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How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - trainwreck - 11-26-2014

I'm only in my mid 20's but thanks to a flourishing online venture, I've made enough money to travel anywhere in the world, while owning 2 supercars and a super nice pad in the city center of an EE city.

I'm having the issue lately that once girls see my apartment, they INSTANTLY put me into the BF category. I'm living in Eastern Europe and I guess that even when they don't know about the cars, just them stepping into my place must put them into "oh shit, this guy has money" territory and they instantly go into "I'm not that kind of girl, you know.. I'm a good girl.. it wouldn't be appropriate" mode. I usually would just dig through it, but somehow since september, it's gotten harder.

Maybe it was due to the amazing success i had in my old place during summer and springtime, and maybe I'm looking for an excuse for the inability of mine to pull girls since I moved into my new pad 1 month ago, but I have yet to figure out a way where I don't have to constantly go on tinder, or some club, to cold approach girls. I have right now 1 pretty cute girl on rotation, which is LTR material, but I don't want an LTR right now. I'm looking for mini-relationships.

I have thought about houseparties, but then the thought of inviting 2-3 girls that I have been both trying to bang is weird. How would you guys handle that, having 2-3 girls in your apartment that want to bang you? I'd be afraid of them talking to each other about me chasing them, or is that just in my head? Also, the idea of a small model agency would be fun, but what would really be needed for such a venture to materialize?

I'm not looking for local fame. I'm not super jacked, but I have my lean athletic body on lock as well, so that one is covered. Also, I used to get laid left and right before I moved into my new place. I'm starting to think that it might be a bit TOO overkill. Additionally, the clubs here really suck for table service. They're too loud and either the tables are in some VIP corner, where you are besides the party, and the tables in EE are generally so cheap, anyone with 2-3 dudes in the group can pay for them and act rich for 3 hours, so the status effect is quite small.

This might sound weird, but I find that I should be the one getting chased, at least more than I'm chasing. Especially due to everything that I can provide these girls. I'm getting to the point where I'm tired of chasing, so.. I'd like to have a few tips from you guys on how I can leverage these things into girls .. chasing me for once.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Travesty - 11-26-2014

Please post your internet venture success in a thread it would be extremely valuable. Not exact details but broad building blocks.

Expanding your social circle by befriending other young local men with money is a good start or just guys that have access to more local pussy than you. Befriend some club staff with access to local pussy.

Start having pre-game and after parties at your place.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - trainwreck - 11-26-2014

Quote: (11-26-2014 08:03 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

Please post your internet venture success in a thread it would be valuable.

Expanding your social circle by befriending other young local men with money is a good start or just guys that have access to more local pussy than you. Befriend some club staff with access to local pussy.

Start having pre-game and after parties at your place.

I have a friend who is a locally known DJ and he brings dancers around, which I once in a while get to have a taste of. Lately, since I'm guessing many of them are getting into relationships (hibernation mode), that has been a rare occasion though.

I've found the local people here to be quite closed, as pretty much in most places in EE. I have a big social circle of international successful people, but they rarely bring girls around. Most of the time it's me inviting the girls. But last time, it was terrible for example. it was 6 dudes and 2 girls.. one of which I was banging. No bueno.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Travesty - 11-26-2014

^ The foundation of passive pussy is fame of some sort or being near the top of an extended social circle a "connector" which is micro-fame for all intensive purposes.

Both are work there really is no free lunch. The only free lunch is being extremely good looking with some game to finish easy kills.

If locals are that hard your best bet like you said are friending international guys that are also players or guys with large social circles.

Have you tried befriending some local girls? That could be the key. Language exchange etc... If you truly became friends with 4 or 5 hot girls that are social you can benefit if you play it right.

If I didn't have to work for money I'd become a part-time yoga instructor and part-bar staff at a high end place... maybe 20 hours a week total just for easy access. Another option you stated is being in modeling industry. Plus if I hated either job I could always say fuck it and quit.

