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Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Printable Version

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Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - aguirre - 02-02-2015

I'm sure some of you will be surprised about it but,women are exactly the same as men in this topic.

It will be funny when some women will insult roosh v or wathever,calling misogynist,criticizing the concept of possy paradise and so on.

But women they do speak between them about the same things as we do,but in a more secretly and "inner social circle way".

Today,I meet a Russian lady and we spoke about gender imbalances in Russia,there are more women than men over there and the women have some kind of "competition anxiety".

While speaking about it she told me kind of joking something like "please god tell me a city where there are much more men than women",and I said her what the fuck and told me in a covertly way something about a place of Australia.

Well,like always,my curious nature made me investigate about it and look what I found:

"Melbourne is distinguished by its cultural and artistic scene. But what makes it a secret woman’s paradise is the inexplicable discrepancy between the attractiveness of the sexes. It’s not uncommon to see a bronzed column of man wander by with an somewhat average woman on his arm. One who decided to ditch the beach and eat meatpies instead. We’re not claiming that this is the case across the board, but looking around the impeccably groomed ladies of Manhattan, we’ll take our chances in Melbourne."

"Austin,Texas has been described as the capital for creative singles. It boasts high quality, low cost accommodation, and for those with entrepreneurial aspirations, was ranked best city to begin your career, due to a supportive venture capital environment. And on top of year-round sunshine, according to a Marie Claire survey, the single man to single woman ratio is 12:10. We’ll take those odds."

They're looking for the pennis paradise too

They are looking for the same in a covertly way,let's dig more in deep to see what we find.

It has been difficult to find that.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - godfather dust - 02-02-2015

The classic is the book "The Rules"

Worth reading, I wouldn't put money in the writers pocket by buying it though. Basically it tells them to be a cunt and play hard to get and use their pussy as a weapon (pussy whip men) to get a ring on their finger.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - DrewP - 02-02-2015

I *really* wish there was some way to make your typical chubby American/Canadian/Australian girl with a fan club of desperate guys constantly pining over her realize that she wouldn't even be taken seriously throughout most of the world. I'm sick of them complaining how rough they have it here.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - godfather dust - 02-02-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 07:57 PM)DrewP Wrote:  

I *really* wish there was some way to make your typical chubby American/Canadian/Australian girl with a fan club of desperate guys constantly pining over her realize that she wouldn't even be taken seriously throughout most of the world. I'm sick of them complaining how rough they have it here.

If I were president acting on thirst (not being thirsty in and of itself) would be cause for the death penalty. Fix the country right up.

The easiest solution would be to disable or ban "like" buttons and comments on social media.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - WestIndianArchie - 02-02-2015

There's stuff like Cosmo, and then there's stuff like Lipstick Alley, or any of the Stripper forums.

The Cosmo stuff is about snagging a high status guy to lock down.
The stripper stuff is about $.


Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - zombiejimmorrison - 02-02-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 05:31 PM)aguirre Wrote:  

"Melbourne is distinguished by its cultural and artistic scene. But what makes it a secret woman’s paradise is the inexplicable discrepancy between the attractiveness of the sexes. It’s not uncommon to see a bronzed column of man wander by with an somewhat average woman on his arm. One who decided to ditch the beach and eat meatpies instead. We’re not claiming that this is the case across the board, but looking around the impeccably groomed ladies of Manhattan, we’ll take our chances in Melbourne."

I'm from Melbourne and this is true. Its fucked up down here if you don't have game. Game evens the odds though. Not many guys do day game or night game, its a shame too, the thirst gets the better of men here. On the upside I have gamed a lot European and SA girls who come down here for work or study. The contrast is crazy, they are so much more feminine, friendly and willing to go out with a guy who accosts them on the street.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - aguirre - 02-03-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 08:33 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

There's stuff like Cosmo, and then there's stuff like Lipstick Alley, or any of the Stripper forums.

The Cosmo stuff is about snagging a high status guy to lock down.
The stripper stuff is about $.


could you post links about the striper stuff?

cosmo I assume you are speaking about cosmopolitan

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - StrikeBack - 02-03-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 05:31 PM)aguirre Wrote:  

"Melbourne is distinguished by its cultural and artistic scene. But what makes it a secret woman’s paradise is the inexplicable discrepancy between the attractiveness of the sexes. It’s not uncommon to see a bronzed column of man wander by with an somewhat average woman on his arm. One who decided to ditch the beach and eat meatpies instead. We’re not claiming that this is the case across the board, but looking around the impeccably groomed ladies of Manhattan, we’ll take our chances in Melbourne."

As a Melbournian, that's pretty much spot on.

In fact the entire Australia is like that.

And the secret is out. I know plenty of European and NYC girls who struggled to get a half decent boyfriend back home have come here to eat every multicultural cuisine my city has to offer, go up a few weight classes AND still capture multiple richer taller better looking boyfriends.

