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Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - kongzi - 07-10-2014


RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Renata de Mouro Moitinho sambas so fast her feet blur, but her partner moves with the bumbling tentativeness of a toddler taking his first steps.

And in a way the strapping man in a tight spandex soccer jersey really is taking his first steps — his first samba steps, that is: Moitinho's dance partner for the evening is an Italian, visiting Brazil for the World Cup, and she is giving him his very first lesson in the nation's frenetically paced national dance.

The two met at the Fan Fest in Rio de Janeiro, where 22-year-old Moitinho and a group of friends have been going throughout the monthlong tournament in order to, as she puts it, "hunt foreigners" like the Italian, who declined to give his name.

Moitinho's not alone.

The past three weeks' flood of foreign soccer fans — the vast majority of them men — has been a boon for the single women of Brazil, where a demographic imbalance means they outnumber men by more than 4 million nationally. The imbalance, the result of higher mortality rates among young men, is particularly acute in Rio de Janeiro, where there are just over nine men for every 10 women, according to the 2010 census. That's about the same as New York City, another metropolis known for its lack of eligible single men.

"There are so many men everywhere these days, it's amazing," Moitinho said, gesturing out over the sea of masculine faces at the Fan Fest. "The World Cup is God's gift to women."

View galleryA Brazilian woman dances during the World Cup Fan Fest …
A Brazilian woman dances during the World Cup Fan Fest 2014, on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro, …
Brazil's World Cup bonanza hasn't come without a downside, with scattered reports of Brazilian women being sexually harassed by out-of-control fans. But in most cases, Brazilian women say foreign fans have behaved well, and have displayed a more enlightened, less macho attitude than that of Brazilian guys.

Moitinho, who along with three friends braved the bus for more than two hours to get to the Fan Fest from their home in a distant Rio suburb, said foreigners just have a je ne sais quoi that their Brazilian counterparts lack.

"They're handsome, sweet, humble and generous," Moitinho said as her friends grabbed hold of the Italian's hips to lead him in samba's hallmark sway. "They respect women and don't come on strong like Brazilian men, who just grab on to you and try to kiss you right away. They're much more gentlemanly."

Catia Santiago, a 35-year-old single mother, agreed.

"I've never had the money to travel, so I thought all men were like Brazilians — very fast, very aggressive," Santiago said as she soaked in the rays on Copacabana beach. "Now I see that 'gringos,'" as foreigners of all nationalities are known in Brazilian Portuguese, "aren't like that at all," she said, adding that the language barrier hadn't proven a barrier at all. "I'm hooked."

Not everyone is as enthusiastic.

Brazilian newspapers have run stories with local women complaining about foreigners' wandering hands and sense of entitlement. A report in the newspaper Estado de Minas cited several women as saying they had been groped by England fans at a street party in Belo Horizonte following the June 24 England vs. Costa Rica match there.

Misperceptions about Brazilian women and misunderstandings over dating rituals here may have played a role in such incidents. Brazil, at once the birthplace of a bevy of supermodels like Gisele Bundchen and also the country with more Roman Catholics than any other, has long struggled to reconcile its reputation as a nation of beautiful, sexually liberated women in skimpy clothing with the conservative social mores that still hold sway throughout much of the country.

Matthew Coelho, a 33-year-old from San Francisco who has spent several weeks in Brazil for the World Cup, said he was perplexed by gender relations in Brazil.

"On one hand, it's really easy to meet people here and they're really friendly and the girls here are excited to meet guys from the U.S.," he said. "But you sometimes have to think about people's motivations.

"I went out with this girl in Brasilia and like halfway through the date I began to realize that she just wanted me to pay for her Friday night out. In San Francisco, I'm used to splitting the bill, so it was a little weird."

He added that misperceptions cut both ways.

"It depends on the kind of people, but you get the impression that some women here think that if you're a foreigner that you're rich, which is not my case at all. I'm just a backpacker," Coelho said, gesturing at his shorts and flip flops.

BTW, is the woman pictured in that link considered attractive compared to other Brazilian women?

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-10-2014

I have a hard time believing that Brazilian girls are in such dire straits and desperate for nice guys as this article is presenting it as. The sluttiest and most disgusting woman I've ever known was Brazilian, and she complained about "men not respecting her" all the time.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - ameriveaux - 07-10-2014

For what its worth, in my 4 months in Brazil so far my experience has been there is a deficit of young, legal, pretty B-girls. The prettier she is, the more likely she is to get snatched up. Some girls get boyfriends at 15, and stay with these guys if not their whole lives, a nice portion of their younger years. They are never on the market.

9 times out of 10 if you see a young,attractive brazilian girl she will have a boyfriend/husband somewhere. The older the broad the greater likelihood she will be single, but the MILFs and older chicks with a bundão will always be in great demand.

