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Does using textspeak hurt you? - 412kid - 09-11-2014

I searched the forum for a thread on this and found a lot of others about texting in general but nothing specific to this so I'm going to start a new one. If this is in the wrong category someone correct me so it can possibly be moved to the right place.

This is something I've never really given much thought about prior to last night. I was doing a little online gaming with a girl on tinder and our conversation turned sour quickly. I asked her a few standard lazy questions using some of my normal textspeak words (u, ur, r, etc.) and she replied mostly with one word responses. I was tired and didn't see it going anywhere so I just told her, "I love your one word replies" to which she responded, "I knew you would. I love when people don't put the G on something that ends in inG. I also love it when people are too lazy to spell out 3 letter words like you and are."

I initially didn't know how to respond to this but ended up just telling her that we wouldn't get along and that I compose enough e-mails at work with perfect grammar, punctuation and spelling so when I'm outside of work I feel like taking the easier route (I'm thinking some may see it as just being lazy which it may be). Even though she wasn't really that good looking and I talked to her more out of boredom, she opened my eyes to a bigger issue. I've had times before where I got a "match" on tinder and haven't gotten a response after using my normal textspeak. I don't even think twice about them and brush those off because it's just a numbers game to me. I'm now thinking maybe I should use less of it and see what type of results I get. Has anyone else been confronted about using textspeak and have some advice on do's and don'ts or what are others opinions on it?

Does using textspeak hurt you? - Dalaran1991 - 09-11-2014

First, she is a fucking nazi, the type who is all upity to her man and try to give him a lecture about electrical engineering because she read an article about it.

Second, bitches be judging, is she?

Third, what makes her think she can talk to a guy she doesnt know like she s your mother?

Fourth, why the hell do you need to explain yourself and qualify yourself to a bitch that you havent even met?

Fifth, dont ask lazy question.

Sixth, get out there approaching. Fuck online dating.

Otherwise I dont think text speak is a problem. People actually advocate it to show you dont care. You actually must not care. Most attraction is done in person anyway, dont worry too much about text speak.

That bitch is a pain in the ass though. She must have felt real good being able to lecture you and feel superior to a human being she doesnt know.

Does using textspeak hurt you? - 412kid - 09-11-2014

She was definitely judgmental as hell. Could I have saved it? Probably. Did I want to? Not really. I probably shouldn't have tried to validate myself. I just ended it by saying, "Well U take care K."

I think the laziness comes from not really being into the girls I meet here anymore. I go at it half assed. Too many girls feel entitled when they have no reason to at all. I try to keep a few girls in my rotation and if something new happens to find its way into my world, great. If not, fuck it.

Thanks for your input

Does using textspeak hurt you? - robreke - 09-11-2014

Quote: (09-11-2014 09:17 AM)412kid Wrote:  

I searched the forum for a thread on this and found a lot of others about texting in general but nothing specific to this so I'm going to start a new one. If this is in the wrong category someone correct me so it can possibly be moved to the right place.

This is something I've never really given much thought about prior to last night. I was doing a little online gaming with a girl on tinder and our conversation turned sour quickly. I asked her a few standard lazy questions using some of my normal textspeak words (u, ur, r, etc.) and she replied mostly with one word responses. I was tired and didn't see it going anywhere so I just told her, "I love your one word replies" to which she responded, "I knew you would. I love when people don't put the G on something that ends in inG. I also love it when people are too lazy to spell out 3 letter words like you and are."

I initially didn't know how to respond to this but ended up just telling her that we wouldn't get along and that I compose enough e-mails at work with perfect grammar, punctuation and spelling so when I'm outside of work I feel like taking the easier route (I'm thinking some may see it as just being lazy which it may be). Even though she wasn't really that good looking and I talked to her more out of boredom, she opened my eyes to a bigger issue. I've had times before where I got a "match" on tinder and haven't gotten a response after using my normal textspeak. I don't even think twice about them and brush those off because it's just a numbers game to me. I'm now thinking maybe I should use less of it and see what type of results I get. Has anyone else been confronted about using textspeak and have some advice on do's and don'ts or what are others opinions on it?

Should have responded: " tk u 4 ur n sites " or "me 2"

Does using textspeak hurt you? - Dalaran1991 - 09-12-2014

Or "K I bet u l love my d 2"

Agree and amplify. And you get to troll one feminazi

Does using textspeak hurt you? - MikeS - 09-12-2014

If text speak had been a thing when I was a teenager or in my early 20s, I might have used it. If you're much past 25 I personally think using it - even in an actual old fashioned, character limited text message - makes you look like a moron. Or someone who thinks the best way to fit in with people a decade or more younger is to try to emulate them.

That's regardless of whether it's a man or a woman using it, but I don't mind sleeping with the occasional moronic woman.

And yes, I know text speak is frequently advocated by eg. Heartiste and maybe some other game/manosphere writers I otherwise think give a ton of a fantastic advice and insight. Personally I think a "no care" attitude can just as effectively be conveyed with actual words and grammar, assuming that's the style the girl has seen you use all along.

Does using textspeak hurt you? - Isaac Jordan - 09-15-2014

It seems to me that you'd be better off avoiding text speak than not.

If you use text speak, the girl will either not care, or think you're dumb/illiterate/low class. So you either gain nothing, or lose favor with a prospect.

If you use regular English, the girl will either not care, or appreciate the fact that you don't text like a 16 year-old girl (or her grandmother). So you either gain nothing, or gain a slight amount of favor. (I can't forsee any situations where a girl would prefer you use text speak and ding you for using standard English.)

Either way, there's not much to be gained through text speak. I'd make proper English my default option, although you can certainly use contractions and colloquialisms. No need to seem stuffy.

There are a few exceptions, though. For example, sending "K" or "K." as opposed to "okay" or "OK" sends the message that you're upset or disapproving. Responding to a chick with "k" is a great way to rev her hamster.

Similarly, "lol" can be a great response to a shit test. See Roissy's analysis here.

Does using textspeak hurt you? - 412kid - 09-15-2014

Thanks Mike S and Isaac for your input. I actually switched it up over the weekend and cut out the text speak. It seems to be working. I've gotten a lot more replies than before. Who would've thought? I guess that saying hindsight is 20/20 definitely applies to this.

Does using textspeak hurt you? - Hardy Daytona - 09-16-2014

I used textspeak when I was a teenager. It was faster to be sure, but in retrospect I must have come off as lazy.
Nowadays I just tell potentials that I like my messages like I like my breakfast - full English.

Does using textspeak hurt you? - MikeS - 09-16-2014

Quote: (09-15-2014 12:06 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  


Similarly, "lol" can be a great response to a shit test. See Roissy's analysis here.

Also one for the younger crowd as far as I'm concerned - or at least those with a texting style considerably different from mine (granted, I'm partial to a few too many smilies on occasion, not really any better). Along with high-fiving girls in clubs, bars, on dates or anywhere else outside perhaps a shared sport event. But that one went out with the first or second generation game gurus anyway, didn't it?

And no, I'm not actually a stuffy, suit wearing old fart (maybe starting to get there mentally, minus the suit). I'm a rather relaxed 37 year old whose fictional role model would be closer to a Hank Moody (who I seem to remember both or either lol'ing or high-fiving on various occasions) than a 007.

Does using textspeak hurt you? - YoungDominican - 09-16-2014

I always use text speak when texting girls, it's just easier and takes less time. Also I got some advice some time before saying that it shows that you are using less effort which is always a good thing. If she gives you shot on it just tease her or 'k' works too.