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New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - ElJefe - 07-15-2014

TM is actually the reason I came across RooshV, originally.

If anything this could be interesting, although he seems to be entering a saturated market.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Scesci - 07-15-2014

much has been discussed on the community about Mating Grounds, mixed reaction from everyone but a large number of people disliked this project and saw it as an attempt of repackaging all the contect we came through in the last 10 years and selling it at something new, Tucker Max even exchanged tweets with some of our guys about the issue ,if you use the search you will find a very long thread about it

try also searching for it at for more info

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - ElJefe - 07-15-2014

Didn't see it. Go ahead and post a link!

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - WestIndianArchie - 07-15-2014

Pc repackaging of the last 16 years of pickup online. Plus the addition of more evolutionary psychology.

But it's not going to lead any reader to a Tucker Max style drunken adventure.

It's not the first time he's dissed pick up. He basically shitted in Style's dual induction massage technique for threesomes back in the day.

For shame.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Goldin Boy - 07-15-2014

Yea, if OP hasn't heard this has been discussed here:

and here:

Quoted from the about page:


Geoff “I have looked, quite extensively, for a book or something that honestly and frankly addresses the entire spectrum of sex, dating, women and relationships, especially for men. I have never found one. I have to spend hours answering their very basic questions about these issues.”
Tucker “No fucking way. This has to exist.”
Geoff “It doesn’t. I’ve looked.”

Did they try google? [Image: lol.gif][Image: lol.gif][Image: lol.gif]

Tucker's just cribbing the free red pill advice and sanitizing it for the betas and msm.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-15-2014

Tucker Max is mainstream and he will bow down to the Feminine Imperative. No way in hell they will be as direct and clear as bloggers like Rollo Tomassi or Roosh.


Good Brains: Intelligence, Openness, Knowledge, and Humor
-Cheer Up Nerds, Smart Is Sexy
-Why Being Funny Is So Attractive To Women
-How To Be Funny, Even If You Aren’t Funny

Assertiveness: Balancing Agreeableness and Aggressiveness
-Assertiveness is Sexy, Aggression is Not: What the Difference is, and how to not cross the line
-Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last, Cowards Do

Tucker is a Natural without much of the extended knowledge of Game. Plus he is mainstream and will NEVER EVER BE ABSOLUTELY HONEST on the site. If it manages to grow they will just spin it more into the Askmen- creating a BETTER BETA (in order to better serve women).

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Quintus Curtius - 07-15-2014

This quote from his site should tell you all you need to know about this person:

We also believe that “success with women” means different things to different guys. Whether they want to be better at having short term relationships (hook-ups), or want to find a women to commit to and settle down with, or anything in between, the information here will help them achieve their goals in a way that is not only effective, but also honest, ethical, and rewarding to everyone involved (most importantly–the woman on the other side of the relationship).

We believe that most “Pick-up Artists” are sociopathic, bullshit scammers. The PUA scene is not transformational, it’s transactional. Its not about getting to know women, it’s about getting over on them. We believe Mating Grounds is the answer to the PUA strategy for all those men who have nothing meaningful to show for their efforts.

So, there you have it.

He's trying to brand himself as some sort of manosphere guru. And at the same time, trying to call all "PUA" guys (who blazed the trail for him) bums. They hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Just another knob-nibbler.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - AntiTrace - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 03:03 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

This quote from his site should tell you all you need to know about this person:

We also believe that “success with women” means different things to different guys. Whether they want to be better at having short term relationships (hook-ups), or want to find a women to commit to and settle down with, or anything in between, the information here will help them achieve their goals in a way that is not only effective, but also honest, ethical, and rewarding to everyone involved (most importantly–the woman on the other side of the relationship).

We believe that most “Pick-up Artists” are sociopathic, bullshit scammers. The PUA scene is not transformational, it’s transactional. Its not about getting to know women, it’s about getting over on them. We believe Mating Grounds is the answer to the PUA strategy for all those men who have nothing meaningful to show for their efforts.

So, there you have it.

He's trying to brand himself as some sort of manosphere guru. And at the same time, trying to call all "PUA" guys (who blazed the trail for him) bums. They hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Just another knob-nibbler.

It's beyond hypocritical.

I'll gave the man some respect. His first two books were absolutely hilarious. However, it really was nothing more than frat-boy style cocky antics and his conquests from it. Nothing out of the reach for any real player.

He even put the picture of a chick he banged and the cover of one his books, and trashed her in his writings about it. If that isn't sociopathic and transactional (which he accuses PUAs of being), then what is? His fame was built and that and his other exploits which he clearly has no problem writing about and follow the same line of thinking.

He's a funny mother fucker, I'd love to party with him, but he has reached a point in his career where is betraying himself in order to make money.

Some may say that that is a sign of growing and become mature, but it is more of a sign of going the route of "sell-out".

