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Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-25-2015

How to use Facebook to game girls-

So I know there's a lot of understandable dislike of Facebook in the manosphere, however, Ive found Facebook, when used properly, to be a huge way to get ahead in game and in life.

Here's a short, short guide/list of how to best use it.

1. Starters- when you create it, present only the information that benefits you. Consider that when listing out anything- work, location, past information, anything.

I find it beneficial to only list my college and prior employment, but never current employment. I keep my location referenced only in the best light (eg, I live in Anaheim LA, but say Orange County. I don't list my hometown, only LA)

2. Pictures. Pictures are fucking huge and a massive means of preselection. I have photos that show me well and have hundreds of likes, when a new girl adds me and sees that, my value goes up. Avoid shitty quality photos, selfies, photos with ugly girls

3. Statuses- what to share? Hint: unless it's positive, accessibly informative to a wide audience, or funny, don't post it. Try to make sure your humor will find a wide audience (example: I posted recently-

"I go to Red Lobster for dinner and naturally, crammed my face full of their delicious biscuits.

When my waiter came around I asked him for more biscuits, and some additional butter. He proceeds to inform me about how the biscuits are already buttered and that they have a lot of calories.

I asked for a waiter, not a nutritionist. Do you want your tip or not?"

-easy 100ish likes off that post). I generally take a simple event in the day, make it slightly humorous and reap the rewards. Self-depricating humor helps as well.

4. Who to have as friends? In short, basically everyone. You might not want everyone to know everything you do, but here's the key- you don't have to. Don't check in at every restaurant, don't share mundane shit. Don't post anything unless it's going to be noticed and appreciated. 

My facebook is full of my trips, concerts and cool shit I do. I leave out everything else. No one has any clue what I've ever ate for breakfast.

5. Why have a wide friendslist? Because Facebook rewards it, and will drive more traffic to your posts. You'll find more girls seeing you in suggested friends, and adding you. Traffic drives more traffic. If I get 30 likes on something, it'll show up on 30+ friends of friends newsfeeds, they get to see it and like it, the cycle builds. Facebook will put your content at the front of every friend's newsfeed if it does well in the face of a few. 

6. What to do with all the "friends"?. Well, there's a few options. I generally support ignoring girls initially after they add me, then liking their statuses/pictures (as long as theyre not too attention whorey), followed by a random message in a month if they havent messaged me first. I suggest just asking about something they do, and not about them themselves- eg: where is this picture taken? What venue is that? Is that the same guitarist that was in xy band? Where did you find that wine?

The key isnt to pull her off that message, but simply let her grow more comfortable with your contact. If a girl is a complete attention whore, immediately "unfollow" her, meaning she sees your content but you never see hers (while staying friends). Highly interested girls will generally make themselves clear and continue contacting you. 

7. I'm going to assume the reader has game, and you know what to do with an interested girl. But then what to do during/after? I generally am okay with being tagged in photos with a hot girl. Other girls suspect I get around, will stalk the shit out of her, aaaaaaand still bang me anyway. Once you've banged, I find it fine to just leave them as friends. Unless they're batshit insane, they'll retreat back to where they came and offer to be a fallback a few times a year. Out of town girls are excellent for this as well, because they know it won't work out (rationalize that theyre not really booty call, they're just girlfriends who can't be because of distance)

8. So how well have I done with it? Really, really, really, well.

I would guess I've probably hooked up with 40+ girls in the past 3 years off of Facebook intros. I've gotten multiple jobs from people I barely know who just like how I present myself on Facebook. It's been a huge asset to my life and to my game, and I suggest not writing it off. 

I'm on my phone posting this, so I know I'm leaving out a lot. Feel free to add more, ask questions.

Oh, also, fuck instagram. 

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - CJ_W - 01-26-2015

+1 rep point for you. even though I dont use fb to pull girls Ive never met (I use it for girls Ive already banged) Your tips are still pretty awesome none the less

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Travesty - 01-26-2015

Anyway you slice it, it's just gay to be fishing for likes on Facebook. That's gospel truth.

Different paths we choose. I can see how it could bring success though. I couldn't do it.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Lizard King - 01-26-2015

Excellent info.

