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Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Printable Version

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Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - MidWest - 11-19-2014

President Obama is scheduled to address the nation tomorrow night to layout his plan for an executive order on immigration, totally by-passing congress.

Several government officials have leaked out information on a draft of what is suppose to be a Obama's "10 point plan" of his executive order. Here are some of the the points:

--Approximately 5 million illegal immigrants with U.S born children will be allowed to stay in the U.S and be given legal status.

-- Expand defferd action for children who came to the U.S. illegally.

--Pay raise for border patrol agents to increase morale

--500,000 immigrants will be given extended work visas for tech jobs.

--Increased border security

--Expand provisional waivers to spouses and children of legal permanent residents

--Prioritize deportations for serious criminals

--Expand ‘parole’

Here is an article from the New York Times:


WASHINGTON — President Obama will speak to the nation in a prime-time address on Thursday, asserting his authority to protect up to five million undocumented immigrants from deportation, the White House said, and setting in motion an immediate confrontation with Republicans about the limits of a president’s executive powers.

In a video posted on the White House website Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Obama said that he would deliver the 8 p.m. speech from the White House to announce “steps that I can take to start fixing our broken immigration system.”

“Everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken,” Mr. Obama said in the video. “Unfortunately, Washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. What I’m going to be laying out is things that I can do with my lawful authority as president to make the system work better even as I continue to work with Congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan, comprehensive bill that can solve the entire problem.”

The president will travel to a Las Vegas high school on Friday to rally support for his actions and to detail the impact of the move in a state where Hispanics are a growing and politically powerful constituency, he announced in the video. He invited key lawmakers to the White House on Wednesday evening to talk about his immigration plans.

Mr. Obama has said for months that he would act to revamp the nation’s immigration enforcement system if Republicans continued to block a legislative overhaul that would enhance border security, increase legal immigration and provide a path to legalization for many of the 11 million people living illegally in the United States.

The actions Mr. Obama is expected to announce will not go that far. But they will remove the threat of deportation for the parents of children who are citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States. He will also provide new guidance for the nation’s immigration enforcement agents and revamp the legal immigration system to provide more opportunities for high-tech workers from other countries.

As many as four million immigrants living in the country illegally will get a reprieve from deportation under a new program similar to one that already protects undocumented people who were brought to the country as children, according to people who were briefed on the announcement by senior White House officials. The immigrants must have lived in the country for at least five years and have no criminal record.

Officials said an additional one million people would get protection through other parts of the president’s actions.

The parents of immigrants who came as children will not receive protection under the president’s actions, according to those who were briefed Wednesday. White House officials have also told advocates that farmworkers will not be covered by the president’s actions.

White House officials have said that the president remains open to signing a legislative overhaul if Republicans relent, but that his patience has run out. By taking action now, Mr. Obama is daring the Republicans, who will take over control of Congress in January, to try to stand in the way of change that is favored by many in the growing, politically powerful Latino constituency.

Speaker John A. Boehner and other top Republicans have vowed to try to overturn the president’s actions. But the party has been split about whether to threaten a government shutdown or an impeachment proceeding if the president moves ahead with unilateral action.

Some people on both sides of the political spectrum have voiced their opinions.

Obama has answered the call of millions of Hispanic voters. It will happen. Millions of illegal immigrants will get status. My support for immigration reform is very well documented on the forum, but I want to get the opinions and views of fellow Rooshers. Lets try to keep this civil because I know from past history on the forum some immigration threads can get heated.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - It_is_my_time - 11-19-2014

Just more of Obama working hard to screw over the middle class and help make the richer get richer and in his hopes add to the Democratic voter count.

Elites want cheap labor and Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have been pushing hard for tech. skilled visa workers so they can pay someone less to do more work.

Of the 5,000,000 added, how many will be welfare recipients of some kind? My guess is over 4,000,000.

Which means the lower class will get squeezed as their welfare benefits will be reduced. And their low skill job opportunities will dry up with the addition of millions of new workers ready to work harder for less.

The middle and upper middle class gets screwed because they will pay more in taxes. They might see their salaries go down with the influx of tech workers. And in the end they will work as much for less money and less benefits.

The elite win. Millions of cheap workers.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - El Chinito loco - 11-19-2014

This doesn't surprise me one bit and it's just partisan vote buying/pandering. Either party was bound to do this and there will be no end to it because the supply of illegals can be constantly refreshed since the U.S. shares a land border with a much poorer country. Mexico has over 100 million people and the various nearbysmaller entral American countries below that add up to another 50+ million.

It will probably accelerate the decline by a lot. I can't think of any times in history where a nation has let in poorer and culturally different people from a neighboring country/civilization and have it end up well in the end. This isn't like the early 18th-20th century with boat immigrants from faraway lands. This is something completely different and very drastic.

