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Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Samseau - 12-14-2014


VIENNA (AP) — A Russian loan to France's National Front. Invitations to Moscow for leaders of Austria's Freedom Party. Praise for Vladimir Putin from the head of Britain's anti-European Union party.

As the diplomatic chill over Ukraine deepens, the Kremlin seems keener than ever to enlist Europe's far-right parties in its campaign for influence in the West, seeking new relationships based largely on shared concern over the growing clout of the EU.

Russia fears that the EU and NATO could spread to countries it considers part of its sphere of influence. And it has repeatedly served notice that it will not tolerate that scenario, most recently with its Ukraine campaign.

Europe's right-wing and populist parties, meanwhile, see a robust EU as contrary to their vision of Europe as a loose union of strong national states. And some regard the EU as a toady to America.

The fact that many of Moscow's allies are right to far-right reflects the Kremlin's full turn. Under communism, xenophobic nationalist parties were shunned.

Now they are embraced as partners who can help further Russia's interests and who share key views — advocacy of traditional family values, belief in authoritarian leadership, a distrust of the U.S. and support for strong law-and-order measures.

Statements by leading critics of the EU, or euroskeptics, reflect their admiration of the Kremlin.

National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen told The Associated Press this month that France and Russia "have a communality of interest." Daughter Marine Le Pen, party president and a strong contender for the French presidency in 2017, envisions a Europe stretching "from the Atlantic to the Urals" — a "pan-European union" that includes Russia and is supported by other right-wing parties.

Nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban perceives prevailing winds as "blowing from the East" and sees in Russia an ideal political model for his concept of an "illiberal state." The head of Britain's euroskeptic Independence Party, Nigel Farage, has said Putin is the world leader he most admires — "as an operator, but not as a human being."

Russia offers friendship with a world power. Le Pen and other party officials visit Moscow repeatedly, and Russian guests at the party's congress this month included Andrei Isayev, a deputy speaker of the Russian parliament's lower house.

Among other Moscow regulars from euroskeptic parties across Europe are members of Hungary's anti-Semitic Jobbik and Austria's Freedom Party.
Jobbik parliamentarian Bela Kovacs — his detractors call him "KGBela" — is under investigation in Hungary for allegedly spying for Russia. While in Moscow recently, Freedom Party firebrand Johann Gudenus accused the European Union of kowtowing to "NATO and America" and denounced the spreading influence of the "homosexual lobby" in Europe.

Shunned at home by the establishment, many on the political fringes are eager for the chance to hobnob with Russian powerbrokers, gain air time on RT television, Russia's international answer to CNN, or to act as monitors when Moscow seeks a fig leaf to legitimize elections in recently annexed Crimea.

For them, "the benefit is that they can receive diplomatic support from a very high level from a superpower," says Peter Kreko of Hungary's Political Capital research institute.

Financial rewards are also incentives. Orban just signed a nuclear-reactor deal with Moscow. France is abuzz over the National Front's recent 9 million euro loan from a Russian bank owned by a reputed Putin confidant.

Marine Le Pen describes it as "a perfectly legal loan that we will reimburse perfectly legally," saying the party turned to Russia after being rejected by Western banks. But the transaction has galvanized fears among the National Front's opponents of increased Kremlin influence, with the Socialists calling for an inquiry.

Links between Russia and the right predate the Ukraine conflict. A 2005 U.S. diplomatic cable made public by Wikileaks noted close ties between Bulgaria's extreme-right Ataka party and the Russian Embassy in Sofia. And Joerg Haider, the late leader of Austria's Freedom Party, helped powerful Russian businessmen with residency permits more than a decade ago in exchange for what Austrian authorities now suspect were close to 1 million euros worth of bribes.

Nor was Moscow's search for allies in Europe always restricted to anti-EU figures. Shekhovtsov sees Putin's friendships with German ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Italy's former Premier Silvio Berlusconi as useful for the Kremlin before foreign policy differences that culminated in the Ukraine crisis made the Russian leader unwelcome in most European capitals.
Now the diplomatic gloom is settling in, and Moscow may have few alternatives to courting Europe's EU malcontents in hopes that their strong domestic and EU election showings this year will help further its own interests.

