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Quit smoking tips. - Pride male - 11-23-2014

I have been smoking daily for three years because of the social group I hung around. Started having problems getting boners and decided to quit. It's been 10 days now but it has been hard. Anyone struggling to quit or has successfully quit tips are welcome. Pictures of the consequences or relevant videos too. Anything to help.

Quit smoking tips. - Chaos - 11-23-2014

[Image: attachment.jpg23115]   

Quit smoking tips. - EddieValiant - 11-23-2014

Restricts the bloodflow in the penis and as a result shrinks your junk. That alone should be a good enough reason to plow through the hard times and drop the habit.

With that said, I still struggle to fully quit. The cigarette smokes the smoker. Not having control of this aspect of my life irks me a great deal. I quit for a year after doing a paid research study. They provided at patches which defintely help. I would suggest trying the same if all else has failed. Goodnluck!

Quit smoking tips. - Pride male - 11-23-2014

That main actor from the movie Taken used a toothpick to overcome his addiction.

Quit smoking tips. - Moto - 11-23-2014

1. E-cigs

2. Run/some sort of prolonged and intense cardio every day. Push your limit and make your lungs hurt.

I've posted about e-cigs in a couple threads, one of them just yesterday.

Quit smoking tips. - Wahawahwah - 11-23-2014

After 5 years of steady smoking and many attempts to quit, I finally did, cold turkey.

Don't just aim for cutting smoking. Aim for a real lifestyle change. Start working out. Start eating right. Write down a couple of things you really want to achieve in the short term (Not a bucket list. Just two things.). Work your heart out. Approach women, start building a social circle.

Initially you will need some real willpower to quit - its really hard in the beginning. But it gets easier to stay on track once you're on it .. Once you start seeing changes in yourself, feeling better and kick out of the habit, it does get easier.

Once you get these other things also in order, when everything starts falling into place, you almost dont want to get back to the old life. Yes there will be triggers that set you off and make you want to smoke even weeks after you quit, but those impulses get rarer and you learn to control them better.

Pictures, videos and other extraneous motivation does work up to an extent (diminishing returns), but you risk falling back into the habit because in your mind, you've never really quit, just postponed the habit.

Ive tried just quitting since an entire lifestyle overhaul seemed too big to do at once, but I failed every single time.

Get committed to building a better, healthier lifestyle along with quitting smoke, and it will get easier.

Quit smoking tips. - Ringo - 11-23-2014

I smoked from 17 to 21. When I quit I was smoking about 30 cigs/day.

I didn't go cold turkey. It took me about 8 months to stop craving for a smoke. Nowadays, I can barely stand one puff.

Here's what worked for me:

1) Physical activity. During the peak of my smoking habit, I was doing Convict Conditioning. As I got to the higher reps (20+), my breathing was so fucked I felt like throwing up and I was nauseous for half an hour after my workout. This was the first thing that made me want to quit smoking.

2) Martial arts or competitive sports. When I first started to quit I was doing judo and even though it was hard at first I could still manage my breathing. Since then I started BJJ, and without cardio you are going to get whooped, especially as a beginner. Everytime I took a puff at a cigarette, I would imagine myself gassed out and being choked in front of everyone. Very uncomfortable. When you are competing with other guys (non-smokers), smoking becomes a huge drawback.

3) Do the math. Calculate how much money you spend a week/month/year/5 years in cigarettes and see what you could get if you stopped.

4) Stop drinking. I sometimes craved a cigarette when drunk. I stopped drinking, and I haven't felt the urge to do either.

It's hard, but you can do it. Good luck.

Quit smoking tips. - Onto - 11-23-2014

Sartre was a smoker and one day had the insight his cigaratte symbolized all the recalcitrance of the world. His smoking was the taking in of it all and then making it just disappear easily with an exhale, and the cigarette itself would magically lessen and lessen until it was all gone, except for the butt which could be simply flicked away. It was a very freeing feeling for him.

I imagine it's not much different for others.