Can I add this post by Noir as an addition to your info.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-26-2015

Travesty- I definitely agree. A lot of my male friends find it fucking ridiculous that I position myself on social media this way, but a lot of girls don't notice that it's weird (because they do it themselves. Social media attention is very, very, female, but if you apply yourself, you can beat them at their own game).

I learned a lot of this through trial and error. I've cleaned through every post I've ever made before. Some of my biggest mistakes-

1. Posting too often
2. Jokes that would offend certain portions of my friendgroup
3. Shitty photos of me
4. Messaging girls too much, and asking them about themselves, instead of something peripheral (what do you vs what is this/that)
5. Being negative publicly (never discuss a friendship ending, leaving a job, a bad day). Posts about someone passing away or posts about something negative with a humorous twist are fine.


I fucking hate my job and all my cunty coworkers


Today at my office job, I accidentally clicked print entire workbook instead of print current page... 3,000 pages later

I swear ill hug every tree on the way home to make up for this

I'll freely admit I do some low-key SJW pandering, though occasionally I'll throw up a Tuthmosis article, only write "wow" or something ambiguous at the top, and then just let all the bitches raaaage at the author while avoiding any flak for posting it haha

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-26-2015

Lizard, that's an excellent fucking post, thank you for bringing it to everyone's attention. I need to step up my WhatsApp game

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - SlickyBoy - 01-26-2015

For a younger guy who's probably already got several hundred single friends on Facebook since college, this makes sense. Maybe not so much for an older guy, exactly, but the principle is the same as it always has been for dealing with women in social situations - keep it superficial.

Travel posts are hands down some of the most popular ones I've posted. And no, I would never directly message a possible pull - the bitch shield/creeper alarm goes right up. This tool is for building value about your interesting life, not direct approaches.

Avoid like the plague any posts involving politics or religion (I'm surprised OP is willing to risk a Thutmosis link) and keep it fun, fun, fun - yay! When done like this, FB is really an extension of clown game, but it doesn't have to be active clowning, more like (very) selective disclosure of facts about yourself.

I would not be so quick to dismiss instagram for this reason. I get many more likes from everyone, particularly females, on instagram pics - why do you think FB bought them for a cool billion? It's now worth 35 billion - tells you everything you need to know about where the (mostly female, entirely superficial) eyeballs are.

I think it sucks to have to play clown game even passivley, and let's face it, Roosh definitely does the exact opposite and still pulls pussy. But if your local market is American 5s and 6s you need all the help you can get, just the way it is.

The only problem I see with this passive marketing is proximity - you will inevitably cross wires with two or more bangs and it could get difficult to sort out without obviously cutting off girl you used to bang who talks to everyone, etc.

Still it's a resource worth exploring for Anglosphere guys in particular. Great post.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-26-2015

^I can't quote via phone, but I'll try to answer the paragraphs

It's definitely far more effective for younger guys, however, I do know some in their 40s who use social media to acclimate younger girls to them. They even live a so so lifestyle financially, but leverage certain events to paint things otherwise.

Travel posts are gold. 100% agree.

Religion and politics post generally speaking are a huge no (I was a International Relations major so I have to suffer through a lot on my newsfeed). However, I've found that sometimes heartfelt or insightful posts are well-recieved.

Example below-

"I think it's weird that people are cheering for President Obama's free community college proposal as if it wasn't 90% subsidized already.

As someone who went to community college and used the fee waivers, I almost wished it was priced higher to make the students who went there a liiiiittle more motivated.

Also, fun fact- no matter how ''free'' community college gets, everything still has to be paid for by someone.

That being said, XXXX is a sweet school, and I'm proud to have graduated from there"

Above post generated some discussion, got 50+ likes and was fairly well received. In real life I'm known to be a massive asshole with zero inhibition, so even if I openly promoted a Tuthmosis link or two it wouldn't surprise most people who know me well. A lot of girls have hate-shared ROK (actually how I discovered this site), and so I join in on the fun (while all my close male friends laugh their ass off at the girls who actually believe I'm against manosphere points).

