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The Sound of Your Voice - Giovonny - 03-15-2011

Here's a little observation that might help guys who are working on their conversational skills.

I have recently fine tuned my voice a little bit. My natural voice isn't that deep and booming. Sometimes girls had a hard time hearing me when speaking to them in noisy bars and clubs. I noticed my friend who really "projects" his voice well was having an easier time getting and keeping the attention of girls. I was not "projecting" my voice strongly enough.

In Opera singing, they talk about "singing from the belly" and not from "the throat" . When you speak from your belly it produces a sound that is more deep and masculine.

A mans voice should be soothing and make a woman feel like she is in the presence of something strong and secure. Some people just have an annoying voice that is too high pitched or too whiny etc. If you think that people are having a hard time hearing you, play around with the sound of your voice and find a tone that sounds/works better.

I think the black guy from the "Old Spice" commercials is a good example.

The Sound of Your Voice - Tuthmosis - 03-15-2011

Quote: (03-15-2011 01:18 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I have recently fine tuned my voice a little bit. My natural voice isn't that deep and booming. Sometimes girls had a hard time hearing me when speaking to them in noisy bars and clubs. I noticed my friend who really "projects" his voice well was having an easier time getting and keeping the attention of girls. I was not "projecting" my voice strongly enough.

In Opera singing, they talk about "singing from the belly" and not from "the throat" . When you speak from your belly it produces a sound that is more deep and masculine.

This is an area I've done a lot of "research" in. It's certainly good to optimize your voice, though I caution you to do it properly since you risk doing permanent damage by developing incorrect habits.

I spoke from my throat most of my life, re-learning to properly resonate my voice and support it with correct breathing through the help of one friend who is a professional therapist in this area and another who is a classically trained singer.

There are a lot of misconceptions about voice and voice training. One is that the pitch of your voice will/can change. While using your voice correctly might change the tonal quality and fullness, it's likely that the pitch won't change all that much (unless you're truly nasal, which happens). But a somewhat high-pitched voice can sound masculine and pleasing if it's robust and rich. Another is that you should "speak from your belly." This is more a simplification than a misconception. It's really that you should support your voice with deep, belly exhalations rather than "speak" from there.

The Sound of Your Voice - FretDancer - 03-15-2011

Quote: (03-15-2011 01:35 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

But a somewhat high-pitched voice can sound masculine and pleasing if it's robust and rich. Another is that you should "speak from your belly." This is more a simplification than a misconception. It's really that you should support your voice with deep, belly exhalations rather than "speak" from there.

Indeed. But I believe its called "speak from your diaphragm".

If you're having trouble projecting your voice while you're having a normal conversation then you should try breathing properly, taking proper amounts of breath and learn when to realease.

Althought I've never heard about not being able to project your voice during a conversation, unless you speak really really loud/low, and I'm not refering to pitch.

The Sound of Your Voice - Moma - 03-15-2011

I find when I bench heavy, my voice goes deep for a few hours. Some of my friends who smoke also have deep voices.

The Sound of Your Voice - thegmanifesto - 03-15-2011

As Guru once said, "It's mostly the voice"

"It's mostly tha voice, that gets you up
It's mostly tha voice, that makes you buck
A lot of rappers got flavor, and some got skills
But if your voice ain't dope then you need to [chill... chill... ]"

This is one of the reasons I switched back to Phone Game and bagged Text Game:

"my friends who smoke also have deep voices"

Smoking is huge on this one. Especially when I go on a bender and my voice gets super gravelly.

When that happens, all I need to do is start talking to a girl, let her hear my voice and its basically a done deal.

"Some rappers use hooks to this shit
But if you took that shit out
And you took all the music out
What would remain? the voice no doubt"

Side note:

Gravelly Voices work great on Exotic Dancers as well. Not sure why. Just speaking from personal experience.

Side note II:

A super gravelly voice can also work wonders in biz and backing down rivals.

The Sound of Your Voice - Screwston - 03-15-2011

I have a pretty deep voice. Girls always tell me I have a nice voice when we're talking on the phone.

The Sound of Your Voice - gringoed - 03-15-2011

Good thread. A man's voice is an instrument, when speaking, yelling, and singing. All the time. Control one's voice and you can control other people's emotions.

That's why I've started taking DVD voice lessons and will probably begin taking it really seriously in a few short months.

The Sound of Your Voice - Kickb - 03-15-2011

I have somewhat of a nasaly deep voice . I really want my dads voice. Now that is a man's voice

I've read that the majority of people really hate how their voice sounds.

The Sound of Your Voice - Screwston - 03-15-2011

I never knew so many guys cared about their voice. I've never thought about mine or tried to make it deeper. I wouldn't care as long as it wasn't some whiney, high pitched voice.

