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I threw up at the gym today - Hardy Daytona - 01-02-2015

And I'm not sure what to make of it.

Just to get the obvious out of the way, I was completely sober and suffering from no illness or symptoms. No bulimia either.

I was on the treadmill fairly early on this morning (to avoid all the New Year startups) before it happened.
I hadn't eaten anything out of my diet program - just Weetabix, milk and some coffee for breakfast with water afterwards.
I kept going with my workout afterwards and did some shoulder and chest work, but started to feel a little light-headed so I decided to call it a day.

I wasn't pushing myself too much harder than I have in the past - 1.42km in 6 minutes.

My attendance has been lacking over the course of Christmas due to gym closures that affect my routine so I decided to draw a line and take the time to rest and indulge.
It's possible that I over-exerted myself without the proper warm up.

But there's been nothing similar in my history.
In all my years I've never run so hard and fast that it's made me puke.

I'm inclined to think of it as more of a one-off than anything symptomatic of a larger problem, but I wanted to get a second opinion from more experienced men here on the forum.

I feel like I've got an angel and a devil sitting on my shoulders with one whispering "Well what did you think would happen dumbass!?" and the other one going "I'll bet no-one else in that place pushes themselves that hard. Good for you."

My only regret is for the guy who had to use the stall after I was done in it.

I threw up at the gym today - davyjose - 01-02-2015

Quote: (01-02-2015 12:40 PM)Hardy Daytona Wrote:  

And I'm not sure what to make of it.

Just to get the obvious out of the way, I was completely sober and suffering from no illness or symptoms. No bulimia either.

I was on the treadmill fairly early on this morning (to avoid all the New Year startups) before it happened.
I hadn't eaten anything out of my diet program - just Weetabix, milk and some coffee for breakfast with water afterwards.
I kept going with my workout afterwards and did some shoulder and chest work, but started to feel a little light-headed so I decided to call it a day.

I wasn't pushing myself too much harder than I have in the past - 1.42km in 6 minutes.

My attendance has been lacking over the course of Christmas due to gym closures that affect my routine so I decided to draw a line and take the time to rest and indulge.
It's possible that I over-exerted myself without the proper warm up.

But there's been nothing similar in my history.
In all my years I've never run so hard and fast that it's made me puke.

I'm inclined to think of it as more of a one-off than anything symptomatic of a larger problem, but I wanted to get a second opinion from more experienced men here on the forum.

I feel like I've got an angel and a devil sitting on my shoulders with one whispering "Well what did you think would happen dumbass!?" and the other one going "I'll bet no-one else in that place pushes themselves that hard. Good for you."

My only regret is for the guy who had to use the stall after I was done in it.

Puked the first time I did German Volume Training with a deranged PT. Remember destroying a leg press machine with sick after I finished and he was breaking his shite with laughter. The fucker thought it was hilarious.

About your problem, I wouldn't read too deeply into it one way or the other. So long as it's not happening every other day, just chalk it down to one of those things.

I threw up at the gym today - ryanf - 01-02-2015

Once is rarely something to worry about, I've done it while training muay Thai. See how you feel tomorrow, could be a bug that you haven't really noticed yet.

I threw up at the gym today - scorpion - 01-02-2015

This usually only occurs after doing high intensity cardio and/or high rep leg workouts. It happened to me years ago after doing multiple sets of high rep squats. I believe the explanation for this has to do with your body being forced to send a lot of blood to the large muscles in your legs to keep them oxygenated during the intense workout. If you work out hard enough your body produces a stress response that results in sending some of the blood from your digestive system into your legs, which causes you to vomit.

This could be total bro science, but it sounds plausible to me. If anyone has a medical or anatomical background and can refute this, please correct me.

I threw up at the gym today - Biz - 01-02-2015

That's nothing.

Ever shit yourself at the gym??

I sharted at the gym years ago during a set after taking one of my first servings of SuperPump pre-workout. Realizing what happened, I went to the bathroom and let go of the rest and threw my boxers out and continued on to finish my workout.

Now I never leave the house without shitting if I take a pre-workout.

I threw up at the gym today - Dantes - 01-02-2015

It's no big deal and probably a one time thing. Carry on with your workouts

I threw up at the gym today - Mentavious - 01-02-2015

If you haven't puked during sprint workouts or american football workouts then you never took it seriously.

That's a sign that you pushed your body beyond its normal limits so good for you.

I threw up at the gym today - presidentcarter - 01-02-2015

I did football, cross country, and track when in grade school. Kids were puking all the time. The finish line at a cross country meet is a puke fest. I wouldn't sweat it once in a while with a high intensity workout.

I threw up at the gym today - The_CEO - 01-02-2015

As long as you didn't throw up b/c you were so nervous during an approach, you are good!

Really though, anyone into sports/athletics has either done it once during competition at some point, or has at least felt like it when you're really pushing yourself.

