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Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Saweeep - 12-19-2014

Although not tested on humans, this research suggests that a daily dose of Ibuprofen could extend human lifespan significantly.

The most interesting thing is that the study says that the treatment not only extended life but also the quality of life with aged subjects being fitter too.

An ibuprofen a day keeps the grim reaper away

"An over-the-counter painkiller taken by millions of Britons could hold back ageing, research suggests.
In laboratory tests, ibuprofen was found to extend the lives of worms and flies by the equivalent of about 12 years in human terms.
The simple creatures not only lived longer, but seemed to maintain their fitness and health as they aged

Despite the big evolutionary gap between worms and people, scientists believe they have stumbled on a new aspect to ageing that could have major implications for humans.

Lead researcher Professor Michael Polymenis, from Texas A&M University in the US, said: ''We are not sure why this works but it is worth exploring further.

''This study was a proof of principle, to show that common, relatively safe drugs in humans can extend the lifespan of very diverse organisms.
''Therefore, it should be possible to find others like ibuprofen with even better ability to extend lifespan, with the aim of adding healthy years of life in people.''

Ibuprofen, like aspirin, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat pain and fever.

It was developed by the Boots company in the 1960s and became available over-the-counter around the world in the 1980s.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) includes the drug on its list of ''essential medications'' needed in every basic health system.

Although considered relatively safe, high doses can have harmful side effects that impact the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

In the new research, scientists exposed three model organisms – baker's yeast, the lab worm Caenorhabditis elegans and the fruit fly – to ibuprofen. The doses used were broadly the equivalent of those taken by humans.

The treatment added about 15% to the lives of the different species, which in human terms amounts to an extra dozen or so years of life.

It was also healthy living time. Both the treated flies and worms appeared healthier in old age than those left untreated, the scientists reported in the online journal Public Library of Science Genetics.

Co-author Dr Chong He, from the Buck Institute for Age Research in California, US, said: ''Healthy worms tend to thrash a lot and the treated worms thrashed much longer than would be normally expected.

''As they aged, they also swallowed food much faster than expected.''
A possible clue to the effect came when the scientists found that ibuprofen interfered with the ability of yeast cells to pick up tryptophan, an amino acid protein building block found in every organism.

Tryptophan is an essential nutrient obtained in the diet from protein.
Why blocking tryptophan might affect ageing is still unknown. Another member of the team, Dr Brian Kennedy, also from the Buck Institute, said: ''There is a lot to be excited about. Not only did all the species live longer, but the treated flies and worms appeared more healthy.

''The research shows that ibuprofen impacts a process not yet implicated in ageing, giving us a new way to study and understand the ageing process.''
He added: ''Our institute is interested in finding out why people get sick when they get old.

''We think that by understanding those processes, we can intervene and find ways to extend human health span, keeping people healthier longer and slowing down ageing. That's our ultimate goal.''

Any RVFers out there who do this already? If there's one place on earth one may find someone it's gotta be here [Image: smile.gif]

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Handsome Creepy Eel - 12-19-2014

Great way to get stuck with an incurable rebound migraine!

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Hades - 12-19-2014

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory. I wouldn't be surprised if this property of ibuprofen is related to the findings in the study.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Simeon_Strangelight - 12-19-2014

Ibuprofen is no health serum Actually it's quite toxic by default.

The only thing that so far the medical profession has found that really prolongs life is calorie restriction in combination with full nutrient intake:

[Image: surv2.gif]

There have been done extensive tests on mice, but also some limited ones on cats and dogs.

Human life tests are running via the society.

While I have read even from mainstream doctors that they think that this might actually work, they don't like the way most CR-people look. They are very healthy, but always hungry and they look rather wimpy or borderline anorexic.

There are some men who have tried bodybuilding in tandem with the diet, but it's difficult, though easy to cut down fat - heh.

Ibuprofen daily will shorten your life just as well as the daily Aspirin was a bunch of crap. They even teach in modern medical schools that Aspirin would not have gotten approved, because it is much more toxic long-term than it seems.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - TravelerKai - 12-19-2014

If you want to reduce alot inflammation in your body, without popping advils, take ganoderma Ling Zhi (Ganoderma) extract.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Pinocchio - 12-19-2014

I always take ibuprofen and I look great

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - The Beast1 - 12-19-2014

I gave myself a nasty stomach ulcer popping NSAIDs like candy back in the day when I played string instruments.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Saweeep - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 07:38 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory. I wouldn't be surprised if this property of ibuprofen is related to the findings in the study.

