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Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - Parlay44 - 10-01-2014

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles
Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles. Researchers at the University of Rochester have released their findings on the effects of Mountain Dew and yellow dye #5 on shrinkage of “the boys”, after many men have complained about the effects associated with drinking this beverage. Mountain Dew has a large number of ingredients. The two main ingredients of concern are caffeine and yellow dye #5, which is also known as Tartrazine. The FDA and the Center for Science in the Public Interest strongly recommends that we should only intake 5 mg per kilogram daily of the yellow dye #5, for young men it is recommended at 3.5 mg per kilogram daily of the yellow dye #5. Anything above that has a negative reaction on sperm count and causes gonadal atrophy (shrinking of the testicles).

Tartrazine has been used in many foods, drugs, ice creams and other products since 1916. It is currently found in Kraft macaroni and cheese, Doritos, Jello, Kool Aid, shampoos and hand stamps which can also shrink your testicles! The negative health outcomes that this chemical has created throughout this century are staggering. It has been proven to contribute to hyperactivity, rashes and hives, depression, cancer, asthma and low sperm count.

Earlier, in 2009, the Food Safety Authority also evaluated the negative effects of Tartrazine. They also found that Tartrazine has adverse effects on the reproductive organs. If you are drinking Mountain Dew on a regular basis, you should reconsider. If you are allowing your children to drink this, especially your young boys, you are setting them up for a life of health complications and smaller than usual “family jewels”.


Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - Ziltoid - 10-01-2014

I don't think the problem here is so much the additive itself, but rather that people drink way too much.

Preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweetners, and whatever else may not be all that great for you, but is having a few sodas every week going to impact your health? No. Way too many people drink 6 cans of the shit every day.

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - Brian Shima - 10-01-2014

This was a rumor in the 90s, guess it was true.

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - WesternCancer - 10-01-2014

The fuel of our favorite 'men'
[Image: TEdvUSZh.jpg]

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - HawkWrites - 10-01-2014

Quote: (10-01-2014 10:58 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

The fuel of our favorite 'men'
[Image: TEdvUSZh.jpg]

The fuel is Mountain Dew and the sustenance is Cheetos.

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - Basil Ransom - 10-01-2014

Parody article, not funny.

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - NorthxNorthwest - 10-02-2014

Ah, Basil beat me to it.

I did stumble across this study while I was looking for the nonexistent University of Rochester study:[1]_Goyal.pdf

According to those dosage protocols your grapes might turn to raisins if you happen to scarface 15 grams of the stuff a day for a month. Based on my lab experience with dyes, I'd guess there's no more than 10 mg of this stuff in a can of Mountain Dew so unless you're the uber-Brony drinking 1500 cans of Dew a day I think the boys are safe.

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - The Beast1 - 10-02-2014

Drinking that nasty stuff multiple times a day seven days a week isn't healthy. If they want a caffeine fix, get some loose leaf tea and some turbinado sugar.

I have zero sympathy for today's incel pony lovers.

Mountain Dew Proven To Shrink Your Testicles (parody) - DJ-Matt - 10-02-2014

Adam Carolla always said it was "nectar of the tards"

If I drink any soda at all, it's usually the throwback version because it contains real sugar and orange juice. However since I've weaned myself off high amounts of sugar it's necessary to water it down, the 40 or so grams of it is really strong.