Enjoy your favelas and armed gated communities.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - bacon - 11-19-2014

How can he legally bypass congress with this? I realize that government is a joke and all and selectively enforce laws when they want but cant Republicans sue or bring impeachment proceedings? This is obviously unconstitutional and something MOST Americans don't want.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - RawGod - 11-19-2014

This plus Obamacare are the two things that will form Obama's legacy. He will go down as one of the worst presidents ever.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - It_is_my_time - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 06:47 PM)bacon Wrote:  

How can he legally bypass congress with this? I realize that government is a joke and all and selectively enforce laws when they want but cant Republicans sue or bring impeachment proceedings? This is obviously unconstitutional.

They could, but the Republicans don't want to be the party to impeach the first black president. So they will not do that.

From what I understand, the Republicans are saying they may deny all appointees Obama wants until the lame duck session is over and then go after this piece meal.

I hope it is stopped. If you want to do something with your life and you were not born with a platinum spoon in your mouth, this will hurt you.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Lemmo - 11-19-2014

If the country and its culture weren't already long dead, this would be a real catastrophe.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - MidWest - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 06:47 PM)bacon Wrote:  

How can he legally bypass congress with this? I realize that government is a joke and all and selectively enforce laws when they want but cant Republicans sue or bring impeachment proceedings? This is obviously unconstitutional and something MOST Americans don't want.

According to Obama, he's talked with his attorney general and has met with many lawyers to see if his action is within the means of the constitution. Apparently they said yes.

But yeah, some people are already talking about impeachment

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - TravelerKai - 11-19-2014

If he does that he will be impeached. Especially with the majority Republican party control.

I hope they do it too. I don't think anyone cares about the first black president getting impeached. Will the votes for removal go through? No idea. The executive order madness has to stop somewhere.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Snowplow - 11-19-2014

Didnt he say something along the lines of "I've got a pen and a phone."?

All I see is more of my taxes up in smoke.
[Image: up_in_smoke_ver2.jpg]

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - philosophical_recovery - 11-19-2014

Maybe it'll trigger a real secession movement in places like Texas.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - TravelerKai - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 07:00 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Maybe it'll trigger a real secession movement in places like Texas.

I'm down, go for it. You guys will need a passport and visa to come hang out with me haha.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - scorpion - 11-19-2014

My thoughts on this? To be blunt, we have nothing less than a traitor sitting in the White House. This action is utterly lawless and grossly injurious to the health of the nation. It's completely indefensible. There is absolutely no justification for declaring 5,000,000 illegal aliens are suddenly legal, nor is there any justification for half a million foreigners getting visa to work in tech at a time when millions of American citizens are unemployed.

If the Republicans actually had the best interests of this country in mind they would shut down the government and impeach Obama in response to this. The fact that they will do nothing reveals they are merely token opposition and in reality have no objection to what Obama is doing. The Democrats will gain millions of new voters and the Republicans will please their corporate base who will benefit from cheap labor.

The President is not a King or an Emperor, his will does not become law just because he acts. There is simply no defending this. Anyone supporting this marks themselves as wholly and undeniably anti-American. MidWest obviously falls into this camp as a leftist Mexican who is much more interested in flooding the United States with people who look like him than he is in preserving and respecting its laws. I would suggest to him and anyone else that supports this travesty that if you love Mexicans so much, perhaps you should illegally immigrate yourself into Mexico. But no, you won't do that. You want to exploit all the wealth that the United States created while destroying the rule of law and majority European population that created it. I hold these type of people, including Obama, in the utmost contempt.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - speakeasy - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 07:07 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

My thoughts on this? To be blunt, we have nothing less than a traitor sitting in the White House. This action is utterly lawless and grossly injurious to the health of the nation. It's completely indefensible. There is absolutely no justification for declaring 5,000,000 illegal aliens are suddenly legal, nor is there any justification for half a million foreigners getting visa to work in tech at a time when millions of American citizens are unemployed.

I just hope you'd have said the same thing about Reagan who also granted amnesty to millions of illegals in the 80s.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - kaotic - 11-19-2014

Exploit the Mexicans for corporations, destroy the middle class.

Obama is a fucking joke and I need to move out of Southern California soon.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Chapped3rdEye - 11-19-2014

Most people don't understand this, but illegals who make it to the US interior and don't get arrested for something are very rarely deported. Something like 10,000 a year are deported out of a population of 10+mil. The biggest change Obama is proposing is probably the additional 500,000 high-tech work visas. That's what Mark Zuckerberg and the other Silicon Valley immigration supporters have been after. They want cheaper programmers. Anyway, this is the endgame we're moving toward:

[Image: 51LUtjgA9OL.jpg]

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - memcpy - 11-19-2014

Any other country and your ass will be getting deported for being illegal or overstaying. They don't fuck around and we shouldn't either.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Sonsowey - 11-19-2014

Would make me vote Republican, and I love travelling to Latin America and generally like Latin Americans.

