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Circumcision - Sonsowey - 08-08-2014

Simply put, I would never have part of my son's penis cut off.

The USA, strangely, follows the pattern of Africa and the Middle East in doing this. Europe and South America, which have a lot more in common with the U.S., don't do it basically. Asia also does not. It's basically African, Jewish and Muslim societies that do it. And the U.S. and Australia.

People in the USA often claims "it looks better" which I think is nothing more than just being used to what you grew up with. Ie. if you grew up without circumcision, nothing would seem off.

[Image: aids575819.fig1.gif]

Would you cut off part of your son's penis?

Circumcision - Foolsgo1d - 08-08-2014

Nope. My brother had it done for medical reasons and that is understandable.

Mutilating a boy before he has a say is something I do not agree with. Is it true that American girls are freaked out by ant eater dicks?

Circumcision - xpatplayer - 08-08-2014

I was circumcised when I was 3.

The only advantage I see is that your dick becomes easier to clean. Never getting my son circumcised either, I don't want him to miss out what nature intended for him.

Circumcision - Rutting Elephant - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 06:11 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Is it true that American girls are freaked out by ant eater dicks?

It would make sense, if they are accustomed to snipped ones. My Muslim girlfriend's friends are impressed when she tells them I'm circumcised (and therefore somewhat halal), but she reflexively freaked the other day when I said I wouldn't do it to my kid if I ever have one. She said it looks nasty, to which I pointed out that it's not as if she'd have to play with it.

Might as well note she claims to have undergone female circumcision, but there are no signs of inhibition of pleasure, much less mutilation. Probably some village cleric just muttered an enchantment when she was an infant.

Circumcision - Saweeep - 08-08-2014

I think it's child abuse.

Circumcision - SteveMcMahon - 08-08-2014

Nah. Circumcision isn't done here in the UK unless you're Muslim or Jewish or have a rare medical problem.

One weird thing I've heard from Americans on the subject is that some of them think a circumcised penis is more hygienic somehow. But foreskins aren't dirty. You don't need to take any special care to keep them clean, just shower as normal. As long as you aren't a manky bastard they stay clean on their own.

It's no more hygienic chopping off your cock-turtleneck than it would be if you had your eyelids cropped.

Circumcision - Sonsowey - 08-08-2014

Yea people in the U.S. always throw out the sanitation myth.

I don't know, they say bacteria or fungus can develop under the fold of skin, which kind of makes sense, an area that can trap some moisture and stay sealed does seem more likely to develop a fungus. But just clean it...

Dunno I'm snipped.

Circumcision - mikado - 08-08-2014

Circumcision has be shown to reduce HIV cases, hasn't it?

Circumcision - RawGod - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 06:43 PM)mikado Wrote:  

Circumcision has be shown to reduce HIV cases, hasn't it?

If so, let the boy choose if he wants to chop off part of his dick when he's 18. It's his body.

Circumcision - SteveMcMahon - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 06:28 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Yea people in the U.S. always throw out the sanitation myth.

I don't know, they say bacteria or fungus can develop under the fold of skin, which kind of makes sense, an area that can trap some moisture and stay sealed does seem more likely to develop a fungus. But just clean it...

Dunno I'm snipped.

I can see why they'd think that. But no, thankfully it pretty much keeps itself clean down there. Otherwise half of Europe and Asia would be painfully shuffling to the doctor on a regular basis. And when you think about it, our bodies didn't evolve to trap infections. If the uncut dick was a fungus magnet we probably wouldn't have made it out of the stone age.

The only likely downside I can think of is when you're having sex and it's rough or she's not wet enough, or if you're getting a hand job and she's ham-fisted - the foreskin can sometimes get pulled back tightly behind the glans and that can be tender. But it's not a big deal, you just gently roll it back.

Circumcision - Foolsgo1d - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 06:28 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Yea people in the U.S. always throw out the sanitation myth.