I threw up at the gym today - speakeasy - 01-02-2015

I've come very close in many situations. At the gym, intense stair running, Krav Maga. The better shape you're in, the less likely it is to happen. When you're really in shape, you can even eat right before the gym and have an intense workout with no stomach upset. But it takes awhile to get to that level.

I threw up at the gym today - Seanchaí - 01-02-2015

Good lad,

I been close but never broke the seal. A friend of mine said he puked while at a power lifting meet attempting a deadlift. Needless to say he finished the lift like a man, then cleaned vomit off himself like a child.

I threw up at the gym today - alexdagr81 - 01-02-2015

probably some electrolyte imbalances and oxygen problems. You may want to take one of those Zero calorie powerades or vitamin waters.

I threw up at the gym today - berserk - 01-02-2015

Quote: (01-02-2015 01:57 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

This usually only occurs after doing high intensity cardio and/or high rep leg workouts. It happened to me years ago after doing multiple sets of high rep squats. I believe the explanation for this has to do with your body being forced to send a lot of blood to the large muscles in your legs to keep them oxygenated during the intense workout. If you work out hard enough your body produces a stress response that results in sending some of the blood from your digestive system into your legs, which causes you to vomit.

This could be total bro science, but it sounds plausible to me. If anyone has a medical or anatomical background and can refute this, please correct me.

Broscience but could be correct. The only time I've thrown up was after/during heavy Thai boxing workout, such as 50 round kicks to paddle. Threw up twice actually in one workout.

I threw up at the gym today - UnW - 01-03-2015

Really not a big deal.

I threw up a few months ago while doing a pretty difficult High intensity circuit workout at the gym.

I felt fine an hour later.

I threw up at the gym today - Sonsowey - 01-03-2015

Quote: (01-02-2015 12:40 PM)Hardy Daytona Wrote:  

And I'm not sure what to make of it.

Excuses, excuses.

I threw up at the gym today - Hardy Daytona - 01-05-2015

Status report.

I made it through my session today without any issues, though I did feel a little light-headed at times.
Unfortunately my strength level has plummeted, but that's to be expected as a result of being on hiatus for 2 weeks and having low test. levels.

Still, it felt good to be back in the game.

I threw up at the gym today - TonySandos - 01-05-2015

I puke often after distance running so its a relief to know that this is prevalent rather than dysfunctional.

I threw up at the gym today - Aliblahba - 01-05-2015

I threw up in the gym today too........

[Image: attachment.jpg23875]   

I threw up at the gym today - Switch - 01-05-2015

One of my fears is sharting myself in public. They seem like a fart until they come out, so you never really know whether or not it's coming. It's happened to me twice before in my life, both in middle school, but luckily I was able to handle the situation flawlessly both times [Image: lol.gif] but since then I worry I'll be doing heavy squats and let one rip from the hole and accidentally shart. So I never do a squat set if I feel the faintest fart coming on--I wait for it to pass.

As for puking, for me it is the worst feeling in the world, and probably will never work out so hard that I get to that point. It's probably just food poisoning and you'll be fine. If it happens again, then be worried and consult a medical professional.

I threw up at the gym today - Big Country - 01-05-2015

Whenever I take a long break from exercise and then dive right in to high intensity stuff, I will probably puke. Usually it happened at the start of football season or if I didn't play football that year, the first basketball practices. It also happened when I had my first Muay Thai session and the little sadist had me double kick for 3 minutes straight at the end of five, 5 minute rounds of sparring.

There's no real reason to be worried about it unless it happens every workout. For me it was a one and done occurrence for each time frame.

I threw up at the gym today - Quintus Curtius - 01-06-2015

Quote: (01-05-2015 01:53 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

I threw up in the gym today too........

Mr. Blahbla....I saw that photo and laughed for 5 minutes straight....classic.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

I threw up at the gym today - TravelerKai - 01-06-2015

If you ain't spitting, cussing, yelling, or throwing up, you ain't liftin son!!

I threw up at the gym today - MrXY - 01-06-2015

I shit my pants once at the gym, I think from taking too much creatine. Fortunately, I was at the urinal and not doing squats which I had just finished.

I ran track and cross country in high school and puked all the time after interval workouts and races. If you weren't puking at the finish line you weren't trying hard enough.

I threw up at the gym today - Biz - 01-06-2015

Quote: (01-06-2015 01:35 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

I shit my pants once at the gym, I think from taking too much creatine. Fortunately, I was at the urinal and not doing squats which I had just finished.

I ran track and cross country in high school and puked all the time after interval workouts and races. If you weren't puking at the finish line you weren't trying hard enough.

You're not cool unless you shit your pants

I threw up at the gym today - cclarke - 01-16-2015

I've come close many times going hard while lifting/muay thai/running and decided to dial it back.

Seems like one of those weird things that happens.