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Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-06-2014

Just wondering peoples thoughts on this. I know it may not be high on a players list of priorities but given the decrepit and essentially prohibitive nature of the legal and social climate in the west, if a man in the modern age wishes to pursue this avenue what would be the most conducive / least risky place to set up shop and give 'happily ever after' a serious attempt? Children optional but of course ideally a positive possibility too.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - The Reactionary Tree - 07-06-2014

I would probably say SE Asia, like Vietnam, Thailand, or the Philippines. Women seem to be more traditional in these parts of the world. If you were to marry, you'd be better getting married and living in their home country instead of bringing them back to the West where they may infected with feminism.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-06-2014

Abso-fucking-lutely. Where I'm from the cost of entry for the blue pill life is off the charts lol. Wouldn't even consider it here (Australia)
Good to hear as I'm hitting up each of those countries later this year for at least a month at a time. Will do some solid dating and see how I go. I'm in no rush (as no man should be) [Image: wink.gif]
Any other opinions on this?

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Brodiaga - 07-06-2014

I would marry in South East Asia, get a visa there and retire. I would also keep my money offshore in case the shit hits the fan.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-06-2014

This seems to be a popular opinion. Makes sense for an educated male from the crumbling west. I surprised the exodus hasn't become a tsunami yet. Frogs don't know they're boiling when the heat is turned up incrementally I suppose...Where in SE Asia would you vote for Brodiaga?

Best country for LTR/Marriage - username - 07-06-2014

Slight derail:

There will not be a tsunami exodus. There is another thread here that broke it down and the amount of expat guys is about 1%. That means 99% of guys are happy enough to stay in the US. I know a bunch of guys with shitty lives and/or jobs and they just accept it and make the best of what they got. Sure they either don't have a gf or have a shitty one but they got Xbox, Playstation, Internet, 500 cable channels, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, sports teams, phone apps, music, weed, alcohol, their car, any hobbies and tons more to keep them from seeing their shitty situation.

I wish more guys would see the light and get out but the reality is that unless the government starts executing men for just existing it will never happen.
Back on topic, I was big on Latin America but after talking with so many Asian girls that live in Asia I have shifted my focus to Asia.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - buja - 07-06-2014

Latin America...but with a Southeast Asian woman!

Best country for LTR/Marriage - jimukr104 - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 10:31 PM)username Wrote:  

Slight derail:

There will not be a tsunami exodus. There is another thread here that broke it down and the amount of expat guys is about 1%. That means 99% of guys are happy enough to stay in the US. I know a bunch of guys with shitty lives and/or jobs and they just accept it and make the best of what they got. Sure they either don't have a gf or have a shitty one but they got Xbox, Playstation, Internet, 500 cable channels, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, sports teams, phone apps, music, weed, alcohol, their car, any hobbies and tons more to keep them from seeing their shitty situation.

I wish more guys would see the light and get out but the reality is that unless the government starts executing men for just existing it will never happen.
Back on topic, I was big on Latin America but after talking with so many Asian girls that live in Asia I have shifted my focus to Asia.

I wouldn't say there lives are shitty.If they weren't lazy they could get GF'S.
Not everyone wants to go to a country they don't know, working a shitty job living in a 3rd world shithole and shitting in the toilet because of spoiled food.
1st world countries will be no different for them.

Also those so called countries aren't so bad now but when we 1st worked there as expats those were hard times. I remember my internet connection being 11000kbs (dial up is 56000kbs or is it bs?) and if you didn't shag up you literally went home to a dark apt.

Today you guys have it good. Sure white god factor might be less but you have luxuries overseas.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Brodiaga - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 09:56 PM)mrnomer14 Wrote:  

This seems to be a popular opinion. Makes sense for an educated male from the crumbling west. I surprised the exodus hasn't become a tsunami yet. Frogs don't know they're boiling when the heat is turned up incrementally I suppose...Where in SE Asia would you vote for Brodiaga?

I haven't lived there, but traveled around quite a lot. I would consider, in no particular order:

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Chewbacon - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 10:31 PM)username Wrote:  

Slight derail:

There will not be a tsunami exodus. There is another thread here that broke it down and the amount of expat guys is about 1%. That means 99% of guys are happy enough to stay in the US. I know a bunch of guys with shitty lives and/or jobs and they just accept it and make the best of what they got. Sure they either don't have a gf or have a shitty one but they got Xbox, Playstation, Internet, 500 cable channels, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, sports teams, phone apps, music, weed, alcohol, their car, any hobbies and tons more to keep them from seeing their shitty situation.