I read somewhere that an amnesty is when Politicians elect a new people, so that the old people cant elect new politicians...

It is amazing how prescient those illegal children coming this past year were.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Lemmo - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 07:18 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Would make me vite Republican, and I love travelling to Latin America and generally like Latin Americans.

It is amazing how prescient those illegal children coming this past year were.

With Republicans like the Bushes, McCain, etc., it wouldn't help much (aside from the fact that their pro-immigration stance probably wouldn't go so far as abolishing representative government and ruling by decree). Immigration policy since 1965 has been a non-stop war on American workers regardless of who was in power.

3rd world population=3rd world politicians=3rd world policies.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - turkishcandy - 11-19-2014

Even the most liberal European leaders are discouraging immigration. +5 million legal immigrants is insanity. In any other country such action of a leader of the majority party would drive the population to polarization until a revolt and overthrow of the government. Not in the US. On the contrary, it seems like the whole country is shifting towards left all together.
I'm just wondering, how long until whites become a minority in the US? This will be a first in the history.
[Image: s-CARTMANSINGS-large.jpg]

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Brodiaga - 11-19-2014

I haven't found anything specific in the news about 500K visas for high tech workers, but if it's 500K additional H1B visas per year, then the current technology sector workers are pretty much fucked. 500K new high tech employees per year will drive the wages down and make the work conditions more similar to those in third world countries.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - MidWest - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 07:07 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

MidWest obviously falls into this camp as a leftist Mexican who is much more interested in flooding the United States with people who look like him than he is in preserving and respecting its laws.

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Right, whatever you say man!

Let's try to discuss this without low-key attacking somebody personally, shall we? That will go a long way.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - speakeasy - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 07:24 PM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

Even the most liberal European leaders are discouraging immigration. +5 million legal immigrants is insanity. In any other country such action of a leader of the majority party would drive the population to polarization until a revolt and overthrow of the government.

Let me try to be fair here. 5 million in a European country is way more than 5 million here. The most populous European country is only about 60 million people. There's like 320 million people in the USA, so that 5 million is a relative drop in the bucket compared the impact it would have on a place like Denmark or Austria. Not defending it by any means, just saying that you have to take the scale of the population into consideration. 5 million illegals in these relatively small European countries would really shake things up in a way that it won't here.

Secondly, These illegal immigrants are already here and they aren't going anywhere. Nobody is going to round them up and deport them. There isn't the political will to do so. Many of our major cities have sanctuary policies where law enforcement isn't even allowed to ask about people's immigration status. Arizona wasn't even able to pass a law allowing cops to ask immigration status and that's one of the more conservative states. Businesses that use their labor aren't going turn them into the INS, school teachers aren't going to turn the kids over the INS. So we basically have this manufactured problem where you have all these kids growing up who will be American culturally but not have legal citizenship. I've known a few like this in California. It sucks this ever had to happen because for decades we haven't been enforcing immigration laws due to political correctness and businesses lobbying for cheap labor. So now we have this problem we have to deal with.

While Obama decision to use executive order may be controversial, this was going to happen eventually one way or another. And while I don't support illegal immigration or mass immigration in general, speaking purely as a realist, I know these people aren't about to self-deport nor is anyone going to send raids to kick out 10 million+ people in the country illegally. Many of which have been here for years now. It ain't happening. Many of these kids will graduate school and find that they can't get into colleges or join professional organizations. These are kids who are growing up American, never been to Mexico and don't consider Mexico their home. They live in the grey zone. So something has to be done about them.

The best we can hope for is get serious about border enforcement so that we don't have another fucking amnesty for millions in 10 years from now. It's one thing to make a mistake, but when you keep making the same damn mistakes over and over again and not learning from it, then we are fucked.

edit --

Obama has actually used executive orders rather sparingly compared to other presidents in the last 100 years:

193 for Obama vs 3,522 for FDR, 381 for Reagan, 484 for Eisenhower, 364 for Clinton.

Keep this shit in perspective folks when you speak of him upending democracy.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Lemmo - 11-19-2014

Interesting article Drudge linked to yesterday. Describes how America dealt with the problem back when it had a culture, balls, etc.

Obama will push push Executive Order Action on Immigration, thoughts? - Dr. Howard - 11-19-2014

Obama to the the american people "fuck your votes, fuck your elected representatives, fuck your entire political system...I'm enacting whatever I want." Colossal shit test.

At best I'm looking forward to Trey Gowdy flipping out over this.