If you have this much free money your wardrobe is #1 to be on point. You probably know this though.

Other than this all it's time for you to become a famous DJ it looks like.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - RawGod - 11-26-2014

One small tip: set up your apartment like a cave or lair of a drug dealer rather than like the stereotypical apartment of a successful, established man.

Sit around on cushions on the floor, have big bold and possibly tasteless posters on the walls, etc. Have a shisha. Let some handcuffs and ball gags sit around in the bedroom. It doesn't have to be cheap or messy, but just looking like you don't give a fuck. When you have parties or girls over at night, use a projector and have all kinds of wack videos projecting on the wall to the right soundtrack (hat tip Cedonulli).

Warning: having a cave like that can be even more addicting to women, but they will see you as alpha fux rather than beta bux.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Travesty - 11-26-2014

^ Starving artist often wins over being "together". You have to be congruent though by being very passoinate about an art, sport, or some cause so that you come off as that type.

A cool and artistic pad will many time get pussy wetter than a "fancy" one.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - trainwreck - 11-26-2014

Quote: (11-26-2014 08:14 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  


Thanks a ton for your suggestions. I will also I think set up a small pool on my balcony in the summer, but that's not for another 5 months.

Quote: (11-26-2014 08:23 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

blah blah blah

Lol, the suggestions are quite fun. I'm thinking of a shisha and a few beanbags to lay around as well, I think that would be indeed a great thing to have and I'm sure girls would love to hang out there at house parties

How do you guys handle having 2-3 girls you're pursuing at your house party? I've had that before, then chose one of them, and the other one became quite pissed and I never ended up banging her.

I've also set up an SA profile and will be flying in some prime talent for weekend bangs... I'll probably post in the forum soon enough about it.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - jake1720 - 11-27-2014

I remember Tyler from RSD said the same exact thing was going on with him when he went out in LA a lot.

That's all i remember from my time I spent with RSD.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - DVY - 11-28-2014

Start living in hotels/ pre-furnished spots. Something about having a nice hotel screams "traveler playboy" esp if you are young. I swoop more girls when I live in those types of spots.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Every10GivesMeA10 - 11-28-2014

Who cares if the girls put you into BF category? Just lead them on. You have the wrong mentality. You have to have the mindset that these bitches must be HONORED to even breathe the same air you are breathing right now and that they should feel GRATEFUL to suck your dick. You say they instantly put you into the BF category because you have money but it can also be the case that these girls feel that you are TOO good for them so they will work even harder to please you.

Make lots of friends. People talk. People (girls) will come to you.


One small tip: set up your apartment like a cave or lair of a drug dealer rather than like the stereotypical apartment of a successful, established man.

Warning: having a cave like that can be even more addicting to women, but they will see you as alpha fux rather than beta bux.

Not sure if serious.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - The Reactionary Tree - 11-28-2014

This could make for an interesting thread. Post your manosphere bachelor pad pics or your ideal pad.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Dantes - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-26-2014 08:23 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

One small tip: set up your apartment like a cave or lair of a drug dealer rather than like the stereotypical apartment of a successful, established man.

Sit around on cushions on the floor, have big bold and possibly tasteless posters on the walls, etc. Have a shisha. Let some handcuffs and ball gags sit around in the bedroom. It doesn't have to be cheap or messy, but just looking like you don't give a fuck. When you have parties or girls over at night, use a projector and have all kinds of wack videos projecting on the wall to the right soundtrack (hat tip Cedonulli).

Warning: having a cave like that can be even more addicting to women, but they will see you as alpha fux rather than beta bux.

I disagree. There is nothing wrong with have a nice things: apartment, car, clothing. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and be congruent with who you are. Don't pretend to be a thug of drug dealer.

I have spoken with a few guys who are in similar situations. Women will always want a high status man/wealthy man . This is good problem to have. Many guys would trade places with you in a heartbeat.

