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When bad behavior gets results - Sonsowey - 12-19-2014

I have been living in the same apartment for a long time and generally have had no problems. My labdlord lives nearby and is kinda ditsy but whatever.

Recently I had several problems and the landlord basically had not only ignored them and not fixed them, but tried to explain to me why I should not care.

Last night I lost it and went to her house late at night to demand a resolution after one of these problems resurfaced and kept me from sleeping. She today finally called a professional to come and take care of one of these problems.

Now I have seen that asking kindly and nicely does not work, but losing my cool and bothering her late at night does. Not really a.good precedent but this was an ongoing probpem that needed to be resolved.

Have I just learned that if I do not severely disturb her, she will not take action, and thus late night visits are not only acceptable, but perhaps the best way to actually get things repaired?

When bad behavior gets results - void - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 02:59 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Have I just learned that if I do not severely disturb her, she will not take action, and thus late night visits are not only acceptable, but perhaps the best way to actually get things repaired?
Do you imply she wants the D?

Bad behavior is necessary when dealing with people who have bad behaviors themselves. Must people are lazy fuckers, you have to bother them to take action.

When bad behavior gets results - MY DETROIT PLAYAS - 12-19-2014

Unfortunately this is how landlords get bad reps from renters

What is a mole hill to some will be a mountain for others

Had similar experiences through work and socially, where it was necessary to hold someone's feet to the fire to get results

After a couple not so gentle reminders, they usually get the point

She doesn't have to like you - but since you are most likely paying her mortgage she's gotta respect you

When bad behavior gets results - Hardy Daytona - 12-19-2014

I can't remember where I heard it (it may have been Se7en) but there's a line that seems appropriate to this line of thinking.
"You can't just tap someone on the shoulder to get their attention anymore. You have to hit them in the face with a sledgehammer."

When bad behavior gets results - Sonsowey - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 03:46 PM)void Wrote:  

Do you imply she wants the D?

2/10 WNB

I just called her after the guy came over and fixed things, said thank you, and she just goes "Yeah, ok" and hangs up.

This could be a rough few weeks.

When bad behavior gets results - Phoenix - 12-20-2014

Some people just don't respond to reasonable behaviour. The only way to make them comply is with pain.

A lot of intelligent reasonable people like to think that making people fall into line can be accomplished by explaining what is fair, what is right, and what makes sense. Then, they theorize, if they do enough of this, the person will see the error of their ways and change.

But for some people, that's just leniency that they can take advantage of. People hurting them if they don't comply is the only thing they understand.

When bad behavior gets results - Onto - 12-20-2014

People will always try to get away with whatever they can.

Now that she knows you'll take action if ignored, a simple request will be enough in the future. Or at least not as many.

I've been a landlord of 13 years and in the beginning I would try to defer fixing things and keep costs down. After enough experience I realized that it's better to be proactive in maintaining a property and with tenants wishes.

It took me well over 7 years to realize that so maybe your current landlord is still learning.

When bad behavior gets results - Hades - 12-20-2014

People in general reap what they sow. If she makes it a general practice to ignore suffering tenants then she deserves what wrath she's gotten. My guess is that she does this to most of her tenants.

Now if your complaints were unreasonable (like the neighbor's dog barks) and there's nothing she can do about it, then you wouldn't be justified, but since it's her domain (the upkeep of the property) then this is a reasonable course to take.

I'm sure she's venting to her spouse (or whoever) about her asshole tenant but she knows deep down that this situation was completely preventable.

If you plan on living there awhile and want to smooth things over you can pay the next month's rent ahead of time with a handwritten card saying how much you appreciate she took care of the problem, how it's made life for you easier, and she'll take the hint for future reference, while hopefully pleased that she actually did her job. Since it's the holidays you can send some candy with it.

Even if it comes off pretty gay it's the thought that counts. So few people would take the time to write their landlord a card of appreciation that it's almost impossible that this strategy would be ineffective. This is not ass kissing, it's diplomacy.

That way she knows if you get ignored, bad things will happen. If she actually does her job, nice things might happen here and there.

If a similar situation comes up again and she fails to take care of the problem then you've established a pattern of behavior. I'd just move at that point and shit on her landlord reputation all over the internet.

When bad behavior gets results - tallandblonde - 12-20-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 02:59 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Now I have seen that asking kindly and nicely does not work, but losing my cool and bothering her late at night does. Not really a.good precedent but this was an ongoing probpem that needed to be resolved.

I had a similar issue. I called the land lord multiple times to fix a broken drier. I was extremely polite, and each time they said that someone would be over within a couple of days to fix it. Each subsequent time I called, they used the excuse that it was snowing and thus a lot of other properties had emergency repairs that took precedent over that.

Anyways, I was getting tired of not having a drier, so I called them once after a bad day and was a huge asshole. Told them that it's completely unacceptable that I need to call 5+ times to get the drier fixed and that I would be seriously reevaluating whether or not I'd continue living there. Someone then showed up the same day to fix it.

Moral of the story: Sometimes you need to be an asshole to get what you want.

When bad behavior gets results - Zauber - 12-20-2014

I've noticed that the person who complain the most usually get the best service and results.
You need to make people realize you don't take bs and that good results are expected.

When bad behavior gets results - Kaebs - 12-20-2014

If it works then why not continue doing it? Just don't cross the line and do something that'll get you evicted

When bad behavior gets results - Saweeep - 12-20-2014

He who shouts loudest and all that...