I think that was the implication yeah; and that a more refined drug could be created in the future as a result of the findings.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - kbell - 12-19-2014

What else is a good replacement for nsaids that doesn't tear up the gut?

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Harvey Specter - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:25 AM)kbell Wrote:  

What else is a good replacement for nsaids that doesn't tear up the gut?


Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Texas_Tryhard - 12-19-2014

Aspirin is much worse for you than ibuprofen because of how the body breaks down the drug. In general, ibuprofen on occasion is fine to take for a headache, and won't affect your gut.

I'm extremely weary of comparing the lives of worms to the lives of humans. Wait a bit for them to start trying this in a murine line.

If you were to put a gun to my head and demand an explanation as to how an NSAIDs could increase human lifespan, I'd say that perhaps a daily dose of NSAIDs would reduce hypertension and thus the chances of a heart attack or some other vascular breakdown (low-down aspirin taken daily for people who have risk of heart attack is a common suggestion). However, I'd prefer the same patient to reduce salt intake and eat a healthier diet overall to eliminate hypotension.

TL;DR : Don't draw too much out of a worm study.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - The Beast1 - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 01:05 PM)Texas_Tryhard Wrote:  

Aspirin is much worse for you than ibuprofen because of how the body breaks down the drug. In general, ibuprofen on occasion is fine to take for a headache, and won't affect your gut.

I'm extremely weary of comparing the lives of worms to the lives of humans. Wait a bit for them to start trying this in a murine line.

If you were to put a gun to my head and demand an explanation as to how an NSAIDS could increase human lifespan, I'd say that perhaps a daily dose of NSAIDs would reduce hypertension and thus the chances of a heart attack or some other vascular breakdown (low-down aspirin taken daily for people who have risk of heart attack is a common suggestion). However, I'd prefer the same patient to reduce salt intake and eat a healthier diet overall to eliminate hypotension.

TL; DR: Don't draw too much out of a worm study.

I agree, I hate news stories and studies like this.

A worm != a human being
Love this line:

Despite the big evolutionary gap between worms and people, scientists believe they have stumbled on a new aspect to ageing that could have major implications for humans.

No sh!t sherlock there is a big evolutionary gap, not to mention the nasty problem of getting a stomach ulcer from constantly popping an ibuprofen. I don't need an over credential sexless nitwit to tell me that.

What's the point of this study? This seems like one of those stupid papers that professors publish to keep relevant. "Publish or perish". I'm all for scientific progress, but what is the point of giving worms ibuprofen to study its effects in humans? Chimps and rats would be far more effective test subjects.

I really want to know what's the point of this research. How about a study on the effects of testosterone on men in their 70s or 80s? I bet that would yield more useful information than this worm study.

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - Texas_Tryhard - 12-19-2014

Welcome to the politics of research. Everything researched in humans has to go through a ridiculous amount of safety, ethical, legal, and monetary boundaries. You can't just throw up a thing like "how about we". You'll never get funded. What likely happened is that these researchers suggested the study of multiple drugs in worms to screen for some effect, which they could then extend to mouse studies, and they saw this interesting and unexpected result and published it. Then some hack news people on a slow day marketed this study as a fountain-of-youth and you get a half-assed article.

EDIT: I know this discussion has merit but it's kinda off topic and seems like a lot of back-and-forth would be useful. If you'd like to continue this discussion in real time I'll be in RVF chat for about an hour:

Worms, Ibuprofen and 15% longer life. - zombiejimmorrison - 12-21-2014

You want to live longer and stay healthier, stay away from crap that is patented. Supplements and minerals is where you could boost your life quality and longevity. Things like NAC or straight glutathione injections, increasing the master antioxidant created in humans. Intermittent fasting, low/medium carbs coming from clean sources, such as potatoes, rice, oats etc, medium/high protein clean grass fed meat, high fat, coconut oil, butter/ghee.

Meditation to lower stress and stress response, its actually shown to change your brain matter.

And the real kicker that is starting to gain steam, is introducing a 3 day water fast every few months. It kills old damaged cells and regenerates the immune system.