The women that are typically single, and the women this article demonstrates are relatively common. Brazil isn't filled with dime-pieces, its just that those who are tend to get near mythical status in the international community. These are normal working class/ semi middle class women who are usually single moms, or not fine enough to shake the effects of age and get passed up by nearly all Brazilian men going after the 15-25 year olds. I cant count the number of these types of women who are chomping at the bits for SOMEONE/ANYONE to be with. I'm chatting with like 5. Its nuts.

If you are a guy who is into mildly attractive/plain-jane brasilierias 28 ++ it is an absolute goldmine.

I'll try to post some pics of the ones I ran into.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Mekorig - 07-10-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 02:49 AM)kongzi Wrote:

BTW, is the woman pictured in that link considered attractive compared to other Brazilian women?

As far i know from Rio, the girl is pretty "plain jane".

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Brosemite - 07-10-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 01:11 PM)ameriveaux Wrote:  

9 times out of 10 if you see a young,attractive brazilian girl she will have a boyfriend/husband somewhere. The older the broad the greater likelihood she will be single, but the MILFs and older chicks with a bundão will always be in great demand.

Funny you say that. Met a hot light skinned gal from Bahia at a mixer in my city (DFW, TX). She's the one who initiated after she spotted me speaking Portuguese to other Brazilians at this event. When it came to switching info..she gave me her # and refused to give facebook (something for ppl to do at these "networking" events). We chat on Whatsapp/Text Messages and will be hanging out soon.

I kinda realized why she didn't give me her facebook...when I spotted her name on my Viber app. Whatsapp = just picture of her. Viber = picture of her and some kid with a wedding ring left hand. Whoa, lol.

Quote: (07-10-2014 01:11 PM)ameriveaux Wrote:  

The women that are typically single, and the women this article demonstrates are relatively common. Brazil isn't filled with dime-pieces, its just that those who are tend to get near mythical status in the international community. These are normal working class/ semi middle class women who are usually single moms, or not fine enough to shake the effects of age and get passed up by nearly all Brazilian men going after the 15-25 year olds. I cant count the number of these types of women who are chomping at the bits for SOMEONE/ANYONE to be with. I'm chatting with like 5. Its nuts.

If you are a guy who is into mildly attractive/plain-jane brasilierias 28 ++ it is an absolute goldmine.

I'll try to post some pics of the ones I ran into.

This describes Rio girls well...which is ashame...bc Belo Horizonte chicks are of the same breed, but exponentially prettier because they have better fashion sense, take better care of their bodies/faces, and more well-rounded social skills that are transferable into any setting.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - berserk - 07-10-2014

Plain Jane Arbitrage is the real travel hack. Go where the plain Jane gives you the most boners. I imagine the ass man would find Brazil plain Janes to be more than good enough.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - nomadicdude - 07-10-2014

The international media ALWAYS has articles about this regarding Brazil. They NEVER tell the true story which is that Brazil isn't necessarily any better place to find a local chick than other countries. The girls are not all 9's looking for a tourist guy. Hell, a majority of Brazilian girls would probably not be caught dead with a World Cup tourist. But printing a true story about Brazil does not serve the media's purpose of portraying Brazil as some heaven where a guy gets off the plane and 4 hot as hell Brazilian girls give him a blowjob in the customs hall. Honestly, you go to Rio and you get the impression that most of the American guys there have this view of Brazil. It is much more complicated than that.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - RougeNoir - 07-10-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 01:11 PM)ameriveaux Wrote:  

Brazil isn't filled with dime-pieces, its just that those who are tend to get near mythical status in the international community.


[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - ameriveaux - 07-10-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 01:46 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Plain Jane Arbitrage is the real travel hack. Go where the plain Jane gives you the most boners. I imagine the ass man would find Brazil plain Janes to be more than good enough.

HAHA! Yes I agree with you man, A Brazilian plain jane is damn fine for me too. [Image: banana.gif]

Brosmite -

I dont know if you are cool with it, but I wouldn't have second thoughts of getting in her ass if the chance presented itself...

Brazil is like anywhere else, plain janes- stunners, busted girls. Its just the "spice" of the girl is different, and something I personally adore.

However, i'm in a cafe in Vitoria right now, Frio Gostoso- think of it like an upscale starbucks icecream shop and I am never amazed of the straight fat asses the girls have here with ballerina figures. Asses so fine it hurts. [Image: tard.gif]

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Bacchus - 07-10-2014

The World Cup has been a gringo dick bomb on the cities hosting the games.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - shotgun - 07-10-2014

I've seen with my own eyes the girls the gringos are hooking up with during the WC here. They're mostly low hanging fruit, in the 4-6 range, with the rare occasional 7. These are the girls that get zero attention from the top dogs here.

I initially though it was strange that these guys were lowering their standards so much (a lot of them aren't bad looking at all - no homo), but then two things came to my mind. First, they're on a short flag mission so quantity is more important than quality. Second, some of these guys come from places where game is reportedly difficult (Italy, Spain, Argentina and Western European countries come to mind), so they probably don't get much at all at home either.

