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Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Bacchus - 08-04-2014

I've been seeing a lot of this behavior when I go out to bars. Usually a cluster of girls huddles around an available outlet, but for really crowded places a girl actually has to surrender her prized smartphone over to the bartender for several minutes. You'd think that being deprived of her primary attention source would open her up to human interaction, but the girl summons whatever maternal instinct she has left and focuses only on guarding the phone.

Now, in an effort to document all first-world problems, there's an article about it. Predictably, it's written from the perspective of the irresponsible author who didn't bother to charge her phone before heading out. Here describes how she behaves in the throes of her addiction:


Anyway, I arrived at the bar with my dead phone last weekend and asked the most annoying question of all. “Can I just plug in my phone?” I began. “I’m late to meet a friend, but I can’t find her. My phone is dead, so I can’t even text her! Can I use your charger for 15 minutes? Oh also, a Budweiser, please?” No, said the bartender, citing fear of liability and liquids. After a minute of full-on begging, I shifted gears to enraged entitlement. “Are you kidding me?” I demanded. “But I see a charger right there. Nobody is even using it!” I stormed out, leaving my beer untouched. At the sports bar next door, Professor Thom’s, I discovered the concept of “pay-per-charge” stations, which the owners had installed to pacify needy, obnoxious people like me and, possibly, you.

This quote, spoken by a female bartender, confirms everything that the forum has said about the social abilities of American girls:


People are so entitled,” said Rose, the bartender at Professor Thom’s. “They won’t look you in the eye. It’s so off-putting and unattractive. And I hate to say it, but women are really the worst about it.

Even though she crouches the issue of entitlement with the generic 'people', it's clear by the end who the majority of offenders are. Here she describes how girls react to losing their phone for a few minutes:


She recalled how one girl kept asking if she could just check her text messages while her phone was charging behind the bar. A huge faux pas, according to Rose. “Listen, I’m not a runner. If you put it back here, you sacrifice your right to use it,” she said. “As long as you’re polite, I don’t mind. It’s the people that treat us like servants, not servers. That’s when I’m like, You can go fuck yourself.”

It's funny to me how thirsty these bitches are for their smartphones, and the endless stream of attention it supplies them. The smartphone addiction that grips that the American female population is so strong that I'm starting to think having a iPhone charger at your place could be the best bait to lure a girl home.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Kickb - 08-04-2014

It might not be a bad idea to carry one of these around with you.

[Image: ul-approved-6-outlet-surge-protector-1036s-[1].jpg]

Wouldn't be the worst opener int he world.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - El Chinito loco - 08-04-2014

I wonder what pay per charge stations can get away with in high traffic areas like bars. If I were the owner i'd jack the price up to a flat fee of $10 a charge each phone and see how many dipshit women go for it. It could be a tidy little money maker.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - storm - 08-04-2014

They had pay per charge stations at the 711's in bangkok years ago. I'm surprised it's only now beginning to catch on in the west.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - MikeCF - 08-04-2014

The lockers at Wet Republic (pool party in Vegas) have built in chargers. I took a picture but can't find it.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - speakeasy - 08-04-2014

And people can't charge their fucking phones at home? And if your phone can no longer hold a charge, buy a new fuckin battery off Ebay for $10. What the hell is wrong with people...

[Image: facepalm.png]

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Quintus Curtius - 08-04-2014


It's not about the phone, it's about attention whoring.

It's telling the world, "LOOK HOW IMPORTANT I AM! I have so many conference calls that I just have to get my phone recharged!"

It's about forcing the bartender to cater to her cuntish needs.

It's about making other people feel uncomfortable, which she enjoys.

It's about upping the expectations on bars and clubs, and making them jump.

It's about mincing around the bar, looking for a fucking electrical plug, and acting important.

Yet another entry into the Attention Whoring Files (Extended Edition).

Night game...dying...dying...dying....

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - ThrustMaster - 08-04-2014

Portable 3g/4g jammers are cheap and on Amazon...

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Suits - 08-04-2014

Quote: (08-04-2014 09:15 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  


After a minute of full-on begging, I shifted gears to enraged entitlement. “Are you kidding me?” I demanded. “But I see a charger right there. Nobody is even using it!” I stormed out, leaving my beer untouched. At the sports bar next door, Professor Thom’s, I discovered the concept of “pay-per-charge” stations, which the owners had installed to pacify needy, obnoxious people like me and, possibly, you.

That's funny, because I once had a (female) bartender follow me onto the dance floor and accuse me of not paying for a beer that I had most certainly paid for.

I handled that situation with less indignation and entitlement than this stupid woman did.

And no, the bar never enjoyed the benefit of my business every again.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Mage - 08-05-2014

Quote: (08-04-2014 09:33 PM)Kickb Wrote:  

It might not be a bad idea to carry one of these around with you.