IG is great for getting in front of girls eyes, but I have two issues. One, my FB posts just get so many more likes, it's hard to not risk losing value by posting IG pictures. Two, I've never made contact with a girl on IG via meeting her on the app. The first problem can be overcome, but the second is just inherent in the platform, because it leaves little room for discussion

Crossing wires is huge, however, it surprisingly doesn't hurt my value much at all. Some girls might not want me because I've been with certain others, but some almost see it as a challenge to get with me if they know I've had better. Win some lose some and it comes with the territory.

And thank you (I'm posting all this from my phone, so it's a Bitch to proofread/type)

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - coverdoc - 01-26-2015

Solid post, but I'd like to add something. For the dudes who don't have the time or drive to do all that for their facebook page there is a simpler method.
I literally type in a city, a random girls name and get to work. I go to the people's section search tab and filter my search by likes (can be literally anything) age, region and single or not. I then proceed to send a message out asking about something pertaining to the like. One out of every 8 message me back with eventual phone number and meet. No downsides of working off other people's like tallies or being particular about what you post. Also works really well when pipelining to traveling abroad.

Example: typed in Kalina (I like latinas) and city X. Filtered for crossfit likes, running and artist drake. Found one that fit my criteria (solid 7) Messaged her about that and we where meeting up 7 days later.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-26-2015

^Holy shit, I don't know how I've never thought to do that. Definitely great for pipeline game, also would work well if your Facebook is already well positioned (eg she checks out your profile to see who the fuck is messaging her, and comes to find out you're popular, went to a show last week, and enjoy surfing). I had no clue Facebook had all those search features

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - SlickyBoy - 01-26-2015

Keep watching the terms of service though - and the privacy settings. One day you think you have it all under control, the next minute you've posted a comment on someone's post and it went public - and is now searchable on Google. Watch for that - lol!

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Travesty - 01-26-2015

If you can pull this off well by zeroing in on target demographics you should be in internet marketing and make money off your talents to elicit likes from the female social media crowd there is a huge market for your talents.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Travesty - 01-26-2015

Quote: (01-26-2015 07:00 AM)Sonoma Wrote:  

I'll freely admit I do some low-key SJW pandering, though occasionally I'll throw up a Tuthmosis article, only write "wow" or something ambiguous at the top, and then just let all the bitches raaaage at the author while avoiding any flak for posting it haha

Ok now you are just selling your soul for pussy that's fine (which I expected because it is Facebook), but the Devil isn't my best friend! [Image: angel.gif]

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Player_1337 - 01-26-2015

Despite the widespread lack of enthusiasm I've seen on the forum regarding Facebook, I've landed many bangs and meet-ups using it for "reconnecting" with girls from high school and college. No luck reeling in complete strangers or au pairs... yet.

I've adapted my successful online game approach when using the book of faces. Just keep it simple- a few terse messages (calibrate content, tone and length based on her responses and enthusiasm) back and forth and number close/proposal of drinks and "catching up". All of my correspondence is carried out via private messaging, rather than public wall posts or commenting on airheaded status updates.

My profile and information is empty- just some solid profile pics.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Irish - 01-26-2015

I am a mid 30s guy and a big believer in facebook for passively amping up chicks attraction for you and pretty much agree with everything the OP said (+1 from me). I spent a fair amount of effort building my profile to show massive pre selection in a lot of my photos, having hot chicks posting on my page, tagging me in photos with them. As well as having albums showing all my travels and crazy parties I go to.

Any time I meet a girl and add her to my facebook I notice there is almost always a very tangible increase in her attraction for me and she inevitably starts chasing more. Chicks are super nosey to rifle through your photo albums as well as seeing what other chicks post on your page, inadvertantly increasing their investment in you, developing jealousy plotlines and basically just wanting you more. I have found this even more effective since moving out to Asia.

What I would also say is that facebook has the added benefit where you can get a better look and understanding of the chick herself. Mainly you can see if she has a nice chassis if there any holiday/bikini photos (so you don't get SIFed), as well as seeing where she has travelled to or any mutual friends you may have (thus opening up potential new routes of conversation). Also you can work out how much of an attention whore or if she's a crazy from the frequency and content she generally posts. And thus you can game (or avoid) her accordingly.