Of the 24 right-wing populist parties that took about a quarter of the European Parliament's seats in May elections, Political Capital lists 15 as "committed" to Russia.

Many owe their popularity to voter perceptions that EU-friendly parties in power are to blame for the continent's economic woes — a view that could grow if the downturn persists.

"What Russia is saying is, 'It's fine for you to be the way you are,'" says analyst Melik Kaylan, in a study for the Institute of Modern Russia. "'You're authoritarian. We're authoritarian. Let's work together against the West.'"

Interesting developments. I actually saw this news first on 8chan but wanted to wait and see if it would be legit. Turns out it is.

Looks like Putin wants to cause as much instability in the West as possible, most likely in retaliation for Ukraine. Pretty amazing that France's National Front, one of the most popular parties, cannot get any loans from Western banks and had to turn to Russia for help. This shows the conspiracy is real.

Historically, this is very peculiar because not even too long ago, Russia was funding far-left groups in the west. Now that the left has taken over, Russia is supporting right-wing groups. I think it is obvious that Russia doesn't care for any particular ideology, they simply want to be on top and to do that means making sure your rivals are destabalized.

Regardless this is good for us traditional minded men because now we know Russia will be a backstop, at least for the time being, for the right in the USA as well. This is also a bit exciting, because one of the pre-requisites for warfare against a larger target is a foreign power who is willing to support a the underdog financially or militarily. For example, France supported the USA's separation from Britain, America supported Britain against Germany in WW2, Mexico was able to declare independence from Spain because of the Napoleonic Wars, etc.

Anyhow, the plot thickens.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Sam1234 - 12-14-2014

Just want to say that I also think this is great news as well.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - The Beast1 - 12-14-2014

Russia started this mess. Now they're doing this?

They're clever. Very clever.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Sherman - 12-14-2014

I wonder if Putin is setting up a program to help right-wingers meet Russian women.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Matt Forney - 12-14-2014

Turnabout is fair play.

The U.S. has been funding left-wing groups in Russia for years. Pussy Riot, FEMEN et al. get the bulk of their funding from American leftists and are probably tied to the State Department. Then you have turncoats like that creepy dyke Masha Gessen who are paid by the U.S. government to spit on the country of their birth.

Our leftists have a psychotic hatred of Russia and have been trying to destabilize the country for years. Are we really shocked that the Russians are fighting back?

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Mekorig - 12-14-2014

Read Dugin`s Foundations of Geopolitics. Some of his ideas are to increase anti-americanism in the world (most of these partys are either anti-EU or anti-USA) and internal strife in the US. Divide et impera.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Soberane - 12-14-2014

Quote: (12-14-2014 09:11 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

I wonder if Putin is setting up a program to help right-wingers meet Russian women.

Create a big incentive for right-wingers, pussy.

[Image: clap2.gif]

With so may sex starved men in USA, and the deregulation of sex, many of those men will start to support right wings groups so they can fuck.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Cattle Rustler - 12-14-2014

Quote: (12-14-2014 10:39 PM)Soberane Wrote:  

Quote: (12-14-2014 09:11 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

I wonder if Putin is setting up a program to help right-wingers meet Russian women.

With so may sex starved men in USA, and the deregulation of sex, many of those men will start to support right wings groups so they can fuck.

If one cannot get laid in the US, their chances of getting laid abroad are worse.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Grange - 12-14-2014

Quote: (12-14-2014 09:42 PM)Matt Forney Wrote:  

Turnabout is fair play.

The U.S. has been funding left-wing groups in Russia for years. Pussy Riot, FEMEN et al. get the bulk of their funding from American leftists and are probably tied to the State Department. Then you have turncoats like that creepy dyke Masha Gessen who are paid by the U.S. government to spit on the country of their birth.

Our leftists have a psychotic hatred of Russia and have been trying to destabilize the country for years. Are we really shocked that the Russians are fighting back?