I don't know, they say bacteria or fungus can develop under the fold of skin, which kind of makes sense, an area that can trap some moisture and stay sealed does seem more likely to develop a fungus. But just clean it...

Dunno I'm snipped.

Only dirty bastards have cheese dicks and smelly/sweaty balls.

It retains moisture so the head does not dry out and become cracked and sore. It goes against medical advice to be snipped when you're older unless you really need it but there are procedures, which I have had that make circumcisions too much of a drastic option.

Circumcision - Candlejack - 08-08-2014

The foreskin is a biologically redundant piece of flesh. Imho.

Circumcision - Sonsowey - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 07:07 PM)Candlejack Wrote:  

The foreskin is a biologically redundant piece of flesh. Imho.

Would you go about getting the procedure as an adult if given the choice?

Circumcision - big poppa - 08-08-2014

I don't know about the map because most Australians are uncut from my knowledge, myself included.

If you have access to showering facilities on a daily basis I don't see why there is any need to be circumcised.

Circumcision - LoftBoy - 08-08-2014

I'm honestly pretty pissed that I'm circumcised. No way in hell any future spawns are getting snipped.

Circumcision - rpg - 08-08-2014

Quote: (08-08-2014 07:07 PM)Candlejack Wrote:  

The foreskin is a biologically redundant piece of flesh. Imho.

Back in cave man times it would keep the end of your dick from getting snagged in a thorn bush.

Circumcision - Lucky - 08-09-2014

I think I would.

I was circumcised myself 2 years ago and I wish my parents had done it when I was a baby. The healing process was a fucking nightmare. Imagine waking up with morning wood with stitches in your dick.

Circumcision - Sonsowey - 08-09-2014

Lucky, what made you decide to do that?

Circumcision - Chaos - 08-09-2014

Last week in Langkawi, Malaysia when I was having breakfast the owner sat down and chatted with me. He showed me two sticks of bamboowood which had been used for cooking sticky rice.
(SEA-guys know what I'm talking about.)

However these bamboosticks are sharp as knives and he told they used to take little boys to a cold fresh waterstream and cut their foreskins off with these sticks.

Personally I can't understand how anybody would like to have a piece of their dick cut off, unless your foreskin is not too tight or any other relevant issue.

Circumcision - Alpha_Romeo - 08-09-2014

European chicks (the ones I've met so far) dig it. Exotic factor.

Circumcision - Ensam - 08-09-2014

Quote: (08-09-2014 03:06 PM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

European chicks (the ones I've met so far) dig it. Exotic factor.

I had a german chick tell me once that sex felt significantly better with uncircumcised men. I'm not circumcised and most american chicks don't even notice. Only the girls I see for a while ever comment on it and usually it's more of a curiosity than anything else.

Circumcision - BornSinner - 08-09-2014

Me being uncut, lately I've been thinking if I should get cut or not. Ive heard people say that many women find it " weird " and this has given me insecurity. What do you guys think. Should I get the procedure done?

Circumcision - kosko - 08-09-2014

I don't know anything else but I like being cut, but I would likely not care if I wasn't. But I do prefer it since it is was I am used to and I am still puzzled as the shit of dick cheese and cleanliness for foreskin as being clean is important to me to the point I almost obsess over it.

I would keep my tribal tradition going by going about it with my son, but at an age he could make an informed decision, but yet young enough he isn't dealt a long IR (injured reserve) from perusing women (13-16).

Circumcision - big poppa - 08-09-2014

Quote: (08-09-2014 07:20 PM)BornSinner Wrote:  

Me being uncut, lately I've been thinking if I should get cut or not. Ive heard people say that many women find it " weird " and this has given me insecurity. What do you guys think. Should I get the procedure done?

Yeah bro, definitely get it done. No man with foreskin has ever slept with a woman before.

Circumcision - BornSinner - 08-09-2014

I'll take that as sarcasm.