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3 hours walking around with a great body - reppin - 11-01-2014

3 hours walking around with a great body - aeroektar - 11-01-2014

Given that this is real, it confirms one thing - how fucked up SMV is. The girl walking around is a 7 and she gets hollrd at, I'm sure you could walk a white 6 through the ghetto and the same thing happens. Then you send this dude out onto the streets, arguably in the top tier of male looks, what most women would call a 9, and you get the same response. Send a male 7 out there... not a peep.

3 hours walking around with a great body - L M McCoy - 11-01-2014

This is sort of a Dupe

This video is in the 10 hours of harassment walking in NYC thread

3 hours walking around with a great body - Merenguero - 11-01-2014

The video seems real. If it were only depicting women giving attention to this guy, I would question its authenticity, but there seem to be just as many guys (probably gay) giving this guy attention as there are women. I get attention from both women and gay guys, although I seem to get much more from gay guys.

3 hours walking around with a great body - rhodey - 11-01-2014

He looks like Lazar Angelov's non roided little brother....

3 hours walking around with a great body - UnW - 11-01-2014

Quote: (11-01-2014 05:01 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

Given that this is real, it confirms one thing - how fucked up SMV is. The girl walking around is a 7 and she gets hollrd at, I'm sure you could walk a white 6 through the ghetto and the same thing happens. Then you send this dude out onto the streets, arguably in the top tier of male looks, what most women would call a 9, and you get the same response. Send a male 7 out there... not a peep.
very true. the male sex drive is strong, I'm sure many good looking guys with much higher SMV than the girl in the initial video would dumpster dive to have a care-free bang with her.

3 hours walking around with a great body - Khaleth - 11-01-2014

I detect a fellow miscer...

3 hours walking around with a great body - Kitsune - 11-02-2014

Quote: (11-01-2014 05:01 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

Given that this is real, it confirms one thing - how fucked up SMV is. The girl walking around is a 7 and she gets hollrd at, I'm sure you could walk a white 6 through the ghetto and the same thing happens. Then you send this dude out onto the streets, arguably in the top tier of male looks, what most women would call a 9, and you get the same response. Send a male 7 out there... not a peep.

Yeah but male SMV doesn't work like that. He's in the top tier of male looks, but those looks alone don't define a male's SMV.

A 9 in male SMV isn't necessarily a good looking guy. It's someone like a top businessman, or a minor celebrity. For instance, once I was out in a city centre where James Blunt was doing a meet and greet with the fans. He's nowhere near as muscular as this guy or as good looking, but his SMV is much higher. You could tell by the fact that there were massive crowds of women of all ages looking to meet him.

Male SMV is only partly based on looks, hence this video (or the other video) isn't really proof of anything other than some people will talk to some people on the street.

Women are just as hysterical as men about high smv people.

3 hours walking around with a great body - Sourcecode - 11-03-2014

I think this video is fake, for obvious reasons.
Don't use this video as a dog in the fight against the other just yet

3 hours walking around with a great body - jimukr104 - 11-03-2014

The girl was walking in the ghetto. A white guy walking in the ghetto will also get harassed. Heck cops walking in the ghetto get more harassment than that white chick.

3 hours walking around with a great body - civpro - 11-03-2014

The black girl who approached him and the 2 gay guys who stopped in their track seem like fake reactions. The rest seem believable.

But LOL at the literal "fairy".

3 hours walking around with a great body - jimukr104 - 11-04-2014

No it is true....its the gay guys that harassed guys lol. And FAIRIES lol

3 hours walking around with a great body - bigbait - 11-05-2014

Quote: (11-03-2014 02:32 PM)civpro Wrote:  

The black girl who approached him and the 2 gay guys who stopped in their track seem like fake reactions. The rest seem believable.

But LOL at the literal "fairy".

This video seems very real.

When the gay guys tried to chat him up he was walking in Chelsea. With a tight white t shirt and in that neighborhood it's very believable that they thought he was gay and you better believe that that there is plenty of gay catcalling and chatting up in chelsea.

This video was taken on or near Halloween. At least in downtown nyc halloween is very sexualized and you will see tons more people approaching people they don't know than you usually would.

Girls in nyc can be very up front. When I am with some guys girls will give me their card or their number on a piece of paper to give to my friends.