One strategy for stopping would be to take away the "freedom" quality of it. Hold the cigarette in an awkward manner and keep the butt (the negative) and carry it around with you. I suspect many smokers would lose interest if they had to do those two things.

Quit smoking tips. - Pride male - 11-23-2014

The hard part is hanging out with friends that smoke while you are trying to quit.

Quit smoking tips. - scotian - 11-23-2014

Four months ago I walked into a clinic, paid $300 and has lasers shot into my head and other parts of my body, I haven't had a smoke since and I smoked for twenty years. I also found Allen Carr's Quit smoking book to be good.

Quit smoking tips. - L M McCoy - 11-23-2014

Switch to brownies, cookies, crispies, ETC, shit they even have pills now

There are other ways to get high

Quit smoking tips. - Beyond Borders - 11-23-2014

This book.

"Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking"

662 Reviews - most extremely positive.

This guy who made it easy for me to quit drinking, as well as other people I recommended his book too. But he was originally the quit smoking guy.

Check him out.

Quit smoking tips. - Pestilence - 11-23-2014

Does smoking affect your gains to a big extent?

If I quit, it'll probably just improve my recovery time between sets.

Maximum I've been able to quit for is 5 days. Even tried an e-cig. I would not recommend it. You'll be back to smoking normal cigs in no time.

Quit smoking tips. - Chaos - 11-23-2014

You don't need any books, cookies, e-cigs or anything like that.
Don't replace smoking with another habit.

What you need is some pure willpower.
And that might take some time to develop.

As long as you keep puffing on cigs you are not ready to quit.
You don't want to quit badly enough.

There has to be a moment when you say "enough is enough".

It might not be easy, but it's totally worth it.

Quit smoking tips. - enderilluminatus - 11-24-2014

[Image: company000420.png]

I smoked a pack a day for three years and quit easily and happily after reading that book on my smoke breaks. The author smoked 100 cigs a day at one point.

Quit smoking tips. - kerouac - 11-24-2014

I quit smoking almost a year ago now, and don't regret it whatsoever! It wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do, but once you get past the 2 week mark, it becomes considerably easier.

Personally, I quit starting with nicotine gum. Once I got that satisfaction from the nicotine gum rather than a cigarette, and focused on the reasons why I hated smoking (the cough, the shortness of breath, the nasty taste in my mouth, etc.) and eventually I wanted a cigarette less and less.

Eventually (after a month or so) I quit the gum as well. The fact of the matter is, you're not addicted to the cigarettes. You're addicted to the nicotine. So the relationship with nicotine has to be cut.

Constantly reminding myself of why I was quitting, by looking at the quitting timelines available online, also helped me psychologically.

[Image: 2456490-6113014803-smoki.jpg]

Quit smoking tips. - micha - 11-24-2014

Quote: (11-23-2014 06:26 PM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

This book.

"Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking"

662 Reviews - most extremely positive.

This guy who made it easy for me to quit drinking, as well as other people I recommended his book too. But he was originally the quit smoking guy.

Check him out.

This. /thread

I smoked for about 10 years and its been three months now without them cigs. 99.9% of the time I don't miss a thing.

Its the real deal. In all seriousness: get that book, like now, and only come back to this thread if that were to somehow not help you. Most other advice will only misguide you. The book offers a ton of insight on how that works.

Quit smoking tips. - Beyond Borders - 11-24-2014

^ That's 3 strong recommendations for this book (not counting the shitloads of reviews). Hope OP is paying attention.

This guy has helped a helluva lot of people.

Quit smoking tips. - Hannibal - 11-25-2014

I still smoke, but in the past when I quit smoking for weeks/months at a time it was that book that did it.

In retrospect, you might want to quit drinking for a while, too. That's what always fucked me over.

Quit smoking tips. - Moto - 11-25-2014

Quote: (11-23-2014 10:46 PM)Pestilence Wrote:  

Does smoking affect your gains to a big extent?