The American right isn't too keen on Russia either, and its foreign policy vision is usually the winner.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Chaos - 12-15-2014

Yep. And another point worth mentioning is that it's important for Putin to have a bunch of "Western Enemies" to blame for many problems. That withdraws the attention from the internal problems that Russia has.

Today the EUR-Rouble rate is 1€ = 73 roubles.
Not too long ago it was 1€= 40 roubles.
Pretty dramatic change and it keeps falling.

Russian economy is going down in a rapid speed.
The Russian new years celebrations is happening in a few weeks, with current rates it means that a lot of middle class Russians has to stay home and freeze for two weeks instead of their planned two weeks holiday in a warm country. They can't afford it.

The question is how long the regular Russian on the street will tolerate this situation.
Especially the older ones remember how relentless the 90's were.
Nobody in Russia wants another 90's.

Will be interesting to see how Putin will play his cards to have the people on his side.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Dr. Howard - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-15-2014 02:07 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Yep. And another point worth mentioning is that it's important for Putin to have a bunch of "Western Enemies" to blame for many problems. That withdraws the attention from the internal problems that Russia has.

Today the EUR-Rouble rate is 1€ = 73 roubles.
Not too long ago it was 1€= 40 roubles.
Pretty dramatic change and it keeps falling.

Russian economy is going down in a rapid speed.
The Russian new years celebrations is happening in a few weeks, with current rates it means that a lot of middle class Russians has to stay home and freeze for two weeks instead of their planned two weeks holiday in a warm country. They can't afford it.

The question is how long the regular Russian on the street will tolerate this situation.
Especially the older ones remember how relentless the 90's were.
Nobody in Russia wants another 90's.

Will be interesting to see how Putin will play his cards to have the people on his side.

This is great news for players. A country full of hot women with a bad economy/currency.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - lskdfjldsf - 12-15-2014


This is great news for players. A country full of hot women with a bad economy/currency.

I don't think any self-respecting man likes seeing the women of his country fucked by legions of foreigners. That holiday would last maybe one week.

It is interesting though that Putin claimed right-wing extremists were behind the mess in the Ukraine, now he's funding them. Very good thing for Europe but contradictory.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Mekorig - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-15-2014 08:17 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  


This is great news for players. A country full of hot women with a bad economy/currency.

I don't think any self-respecting man likes seeing the women of his country fucked by legions of foreigners. That holiday would last maybe one week.

It is interesting though that Putin claimed right-wing extremists were behind the mess in the Ukraine, now he's funding them. Very good thing for Europe but contradictory.

As always happens when a goverment tries to manipulate the inner workings of other country. Their "right (or left)-wing extremist" are good because they have leverage on them, and bad when not.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Saweeep - 12-15-2014

Well this is just what governments do, isn't it?

American, British, Chinese, Russian etc etc.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - lskdfjldsf - 12-15-2014


Historically, this is very peculiar because not even too long ago, Russia was funding far-left groups in the west. Now that the left has taken over, Russia is supporting right-wing groups. I think it is obvious that Russia doesn't care for any particular ideology, they simply want to be on top and to do that means making sure your rivals are destabalized.

You've just summarized U.S. foreign policy as well, especially in regards to the Middle East. Our interests change like the weather, just a matter of staying on top and in control as the pieces move around.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - bojangles - 12-15-2014

I think this is good news, all we need now is for the Swedish nationalists to be running over to Russia too.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - berserk - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-15-2014 08:17 AM)Blick Mang Wrote:  


This is great news for players. A country full of hot women with a bad economy/currency.

I don't think any self-respecting man likes seeing the women of his country fucked by legions of foreigners. That holiday would last maybe one week.

It is interesting though that Putin claimed right-wing extremists were behind the mess in the Ukraine, now he's funding them. Very good thing for Europe but contradictory.

The foot trops on the steets of Maidan were right wing extremists called Right Sector, they are in fact Neo-Nazis, who for a time decided they hated Russians more than jews, who they worked with and a Ukraine Rabbi made a statement that the Right Sector were good people.

Of course, those among the Right Sector who took their ideology serious mysteriously died after the coup, useful idiots indeed.