Another handy tool is the check-in function for when you are at bars/clubs. Particularly cities/areas where the nightlife scene isn't too spread out. When you check in, any chicks on your facebook nearby will get notified of where you are. Thus, if they are keen, they can contact you and come find you for a drink. I have had a fair number of bangs from checking in somewhere and then getting a message from a blast-from-the-past chick saying "hey we are here too!!/[or in nearby bar]"

Plus from a non-game perspective, I find facebook is a great way for simply keeping in touch with your friends around the world seeing what they're up to.

I see a lot of hate on here and in the manosphere in general for facebook. It seems to be considered 'alpha' to not bother with it. But facebook is here to stay and chicks spend almost their entire lives on it you can passively build up so much attraction with so many chicks without lifting a finger. It is such a massive tool that can be used to your advantage that I personally think it's just silly not to do so.

Just see it as using chicks own weapon against them... [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - SlickyBoy - 01-26-2015

....time for a serious inventory and re-work of the FB profile.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - kaotic - 01-26-2015

Not sure why you're saying fuck IG

Since it's a great tool to present social status, SMV, your personality, and plenty of other things.

It's also easier, anyone can look at your pics if your profile is public.

You can use it to check out girls (who post their IG name on profiles that are public) and confirm what they're really about.

ALL without having to add a girl, message a girl, or write some story everyday. The Direct Message function on IG is also pretty good, and I've pulled a few numbers off there.

My FB is already private as hell to begin with (read: mysterious). This just seems alot of work on FB, I'm with the majority that think FB is bad to game girls with, especially with them being nosy as fuck.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-26-2015

^I've just had far better returns on FB than IG. IG has always struck me as a means of girls getting attention without providing anything of substance.

But it's been my experience that I've had at least 30 girls I don't know message me first on FB, versus a solid zero on IG

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - kaotic - 01-26-2015

Quote: (01-26-2015 03:12 PM)Sonoma Wrote:  

^I've just had far better returns on FB than IG. IG has always struck me as a means of girls getting attention without providing anything of substance.

But it's been my experience that I've had at least 30 girls I don't know message me first on FB, versus a solid zero on IG

30 Girls ? In what time frame ? Did you bang any of them ? How many did you number close ? A more detailed data sheet on your results would be great to have on here.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - lycosidae - 01-26-2015

Quote: (01-26-2015 10:43 AM)Irish Wrote:  

I see a lot of hate on here and in the manosphere in general for facebook. It seems to be considered 'alpha' to not bother with it. But facebook is here to stay and chicks spend almost their entire lives on it you can passively build up so much attraction with so many chicks without lifting a finger. It is such a massive tool that can be used to your advantage that I personally think it's just silly not to do so.
Just see it as using chicks own weapon against them... [Image: icon_lol.gif]

You can't use the master's tools to dismantle the master's house.
Just sayin', the reason it's not alpha is it implies no social risk of any kind. I know guys in their 20s who have never approached a girl in real life. It's an entire generation of kids who automagically assumes online dating is the only way to meet people outside of work and school - while its these tools that are causing the decline of social interaction between the sexes.

This is a big shift in the culture because 5-10 years ago, you were a loser if you met someone online. The only guys I know who do well online are good looking. The rest go on dozens of dates and empty their bank accounts for little high quality action. What a waste of time. These same guys think it takes 2-3 weeks of emails, text messages, and digital interaction just to set up a date.

Also counter to game is sharing your life with random casual people. I don't want anyone I'm casually dating knowing anything about me other than the lies/truths I tell them at the bar or in bed. I don't want them to have photos of me or to know where I'm drinking my coffee that morning or that I have an opinion on this or that or that I'm friends with so and so. To let them into my life would be a violation of my principals.

When you talk about building value, you're talking about concrete things like travel, money, friends, biceps -- but those things are commodities. What's not a commodity is a guy with balls, unpopular principals, and social skills. Those are the things that really matter. A homeless guy can get laid with those things.

Don't ever do the easy thing, it won't get you very far...

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - speakeasy - 01-26-2015

Interesting topic. I think that this only works for guys who already have an active social life with lots of attractive women around who routinely tag them in photos. In which case I'd have to wonder why you even need to go this FB route if you already have these things going on.

