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Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Hedonistic Traveler - 09-05-2014

So I was reading that Vice article about Lindy West, and this one showed up under suggested reads. This 23-year old chick is using GoFundMe to raise $2500 to get an abortion. I'm not super pro-life, but getting an abortion at 19-20 weeks is pretty sloppy, and attempting to use GoFundMe to pay for it is even sloppier. The fund is called "Stop Bailey From Breeding Fund" for anyone interesting in donating.

The comments on the Vice article are a mix of donation pledges and criticism. The big takeaway is just how big of an attention whore this girl is capable of being, and just so completely shameless about it too. Officially it's her boyfriend, "Lucifer", running the campaign, and although it's been taken down a few times I know they've gotten over $1800 towards their goal. Based on the description though I'd imagine a lot of that money will be going to booze and cigarettes in the coming months.

Here is the girl, naturally she's rocking some fucked up short hair. If she didn't hate herself I'm sure she'd be moderately attractive. WNB.

[Image: 2087208-1409707516-0666.jpg]

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Cattle Rustler - 09-06-2014

Who would want to fuck that thing?

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - El Chinito loco - 09-06-2014

The septum ring looks like complete shit on girls. Even on most guys it looks pretty lame unless they are jacked then they look like a minotaur or something.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - samsamsam - 09-06-2014

Awesome one of the responses below (of course by a hideous chick). Funny all her work info is public.


Christine Patriarca · Receptionist at Lawrence Antique Gallery

You have no fucking idea what it's like to be her, what circumstances led to this situation, or what amount of pain she is likely feeling right now. Keep your mouth shut. You know nothing.

Ya, I do. She spread her legs or got on her knees and took a warm bath of cum in the vagina. Was too busy to not say no.

And I am purely speculating here. But waited too long and the abortion got more expensive. No morning after pill, no pill, no shot. Just trusting that she won't get pregnant.

I agree, it is none of my business I don't have to donate. I won't.

But people keep thinking there are no results (I have refuse to say consequences). Take an action/inaction get a result.

I am annoyed though with this chick. Is nothing private? Is everything some spectacle or event that needs to be shared?

EDIT: Instead of "Stop Bailey From Breeding Fund" it should be "Stop Bailey From Permanently Breeding Fund"

I am sure there a lot of old ladies who never had a kid who are just angry to see a girl piss away something they would give everything to be able to, have a baby.

Also, her gofundme page is apparently gone [Image: lol.gif]

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Handsome Creepy Eel - 09-06-2014

Who could directly donate to kill a child like that? I can understand people being somewhat ambivalent about abortion when they are funding it with a large degree of separation (voting for politicians -> laws -> tax dollars), but this is just abominable.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Vitriol - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 01:20 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Who could directly donate to kill a child like that? I can understand people being somewhat ambivalent about abortion when they are funding it with a large degree of separation (voting for politicians -> laws -> tax dollars), but this is just abominable.

You want this cunt and her thug spawn to replicate? If you live in a place like the U.S. you are directly taxed to pay for this shit... along with the eventual incarceration of the fucked up child.

There are already tons of fuckups competing for Burger King jobs at the moment...

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - runsonmagic - 09-06-2014

How much to sterilize the mother?

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - El Chinito loco - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 01:25 AM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (09-06-2014 01:20 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Who could directly donate to kill a child like that? I can understand people being somewhat ambivalent about abortion when they are funding it with a large degree of separation (voting for politicians -> laws -> tax dollars), but this is just abominable.

You want this cunt and her thug spawn to replicate? If you live in a place like the U.S. you are directly taxed to pay for this shit... along with the eventual incarceration of the fucked up child.

There are already tons of fuckups competing for Burger King jobs at the moment...

They're dangling this possibility and cynically betting on this line of thinking. They hope that you will donate so they can spend it on bullshit.. On the other hand I look at it as 18 years of liability and punishment for shitheads. The child will be fucked with either decision and society will suffer but the culture is done for anyways. Any decision here doesn't hasten or delay America's downfall.

I would not give money to these parasites.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Days of Broken Arrows - 09-06-2014

This is a natural progression from the woman who recently posted a video of her abortion to YouTube.

In 40 years, abortion in the US has gone from being considered murder to being seen as an art project.

I wonder how long it will be until students in women's studies courses will be required to get abortions as part of a project to "de-stigmatize" the act? Or when an all-girl indie band from Brooklyn makes abortion the focus of their music or image?

[Image: I_had_abortion.jpg]

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Foolsgo1d - 09-06-2014

She is damaged. The kid will be damaged and the environment suffers more.

We have 7 billion on this planet already. The less of her kind who breed the better. The world should not have to suffer her genes.

I dont like abortion for stupid reasons but on this occasion I'd hope she gets one. And suffers for it.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - The Lizard of Oz - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 12:00 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Who would want to fuck that thing?

Dude. Are you serious?

She is young, slim and has a decent face. Tens of millions of men in this country and hundreds of millions if not billions around the world would give up almost anything just to have a chance to acquaint themselves with her precious pussy. And quite a few men would find her tats, haircut, etc "edgy" and "exciting".

Never confuse this forum and the guys who post here with what the reality is in the world at large. It's male thirst out there as far as the eye can see.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Quintus Curtius - 09-06-2014

There seems to be no limit to the level of human degradation that these people will not sink to.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Cattle Rustler - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 10:51 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (09-06-2014 12:00 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Who would want to fuck that thing?