[Image: 1395935315403.cached.jpg]

Putin's claims about Neo-Nazis are purely a political play, on one hand it plays into the average Russians worldview of how they withstood the Nazi invasion and later liberated Europe and on the other hand he uses it to play into the Western Nazi taboo, since he knows full well, that calling someone a Nazi is the worst offense possible.

Putin is a very clever politician and claims of him being irrational are purely meant for sheep consumption. Everything Putin does makes perfect sense for Russia.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - perverted sage - 12-15-2014

Hollande's approval rating is at an all time low

So it's safe to say that the next French president will be a right leaning one. Putin is seeing the change in the tide and is acting strategically.

But France will not act alone in strengthening diplomatic ties with the Russians. It will follow the lead of Germany as it is the most powerful country in Europe and also because the Germans own a significant amount of French debt.

I could be very wrong in this but i think there is a civil war going on between the German bankers and the German industrialists. The industrialists are losing a lot of money because of the sanctions on Russia and the bankers are doing what they are told by the USA. Merkel is then stuck in the middle because she does not want to piss off either one of these powerful blocks too much.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - perverted sage - 12-15-2014

Maybe a bit off topic but i think should also be considered:

Quote: (12-07-2014 06:09 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The Euro is the template for the global currency consolidation. It will NOT FALL under any circumstances.

I agree with this, the Euro will not fall but it is going to be continued under a different premise.

What i mean by that is the European Union as it is currently is economically not sustainable. As more right leaning politicians come into power the more they will work against EU polices and eventually the European union will be broken up.

The Euro as a currency will continue, perhaps it will not be called the 'Euro' but the mechanics of it will be the same. It will continue in in the countries where Germanic languages are the official language. Perhaps other Scandinavian countries will also join this currency but i'm not sure.

This is my take on this situation. I could be very wrong as i had a bit too much coffee this morning[Image: banana.gif]

Lets see what the future unfolds.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Blobert - 12-15-2014

Not happy about this at all, our political movements risking being subverted by Russia is not good.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Orion - 12-15-2014

I doubt Putin is all to keen on conservative, right wing ideas, but there must be someone behind him who is. I mean, common income taxation policy (around 13% for Russians), tight budget, ban of gay propaganda, support for religious organizations, and now there is a new event in Russia - cut on healthcare and education and closure of some 30 public hospitals. Perhaps many of these policies are designed to cut on spending during harsh times, but also, it seems that there are persons behind Putin with strong market capitalism/ right wing beliefs.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Easy_C - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-14-2014 09:42 PM)Matt Forney Wrote:  

Our leftists have a psychotic hatred of Russia and have been trying to destabilize the country for years. Are we really shocked that the Russians are fighting back?

Understatement. A lot of readers don't know that Obama tried to cut Russia out of the SWIFT electronic processing system, which would have made any electronic transfer of money in, out, or through russia impossible with economic consequences that you can imagine.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - perverted sage - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-15-2014 10:23 AM)Blobert Wrote:  

Not happy about this at all, our political movements risking being subverted by Russia is not good.

Welcome to the Game of Thrones in real time my friend.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Saweeep - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-15-2014 10:34 AM)perverted sage Wrote:  

Quote: (12-15-2014 10:23 AM)Blobert Wrote:  

Not happy about this at all, our political movements risking being subverted by Russia is not good.

Welcome to the Game of Thrones in real time my friend.

The British used to call these machinations The Great Game.

It is always afoot.

Russia Supports Right-Wing Groups In Western Countries - Easy_C - 12-15-2014

Quote: (12-15-2014 09:28 AM)perverted sage Wrote:  

What i mean by that is the European Union as it is currently is economically not sustainable. As more right leaning politicians come into power the more they will work against EU polices and eventually the European union will be broken up.


One thing that needs to be understood is that right wing politicians aren't going to just come into power on their own. It is going to be the result of further economic decline. Youth unemployment in Europe is already at an unsustainable 60%, and any further downturn risks the emergence of civil unrest on a massive scale(already beginning in greece/italy). Historically those situations are likely to result in the emergence of radical political leaders so expect a rise in 3rd parties worldwide after 2016.