Australia: penis heaven for women.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - zombiejimmorrison - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-03-2015 07:07 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2015 05:31 PM)aguirre Wrote:  

"Melbourne is distinguished by its cultural and artistic scene. But what makes it a secret woman’s paradise is the inexplicable discrepancy between the attractiveness of the sexes. It’s not uncommon to see a bronzed column of man wander by with an somewhat average woman on his arm. One who decided to ditch the beach and eat meatpies instead. We’re not claiming that this is the case across the board, but looking around the impeccably groomed ladies of Manhattan, we’ll take our chances in Melbourne."

As a Melbournian, that's pretty much spot on.

In fact the entire Australia is like that.

And the secret is out. I know plenty of European and NYC girls who struggled to get a half decent boyfriend back home have come here to eat every multicultural cuisine my city has to offer, go up a few weight classes AND still capture multiple richer taller better looking boyfriends.

Australia: penis heaven for women.

There is a good amount of Melbournians using RVF, we should probably have a meet up or something. I think I've seen at least 5 other guys on here from Melbourne

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - The Father - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 05:44 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

The classic is the book "The Rules"

Worth reading, I wouldn't put money in the writers pocket by buying it though. Basically it tells them to be a cunt and play hard to get and use their pussy as a weapon (pussy whip men) to get a ring on their finger.

The problem with the rules is just that...they are RULES based, not principles based. Game imbues men with a set of PRINCIPLES - and that changes their attitude to one of "I'm the prize" and to a surplus (of women) mentality. So its not always easy to spot, unless you're running the same tired routines from Mystery Method over and over, which most guys are not. "The Rules", however, are easy to spot: Get off the phone first, don't accept a weekend date, don't sleep with a guy for x months, etc. I had fun with one chick about 10 years ago, her name was Rochelle. And she did EVERY one of these, in sequence, one after another! It was a HELL of a lot of fun, because I knew what was coming and could totally fuck with her! It's like if you found the other team's playbook, and could recognize their formations - you could just fuck with them all day! To wit:

Me (just before the 10 minute mark of a convo):
-"Isn't this the part where you're supposed to get off the phone first?"

Her: {pausepausepause} Igottagobye.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Lucario - 02-04-2015

How did Melbourne get this way in the first place?

It can't just be feminism. There is rampant feminism in the US and UK aswell. UK is awesome for daygame too. The quality of women there is leaps and bounds better than Melb due to the European female traffic who use London as a shopping mall and catch the plane like a taxi.

When I was in the US, things were still not as bad as Australia.

Women seem more fatter in Melbourne than the US. They say Cali and LA is tough...but Melb is way worst, more fatties and like 6 guys to 1 girl.

Even in high end clubs like Baroq in Melb, where you pay good money and the quality of women is higher, you still get a sausage fest ..

If anything this will bring more foreign women to Australia, sure they will be 6 or below..but then you will be corrupting foreign women too.

good thing we have fob asains .

Quote: (02-04-2015 08:28 PM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

Quote: (02-03-2015 07:07 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2015 05:31 PM)aguirre Wrote:  

"Melbourne is distinguished by its cultural and artistic scene. But what makes it a secret woman’s paradise is the inexplicable discrepancy between the attractiveness of the sexes. It’s not uncommon to see a bronzed column of man wander by with an somewhat average woman on his arm. One who decided to ditch the beach and eat meatpies instead. We’re not claiming that this is the case across the board, but looking around the impeccably groomed ladies of Manhattan, we’ll take our chances in Melbourne."

As a Melbournian, that's pretty much spot on.

In fact the entire Australia is like that.

And the secret is out. I know plenty of European and NYC girls who struggled to get a half decent boyfriend back home have come here to eat every multicultural cuisine my city has to offer, go up a few weight classes AND still capture multiple richer taller better looking boyfriends.

Australia: penis heaven for women.

There is a good amount of Melbournians using RVF, we should probably have a meet up or something. I think I've seen at least 5 other guys on here from Melbourne

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - WestIndianArchie - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-03-2015 04:52 AM)aguirre Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2015 08:33 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

There's stuff like Cosmo, and then there's stuff like Lipstick Alley, or any of the Stripper forums.

The Cosmo stuff is about snagging a high status guy to lock down.
The stripper stuff is about $.


could you post links about the striper stuff?

cosmo I assume you are speaking about cosmopolitan

have fun


Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - StrikeBack - 02-04-2015

Quote: (02-04-2015 08:28 PM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

There is a good amount of Melbournians using RVF, we should probably have a meet up or something. I think I've seen at least 5 other guys on here from Melbourne

Usually that's a sign that the city is shit ala DC, Toronto lol

Yeah we should.

Quote:Lucario Wrote:

How did Melbourne get this way in the first place?

Lack of serious competition from foreign women, women from other states and cities (too far apart).

Sure we have a supply of FOB Asians, but most of them aren't very attractive as otherwise their family wouldn't make them study so much and send them overseas.

We're too far away and too expensive for other foreign women.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - N°6 - 02-05-2015

I'm surprised that things are so bad in Australia and how things there are being negatively compared to the UK dating market.

I do wonder if the new phenomenon of female hypergamous attraction to a man's looks (as well as to his status) is due to Internet dating where (according to OKCupid research) a whopping 80% of men are deemed to be 'less than average' by women.

