're discriminated against for work, where you live, where you eat, where you shop etc. White girls don't owe you anything. So stop with all this racism shit already [Image: dodgy.gif]

This is what it is fellas. When white girls from good families are younger they want to make their daddies happy. So they seek out guys similar in looks and character to their
father. If they fail to lock down this knight in shining armor before they hit 30 they say fuck it and put their pussy for sale on the open market. IE ...they become more open to dating older guys and guys outside of their race.

So this IRT guy is most likely young and scamming on younger white girls. They show him no love because they're still in daddy pleasing mode. My advice to him is to either target white girls that are a little older like 28+ or target white girls from not so stable families ...girls from single mother households.

[Image: agree.gif][Image: potd.gif]

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Deluge - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-03-2015 10:49 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

target white girls from not so stable families ...girls from single mother households.

For Asian and Indian guys, that is the exact opposite of what they should be doing.

IRT should be doing even better with Indian girls then a white guy would with white girls all else being equal. If he can't get girls period, that's on him not his race.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - berserk - 02-04-2015

IRT needs to travel though. I also don't get why the resistance against Indian girls, can't he just get his parents to hook him up, a lot of western men wouldn't mind an arranged marriage with a virgin girl with homemaking skills.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Saladin - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-03-2015 10:49 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

This is what it is fellas. When white girls from good families are younger they want to make their daddies happy. So they seek out guys similar in looks and character to their
father. If they fail to lock down this knight in shining armor before they hit 30 they say fuck it and put their pussy for sale on the open market. IE ...they become more open to dating older guys and guys outside of their race.

So this IRT guy is most likely young and scamming on younger white girls. They show him no love because they're still in daddy pleasing mode. My advice to him is to either target white girls that are a little older like 28+ or target white girls from not so stable families ...girls from single mother households.

I think the type of girls you attract depends on your personality, style, location, people you hang with, looks, etc. I.e preppy guys attract preppy girls, hipster dudes attract hipster girls(Deluge), surfer dudes attract surfer girls(I.e kaotic).

I"m guessing that also varies by location, the South is probably where you'd do the worst and would have to rely heavily on niche game.

And the reason IRT doesn't get laid is because he has no game and reeks of neediness. At his level, he should go to Dominican Republic and bang a few girls there to develop some game and swag. But I'm going to guess that he says he's not attracted to black girls.

Although I do agree generally that low end game(credit el mechanico) is a very solid niche for minority dudes. These girls often have a thing for exotic dick, which is in short supply in your average small town. As opposed to big cities like Toronto, where there are shittons of lame IRTs fucking up the rep of Indians. Combine that with the fact that they're usually slutty as hell, and you've got a solid niche.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - TheSlayer - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 01:33 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 10:49 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

This is what it is fellas. When white girls from good families are younger they want to make their daddies happy. So they seek out guys similar in looks and character to their
father. If they fail to lock down this knight in shining armor before they hit 30 they say fuck it and put their pussy for sale on the open market. IE ...they become more open to dating older guys and guys outside of their race.

So this IRT guy is most likely young and scamming on younger white girls. They show him no love because they're still in daddy pleasing mode. My advice to him is to either target white girls that are a little older like 28+ or target white girls from not so stable families ...girls from single mother households.

I think the type of girls you attract depends on your personality, style, location, people you hang with, looks, etc. I.e preppy guys attract preppy girls, hipster dudes attract hipster girls(Deluge), surfer dudes attract surfer girls(I.e kaotic).

I"m guessing that also varies by location, the South is probably where you'd do the worst and would have to rely heavily on niche game.

And the reason IRT doesn't get laid is because he has no game and reeks of neediness. At his level, he should go to Dominican Republic and bang a few girls there to develop some game and swag. But I'm going to guess that he says he's not attracted to black girls.

Although I do agree generally that low end game(credit el mechanico) is a very solid niche for minority dudes. These girls often have a thing for exotic dick, which is in short supply in your average small town. As opposed to big cities like Toronto, where there are shittons of lame IRTs fucking up the rep of Indians. Combine that with the fact that they're usually slutty as hell, and you've got a solid niche.

This and the fact that for banging no girl is going to care about what her family thinks of the guy (white, black, or yellow). In that sense she will care more about her social circle and that goes for any girl by the way, not just white chicks.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - turkishcandy - 02-04-2015

Even if white girls won't fuck IRT just because he is Indian (let's assume his view is true for the sake of the argument),I don't see the problem. Can girls not choose their partners based on race? Are they morally obligated to give all races an equal chance? Is a white girl racist for preferring white men over brown? How self entitled are Indians?

I got a lot of rejections from Slavs, as most Turkish men get, because of being Turkish and people assuming I'm Muslim, they specifically told me they won't date a Turk because of the notoriety of Turkish men. But I never bitched on online forums about it and I never saw any other Turk doing it. I learned game and acted different than my countrymen to distinguish myself the best I can.

What is it about Indian men that makes them think it's okay to shout their problems from rooftops and call any girl who doesn't fuck them racist? What makes them feel like such unique snowflakes?