I wish more guys would see the light and get out but the reality is that unless the government starts executing men for just existing it will never happen.
Back on topic, I was big on Latin America but after talking with so many Asian girls that live in Asia I have shifted my focus to Asia.

it's like Soma for the betas.

But u know, unless you've taken the red pill, a lack of sex does not really factor into your happiness calculus nearly as much because you accept it as a given, and thus order your happiness around other things. It's only when you take the red pill and realize what is possible that your dissatisfaction breeds. Granted, not everybody accepts the matrix for what it is (hence why people discover or stumble across the red pill), but there are varying degrees of acceptable mediocrity whereby you can just coast comfortably uncomfortable.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Chewbacon - 07-06-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 10:37 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2014 10:31 PM)username Wrote:  

Slight derail:

There will not be a tsunami exodus. There is another thread here that broke it down and the amount of expat guys is about 1%. That means 99% of guys are happy enough to stay in the US. I know a bunch of guys with shitty lives and/or jobs and they just accept it and make the best of what they got. Sure they either don't have a gf or have a shitty one but they got Xbox, Playstation, Internet, 500 cable channels, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube, sports teams, phone apps, music, weed, alcohol, their car, any hobbies and tons more to keep them from seeing their shitty situation.

I wish more guys would see the light and get out but the reality is that unless the government starts executing men for just existing it will never happen.
Back on topic, I was big on Latin America but after talking with so many Asian girls that live in Asia I have shifted my focus to Asia.

I wouldn't say there lives are shitty.If they weren't lazy they could get GF'S.
Not everyone wants to go to a country they don't know, working a shitty job living in a 3rd world shithole and shitting in the toilet because of spoiled food.
1st world countries will be no different for them.

Also those so called countries aren't so bad now but when we 1st worked there as expats those were hard times. I remember my internet connection being 11000kbs (dial up is 56000kbs or is it bs?) and if you didn't shag up you literally went home to a dark apt.

Today you guys have it good. Sure white god factor might be less but you have luxuries overseas.

Plus, you gotta have the skill set that gives you a premium economically in those countries. It's kind of a raw deal living exactly like a local - they are called third world countries for a reason, and people leave for a reason.

And then there's the issue of over-saturation of expats.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Jaydublin - 07-06-2014

I believe northern Mexico is a good place to pick up marriage material.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-07-2014

All interesting thoughts. I do agree many live in a state of medicated apathy in blue pill western society. But there's not a whole lot that you can't have abroad thanks to the net!! Total game changer. It is what allows me to work location independently for most of the year - therefore I will always be far better off than the average person in any of those countries which I grant you changes the equation significantly.

I intent to stay a minimum of one month in Manila, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Jakarta and Siagon with weekend trips (hopefully with a local honey by my side) to Boracay, Palawan, Phuket, Bali, and a Vietnamese island I just read about.

This should give me a decent taste for the best of East Asia, no?

Best country for LTR/Marriage - RawGod - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-07-2014 12:48 AM)mrnomer14 Wrote:  

Manila, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Jakarta and Siagon with weekend trips (hopefully with a local honey by my side) to Boracay, Palawan, Phuket, Bali, and a Vietnamese island I just read about.

This should give me a decent taste for the best of East Asia, no?

South-east Asia, anyway.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Bushido - 07-07-2014

No surprises here, but for me (if I marry at all) it will most likely end up being a Japanese girl.

The girls here tend to care less about money than other East Asians - not out of better character, but because the country is already rich. Koreans and Chinese are too materialistic for my taste.

Things may be slowly getting worse in Japan, but there are still enough feminine Japanese chicks to go around. Outside of Tokyo is the best bet. Many still make great wives. I've turned down several of them simply because I wanted to continue playing the field, so in a way I'm contributing to the wider problem.

The current girl is the best of the bunch and it's going to be tough to let her down. Last night I was drinking with a common acquaintance, an older Japanese guy, who was praising her to me as a keeper and all I could do was nod knowingly. Couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty.

Definitely not ruling out SEA girls, but the money factor might play on my mind - being seen as a dinner ticket isn't my thing. Then there's the difference in upbringing. Girls from third world countries are going to have some major differences in expectations and experience. From what I hear, many expect you to pay money towards their family costs. With Japanese girls I get the attractive, feminine, family-orientated traits without this kind of pressure. On the downside, they aren't good at adjusting to life abroad.