The Australian women whom I've seen in the UK seem to be higher than the English 'short and chubby' look.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Travesty - 02-05-2015

^ Yes I have been to Melbourne and Sydney and some Oz beaches (Bondi)...

It is worse there than CA by far.

You guys must have some amazing game coming from there.

We complain about America but I think AUS, and the British Isles all have it worse on average save London.

I think Canada is a toss up... Quebec and BC could make it better on average than the US.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - zombiejimmorrison - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-05-2015 01:13 AM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

^ Yes I have been to Melbourne and Sydney and some Oz beaches (Bondi)...

It is worse there than CA by far.

You guys must have some amazing game coming from there.

We complain about America but I think AUS, and the British Isles all have it worse on average save London.

I think Canada is a toss up... Quebec and BC could make it better on average than the US.

LOL I don't know about amazing game, but if you want women of any quality and not rely on social circles, you need to game and put yourself out there. The whole population of this giant island is like 23 million, sparsely populated and lots of Suburbs on the outskirt of the city. Logistics are very important here, if you want to bang lots of chicks you need to be really close or in the city.

We have a country the size of America with only 23 million people. The UK can almost fit into Victoria alone, were Melbourne is located. It's definitely a haven for women, lots of space and feminism.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Suits - 02-05-2015

Quote: (02-02-2015 08:03 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

The easiest solution would be to disable or ban "like" buttons and comments on social media.

I'm going to go ahead and "like" your post.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Constitution45 - 02-05-2015

Russia and Australia are two extremes on either end of the spectrum. I think you can find a balance in mainland Europe. South East and China for Western men is just off into a different dimension. Its interesting how there is a genuine science or economic practice behind this. Feminism plays a part but it goes beyond that in some cases. Culture and country practices still play a role even in the so called atheist cultures. Protestant countries seem to be the hardest for men in general, where as Othordox and Sino cultures seem to be the opposite.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Kizman - 02-05-2015

Women are definitely showered with too many options down here in Melb. It's funny b/c they would get 0 attention in a place like Kiev or Montreal. I've had overseas girls tell me they get approached way more when they come to study here, compared to their home country.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Wahawahwah - 02-05-2015

who the fuck cares man,
im drunk but the best thing in the world is to be a FUCKING MAN.

you know what differentiates the real men from those that dont?
Men who acknowledge that girls dont fuking know what they want.

Who gives a shit what they talk about when theyre together?
When they go into public restrooms together, when they huddle together ready to cockblock a guy?

women are herd creatures. their whole existence is devoted to conformance.
to the latest fashion trends, to the latest behavioral patterns, to the latest thing the alphas in their lives seek?

Fuck them man. Fight. fight for yourself. fight for your identitiy. fight for your existence. make i t big. make it large.

a few men here on rvf know more about the female mind than those females themselves. stop being a keyboard jockey. all you need is here, laid out in front of yiu.

what you seek is not information to digest, but the courage to execute.

go out. hit on a thousand girls. get punched in the face by theiir jealoius boyfiriends. come back. learn some more.
push yourself. as a man, you will learn fast. you will adapt. you will become a better man.

Then come back again and teach those disillusioned by reality, by those chained by the demons in their own selves that chain them from reaching out to their fullest potential to REACT to what women throw at them, to pretend to be better men than they are.

Ill tell you one thing. Women are malleable under a mans will. Men should be malleable only to their own will.

DO you realize how profound that statement is?

Fuck this shit. Im out of here.

Just for your information, the alpha in you is shouting out to focus inwards. to push from within. dont give a fuck to what game advice women give each other becayse you know what? its all PC bullshit.

It all boils down to be pretty, give a fuck about the guy, or pretend to give a fuck about the guy.
Thats the effective part. the lies move on to "you go girl" bullshit. yada yada yada. Fuck them.
Women arent your enemy. You are your worst enemy.
What purpose does it serve you knowing what game advice girls give each other? Again, I say this -

Women are malleable under a mans will. Men should be malleable only to their own will.

there is a lot of wisdom here on rvf on what a man should be like.

Heres something ill tell you, because I know that youre one of those that have apparently taken the redpill and still harp on about external circumstances.

Push yourself. Push yourself so hard you wonder if you;re crazy or other people are saner for leading normal lives.
The point where you lose all sanity is the point where it all comes together man.

Do you want to forever be plagued by what your girlfriend, your wife, the random bar slut thinks of you?
come on man.

Their opinions dont matter. they are MALLEABLE. do you understand me? give yourself to a cause greater than yourself, and the push yourself so hard that the calluses on the bottom of your feet become harder than titanium. Then push some more. Push till you can no further.
And when the fire of your emotions, your accomplishments, your otherworldly goals, your inner beast burns so bright that lesser men tremble under its influence, that is when you see the world for what it is.

Then think of the questions that bother you. Do womens opinions matter? they dont. you know why? because they bend to the force of your will.

Discard this to the ramblings of a drunken man, but do so at your own loss.

Ive been there. I know what you feel. and Im telling you its all illusory.

Thats it. thank you RVF for your company. im gone for a while.

Let's post the "game advice" that women give to each other - Ocelot - 02-06-2015

"Oooh your hair looks so good short!"