When bad behavior gets results - Dr. Howard - 12-20-2014

Quote: (12-20-2014 11:34 AM)tallandblonde Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 02:59 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Now I have seen that asking kindly and nicely does not work, but losing my cool and bothering her late at night does. Not really a.good precedent but this was an ongoing probpem that needed to be resolved.

I had a similar issue. I called the land lord multiple times to fix a broken drier. I was extremely polite, and each time they said that someone would be over within a couple of days to fix it. Each subsequent time I called, they used the excuse that it was snowing and thus a lot of other properties had emergency repairs that took precedent over that.

Anyways, I was getting tired of not having a drier, so I called them once after a bad day and was a huge asshole. Told them that it's completely unacceptable that I need to call 5+ times to get the drier fixed and that I would be seriously reevaluating whether or not I'd continue living there. Someone then showed up the same day to fix it.

Moral of the story: Sometimes you need to be an asshole to get what you want.

This is the process I use, I like to work for and give my money to people that value respect so:

1. Everyone gets a polite first interaction
2. Everyone gets a second chance and polite first reminder

If 1 and 2 fails and they are falsely apologetic (women), rude or completely ignore they get the asshole treatment and are never returned to polite status.

For those that are a genuine pleasure to deal with they get compliments and tips. I also make sure I ask those same people for referrals as they value the same kind of behavior. For example, I worked with an awesome laywer on one issue so I asked him referrals for other laywers in other fields. So far they also have been a pleasure to deal with.

When bad behavior gets results - monster - 12-20-2014

This is not a unique situation with landlords.

This applies to everyone in life & business: government workers, salesmen, convenience store clerks, insurance adjusters, etc.

You have to defend what you think is believe in.

Like Dr Howard said be polite the first few times. Then after that start increasingly raise hell.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease is a popular proverb for a reason [Image: biggrin.gif]

When bad behavior gets results - Seadog - 12-27-2014

I fully agree polite first and second chances are the way to go. At which point I usually play the disappointed "I thought I could count on you for better than this, are we really going to have to fight every time something happens?" routine. Perhaps I'm thinking too far along the lines of "If I treat you fair and reasonably, you should do the same".

I never ever ever get angry/become an asshole. If you lose control, they win. They now hold power over you because they can make you angry, and they have control of your emotions. Having worked in the service industry, I can't stand impolite assholes. Especially when they come out with guns blazing with no warning. At which point I usually do some sort of passive aggressive shit which makes them more infuriated, but which they can't really call me on because "I'm trying". Petty perhaps, but drives home the point that I'm in control and they're not.

To OP, if this happens again I'd be out of there in a heart beat. Life is too short to constantly having to get worked up over small things, and to spend your time fighting difficult people. While explaining what is fair and reasonable doesn't always garner the results it should, I try to only deal with people who see things that way. Not everyone does, and in those cases I cut my losses and move on. In the long run I think I'm the better for it.

When bad behavior gets results - lurker - 12-28-2014

Complain once, then call in the guy to fix it yourself and take it out of the rent.

If you guys think dealing with landlords only works when you get unreasonable, you should see the mountain of bullshit opposing litigation counsel will put you through.

When bad behavior gets results - JacksonRev - 12-30-2014

I tend to use the transaction percentage rule for how much of an asshole I can be when someone fucks up. In a situation like this your landlady takes 100% of your money, so you can be a hundred percent asshole if necessary. Same with an employee that you can fire and you pay 100% of their salary.

This compares to a waitress/bartender where you're paying them 10-20% ish of the transaction so only 10-20% asshole.

And finally, govt beauracracy employees where they get no cut of the transaction and you pay and influence a negligible part of their salary. It's best to just be polite and find the best enticement you can.

*Disclamour: All my posts are full of shit. If I really knew what was going on I wouldn't be here

When bad behavior gets results - L M McCoy - 12-30-2014

Don't even get me started on apartments, landlords, and all that bullshit

I would advise against paying for repairs yourself and taking it out of rent unless advised by an attorney.

When bad behavior gets results - lurker - 12-30-2014

Quote: (12-28-2014 03:24 AM)lurker Wrote:  

Complain once, then call in the guy to fix it yourself and take it out of the rent.

If you guys think dealing with landlords only works when you get unreasonable, you should see the mountain of bullshit opposing litigation counsel will put you through.

Quote: (12-30-2014 01:23 AM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Don't even get me started on apartments, landlords, and all that bullshit

I would advise against paying for repairs yourself and taking it out of rent unless advised by an attorney.

I am an attorney.

When bad behavior gets results - Darius - 12-30-2014

This reminds me of the Drug Test I took yesterday. I forgot to drink enough water so I couldn't provide enough urine. They put in a room and gave me a tiny amount of water every 20 minutes. I couldn't leave the place until I provided a sample or I would fail and not get the job. So after about an hour I still can't provide a sample but I do have to take a dump. I asked politely to use the washroom and the bitch at the front says that their washrooms are only for providing samples. I bite my tongue and go back to the room for another 20 minutes at which point the turtle is poking his head out.

So I go back out and say I need to take a shit immediately but you say I can't use your washrooms and can't leave, so what the fuck do you want me to do? They reply that I can use the washroom as long as I attempt to provide a sample.