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Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Gorgiass - 07-04-2014

Another "strong" woman, as if you couldn't tell by her sleeves [Image: dodgy.gif] I've known people with Crohns, terrible disease and they have my sympathy, but this strikes me as another form of "fat is beautiful". Genetic diseases are an ingrained mark of evolutionary inferiority, why try to suppress and deny it? Can't feminists recognize there are other ways for those with Crohn's (hell, maybe even for fat people!) to add value to the world without all being models?

Bethany Townsend's now-famous photo.
(Newser) - Bethany Townsend thought her modeling days were done for good three years ago when she got fitted with two colostomy bags, a result of her lifelong fight with Crohn's disease. But after a hiatus as a makeup artist, that modeling career might just be getting started, thanks to a viral photo of herself posing in a bikini with those colostomy bags in full view, reports People.
The 23-year-old shared the photo with Crohn's and Colitis UK Facebook page after deciding that "my colostomy bags shouldn't control my life," she explains in the post.
Townsend tells the Huffington Post that she has been floored by the global reaction and hopes she can inspire others in similar positions to "feel a little bit more comfortable in their own skin." She's going to do that and more, writes Marie Southard Ospina at Bustle. "In a world so focused on aesthetics, where differences and 'flaws' are rejected rather than embraced, Townsend is the type of person really making a change." Her decision to share the photo "isn't just brave; it's beautiful." Agreed, writes Heather Cichowski at the Gloss. She's "already a role model, and soon she will be a successful model too."

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - kinjutsu - 07-04-2014

Vomit inducing.
I consider this along the lines of fucking the retarded girl with big tits.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Vicious - 07-04-2014

What's the problem? Just turn her around and do her from behind. I'd hit it. It's not like she's Standing on the barricades and demanding free subsided birth control.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - kinjutsu - 07-04-2014

I can't get a boner for girls with visible "issues".

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - kbell - 07-04-2014

Well you could bang her in her port. Not sure what you would call that? Ilium sex?

I actually have this disease. Nowhere near as bad where I need parts of my gut removed, but has caused me strong pain and some mental anguish for a decade. You learn where all bathrooms are. The gut and mind is linked by a vagal nerve I believe. It does change your life when your diagnosed with it, and you feel shame at first. I do like that she is getting to grips with having an operation like that done. You can take a victim like view like why is this happening, or make light of it as best as you can. Its not going away but you can make the best of it. I think this woman is doing the same thing in a way. Although you can still have it reemerge in a different part of the body.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - kosko - 07-04-2014

I don't mind public awareness for stuff like this. More education maybe like Kbell has done, just seems like more attention whoring minus any educative value tied to it. She knows damn well her modeling "career" goes as fat as the thirsty dudes whom are willing to photograph and edit her. She isn't going to be modeling bikinis for stores anytime soon and she knows it.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Ethan Amarante - 07-04-2014

Why has no-one said this yet?

[Image: Warner_Brothers_logo_400x400.jpg]

Anyway, in that article, there's a line "In a world so focused on aesthetics, where differences and 'flaws' are rejected rather than embraced, Townsend is the type of person really making a change". But... doesn't that imply that she shouldn't be a model? I mean, other than the obvious, she's essentially perfect-looking.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Mr. Butterworth - 07-04-2014

^^ I'm going to take a pass on all the banging... her bag of problems (pun intended) would throw me for a loop.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - clever alias - 07-04-2014

Quote: (07-04-2014 02:33 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Another "strong" woman, as if you couldn't tell by her sleeves [Image: dodgy.gif] I've known people with Crohns, terrible disease and they have my sympathy, but this strikes me as another form of "fat is beautiful". Genetic diseases are an ingrained mark of evolutionary inferiority, why try to suppress and deny it?

