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Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Printable Version

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Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Texas_Tryhard - 09-16-2014

Republicans yet again blocked the Paycheck Fairness act.


Democrats say the Paycheck Fairness Act would make significant headway to narrowing gender pay disparities by offering training for salary negotiations, increasing employees’ legal options for fighting pay disparities and prohibiting retaliation against employees seeking salary information.

Party leaders panned Republicans for again rejecting the proposal.

“Democrats offered Republicans a chance to right their wrong in blocking pay equity earlier this year but rather than reversing course, Republicans doubled down, ” said Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the No. 3 Senate Democrat. “Republicans have once again told women across the country that they don’t deserve a fair shot at earning equal pay for equal work.”

Republicans have deemed the bill too broad and likely to result in a rise in litigation — and criticized Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for holding votes on legislation that has already failed this year.
“Here we have an international crisis, with the defense authorization bill out there, and we refuse to take it up,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). “We continue to take up issues that he thinks may help them in November. And we’ve got the world in turmoil.”

The issue of gender pay equity is playing a significant role on the campaign trail ahead of the November elections as Democrats seek to boost enthusiasm among women voters. Democratic incumbents and candidates in competitive states are highlighting their support for the bill and GOP opposition to it — a fact not lost on sitting Republican senators.

“It’s politics,” said Sen. Deb Fischer of Nebraska, one of four women Republicans in the Senate. “It’s a one-sided vote for political reasons, so [Democrats] can use it in campaigns.”

Democrats acknowledge the legislation is helpful in their battle to retain the Senate majority but insist their motivation is to pass legislation, not necessarily to attack Republicans.

Obvious vote trolling in effect. Given that the pay gap is a myth, as eloquently outlined in this article by Yuan at RoK, this bill is a complete waste of time designed to allow Democrats to claim that the Republican party is sexist. I think this is going to do some serious damage to them in the elections since this stupid statistic is still floated as if its gospel. In the event of this bill passing, I would love to see some lawsuit where a company publicly shows all of the info Yuan presented to justify the mythlogical "wage gap" and just completely shut it down for good. On the other hand, I don't like the idea of our government mandating and funding seminars to help women learn how to negotiate wages. In what possible way is that not a ridiculous overstepping of our national government into the private relationship between corporations and their employees?

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-16-2014

Quote: (09-16-2014 11:09 AM)Texas_Tryhard Wrote:  


Obvious vote trolling in effect. Given that the pay gap is a myth, as eloquently outlined in this article by Yuan at RoK, this bill is a complete waste of time designed to allow Democrats to claim that the Republican party is sexist. I think this is going to do some serious damage to them in the elections since this stupid statistic is still floated as if its gospel. In the event of this bill passing, I would love to see some lawsuit where a company publicly shows all of the info Yuan presented to justify the mythlogical "wage gap" and just completely shut it down for good. On the other hand, I don't like the idea of our government mandating and funding seminars to help women learn how to negotiate wages. In what possible way is that not a ridiculous overstepping of our national government into the private relationship between corporations and their employees?

As long as people believe that anything really changes by electing a party or president, they will keep the charade going.

Politicians are just puppet heads. Occasionally you get a congressman or woman who is not corrupt yet. But they don't win the next election due to not being part of the agenda.

If voting would have the option of changing something then it would be banned. There has not been an independent president in power since well over 100 years in the US according to Carroll Quigley (historian for the CFR).

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - TheWastelander - 09-16-2014

Cute stunt. They pulled this, so the Republicans should hammer them on shit like guns that turn out the hardcore right-wing and right-leaning moderates to compensate.

Attack, attack, attack.

The Republicans need to stop being pussies and find themselves another Lee Atwater.

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Texas_Tryhard - 09-16-2014

Quote: (09-16-2014 11:38 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

There has not been an independent president in power since well over 100 years in the US according to Carroll Quigley (historian for the CFR).

Can you please define what you, and/or Carroll Quigley, mean by "independent president" in this context?

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Glaucon - 09-16-2014

In the age of internet we should drop this ancient notion to vote for representatives, we could vote on issues from our computer directly.

It is much harder for the lobbyists to buy the votes of 300 million people than to buy a few politicians.

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Darius - 09-16-2014

Quote: (09-16-2014 11:47 AM)Texas_Tryhard Wrote:  

Quote: (09-16-2014 11:38 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

There has not been an independent president in power since well over 100 years in the US according to Carroll Quigley (historian for the CFR).

Can you please define what you, and/or Carroll Quigley, mean by "independent president" in this context?
A president who isn't bought.

If you are really interested in Carroll Quigley, pick up Tragedy and Hope. Just a warning though, it's well over a thousand pages.

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole"

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-16-2014

Quote: (09-16-2014 12:33 PM)Darius Wrote:  

Quote: (09-16-2014 11:47 AM)Texas_Tryhard Wrote:  

Quote: (09-16-2014 11:38 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

There has not been an independent president in power since well over 100 years in the US according to Carroll Quigley (historian for the CFR).

Can you please define what you, and/or Carroll Quigley, mean by "independent president" in this context?
A president who isn't bought.

If you are really interested in Carroll Quigley, pick up Tragedy and Hope. Just a warning though, it's well over a thousand pages.

"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole"

It's available for free. Carroll Quigley is not some crazy conspiracy theorist sitting in his mother's basement.

In fact he was an expert and "consultant" for various government institutions and NGOs even after publication of his books. He was also Bill Clinton's professor and supposedly even his mentor.

It certainly puts a different spin on the veracity of history that is taught in schools and universities. Quigley has written the books, because he thought that the ruling plutocracy, which has been concentrating power and resources for centuries now via a highly sophisticated plan, should be well known now. He did not disagree with them - just that they are doing it in secrecy. Obviously they did not share his view regarding public announcement.

And Quigley mentioned that there has not even been a leading independent candidate for president in the US for over 60 years - who was not 100% controlled or whetted by the true ruling elite. In the past there were presidents who caused problems - one of the main ones Andrew Jackson - usually when they try to take control of the monetary policy out of the hand of a private central bank into the hands of the government.

Either way - I recommend it in addition to documents on the site (bottom left - full download of site of American Deception). Especially interesting if you peruse the Congressional Reese Commission on Foundations in 1953. They have full documentation showing the true power-nature of the presidency and the foundations.

In short - it is more or less a scam and there is no voting out of this.

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 09-16-2014

I am never again voting Democrat or any European equivalent of Democrat. At this point, their opponents would have to be Nazis for me to go back to this corrupt ideology.

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - spokepoker - 09-16-2014

Sorry for my ignorance, but since there never was a problem in the first place, what would this bill have actually done, other than divert taxpayer money to "negotiation seminars"?

Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - WestIndianArchie - 09-16-2014

What a lot of Republican, White Male, Conservatives believe is that they themselves aren't being underpaid. This is despite all of the overwhelming evidence from academia, media, and the market that their bosses are robbing them blind.

I guarantee if the accounting spreadsheet were to be sent to everyone's inbox, Clarence in middle management would be mad as fuck that Tom was making an extra 1,500 a year when Tom might well end up stapling his asshole to his elbow.

One of the biggest deceptions going on in America is that the people who pull the strings, those who benefit the most have the same goals and interests as the rest of their constituency.


Equal pay act quashed again...but is that a good thing? - zaqan - 09-16-2014

This probably wont affect the polls much. Only those who already believe in it are outraged, and they arent going to vote. Theyre waiting for Billary. This seems to be a low energy election because the Republicans havent done anything to get people going. They have the chance to win big and have absolutely no plan to do it.