A gringo that comes outside the WC period with a longer term strategy will have much more chance of pulling Brazilian pussy of better quality.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - JayMillz - 07-10-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 02:49 AM)kongzi Wrote:  

Matthew Coelho, a 33-year-old from San Francisco who has spent several weeks in Brazil for the World Cup, said he was perplexed by gender relations in Brazil.

"On one hand, it's really easy to meet people here and they're really friendly and the girls here are excited to meet guys from the U.S.," he said. "But you sometimes have to think about people's motivations.

"I went out with this girl in Brasilia and like halfway through the date I began to realize that she just wanted me to pay for her Friday night out. In San Francisco, I'm used to splitting the bill, so it was a little weird."

He added that misperceptions cut both ways.

"It depends on the kind of people, but you get the impression that some women here think that if you're a foreigner that you're rich, which is not my case at all. I'm just a backpacker," Coelho said, gesturing at his shorts and flip flops.

Matthew Coelho is the type of idiot who shouldn't be allowed out of his native country. Everything he said was so stupid it defies belief.

"Oh, I'm just a humble back packer with flip-flops. I just spent many thousands of dollars to come see the World Cup (flight, hotel, and tickets for any of the games could easily run into the high four figures if you don't have any type of hook-up, and if he was in Brazil for a few weeks that tab had to have run him into the tens of thousands), but I don't have any money to date a beautiful Brazilian girl and pay for her dinner at a jive-ass churrascaria."

"But that won't stop me from trying to date a woman completely out of my league. Gee, I wonder why women from a third world country would be so materialistic as to expect ME to pay for a night of entertainment. They're certainly not like this at home..."

Somebody needs to smack this fool.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Brosemite - 07-10-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 03:58 PM)ameriveaux Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2014 01:46 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Plain Jane Arbitrage is the real travel hack. Go where the plain Jane gives you the most boners. I imagine the ass man would find Brazil plain Janes to be more than good enough.
Brosmite -

I dont know if you are cool with it, but I wouldn't have second thoughts of getting in her ass if the chance presented itself...

Brazil is like anywhere else, plain janes- stunners, busted girls. Its just the "spice" of the girl is different, and something I personally adore.

However, i'm in a cafe in Vitoria right now, Frio Gostoso- think of it like an upscale starbucks icecream shop and I am never amazed of the straight fat asses the girls have here with ballerina figures. Asses so fine it hurts. [Image: tard.gif]

A) Yeah I have no reservations about banging her. I can honestly deny not knowing her situation. She is a gal here studying English through an ESL program at a community college. Logistics are bad as she's far away & would rather holler at chicks closer to me.

B) Let us know how Vitória goes. I want to visit for the chicks of course, but to also see Vila Velha, Guarapari, Domingo Martins, and that Blue Rock site. Jealous. Boa viagem amigo!

C) Plain Jane Brasileira is better than plain Jane fatass in many American cities.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - LeBeau - 07-11-2014


Matthew Coelho, a 33-year-old from San Francisco who has spent several weeks in Brazil for the World Cup, said he was perplexed by gender relations in Brazil.

"I went out with this girl in Brasilia and like halfway through the date I began to realize that she just wanted me to play the role of the man. In San Francisco, I castrated myself years ago, so it was a little weird."

Edited for truth.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Brosemite - 07-11-2014

Matthew fag. Ironically..his last name is of Portuguese his existence/name is even more of a disgrace in Brazil.

Several weeks in Brazil during World Cup =
2-4K in flights & bus rides
the other figures probably result in 3-4K more in expenses.

And this guy complains about paying for dinner in Brasilia? Da fuck?

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - iknowexactly - 07-11-2014

Quote: (07-10-2014 01:31 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Quote: (07-10-2014 02:49 AM)kongzi Wrote:

BTW, is the woman pictured in that link considered attractive compared to other Brazilian women?

As far i know from Rio, the girl is pretty "plain jane".

her face is a little coarse, but she looks sweet and my guess would definitely pride herself on fucking your brains out every possible way. Very nice girlfriend if she'd stick around.

Brazilian women celebrate WCup bonanza of men - Lucky Luke - 07-11-2014

I've been in Brazil for a month, working at the World Cup in a Northeastern town. Despite my extremely busy schedule I got two girls and the second has become my girlfriend of fact for the last two weeks. The first is an 8 and the second an 8.5. I can essentially confirm what the article says. There are a few girls going out to meet tourists at the FanFests. They usually complain about Brazilian guys as well. Obviously, the majority are low-quality but some of them are quite cute and extremely easy if you have game. One thing I like about Brazil is the fact that when you interact with a girl it is understood that you have a romantic intent, and there's no possible "we are just friends" interpretation. Also, the girls are really straightforward. If they like you, they will make it known really quickly. On the other hand, they are absurdly intense, and they can be extremely needy too. Last year I was also here and had a girl messaging me non-stop on Facebook even if I didn't even fuck her. Still, this place is awesome for pickup purposes. If you're moderately attractive and have game, the sky is the limit.