The Sound of Your Voice - Gmac - 03-15-2011

Honestly I could care less what my voice sounds like, it hasn't steered me wrong yet. I guess that would be different if it was a hindrance. Of course, I've gotten plenty of compliments, but I'm pretty sure I sound like a normal dude.

The Sound of Your Voice - FretDancer - 03-15-2011

Quote: (03-15-2011 04:24 PM)houston Wrote:  

I have a pretty deep voice. Girls always tell me I have a nice voice when we're talking on the phone.

Same here, more points for phone game.

I've also been wanting to take some singing lessons lately.

The Sound of Your Voice - Bad Hussar - 03-16-2011

Very true. A deeper voice, or just a great quality of voice generally, makes a big difference for guys. Speaking from personal experience I'd say it helps cancel out other "flaws". I'm pretty short, which can be a pain in the ass when trying to pick up girls, but also have a deeper than average voice. It can balance things out a bit.

I'm surprised noone has mentioned Barry Manilow yet....

The Sound of Your Voice - docsedated - 03-16-2011

Thanks for starting this Thread Giovanny, I want to increase the Bass in my tone and want to sound masculine, Sometimes people tell me I sound feminine on the Phone and even been addressed as Miss [Image: angry.gif]

@ Gringoed : what DVD voice lessons are u talking about ?

where should I look to get help ? should I just look for a Vocal Coach or is there a program I can look into ?

Any advice is much appreciated.....

The Sound of Your Voice - Tuthmosis - 03-16-2011

Quote: (03-16-2011 10:42 AM)docsedated Wrote:  

Thanks for starting this Thread Giovanny, I want to increase the Bass in my tone and want to sound masculine, Sometimes people tell me I sound feminine on the Phone and even been addressed as Miss [Image: angry.gif]
where should I look to get help ? should I just look for a Vocal Coach or is there a program I can look into ?

Don't mistake bass in your voice with a better voice, necessarily. There are plenty low-quality voices in the lower registers--and vice versa. Your goal should be to increase the fullness of your voice. Having said that, if you have really bad habits, developing that will likely lower your voice also. But, often, higher voices sound "deep" because they're properly resonant and rich.

I might avoid a "voice coach." Often, these guys are shysters or ill-trained, at best. They're used to training wannabe singers and don't always fully understand the anatomical underpinnings behind your problem. These guys are dime-a-dozen in the showbiz cities (LA, NYC). I'd seek out a medically trained therapist. You will make more progress, quicker that way. I'd be careful using books and DVDs alone. Sure, you can make progress, but make sure you're a conscientious student--lest you fuck yourself up some other way.

I don't buy into the raspy, smoking voice ethos. I don't think literally damaging your throat (and, potentially, your general health in the process), in hopes of sounding better, is a very good strategy. Plus, it's debatable whether that outcome is even pleasing in the first place.

Like getting in shape, there are no shortcuts in improving your voice. It takes work and time. My voice was already pretty decent, but I further improved it (and continue to) the hard way.

The Sound of Your Voice - gringoed - 03-16-2011

Quote: (03-16-2011 10:42 AM)docsedated Wrote:  

Thanks for starting this Thread Giovanny, I want to increase the Bass in my tone and want to sound masculine, Sometimes people tell me I sound feminine on the Phone and even been addressed as Miss [Image: angry.gif]

@ Gringoed : what DVD voice lessons are u talking about ?

where should I look to get help ? should I just look for a Vocal Coach or is there a program I can look into ?

Any advice is much appreciated.....

It's Rock Vocal Lessons by Jim Gillette from the band Nitro.

One of these days I'm going to try to 'hack' becoming a rock star, so this is my first step. The course is old but the principles are solid. Besides, I'd rather sing like Aerosmith than Justin Bieber.

The Sound of Your Voice - Rhyme or Reason - 01-08-2017

I'm going to necro this thread as I think it's a great topic and would love to hear more input on this. I have kind of a trebly sort of voice and I don't like the way it sounds, gonna try and work on this.

The Sound of Your Voice - mickeyd - 01-08-2017

Eliminate the nasal out of your voice and thats 90% of the battle. I have found that while you can practice a deep voice, it just seems unnatural in conversation(basically you are doing it for your own ego and not for a more clear resonating voice). Practice eliminating the nasal and lowering your voice just a tad. There are lots of youtube tutorials on how to stop nasal speech. Also remember you cannot completely eliminate nasal voice because M and N sounds must come from the nasal cavity. This might sound silly but make a recording of yourself while you practice so you can properly adjust. Its no different than using a mirror to improve your looks.

The Sound of Your Voice - Deluge - 01-09-2017

I wrote a good datasheet on this a while back: How to Instantly Get a Deeper Voice

The Sound of Your Voice - Mercenary - 01-09-2017

Do NoFap (meaning do not masturbate at all) for 30 day or more.

Record your voice every 5 days or so saying the same exact sentence....just watch how quickly your voice gets deep.