The culture produces such weak and insecure specimen who, instead of learning game harder, try to use political correctness as a means to guilt-trap white girls into having sex with them. This is some insidious shit we are seeing on a global scale.

''Oh you won't date me cause I'm Indian? You are racist, give me equal chance.'' Do you give equal chance to Indian girls who live in Western states, or do you make it a priority to go after white girls first? It's the latter and you know it, otherwise you wouldn't be bitching exclusively about white girls. So why should white girls give you equal chance and not mind your race when you YOURSELF look down on Indian girls and put them in the 3rd or 4th priority? How can you accuse people on being sexist when YOU are sexist against your own race?

Life isn't fair. Stop acting like an entitled cunt, stop acting as if every Indian man who lives in the West is entitled to at least 1 white girlfriend, stop bitching about it online, improve yourself the best you can and just move on.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Cobra - 02-04-2015

Here we go again..

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Saladin - 02-04-2015

Turkishcandy, you do realize that not a single Indian guy on RVF is saying that, right?

IRT is a mentally deranged individual. We've been over that a million times. Yes, there are a lot of IRT guys out there but painting all Indian guys as race trolls is ridiculous.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Saladin - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 01:53 PM)TheSlayer Wrote:  

This and the fact that for banging no girl is going to care about what her family thinks of the guy (white, black, or yellow). In that sense she will care more about her social circle and that goes for any girl by the way, not just white chicks.

Good point.

There's a lot of ultra-conservative guys on here that think the younger generation thinks exactly like they do. From what I see, lots of people hang in mixed circles, and cool dudes fuck hot girls regardless of race.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Bones707 - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 03:40 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Turkishcandy, you do realize that not a single Indian guy on RVF is saying that, right?

IRT is a mentally deranged individual. We've been over that a million times. Yes, there are a lot of IRT guys out there but painting all Indian guys as race trolls is ridiculous.

A nutty is a nutty, no matter what color. The IRT has serious mental issues that IMO, he probably shows and all girls get repulsed. If he was a sane and self-controlled person, he would have found a blonde slut to fuck by now. But no, the dude has loose nuts all over his head. To the NutHouse or the grave he goes!

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - turkishcandy - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 03:40 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Turkishcandy, you do realize that not a single Indian guy on RVF is saying that, right?

IRT is a mentally deranged individual. We've been over that a million times. Yes, there are a lot of IRT guys out there but painting all Indian guys as race trolls is ridiculous.

I'm referring to IRTs and any Indian who is obsessed with white girls. Indian RVF members should have no reason to be offended, obviously no one here is being IRT and making such ridiculous claims.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Cobra - 02-04-2015

@turkishcandy you make some good points. I'm not offended. [Image: lol.gif]

It's not all Indian guys but these guys just make cool mofos like myself look bad. So maybe I do have to work a bit harder because of these types of Indians. Anyways I don't mind because my game will be better than other men that don't make the effort. I don't focus on the negatives. I think the last two white girls I've been in touch with liked me just fine.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - WalterBlack - 02-04-2015

I thought IRT was captured – I posted about it a while ago..are there two IRTs?!!!

This guy is a fan of Elliot Rodger.

Police: Man threatened to kill women at UW


Keshav Bhide, 23, used YouTube and Google+ to praise Rodger, saying in one message that “everything Elliot did is perfectly justified.”

Earlier this month, anonymous threats were made to UW sororities referencing the shootings in California. Chalk outlines were also left outside some UW sororities. It is not clear if Bhide was connected to those incidents.

In his online messages, Bhide ranted against women saying he would make sure he would kill only them. Another commenter told him to “please just call an escort service,” and gave details for how he could avoid losing his life or going to jail.

Bhide responded that he would “execute the same thing" as Elliot Rodger and that he had “no option,” according to court documents. Police said he used the screen name “Foss Dark.”

Bhide is being held on $150,001 bail for investigation of cyberstalking and felony harassment. He is expected to be charged later this week

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - Deluge - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 01:33 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Although I do agree generally that low end game(credit el mechanico) is a very solid niche for minority dudes. These girls often have a thing for exotic dick, which is in short supply in your average small town. As opposed to big cities like Toronto, where there are shittons of lame IRTs fucking up the rep of Indians. Combine that with the fact that they're usually slutty as hell, and you've got a solid niche.

Small town girls aren't necessarily the same as low-end girls, it's the better off ones who leave to work/study in the big city in the first place. Asian and Indian guys do best with well-off, well-educated upper middle and upper class girls, think the liberal elite and country club conservatives. Arguably it's the opposite for other races including Muslims because of social stigma and class differences. Excelsior's posts on gaming rich girls as a Black guy hash this out pretty well.

IRT mass PMing people on BluePill subreddit? - kaotic - 02-04-2015

What the fuck did I read ?

It's this motherfucker who gives us south asians a bad name.

Boo fucking hoo, step your game up and handle your shit.

Shit I've fucked plenty of white girls and exotic girls, I honestly didn't even think about race until my last bang, realizing black sugar likes my brown sugar dick more than average, but I rarely pursue.

If us brown gents on the forum can do it, so can he.


You can only lead a horse to water....