Maybe someone can chip some more in on the SEA girls.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-07-2014

I heard that Japanese women are great UNTIL you put a ring on it. Then they turn into She-Hulks...

Best country for LTR/Marriage - Bushido - 07-07-2014

^^ Just make sure you have a filtering mechanism for wife material and you should be fine. Many foreigners marry the first Japanese girl they meet.

Cleared this up in another thread:

Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-07-2014

Definitely think one has to filter massively regardless of where one is shopping for a life partner.

I may visit Japan next year. Quite a few friends there.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - WEDO - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 08:20 PM)mrnomer14 Wrote:  

Just wondering peoples thoughts on this. I know it may not be high on a players list of priorities but given the decrepit and essentially prohibitive nature of the legal and social climate in the west, if a man in the modern age wishes to pursue this avenue what would be the most conducive / least risky place to set up shop and give 'happily ever after' a serious attempt? Children optional but of course ideally a positive possibility too.

Colombia would be an option.....Americans are well received....woman are very attractive overall. I don't think children will be optional though...would be hard to find a Colombian that didn't want children someday.

Also wouldn't bring her to the States....guys I know that did had troubles....the guys that kept them in Colombia have no problems and have lots of action on the side if they want it.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - mrnomer14 - 07-07-2014

Interesting. I'm Aussie wonder how they like us? Columbian women are very attractive by any measure. I heard they are hard to pin down especially without fluent Spanish?

Best country for LTR/Marriage - WEDO - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-07-2014 03:23 AM)mrnomer14 Wrote:  

Interesting. I'm Aussie wonder how they like us? Columbian women are very attractive by any measure. I heard they are hard to pin down especially without fluent Spanish?

They like Aussies.

Met an Aussie that married a girl and took her back with him. Haven't heard from him in a long while....hope it worked out for him.

Not speaking Spanish is an obstacle but it can be overcome if you have enough time to spend in Colombia. Your problem will be meeting women so you'll need to pipeline like crazy before you go. And I recommend you stay at some places in that have cool guys that stay there for months at a time and can get you into a social circle.

Top picks are:

Best country for LTR/Marriage - InternationPlayboy - 07-07-2014

^ wow wedo, those spots are legit on airbnb. Wish I knew about those when I was in Colombia.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - iknowexactly - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-07-2014 01:16 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

Definitely not ruling out SEA girls, but the money factor might play on my mind - being seen as a dinner ticket isn't my thing. Then there's the difference in upbringing. Girls from third world countries are going to have some major differences in expectations and experience. From what I hear, many expect you to pay money towards their family costs.

I'm after Filipinos because of the language factor and I want 30+ years younger. I now screen out on the family support factor early and hard. I won't deal with a girl who's supporting her family because it means
1) She can't travel because it would interrupt her income
2) She can't quit the job and center her life around me
3) unless..... guess who's elected to send money to her family.
4) You don't even know if she likes you, she might be willing to fuck a zombie if it gets her parents money.

It's often not an insignificant amount -- I've chatted with girls who are suffering like dogs in factory jobsm living four to a room, and sending half their pay-- maybe $150-- monthly to parents. I don't have that much extra.

I admire their dedication, but when you think about it if the parents are healthy, smart, and hardworking, why can't they support themselves? And if not, what kind of genetic quality are you getting?

I ask about what the parents are doing for money and if they can support themselves. The higher quality chicks have parents who have made a little niche for themselves as farmers at least and aren't mooching off their kids.

Another thing that makes family support more likely is that often girl's dad has deceased early in the working class--cigarettes most likely. Hope I bring down smoker's rage/denial here.

Best country for LTR/Marriage - iknowexactly - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 08:49 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

I would probably say SE Asia, like Vietnam, Thailand, or the Philippines. Women seem to be more traditional in these parts of the world. If you were to marry, you'd be better getting married and living in their home country instead of bringing them back to the West where they will sure as fuck if she is young and hot be infected with feminism.

fixed for you[Image: angel.gif]

Best country for LTR/Marriage - iknowexactly - 07-07-2014

Quote: (07-06-2014 09:08 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

I would marry in South East Asia, get a visa there and retire. I would also keep my money offshore in case the shit hits the fan.

but always keep enough on hand somehow for a hastily bought ticket OUT.