If I quit, it'll probably just improve my recovery time between sets.

Maximum I've been able to quit for is 5 days. Even tried an e-cig. I would not recommend it. You'll be back to smoking normal cigs in no time.

Of course you failed by trying an e-cig. It has to become a hobby. Multiple e-cigs, multiple flavors, backup batteries/atomizers when something fails. It won't really save much money over buying cigarettes, until you factor in the lack of healthcare bills and early death.

No one gets cancer or emphysema from nicotine. The health consequences of nicotine alone are marginal, unless you overdose by trying to drinks shots of e-liquid.

Only quit for 5 days, and you're offering advice (and negating the advice of others who have successfully quit)? I suggest you do e-cigs right. You might surprise yourself. All of the pleasures of smoking, none of the negatives.

Quit smoking tips. - Hades - 11-26-2014

I know some people who have successfully quit smoking using Chantix but if you suspect yourself of having any mental problems it would be best to stay far the fuck away from that kind of medication. Lots of almost-murder-suicides on that.

Quote: (11-23-2014 03:05 PM)Onto Wrote:  

Sartre was a smoker and one day had the insight his cigaratte symbolized all the recalcitrance of the world. His smoking was the taking in of it all and then making it just disappear easily with an exhale, and the cigarette itself would magically lessen and lessen until it was all gone, except for the butt which could be simply flicked away. It was a very freeing feeling for him.

I imagine it's not much different for others.

One strategy for stopping would be to take away the "freedom" quality of it. Hold the cigarette in an awkward manner and keep the butt (the negative) and carry it around with you. I suspect many smokers would lose interest if they had to do those two things.

That's probably the most interesting thing I've ever read about quitting smoking.

Quote: (11-23-2014 05:58 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Four months ago I walked into a clinic, paid $300 and has lasers shot into my head and other parts of my body, I haven't had a smoke since and I smoked for twenty years. I also found Allen Carr's Quit smoking book to be good.
What sort of procedure is that? If it works I'd pony up 300 bucks.
I'm guessing you have cheap Canadian health care though. The same thing would probably be eight grand in the US.

Quit smoking tips. - Teekay - 11-26-2014

I quit last year, first using e-cigs and eventually going cold turkey.

The cravings never stopped. At times it was as if my lungs were begging me to fill them with that delicious smoke. It felt as if they were *thirsty* for it.

I relapsed and started smoking again in January. Now I'm back on e-cigs. I'll check out that book so many of you recommended.

I've smoked for over 20 years. This shit goes deep into you.

Quit smoking tips. - presidentcarter - 11-26-2014

I quit again nine days ago after I got fed up with constant sinus problems. I think Sharkie got it 100% right. Forget books, e-cigs, and addiction-replacement solutions. Just decide to make an overall lifestyle change. For now, whenever I see someone smoking or start to think about buying some, I focus on the needy and self-destructive aspects of smoking and decide they're not for me. I'm also using (website) to log each day I've gone without. The longer it gets, the more I want to continue the streak.

Quit smoking tips. - Pride male - 11-26-2014

@Teekay and other long term smokers. Any problems getting boners or other sexual problems?

Quit smoking tips. - micha - 11-26-2014

Dude, just read the f***ing book.

It goes into pretty good detail of the psychology of smoking. No need to look for advice on a forum for pussy when you have the distilled insights of a professional anti-smoking guru at your fingertips. It's a couple of bucks and 200 something pages. It helped millions of people.

All your questions will be answered. And whether or not anybody here has sexual problems that may or may not be caused by smoking is utterly irrelevant for your decision. Waging your health on a self conducted study with a sample size of, like, 3 is the most retarded thing I heard of today. Yes. Sexual problems occur. Will it happen to you? Maybe. That's all you're ever going to find out.

One last thing before I stop giving a fuck about you:

Ponder this: The people who recommend that not reading the book is the way to go are the same people who have not read the book themselves. However, every single person who read it recommends you to read it.

Now make a smart decision and stop being lazy.