You are also completely giving up any mystery about your life and any sense of privacy. In order for other people who are not your friends to see your page you'll have to set your privacy settings to global. That also means cyber-stalkers and future would be employers can type your name and find anything about you.

If I did something like this, I'd set up 2 profiles. One would be my real profile that only my true network of friends can see and it would be 100% locked down privacy. And the other would be my DHV profile that I would give to girls, I'd even consider using a fake name. Not that I'm even going to bother with any of this, but if I did that's how I'd likely do it.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Sonoma - 01-26-2015

I never tallied an exact data sheet, but I would say of the 30+ girls that have added me and messaged me, I've probably banged over 10 in the past 2.5 years. Another 10 werent quality and another 10+ didn't have good logistics and are still sitting around for me to put in the logistical effort to make it happen. You might think 10 in that amount of time is terrible, but mind you, that's a count of the most passive, and least amount of work I've done.

Most of the rest I either messaged first or initiated contact, and either manuevered it into a bang, or maneuvered past hook ups back into a line up.

You give up as much privacy as you like, but still leave plenty of room for mystery. Most people have no clue where I find some of the nature spots I post about, and most don't know how I can afford the time and money to do everything. Also, I never post about partying/sex/drugs/swearing, so I have no fear of employers looking through my profile.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - Irish - 01-26-2015

Quote: (01-26-2015 03:20 PM)lycosidae Wrote:  

You can't use the master's tools to dismantle the master's house.
Just sayin', the reason it's not alpha is it implies no social risk of any kind. I know guys in their 20s who have never approached a girl in real life. It's an entire generation of kids who automagically assumes online dating is the only way to meet people outside of work and school - while its these tools that are causing the decline of social interaction between the sexes.

This is a big shift in the culture because 5-10 years ago, you were a loser if you met someone online. The only guys I know who do well online are good looking. The rest go on dozens of dates and empty their bank accounts for little high quality action. What a waste of time. These same guys think it takes 2-3 weeks of emails, text messages, and digital interaction just to set up a date.

Also counter to game is sharing your life with random casual people. I don't want anyone I'm casually dating knowing anything about me other than the lies/truths I tell them at the bar or in bed. I don't want them to have photos of me or to know where I'm drinking my coffee that morning or that I have an opinion on this or that or that I'm friends with so and so. To let them into my life would be a violation of my principals.

When you talk about building value, you're talking about concrete things like travel, money, friends, biceps -- but those things are commodities. What's not a commodity is a guy with balls, unpopular principals, and social skills. Those are the things that really matter. A homeless guy can get laid with those things.

Don't ever do the easy thing, it won't get you very far...

Sorry if it's not clear. I'm not implying using facebook for trying to approach girls online and using purely as some kind of dating app. I have mine mainly as a way to keep in touch with friends around the world and seeing what they are up to, but it also happens to compliment your game.

Girls I add are from having already met through 'real life' cold/warm approach. They already know me and they have seen my game/social skills and know that I have attractive qualities.

I don't agree that sharing your life with random casual people is "counter to game". Personally I have nothing to hide from anyone, nor do I need to tell chicks any lies to get them into the sack.

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - XXL - 01-27-2015

Facebook is just good tool to passively show off. whether it works or not depends on the person. it's not the place for typical lone wolves or wannabe red pillers posting depressing life truths.

on facebook you stand out by fitting in [better than others]. which means posting funnier shit having cooler photos tagging with prettier girls etc. for the most it should be tasteful and nice rather than controversial or polarizing. good profile is the one that a girl you just met can show her girl friends and be encouraged by them to meet you. just.. cool.

i view it more like a online resume that others can see and form positive opinion about you. so anything that might be misunderstood or taken personally by lurkers shouldn't be posted ever. if you wonder whether your next post should be public or for friends only then you should not post it at all. that's my personal take on it

trying to measure how well it works is pointless cause your profile is as effective for getting laid as a good resume for getting new job. it's just a starting point that grabs attention. the rest of the grind is up to you

Some tips for using Facebook to game/get ahead - ElJefe - 01-27-2015

Taking photos is not common in the social groups I frequent.

Selfies are lame as fuck unless you have something seriously cool to share - which by definition is a rare occurrence indeed.