3 hours walking around with a great body - MongolianAbroad - 06-19-2017

Quote: (11-03-2014 01:41 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

I think this video is fake, for obvious reasons.
Don't use this video as a dog in the fight against the other just yet

I think it's real, I get similar reactions when I'm feeling particularly confident and head downtown wearing my favorite jacket (I've had girls come up and kiss me), my favorite suit vest (tons of IOI's, girls making comments, many from girls with boyfriends), go shirtless (girls will come up and touch me or want to take pictures with me), or when I wear a tight shirt like that guy (girl came up and kissed me, another girl made a "come over here motion" and asked if I could kiss her, and another girl just grabbed my bicep).

And I'm not even anywhere near jacked like that guy, or particularly good looking like a model or anything, I'm just tall and reasonably fit. It varies a lot with my mood, though, like I can be invisible if I'm not feeling it, and if I'm feeling victorious, women can sense it, it's a world of difference.

I have a buddy that's very short, and he's on roids, he gets reactions like that as well, but even more, and his face isn't particularly handsome, he's just jacked. I saw him make out with over 9 girls in one night once (Halloween night), I stopped counting at some point, it was pretty impressive, some were in front of their boyfriends, and all were pretty cute.

Since I'm planning on being here in America for another 18 to 24 months, I'm thinking I may start working out again, I haven't worked out in over a year, still fit, but not super toned like I was before. Great vid, it's at least good to remind yourself of what it's like when you take care of yourself...or more accurately in my case, when you feel victorious.

And for those of you that haven't been could possibly get this reaction in some countries even if you're not a tall guy or a jacked guy. In America, you'd probably have to be one or the other, or both if your face is more on the average end like this guy.

3 hours walking around with a great body - MMM - 08-16-2017

Assuming that the girl at the end of the video is with her boyfriend, who grabs her and turns her around - cringe factor 1000. He should have just walked away without a word after that blatant disrespect.

3 hours walking around with a great body - RichieP - 08-16-2017

Quote: (11-02-2014 07:55 AM)Kitsune Wrote:  

Yeah but male SMV doesn't work like that. He's in the top tier of male looks, but those looks alone don't define a male's SMV.

Well said. I'm seeing guys on this forum miss this quite often. It's Game101 IMO, and not "getting it" will lead to a lot of unecessary problems. Girls really dont value looks the same way guys do.

3 hours walking around with a great body - John Michael Kane - 08-16-2017

Girls value looks for ONS. They devalue looks for LTR. Many women are wary of of a handsome man being a player, often rightly so.

3 hours walking around with a great body - MediumRare - 08-19-2017

Come on, stay in the real world guys, this is fake.

The reactions are ott and the acting is not even good for the most part especially the guy spinning his girl around at the end lol.

Not saying this doesn't happen to the very best looking guys but this guy is nothing special!

He walks with a bit of a mince so I can understand the gay reactions and they will deffo call out but you can see plenty of guys like him walking around and they may turn heads but having that amount of women call out and run after them? No.

3 hours walking around with a great body - blck - 08-19-2017

Quote: (08-19-2017 01:46 PM)MediumRare Wrote:  

Come on, stay in the real world guys, this is fake.


He walks with a bit of a mince so I can understand the gay reactions and they will deffo call out but you can see plenty of guys like him walking around and they may turn heads but having that amount of women call out and run after them? No.

More than fake, this is bullshit for millenial feeding them that double standards does not exist.
Come on, what is the point trying to replicate woman behaviour ? Is someone here actually think that it is nothing more than attention whoring ?
Dude is walking around displaying body in a tight T-shirt head down wanting to be prey upon.

The same experimentation for a man should be walking around in some female life sentence prison being the only man around...

3 hours walking around with a great body - xmlenigma - 12-20-2017

Women and girls do stare or atleast check out, but they are more subtle about it, just like all other things.. They may not verbalize or express to you but they EC each other etc and do the same.. but more guarded and under the radar for the target to find out..

3 hours walking around with a great body - treypound - 12-24-2017

Quote: (11-01-2014 07:33 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

The video seems real. If it were only depicting women giving attention to this guy, I would question its authenticity, but there seem to be just as many guys (probably gay) giving this guy attention as there are women. I get attention from both women and gay guys, although I seem to get much more from gay guys.

I was thinking the same thing, as the gay guys were more vocal than the women. The 1 girl at the end broke her neck and her man had to bring her back around was sad and funny.