Dude. Are you serious?

She is young, slim and has a decent face. Tens of millions of men in this country and hundreds of millions if not billions around the world would give up almost anything just to have a chance to acquaint themselves with her precious pussy. And quite a few men would find her tats, haircut, etc "edgy" and "exciting".

Never confuse this forum and the guys who post here with what the reality is in the world at large. It's male thirst out there as far as the eye can see.

Yeah I'm serious.

She has tattoos, multi colored hair, non-natural colored hair, shaved head (partly), nose ring, looks weird as fuck, and has no tits.

She's not a hipster, hipster bitches look different. She looks more goth/scene.

To the thread in general: let's keep with the topic in general and not derail the thread by talking about abortion in general. There's a thread for that.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - jamaicabound - 09-06-2014

Yeah saw this article the other day and was meaning to post. Personally I'm not a fan or supporter of abortion but whatever to each their own but regardless of whether its something you would do or not I think to treat it so casually and make a spectacle or game of it is terrible, also the attention whoring is some of the worst I've ever seen. All I could do was shake myhead when I saw this.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - TigerMandingo - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 10:51 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Tens of millions of men in this country and hundreds of millions if not billions around the world would give up almost anything just to have a chance to acquaint themselves with her precious pussy. And quite a few men would find her tats, haircut, etc "edgy" and "exciting".

She's a circus freak anywhere else in the world outside of the Anglosphere, where many guys will hamster her looks as "part of her personality" and "spunk" or some nonsense.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Kabal - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 10:51 AM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Quote: (09-06-2014 12:00 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Who would want to fuck that thing?

Dude. Are you serious?

She is young, slim and has a decent face. Tens of millions of men in this country and hundreds of millions if not billions around the world would give up almost anything just to have a chance to acquaint themselves with her precious pussy. And quite a few men would rationalize her tats, haircut, etc as "edgy" and "exciting".

Never confuse this forum and the guys who post here with what the reality is in the world at large. It's male thirst out there as far as the eye can see.

Fixed that for you.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Renzy - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 12:59 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Awesome one of the responses below (of course by a hideous chick). Funny all her work info is public.


Christine Patriarca · Receptionist at Lawrence Antique Gallery

You have no fucking idea what it's like to be her, what circumstances led to this situation, or what amount of pain she is likely feeling right now. Keep your mouth shut. You know nothing.

More proof that women can rationalize away any sort of behavior, no matter how deplorable. They expect the whole world to give them the benefit of the doubt because clearly women are morally superior beings who'd never do anything wrong unless forced into it by circumstance (or a man!).

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - Glaucon - 09-06-2014

It is time to GoFundMe 5 smoking hot escorts.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - MdWanderer - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 03:40 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

[Image: I_had_abortion.jpg]

Is that Gloria Steinem making a "Don't Shoot" sign to a recent male divorcee?

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - scorpion - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 06:43 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

Quote: (09-06-2014 03:40 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

[Image: I_had_abortion.jpg]

Is that Gloria Steinem making a "Don't Shoot" sign to a recent male divorcee?

No. It's Gloria Steinem making an Illuminati All-Seeing Eye sign.

[Image: rocsignilluminati.jpg]

She was recruited by the CIA early in her career (a fact so non-controversial she admits it and it appears on her wiki entry). Ms. Magazine was funded in part through the CIA's Operation Mockingbird and the Rockefeller Foundation. Radical, third wave feminism was not an accident of history. It was deliberately unleashed to destabilize society.

Further reading on this topic (it's a nice little rabbit hole to explore):

That hand symbol combined with the shirt she's wearing basically translates to, "The elite used me as a front to promote abortion for the dual purpose of population control and mass human sacrifice."

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - germanico - 09-06-2014

Quote: (09-06-2014 12:00 AM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Who would want to fuck that thing?

You would be amazed at the ammount of thirsty desperate guys out there.


Wait, 2500? I thought abortions where free at Planned Parenthood. What does she wants 2500 for? new nipple piercings?

May I suggest the 10 for $1 option?

[Image: coathanger-dowsing-rod.gif]

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - CRR - 09-07-2014

This is disgusting.

Whether pro-choice or pro-life (I lean towards the former, with restrictions), the cavalier attitude towards such a matter is appalling.

And why $2500? A quick google search shows they cost $1000ish at that point.

And why would anyone wear an "I had an abortion" t-shirt? Ah fuck it, never mind.

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - bojangles - 09-07-2014

I read those comments, she's a heroin addict, one of her profile pictures on FB was apparently - needle, spoon and lighter..

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - oregonziggy - 09-07-2014

Yeah I agree I would bet 90% or better of men would fuck her. If I was out at a bar and there wasn't much going on and she was good to go? Why not?

I am pro choice for the sole reason I can't stand religious, special interest group and the government getting that involved with person choice
That being said what she is doing is fucking disgusting! and so isn't anyone who gives her a dime.

Though I would feel bad for the kid, hey guess what your mom begged people online to get free money to abort you!

Hipster Uses GoFundMe to Finance Late-Term Abortion - HawkWrites - 09-07-2014

I'd fuck her right in the pussy. We could discuss the Oilers during coitus.