I'm sure it will be a success, but I won't be buying it.

quick edit - I wasn't a big fan of his movie. It just didn't seem that funny to me. Most of the people I know that talk it up are complete Beta's. The guys who wouldn't think for a second to say some of the stuff he does in his movies or books. He is just catering to the beta crowd, and that pays.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - JJ Roberts - 07-15-2014

Go easy on the guy

He is creating a free resource FOR MEN aimed at guys having a greater understanding of the way that the sexual marketplace works

We are guys, right?

There are plenty of guys on this site who do not regard themselves as PUAs and think the whole PUA thing is silly

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Quintus Curtius - 07-15-2014

@JJ Roberts:

I know most guys here don't consider themselves PUAs. Hell, I sure am not a "pick up artist". I'm just a guy trying to better himself in every way.

The reason I am so turned off by this guy is that he's trying to break into a field--the manosphere--by immediately ripping into everyone who came here before him, calling them all "sociopaths" and "scammers."

We all know exactly who the people are that he is referring to.

Why the hell does he have to do that? What kind of bullshit is that? If what he's selling is so good, why not let it shine on its own merits? Why tear other guys down?

And what exactly is Tucker Max offering? How to be a born-again Christian? Nothing but blue-pill, white knighting advice disguised as red pill advice. There's no edge to this guy, no passion, no suffering, no bitterness. I just look at him and I can tell. This guy's soft.

He's the worst type of snake out there: the man who pretends to be on your side, but who is really controlled by the feminized corporate interests. Have you read his webiste? It's all this hand-holding, ass-kissing bullshit.

He's throwing some big money around to try to capitalize on the manosphere, which he had nothing to do with contributing to.

So, yeah, that's my opinion.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - bacan - 07-15-2014

I think he does a nice job of consolidating a lot of info for free on his site. I'll continue to check it out as it gets updated.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - JJ Roberts - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 03:30 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Why the hell does he have to do that? What kind of bullshit is that? If what he's selling is so good, why not let it shine on its own merits? Why tear other guys down?

Well first of all I did not notice anything for sale on the site. So he doesn't seem to be selling anything.

As for distancing himself from PUAs, I think that's pretty smart.

I wrote a book a few years ago called Sex 3.0 that I have head some pickup INSTRUCTORS call the best thing they have ever read it terms of developing a mindset for picking up women but here is the thing .... it's ain't a PUA book.

So Sex 3.0 does not and will not have anything to do with the PUA industry either.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - MikeCF - 07-15-2014

He is repackaging what others have written. That's sleazy in the usual 4 Hour Workweek way, but whatever. If he can monetize it, well, that's how the game is played.

That's not what he did, however.

He did not merely repackage what others have written and do his own thing.

He used the sleaziest of marketing tactics. He insulted everyone he stole from.

He shit in the face of everyone who has been around writing about these topics for years if not decades.

It was disrespect of the highest order.

Anyone who does not speak out against this has no personal integrity or self-respect as a man.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - MikeCF - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:21 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

So Sex 3.0 does not and will not have anything to do with the PUA industry either.

How many people did you pay on Fiverr to write reviews for your books?

You have no organic following that I can see and you seem to be following the same business plan that Tucker is following.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - JJ Roberts - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:26 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:21 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

So Sex 3.0 does not and will not have anything to do with the PUA industry either.
How many people did you pay on Fiverr to write reviews for your books?


I you read the book you would know that.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - MikeCF - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:31 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

I you read the book you would know that.

I read your sig line. You're an internet marketer. I know how the game is played.

Look at my sig line. Look at my rep points.

One of us is not like the other.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Pacesetter20 - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:26 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:21 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

So Sex 3.0 does not and will not have anything to do with the PUA industry either.

How many people did you pay on Fiverr to write reviews for your books?

You have no organic following that I can see and you seem to be following the same business plan that Tucker is following.

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:24 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

He is repackaging what others have written. That's sleazy in the usual 4 Hour Workweek way, but whatever. If he can monetize it, well, that's how the game is played.

That's not what he did, however.

He did not merely repackage what others have written and do his own thing.

He used the sleaziest of marketing tactics. He insulted everyone he stole from.

He shit in the face of everyone who has been around writing about these topics for years if not decades.

It was disrespect of the highest order.

Anyone who does not speak out against this has no personal integrity or self-respect as a man.

You are over-selling the guy.
I don't think he writes much for the blog nowadays or ever. He is a Natural who wrote about his funny life exploits. And even that was likely partly ghost-written.

Now with the cash he has raked in I don't think he cares in the least about any of the issues. It is a mainstream biz-idea that someone pushed him to capitalize on the growing manosphere movement. Plus they can twist it in the usual fem-centric fashion. I would be astonished if he does even much of the decisions on the blog. Some dudes hired scourge the net to steal and copy some content and then they reblog the stuff - maybe they twist it a bit for their feminist overlords and that's about it.