Maybe the focus should be on mini-relationships. Getting a girl into bed as quickly as possible does not always need to be the ultimate goal. Lots of us derive fulfillment from relationships and min-relationships with high quality women.

Be congruent with who you are.

How about the other factors? Are you a person of substance? Personality, sense of humor, cultured and intelligence. Have you had interesting life experiences? These are all parts of ourselves that are not emphasized enough. Money is important but so is substance.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - trainwreck - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 11:43 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

How about the other factors? Are you a person of substance? Personality, sense of humor, cultured and intelligence. Have you had interesting life experiences? These are all parts of ourselves that are not emphasized enough. Money is important but so is substance.

I'd like to say that even there I'm becoming a bit overkill. I've been all over the world. Due to growing up in 3 different European countries, I speak 5 languages fluently (learning Russian, which will be the 6th), skydived, race my cars on the weekends, play football with an amateur team. If anything, I'm feeling that I am failing to make a connection with these girls. I find 99% of them boring as fuck, and no matter how many girls I approach here. Many of them haven't been really much even outside of Eastern Europe, with the exception of a trip to Spain or Greece, maybe. They become really intimidated when I sometimes drop my barrier and talk openly about how I went to Tokyo a few weeks ago and decided to check out Shanghai too... I'm starting to think that it also might come to a point where they think I'm too good for them, as someone pointed out priorly. I actually am really careful about showing these things straight up, as it has scared these girls more away than anything else.

However, I've become a bit more of a straight forward person when talking to girls and people around me lately due to business and just the nature of living in Eastern Europe I'd say. Also, I think that the fact that I'm afraid of getting hurt as I did with my ex again, is keeping me to make really any kind of emotional connection to these girls, but I never really needed that either for a bang. To counter the fact that I might have become a bit too straight forward, I've been watching some episodes of californication and other humorous shows.. we'll see how that goes.

As for the progress on my place itself, I'm getting an old shisha from a friend who actually wholesales them. I'm getting a few beanbags for people to hang out around the shisha and also I'm getting a beer pong game set and organizing the first house party this weekend. I invited a guy who owns 2 sushi restaurants here and will bring a few hot girls along... will keep you guys updated.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Cyclone - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-26-2014 08:23 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

One small tip: set up your apartment like a cave or lair of a drug dealer rather than like the stereotypical apartment of a successful, established man.

Sit around on cushions on the floor, have big bold and possibly tasteless posters on the walls, etc.

This. Fucking this.
Having lots of money means you can do whatever you want, not that you have to flaunt it in the same unoriginal way as everyone else. A bit of messiness will get a girl horny


If anything, I'm feeling that I am failing to make a connection with these girls. I find 99% of them boring as fuck, and no matter how many girls I approach here. Many of them haven't been really much even outside of Eastern Europe,

If I were you, i would join an online expat group such as Internations. They are a bit upper class, have been to on average 20+ countries, and totally relatable. I know how you feel because i've also been out there doing extreme shit across the globe and find that i only relate to a very small % of my community. Plus they are DTF as most chicks there are ~30 years old haha.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 11-28-2014

Sorry, but I do not believe anything this guy has posted. My troll detector was beeping loudly.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - The Beast1 - 11-28-2014

I'd have to see pictures to really gauge the quality of your apartment, but you're pricing yourself into that category.

Not necessarily a bad thing, but like you said you want mini-relationships.

You have a few options;
1. Get a better social circle. Rich guys roll with other rich folks. Get into the business circles and leverage that.
2. If you truly are "loaded" why not go halfsies on a partnership at a local club/bar. Being part owner, you could easily become a part time bartender for the hell of it. I'd personally love to do this as i've always wanted to be a bartender just for shits and giggles.
3. Downgrade your life. Do you really need two supercars when one used Merc could probably do just as well? I don't know about your apartment but if it looks like something out of a Restoration Hardware mag then consider a makeover. It doesn't have to be expensive or gross. One of my friend's house has a living room that would make a 60s hippy proud. Think like that, yet comfortable.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - trainwreck - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 01:06 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Sorry, but I do not believe anything this guy has posted. My troll detector was beeping loudly.