[Image: facepalm.png]

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Turnaround - 07-04-2014

Quote: (07-04-2014 02:33 PM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

Another "strong" woman, as if you couldn't tell by her sleeves [Image: dodgy.gif] I've known people with Crohns, terrible disease and they have my sympathy, but this strikes me as another form of "fat is beautiful". Genetic diseases are an ingrained mark of evolutionary inferiority, why try to suppress and deny it?

Fat = Lack of will power, unwillingness to delay gratification
Crohn's disease = 100% bad luck

No comparison whatsoever. And for the record, I find this girl much more attractive than any fat girl.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - BadWolf - 07-04-2014


I actually have this disease. Nowhere near as bad where I need parts of my gut removed, but has caused me strong pain and some mental anguish for a decade. You learn where all bathrooms are.

Is this a disease now? I was always told Im just gun shy... maybe now I can complain disability and get free monies! Woot!

Family guy did a good song about this called: I can't poop in strange places. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - germanico - 07-04-2014

Ok, lets check the pic:

- Mediocre horsey face.
- Full sleeve tattoos.
- "skinny" body with no tits or ass worth noticing.

That leaves us with the realization that the only thing going on for her is a colostomy bag attached to her. Lets be honest, without that gaping hole on her side, would she be receiving any attention? Not likely.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Rotisserie - 07-04-2014

Quote: (07-04-2014 09:14 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  


I actually have this disease. Nowhere near as bad where I need parts of my gut removed, but has caused me strong pain and some mental anguish for a decade. You learn where all bathrooms are.

Is this a disease now? I was always told Im just gun shy... maybe now I can complain disability and get free monies! Woot!

Family guy did a good song about this called: I can't poop in strange places. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Not sure if you were joking w/ the 'gun shy' bit, but Crohn's disease is no joke... I'm not a doc, but this is what I know. It is an inflammatory bowel disease, somewhat related to ulcerative colitis. They are autoimmune disorders, where your immune system attacks your own normal gut bacteria as if they were foreign pathogens. That is, your immune system kicks into overdrive and launches an attack that causes extreme inflammation and pain, and often patients can't control their bowels. It is brought on by specific foods in different people... akin to a severe allergic reaction.

Current treatments I believe include watching what you eat, taking anti-inflammatories, and in the most severe cases, immune suppressors, surgeries rissecting the gut as this girl had done while replacing the gut with a colostomy bag, and the 'best' of all, fecal transplantation... a method where they stick a tube down your throat (or up your ass, but mostly down your throat as it's easiest to make its way to the gut), and pump a healthy donor's feces into your gut. Yes. Shit down your throat.

The other interesting bit of these diseases is that, like allergies, they're more prevalent in developed countries, and mostly urban centers. That's to say, people with shitty healthcare in Africa or India are less likely to get this than most of us on the f living in LA or NYC. Although there's an obvious genetic component to susceptibility to these diseases, this lends credence to the argument that our supposedly more sterile environment leads to the pussifying of our immune systems.

Having said all this, I'm deeply sympathetic to this girl. She is vain, but so what... so are 99% of the rest of American bitches. It doesn't matter whether or not her pics raise awareness to the disease, because that wasn't her intention. Who am I to criticize, when I don't take the plunge to get braces because of how I'll look with them, when she has a bag of shit hanging out her stomach. Props to her and good luck.

If I were at my comp I'd add a few links, maybe will do later.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - xpatplayer - 07-04-2014

Look at the bright side - you could do anal and not worry about getting shit on your dick!

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - tarquin - 07-04-2014

The attention seeking behavior of this woman aside, I would much rather see somebody make the best of a disease/injury by doing this instead of wasting away physically and emotionally. Crohn's is something that people truly have no control of, unlike manufactured claims of "slow metabolism" and "thyroid problems." I much rather see this than a fat whale claim she is comfortable with her body and instagram herself into oblivion.