Why should a famous Natural who gets laid already and is a "douchy darling" in the media care about Game or the manosphere? It is similar to Krusty the Clown signing off on any kind of related merchandise. Tucker Max blog - yeah, TM-condoms - why not, TM-parfume, TM-t-shirts, TM-whatever-the-fuck-fits-the-brand-I'll-sign-off-on-it-as-long-as-the-checks-keep-coming-in.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - MikeCF - 07-15-2014

It's under his name, therefore it's his image. He owns whatever happens there.

He was not a natural. Have you seen pics of some of the girls he's been with?

This is his girlfriend.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - TravelerKai - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 05:12 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

It's under his name, therefore it's his image. He owns whatever happens there.

He was not a natural. Have you seen pics of some of the girls he's been with?

This is his girlfriend.

A butterface with some ab muscles? From a guy that talks as big as he does? Why am I not surprised....

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 05:12 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

It's under his name, therefore it's his image. He owns whatever happens there.

He was not a natural. Have you seen pics of some of the girls he's been with?

This is his girlfriend.

Naturals come in all shapes and sizes - for him it was sufficient to be tall, good-looking, self-confident, brash, direct, a bit of an asshole and treating women with an inbuilt-neg-ometer. No more needed for the hook-up-crowd.

His choice in women - who cares? There are better pics of her and he certainly had better lays.

He calls himself a feminist now, so no one in the manosphere should take him seriously.


when I question him about his general disdain for fat women, he ends up calling himself a feminist in the process.

Either way - let's give it a rest. Let the boy have some fun and spin some pseudo-manosphere for the mainstream. Would not surprise me if he does not even read "his" blog.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Roosh - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 05:12 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

It's under his name, therefore it's his image. He owns whatever happens there.

He was not a natural. Have you seen pics of some of the girls he's been with?

This is his girlfriend.

[Image: get?url=http%3A%2F%2Fscontent-a.cdninsta...=600&h=613]

Can a girl get that strong naturally?

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - MikeCF - 07-15-2014

Generally speaking, no, although I can't speak to her personally.

Biology is not a social construct and females do not produce enough androgens to have that sort of deltoid definition.

The steroid cycle of choice of XFit girls is low-dose Anavar (10 mg/day) and small amounts of testosterone...sometimes just a little testosterone cream rubbed on the inside of their forearms.

A good way to tell if someone is "on" is to look at the size of deltoids. Deltoids are rich in androgen receptors. Testosterone and other anabolic steroids binds to the receptors. Here is an abstract:

The objective of this investigation was to study the effects of androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS) misuse on deltoid muscle fiber characteristics in experienced, male strength-trained athletes. In a double-blind study, 15 volunteers were administered nandrolone decanoate (ND) for 8 weeks (200 mg/week, intramuscularly). In an additional study, 12 subjects self-administered various AASs at supratherapeutic dosages (AAS group), while 7 non-users served as controls. In all subjects, a percutaneous needle biopsy sample of the deltoid muscle was obtained at baseline and after 8 weeks. Muscle sections were pre-incubated at pH 4.4, stained with adenosine triphosphatase and analyzed morphometrically. In each biopsy sample, at least 150 fibers were classified for "gray level" and "lesser fiber diameter" to determine the mean fiber size, the sizes of type I and type II fibers, and the fiber type distribution. ND administration did not seem to affect any of those parameters. In the AAS group, mean muscle fiber size (+12.6%), and the size of type I (+10.8%) and type II (+14.6%) muscle fibers increased. The fiber type distribution remained unaltered. We conclude that polydrug regimens of AAS misuse at supratherapeutic dosages increased the size of deltoid muscle fibers (especially type II fibers) in experienced strength-trained athletes, while ND at a therapeutic intramuscular dose of 200 mg did not exert any effect.

See, "Misuse of androgenic-anabolic steroids and human deltoid muscle fibers: differences between polydrug regimens and single drug administration."

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Roosh - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:31 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:26 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (07-15-2014 04:21 PM)JJ Roberts Wrote:  

So Sex 3.0 does not and will not have anything to do with the PUA industry either.
How many people did you pay on Fiverr to write reviews for your books?


I you read the book you would know that.

This one is most likely fake:
Based on the reviewer.

Maybe you didn't pay for a fake review, but you got fake reviewers reviewing your book.

New Tucker Max Project: The Mating Grounds - Vaun - 07-15-2014

Quote: (07-15-2014 05:45 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Naturals come in all shapes and sizes

Why do you think he is a natural? You realize what you know about him is from a book he wrote, right? And that he employed good marketing tactics to sell himself and his image. Nothing exceptional, Ivy league guy gets smart with selling a book. Far from interesting, good at sales and marketing.