I'm willing to send anyone here a spoon pic of the one car I got in the garage (the other one is in winter storage), the watch collection and the apartment on PM. I realize this is a thread of a "luxury problem" and I doubt many people would mind being in this position.


You have a few options;
1. Get a better social circle. Rich guys roll with other rich folks. Get into the business circles and leverage that.
2. If you truly are "loaded" why not go halfsies on a partnership at a local club/bar. Being part owner, you could easily become a part time bartender for the hell of it. I'd personally love to do this as i've always wanted to be a bartender just for shits and giggles.
3. Downgrade your life. Do you really need two supercars when one used Merc could probably do just as well? I don't know about your apartment but if it looks like something out of a Restoration Hardware mag then consider a makeover. It doesn't have to be expensive or gross. One of my friend's house has a living room that would make a 60s hippy proud. Think like that, yet comfortable.

1. I'm working on that. Have a guy coming over to the party tomorrow who owns sushi restaurants and is local.. hopefully that will open a few doors.
2. I've thought about that, but since it's EE, the chance I'll get burned is quite high.
3. The place itself is pre-furnished and from what I understand, the owner had quite a good taste in doing it. It has some pretty cool pictures, but I'm indeed considering making it a bit more "hip" as I think the place itself might look almost "too" fancy. Does anyone have a site where I can order modern abstract paintings, or some cool stuff to hang on the wall?

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - The Beast1 - 11-28-2014

Ahh pre-furnished. Get a pad that isn't furnished and go buy new furniture.

Don't go abstract. You're coming off as rich. Go for comfortable homely yet tasteful.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Gringuito - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-26-2014 07:53 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

I'm having the issue lately that once girls see my apartment, they INSTANTLY put me into the BF category.

I've mentioned this before. Once the girls get an idea of your net worth they turn in to reformed good-girls for the big payoff. Then you have to wait forever to hook-up. It will get worse if you're in a small EE city. Word spreads fast among the EE women.

You should go directly to Moscow if you have a good net worth. You're money won't mean as much to the girls there but you can still get top talent. Also, there isn't much word of mouth unless you're high 9 or 10 figures.

Be careful owning high-end cars depending on which country you're in. They can attract the wrong kind of attention. Send me a PM if you want. I've been there don't that.

Edit: Your OP mentions that you want to be chased and not do the chasing. You're too young to get lazy and the ego fix isn't worth it. Almost all of the girls that will chase you are NOT the ones you want to be with. Especially in EE where life is cheap.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - WestIndianArchie - 11-28-2014

For some reason, the idea of flashing cash in eastern Europe, where the top tier chicks are with government, business guys, or gangsters doesn't sound appealing to me.

Also, you've said absolutely nothing about you active game, just your lifestyle.

If you don't think there's a dude out there in your tax bracket that's just talking chicks out of their panties, you need to reassess.


How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - VolandoVengoVolandoVoy - 11-28-2014

If you aren't trolling, don't make things complicated.
Hang out with girls from a higher class.
Don't give a fuck about money. Never talk about how much something costs or how much you make. It is a low class thing to do, and it gives off vibes of insecurity.
Also, if you are making millions with an online venture, what the hell are you doing in a mediocre eastern European backwater?
If you went to a good boarding school or elite college, their alumni network is good.
So are embassy parties.
For online dating, Beautiful People can be decent, at least for NYC/London girls from an upper class background.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Espresso - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 12:05 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

I'd like to say that even there I'm becoming a bit overkill. I've been all over the world. Due to growing up in 3 different European countries, I speak 5 languages fluently (learning Russian, which will be the 6th), skydived, race my cars on the weekends, play football with an amateur team. If anything, I'm feeling that I am failing to make a connection with these girls. I find 99% of them boring as fuck, and no matter how many girls I approach here. Many of them haven't been really much even outside of Eastern Europe, with the exception of a trip to Spain or Greece, maybe. They become really intimidated when I sometimes drop my barrier and talk openly about how I went to Tokyo a few weeks ago and decided to check out Shanghai too... I'm starting to think that it also might come to a point where they think I'm too good for them, as someone pointed out priorly. I actually am really careful about showing these things straight up, as it has scared these girls more away than anything else.