Because of the ease that women can get positive reinforcement from the female hive-mind and thirsty betas, I'm not going to call her an "inspiration" or any go-girlist term. That being said, there is a certain respect I have for people who are dealt poor hands and don't walk from the table.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-05-2014

I don't mind this woman or think that she is ugly, unbangable or undateable because of her medical problems, but her choice of conveying this reeks of attention whoring. Maybe I would look at it differently if a thousand other attention whores haven't already tainted the field of "selfies with XYZ", but since they have, this amounts to just another stunt.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Dr. Howard - 07-05-2014

laying out in the hot sun with its rays beating down on two plastic bags of shit sitting directly on your body. Have you ever smelled a garbage can at a dog park? WNB despite my hyperbole colostomy bags tend to make people smell like nursing homes. I have sympathy for her disease but will not be guilted into declaring her attractive.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Cr33pin - 07-05-2014

Aspiring model.. If I was aspiring to be a model I wouldn't get all those ugly fucking tattoos. Fucking women are tards
[Image: bethany-townsend-1-300.jpg]
[Image: PAY-Bethany-Townsend.jpg]

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - jamaicabound - 07-05-2014

Yeah I'd agree take it easy on the chick. I had a buddy who had Crohns disease really terrible shit. Not only was he constantly in pain all the time but couldn't really go out and do a lot of stuff because he always had to be close to a bathroom just incase. He wound up having to have surgery having his lawer intestines taken out and has a colestomy bag, at least for two years though possibly forever.

On top of all the physical discomfort adn everything else imagine the self conciousness of having to wear a bag of shit essentially on the outside of your body for the rest of your life. Not exactly sexy, could definately kill your sex life, dating, social life, etc.

I get that this chick is putting herself out there so kinda opening herself up to examination or criticism but I agree with other posters, this is noting like a fat chick, as the other posters said self discipline vs just shitty luck when it comes to health.

Imainge something you've been self concious about, probably something relatively small whether it be a pimple or a little extra weight or something and then think about someone who has to deal with this for the rest oftheir life.

I dont exactly wanna look at a colotomy bag myself either but Im guessing she's kinda trying to get some awareness tell tohers not to be embaressed or hybernate ina cave just because they have this as well as a little self promotion as well I'm sure.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - MikeCF - 07-05-2014

I think she's inspiring others to not let a debilitating disease ruin their lives.

What are you doing to inspire others to be more than they are?

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Ethan Amarante - 07-05-2014

Quote: (07-05-2014 04:20 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I think she's inspiring others to not let a debilitating disease ruin their lives.

What are you doing to inspire others to be more than they are?

I absolutely agree with this. I was just pointing out that "Marie Southard" praised her in a very strange way.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Sombro - 07-05-2014

Quote: (07-05-2014 04:20 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I think she's inspiring others to not let a debilitating disease ruin their lives.

What are you doing to inspire others to be more than they are?


Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - kbell - 07-12-2014

Chrohns is ulceration that attacks a specific area of the digestive track. Theoretically you could get the ulcer it in your mouth down to your anus (or ass to mouth). But with Chrohns is usually stays in one spot. The ulceration can go through the intestinal wall where in Coilitis I believe its limited to the interior. Colitis which is similar is all throughout the colon. I have almost seeked hospitalization due to pain in the past. This was before I knew about paleo and consistent exercise dampening the pain.

It still does reduce my energy levels and I have to be very careful with what probiotics I use. The one I'm using is too powerful to use daily so I have take it every other day.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-13-2014

Quote: (07-05-2014 07:03 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

laying out in the hot sun with its rays beating down on two plastic bags of shit sitting directly on your body. Have you ever smelled a garbage can at a dog park? WNB despite my hyperbole colostomy bags tend to make people smell like nursing homes. I have sympathy for her disease but will not be guilted into declaring her attractive.

Wait, but you're a doctor. Aren't you used to those odors? I say take two colostomy bags and call us in the morning.

Aspiring Model's Bikini Pic with Colostomy Bags Goes Viral - The Beast1 - 07-13-2014

Her disease is sad. But she could stand to lose or cover the tattoo and the caked on layers of make up.