[Image: ul-approved-6-outlet-surge-protector-1036s-[1].jpg]

Wouldn't be the worst opener int he world.

Along with a selfie stick.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Drazen - 08-05-2014

Quote: (08-04-2014 10:01 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

The lockers at Wet Republic (pool party in Vegas) have built in chargers. I took a picture but can't find it.

They better for the $50-70 that they charge you to use them!

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - AneroidOcean - 08-05-2014

While I can see the entitlement rampant in the article, you guys are seeing this as a negative. Do you know how cheap chargers are? I have all android as well as a iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 charger all in one place at my home, conveniently right next to the audio jack for my nice home theater. Friends, family, and yes, many girls use them. CHEAP logistics.

I also use a phone that I can change the battery on in roughly 5 seconds (not including start up time). I don't understand why all phones aren't like that. It's brilliant.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Vicious - 08-05-2014

When I'm travelling a working phone these days is central to converting. Every player should get himself an external plug-in battery for his phone for these moments.

When I meet Slubu in New York he had to see me in the not-so-flattering position of charging my phone at the bar.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - presidentcarter - 08-05-2014

^^^ Yep...just wait until they all realize they can get a small external (or built into the case) battery pack for cheap. And it'll even fit conveniently into their purses.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Roosh - 08-05-2014

Picture of author:

[Image: Allison-P.-Davis-3.jpg]

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Parlay44 - 08-05-2014

They're starting to install free public phone charging stations around NYC. It has a few standard usb cables and open USB ports.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - StrikeBack - 08-05-2014

I wonder how people managed to meet up with friends and find their ways around before smart phones were invented 10 years ago.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - DJ-Matt - 08-05-2014

[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-08-07-at-1.26.28-PM.png]

Even better, buy one of these and let her use it, she'll follow you all night to keep a charge.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - heavy - 08-05-2014

A few comments.

I have buddies who do this, it's fucking annoying.
I haven't noticed it with chics any more than dudes...maybe that's just me.
Is it always an iPhone...maybe because no replaceable battery. Or maybe because people with iPhones are stupid and can't plan ahead an hour.
My sister's phone and laptop are always dead. I swear it's some sort of mental deficiency. If it's at 50% and you're home and aren't using it, maybe plug it in instead of waiting until it's down to 20%. Drives me crazy.

Sheesh I've never thought of the portable chargers for pickup

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - MrXY - 08-05-2014

I won't buy a phone that doesn't have a replaceable battery. I always have an extra charged up battery for my phone in my vehicle

The only time I've ever charged my phone in a bar was when my phone was dying, I needed to give a girl directions to meet me, I was too far away form my truck, and the bar had a sign offering to charge your phone for free.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - redbeard - 08-05-2014

as for if one of our batteries dies: fuck it. I've had nights with a dead phone. if you're with good friends you won't need to constantly text them. you can write girls numbers down.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - berserk - 08-05-2014

Quote: (08-05-2014 08:03 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

I wonder how people managed to meet up with friends and find their ways around before smart phones were invented 10 years ago.

Watch Seinfeld.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - Trim - 08-05-2014

Quote: (08-04-2014 09:39 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

I wonder what pay per charge stations can get away with in high traffic areas like bars. If I were the owner i'd jack the price up to a flat fee of $10 a charge each phone and see how many dipshit women go for it. It could be a tidy little money maker.

Women are so cheap though. It'd be like a battle in their heads. Their need for attention against their need to spend as little as possible. I wonder if leading guys on to pay for their charging bills in bars will happen in the future?

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - kaotic - 08-05-2014

Did any of you guys actually READ what Quintus wrote ?

Half the people aren't seeing the big picture. I don't give a fuck about what you can get to charge your phone externally.

It's the point of FORCING the girls to interact with the people around them and FORCE them back into the REAL world. Making them realize they aren't some all powerful socialite because they have their phone which makes them important. Fuck, those jammers would be AWESOME at a club GetSwole.

Bitches Charging Phones at Bars - polymath - 08-05-2014

I don't see this as a big deal.

You have a phone, and there's an outlet.

What's wrong with someone letting you leave it there for a few minutes to charge?

I have done this in multiple countries in South America when I was traveling without a place to crash for days and sleeping on long-distance buses between cities. Nobody ever made a big deal about it.

Suddenly a few American girls try to plug their shit into the outlet at a bar and everyone goes nuts. The issue seems a little petty compared to actual issues, for example preferential treatment toward women in divorce court.

If you're worried about liability as a bartender, all you have to say is, "Sure, you can charge your phone here, but we are not responsible if your phone is lost, damaged, or short-circuited by a puddle of Shock Top."

No problem.

That said, if a customer is trying to check text messages while the bartender is charging the phone behind the bar/counter, that customer is a pain in the ass.