More info here:

NoPorn / NoFap Google Group - For Those Who're Serious



The Sound of Your Voice - Sextus Empiricus - 01-09-2017

I agree with MickeyD that there's more to having a good voice than just a deep voice.

My voice is still not incredible, but I used to have a very wimpy nasally voice (including the "gay lisp/voice" that a lot of American heterosexual guys now have) that I didn't even notice it until I started hearing recordings of myself. I spent a good amount of time staying aware of my voice training myself to talk normally again.

Also, when I was learning a language that distinguished nasal vowels from non-nasal vowels. I found that talking while holding my nose was a really good exercise to eliminate the nasalness of my voice. If you're talking normally there shouldn't be any vibration or resonance in your nasal cavity. It's good to record yourself as well as you're talking

The Sound of Your Voice - stugatz - 01-09-2017

A supervisor at my work had a deep, booming theatrical voice. It sounded ridiculous...but there were always women around him. I would love to have a voice *just* like Michael Dorn, but since my voice has a tenor quality to it, that isn't happening.

Blast from the past - David DeAngelo recommended an audio series called "The Sound of Your Voice" by Carol Fleming. Anyone tried it? I listened through it years ago (and put a copy on my hard drive recently). It seems solid, but it might be dated now (I think it's from the mid 1980s).

The Sound of Your Voice - John Michael Kane - 01-09-2017

One of the things that make a man's voice sound less manly is to speak too fast. You'll end up sounding nasally and nervous, or like a sperg.

Slow. The. Freak. Down.

Pace yourself. Take intentional "pregnant pauses" to let your works sink in for effect. Literally, take a breath.

All of the other advice about getting rid of the nasal sounds are excellent. My natural voice is on the higher side (not rock star falsetto), but it sounds much nicer when I actively take steps to avoid the nasally tones.

The Sound of Your Voice - stugatz - 01-09-2017

Quote: (01-09-2017 08:52 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

One of the things that make a man's voice sound less manly is to speak too fast. You'll end up sounding nasally and nervous, or like a sperg.

Slow. The. Freak. Down.

Pace yourself. Take intentional "pregnant pauses" to let your works sink in for effect. Literally, take a breath.

All of the other advice about getting rid of the nasal sounds are excellent. My natural voice is on the higher side (not rock star falsetto), but it sounds much nicer when I actively take steps to avoid the nasally tones.

This is another one of my problems, and I'm well aware. Talking faster makes me sound like I'm afraid the other person will lose interest before I'm finished spitting everything out.

How do you practice talking, though? I can sit in my room and just talk to myself, but when I speak to another person, my normal speaking habits usually come right back.

Oddly enough - when I'm on the phone, apparently I can be heard from three rooms away. When I'm speaking directly to a person, I tend to talk more softly and have to be asked to repeat myself.

The Sound of Your Voice - PoetryOfEros - 01-13-2017

Funny topic, Neil Strauss touches on Voice in The Game and mentions the speed and rate of words yet he speaks really fast in videos. Cernovich is undoubtedly a very masculine guy but I wouldn't say he has a tremendously masculine voice. I think personally, from this knowledge, my inferences tell me that it's about HOW you say things more so than the sound of your voice. Always good to punctuate things correctly and be clear in your meaning.

The Sound of Your Voice - John Michael Kane - 01-13-2017

Quote: (01-09-2017 10:28 PM)stugatz Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2017 08:52 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

One of the things that make a man's voice sound less manly is to speak too fast. You'll end up sounding nasally and nervous, or like a sperg.

Slow. The. Freak. Down.

Pace yourself. Take intentional "pregnant pauses" to let your works sink in for effect. Literally, take a breath.

All of the other advice about getting rid of the nasal sounds are excellent. My natural voice is on the higher side (not rock star falsetto), but it sounds much nicer when I actively take steps to avoid the nasally tones.

This is another one of my problems, and I'm well aware. Talking faster makes me sound like I'm afraid the other person will lose interest before I'm finished spitting everything out.

How do you practice talking, though? I can sit in my room and just talk to myself, but when I speak to another person, my normal speaking habits usually come right back.

Oddly enough - when I'm on the phone, apparently I can be heard from three rooms away. When I'm speaking directly to a person, I tend to talk more softly and have to be asked to repeat myself.

I speak on the phone a lot for business. When I'm making an especially important point, I slow down the sentence intentionally, then pause at the end before moving on to the next or asking the other party to comment on my point. Just put a sticky reminder to "slow down". Make a practice of speaking in a more measured pace. Relax your body language. Lean back and don't hunch over. Let your body relax and you'll be more calm in how you present your words. Nice and easy. Just let it flow. When you're in conversation, you don't rush it, otherwise you sound nervous and anxious, even if you're making really great points.

This video is of complete nonsense, but note how Freeman speaks at a measured pace, and pauses for effect between certain sentences. His even pace and calm delivery make things sound much more important and calm than they actually are. That's a chill voice.