I think this might be the main reason you are not having the results you want with girls. You are missing the key factor: "qualification" i.e. telling the girl why you like her (besides her looks).

So you just hang out with the girl/go on dates, waiting to sleep with her, and she doesn't know why you like her and why you like spending time with her...and so of course she thinks "he just wants to sleep with me". Telling the girl why you like her is important in general but especially important in situations where there is a big differential in perceived value between you and her (successful guy & basic girl, good looking guy & fat girl)...where she doesn't feel good enough and doesn't know why you are hanging out with her as opposed to some other girl you could easily be with (in her mind at least), so it must be "sex".

Now, if you genuinely think they are boring, it might be more difficult to find things about them that you can compliment them personality traits for example, or about being smart. E.g. "I love that you always speak your mind", "I like how I can be myself around you, and not hold back what I think", "You know, I just love your outlook on life and your positivity. It's very rare, especially here in Eastern Europe. I really like that about you, I think it's the reason why spending time with you is so much fun". It's not as simple as delivering a line though, it's a whole topic in and of itself. It's not even necessarily a verbal thing. One thing you can do is to really ask yourself what you like in girls personality-wise and see if you can find that quality in the girls you are talking to, even if you have to stretch it or ignore a bunch of negatives.

I think it's a very important step if you want to move things forward. Part of the reason why they wait so long to sleep with you is to prove to themselves that you indeed like them for them since you are willing to invest all this time. You are essentially doing this step the hard way. But you can significantly speed up the process by showing them/telling them. Which, if you don't like them much, might mean you have to lie. Now, whether you should do this or not is another matter, and is not my place to tell you.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - trainwreck - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 02:56 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Also, if you are making millions with an online venture, what the hell are you doing in a mediocre eastern European backwater?

the place I live in has pretty good local programming talent, which I need. The city itself is not backwater, it's quite nice to live in, high english proefficiency and the airport is super close. Also, low taxation compared to western Europe. I spend quite a lot of weekends in Stockholm and I do way better there lately compared to my home turf.

Quote: (11-28-2014 03:03 PM)Espresso Wrote:  


This is absolutely true. I think I miss out on the qualification a lot and I just focus on value value value.. best insight so far.

I'm not trolling and again, anyone who wants some pics can PM me. I already msg'd frenchie.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Gringuito - 11-28-2014

Quote: (11-28-2014 04:56 PM)trainwreck Wrote:  

the place I live in has pretty good local programming talent, which I need. The city itself is not backwater, it's quite nice to live in, high english proefficiency and the airport is super close. Also, low taxation compared to western Europe. I spend quite a lot of weekends in Stockholm and I do way better there lately compared to my home turf.

I'm pretty sure I know the place (not Kiev). I had a programming group there as well. If it's what I'm thinking of you need to read some of the threads here about the country.

BTW, for the forum trainwreck sent me some pics of a car and an apartment.

How to leverage high net worth into pussy? - Duke Castile - 11-28-2014

It sounds to me like you need to start dating higher profile/status women that aren't going to get intimidated by your own "wealthy" status.

If you're going to keep seeing girls like the ones you're saying are get all flustered by you, perhaps spending a little extra time building comfort will solve your problems.

Does "skydived" mean you went a few times or do you do it often and by yourself (not tandem). Does racing your cars mean you're actually in some sanctioned race or does that mean you race other guys with fast cars on the road? Does playing for an amateur football team mean like a club team or is it something more elite?

To me these are the differences between being interesting and pretty standard stuff.

The 5 languages is really cool though.